Kariong Eco Garden | Businesses
Kariong Eco Garden
Phone: 0429 431 889
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25.01.2022 Great summary of the benefits of rooftop solar on our homes. Thanks Gregory John Olsen Esq
25.01.2022 Free Storytelling event this Sunday 26/7/2020 at 1pm. Share and or listen to real life stories and music. BYO cup for a cuppa. Brought to you by Tangerine Elephant Storytelling. Outdoor Venue: Kariong Eco Garden, Dandaloo Street Kariong.
25.01.2022 There was a time when almost every rural British family who kept bees followed a strange tradition. Whenever there was a death in the family, someone had to go... out to the hives and tell the bees of the terrible loss that had befallen the family. Failing to do so often resulted in further losses such as the bees leaving the hive, or not producing enough honey or even dying. Traditionally, the bees were kept abreast of not only deaths but all important family matters including births, marriages, and long absence due to journeys. If the bees were not told, all sorts of calamities were thought to happen. This peculiar custom is known as telling the bees. The practice of telling the bees may have its origins in Celtic mythology that held that bees were the link between our world and the spirit world. So if you had any message that you wished to pass to someone who was dead, all you had to do was tell the bees and they would pass along the message. The typical way to tell the bees was for the head of the household, or goodwife of the house to go out to the hives, knock gently to get the attention of the bees, and then softly murmur in a doleful tune the solemn news. Little rhymes developed over the centuries specific to a particular region. In Nottinghamshire, the wife of the dead was heard singing quietly in front of the hive, The master's dead, but don't you go; Your mistress will be a good mistress to you. In Germany, a similar couplet was heard, Little bee, our lord is dead; Leave me not in my distress. But the relationship between bees and humans goes beyond superstition. It’s a fact, that bees help humans survive. 70 of the top 100 crop species that feed 90% of the human population rely on bees for pollination. Without them, these plants would cease to exist and with it all animals that eat those plants. This can have a cascading effect that would ripple catastrophically up the food chain. Losing a beehive is much worse than losing a supply of honey. The consequences are life threatening. The act of telling the bees emphasizes this deep connection humans share with the insect. Art: The Bee Friend, a painting by Hans Thoma (18391924)
24.01.2022 A big congratulations to Terrigal P.S for winning the Keep Australia Beautiful NSW Schools Environmental Achievement Award for their waste reduction program. Wa...tch the video to learn about their amazing strategies and you will see why they won! The school was a part of the Wiping Out Waste program delivered by Rumbalara EEC and sponsored by Central Coast Council. You can listen to teacher Heidi Murphy (teacher Terrigal P.S) talk about their waste program on ABC radio tomorrow morning. #EZECNSW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPATvqgY18c See more
23.01.2022 Cigarette butts are the most common littered item across Australia (and also on Earth), so do the right thing and bin your butts! Cigarette butts are small and ...often go unnoticed, but this tiny piece of waste has lasting effects on our environment. They’re mainly made of cellulose acetate - a man made plastic that can take up to 10 years to break down! Plus, the plastic contains tons of toxic chemicals that leak into the environment and threaten our wildlife. Also, carelessly tossing butts into nature poses a major bushfire risk. And, they’re a potential spreader of germs too - something we all want to avoid in a pandemic! Australia has done the right thing to stop the spread of COVID. Now it’s time for us to do the right thing and stop the spread of cigarette butts. #dotherightthingoz #sustainability #fightwaste #litterfighter #environment #ecofriendly #take3forthesea #green
23.01.2022 Part 5 of the KEG submission... this is actually our submission from 2014. As you can see we have saying the same things for some time. Let's hope someone takes notice this time: ADDENDUM: Kariong Eco Garden submission on Gosford City Council Waste Strategy Draft Report May 2013. Submission deadline 30 January 2014. ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 Would you like to know more about some of the incredible farmers and businesses that were highlighted during Harvest TV? Check out more on the 'Shine Central Co...ast' podcast, where Sue, Kris and Syl interview some of our events hubs, and highlight the diversity and magnificence of inspiring people and land. The team at "Shine Central Coast" have visited our incredible hubs in the hinterland region and filmed episodes with: Hannah and Tim of The Food Farm: Central Coast Produce Ruth and Peter of Coachwood Nursery Virginia of Grace Springs Farm Rebecca and Juli of Art in the Garden Chris and Wilhelmina of The Pecan Lady Tassin of The Walkabout Park Wildlife Sanctuary Samuel of Eastcoast Juices Missy of The Giving Farm - Central Coast Veggie Patch Head to the Shine Central Coast podcast here: https://www.shinecentralcoast.com.au/, hear their amazing stories! #LoveCentralCoast #LoveLocal #HarvestFestCC
