WealthbyDesign | Just for fun
Phone: +61 419 032 098
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25.01.2022 Sherlock opening in India, do you know anyone in India?
24.01.2022 Could not agree more
24.01.2022 Brilliant place to meet and greet. With the closure of CAFE B needed a new coffee house. Great food and atmosphere... Well done Orange...
23.01.2022 Launch of Sisel Intrepid, can't wait to try it. http://lwc.mysiselbeauty.com/en/US/intrepid
23.01.2022 "I'M SO FED UP OF ALL THESE PEOPLE FROM AVON, SCENTSY, LIPSENSE, MONAT, LIMELIGHT, NUSKIN, THRIVE, PRUVIT, 31, YOUNIQUE, MARY KAY, IT WORKS, ETC SHOWING UP ON ...MY FACEBOOK!" Ummm. Why?? What is it that they are doing that's affecting your life so much?? I'll tell you ... Absolutely nothing. What these amazing ladies are doing is trying to better their lives and their family's lives. They took an incredible opportunity and worked their butts off to get to where they are. Yes, they post on Facebook (so do billions of other people on the planet)! It's 2017! Get with the times!! BUSINESSES ARE CHANGING. Most of them now turn to social media to build their businesses and take them to the next level. So, the next time you see a woman posting her status promoting her products/business, instead of rolling your eyes, give her a like! Share or even comment on her post and say "good job". Because at least she is out there trying to improve her life. She might not have the means for childcare, she might be trying to pay medical bills or supplement her family's income! It may not be the career path you chose, but she did. All these women are trying to create a future. They are not trying to SCAM anyone. They have not been BRAINWASHED. They are not SHOWING OFF. They are not trying to PUSH their stuff on you. It's network marketing...what the future of business is turning too!!! They are networking with people. They are showing/telling people about their opportunity that they believe in! Just like when people share their favorite Starbucks drink, favorite store or what they are eating for dinner. You don't like it? Simple ... keep on scrolling. But it might change your life! It changed mine! I use to be one of those skeptics... now I am a TRUE believer because it has changed my life and me!
22.01.2022 Grab your own FREE copy NOW! http://bit.ly/BreakingtheFacebookCode2
22.01.2022 Great to be a guru on a great team
21.01.2022 Don't allow a negative experience effect your day for the worse. We may not have the power to control everything that happens to us, but we DO have a choice on ...how we react to it. We can take control and not allow negativity to creep in and ruin our positve outlook and way of life. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the ones who don't. Wishing you a garbage free day! David J. Pollay wrote the story we portray in the video. You can find Davids story in his inspiring book, The Law of the Garbage Truck. To learn more about David and his message, please visit www.thelawofthegarbagetruck.com Buy David's book here: https://www.amazon.com/Law-Garbage-Truck-Peop//ref=sr_1_1 Like Meir Kay on Facebook Join Me On Instagram: @MeirKay #StayPositive #BeHappy Director/Producer - Meir Kay Cinematographer - Joris Reynaud Editor - Shmuly Levitin Uber Driver - Tommie Jessie Passenger- Meir Kay Business man - Gys De Villiers Special Thanks: Bubby Leah
19.01.2022 Educating our Children is Expensive. Schools are not generously funded, they have to run as a business. Parents are asked for more money every year to assist with expenses. School excursions are out of reach for some parents, putting students at a disadvantage. We have all purchased Mothers Day trinkets from school markets and fetes to support school fund raising. What if we could shop, purchase what we need, knowing the school benefits? Picture a platform that can be run ...by the Student Entrepreneur Club, teaching the students business skills, marketing and community skills. A simple system of shopping, creating an income for the school to use where it is needed. Integrating the skills necessary to give a practical working knowledge of E-commerce. We all shop, we purchase items for everyday use, gifts, travel and holidays, why not support the school when we do. See more
19.01.2022 I'm profiting and I love it.
19.01.2022 Not for me, I don't like the 9-5, love the freedom
18.01.2022 Who do you spend your time with? Does your herd support you to stay where you are or to grow?
18.01.2022 This looks good, so sad, that I can't go, I will put the next one on my calendar
17.01.2022 What color is your coffee?
17.01.2022 so true, let's rise above and keep going
15.01.2022 Give yourself permission to succeed
15.01.2022 Time to value ourselves
15.01.2022 WWW.G33KERY.COM
13.01.2022 VISION: Is not always what you see but what you understand is before you. REALITY: Is taking that vision and with some effort sharing it making it happen. It's simply Elementary....
12.01.2022 LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT PARTNER Launching NEW opportunity to develop E-commerce to India market place, an App that is FREE to all users that is a search engine on... steroids. This unique marketing tool is a global experience, 20 countries are already using the facilities availed by the App. It also have a 24/7 marketing / branding area the will go viral. Are you ready to go global? +61 419 032 098 Drop me a note and we can catch up for a chat. See more
09.01.2022 yes, adventure, let's do it
09.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone and thank you for being my facebook friends
08.01.2022 Great workshop today. 'Unlock the Facebook Code:10 steps to attracting clients'. Love the venue The Retro Hub. Thanks Angela Creagh & Simon for your hospitality. Congrats to Suzanne Matthew for winning the door prize (welcome to the Facebook Code Breakers Bootcamp!).
06.01.2022 Fantastic afternoon watching the Mummy with Tom Cruise at TTP movies, very surprising ending.
05.01.2022 good question, something we all need to think about
05.01.2022 This is so true
04.01.2022 Simply Elementary
02.01.2022 Can't wait to get mine, inbox me if you want some.
02.01.2022 Add to the picture, SHERLOCK, the worlds most intelligent shopping app has no inventory.
01.01.2022 this is something to think about, are you stuck in a rut, doing the same thing over and over, does it feel like ground hog day?
01.01.2022 Will you change your thinking?