20.01.2022 Hope Central Coast Council are listening!
19.01.2022 This month we have fashion jewellery repairs, seamstresses and Frank the fix-it man who can sharpen tools and teach you how to do it too!
19.01.2022 Today's lesson: Earthworms Note this video is from United States so the fact about 50% of their earthworms being invasive species does not apply here. CSIRO Earthworms book (1978) says: "At the start of European settlement the forests and grasslands of Australia were inhabited by perhaps several hundred native species of earthworms. Since then, clearing and ploughing have eliminated these worms from very large areas. In the wetter coastal fringe their place has been taken by earthworms introduced from Europe along with potted plants. Now the native worms are largely restricted to uncleared bushland and forest areas... There are six introduced species commonly found in the gardens and pastures of southern Australia. (they are listed in the book)"
19.01.2022 Getting rid of takeaway plastic packaging will only happen when governments ban these unnecessary products. It's also about all of us taking personal action, sh...owing it's necessary and possible. So tomorrow, BA is asking you to click on this link https://www.plasticfreejuly.org to join up and take action. You have many options from getting started to going plastic-free and plenty of things in between. Just do it #plasticfreejuly Plastic Free July #plasticpollution #plasticfree
19.01.2022 Tea, coffee and scones in Kariong Hall (Woy Woy Road and Dandaloo St) for the Repair Cafe 10am-1pm! And today we have Fiona from Doll R&R. Fiona does neck, hand, hair and other repairs. Come and meet her and find out how it’s done. Repairs are by donation and costs must be covered for any materials needed eg new hair might cost about $15.
19.01.2022 - - # Pick up any li...ttered coffee cups, lids or other cup rubbish and send a photo to your local state MP and Environment Minister, ie. via email or tag them on Facebook and Twitter. Tell them where you found it and why we need to phase out SUPs in our state ASAP. Find the contact detail of your state Environment Minister and local MPs below link https://www.boomerangalliance.org.au/find_your_local_mps_an #plasticfree #plasticpollution Credit @Brian Yurasits
18.01.2022 Next Monday 26/10/2020 is the Kariong Eco Garden Annual General Meeting at 11am. The usual garden work is from 10am. Please email [email protected] if you would like more information about our management committee or would like to become a member. The more the merrier!
18.01.2022 Do you know a local business that has taken action to reduce or remove Single Use Plastics (bad SUPs)? eg plastic straws, plastic cutlery or polystyrene? Give them a Boomerang Alliance 'SUP Gratitude card' with a personal thank you message and share the news with Boomerang Alliance and your friends on social media. These businesses deserve our support and are leading the way in what will hopefully become the norm and help put an end to plastic pollution. Order Gratitude cards from https://www.boomerangalliance.org.au/shop
18.01.2022 Sick of plastic? You're not the only one It's time to ban single-use plastic Single-use plastics are wreaking havoc in our environment, our oceans and our fo...od chain in the form of microplastics Now is the time to end single-use plastics at the source. Donate today and help us to make sure the companies responsible for producing single-use plastics know that we don’t want their trash
18.01.2022 As part of a campaign to highlight the problems of single-use plastics and promote the alternatives, BA and our 52 allied organisations have developed SUPtembe...r, a month of activities designed to stop our bad plastic habits Check out link below to learn how you can avoid single-use plastics - and keep it that way https://www.boomerangalliance.org.au/suptember_2020 #plasticfree #plasticpollution Take 3 Good For The Hood Australian Marine Conservation Society Cooks River Alliance Tangaroa Blue Ocean Action Pod AUSMAP
17.01.2022 This year’s final session of Parliament is voting on a new law to stop the export of waste and enact better product stewardship laws. It's a big opportunity to tackle packaging and single use plastics (*background information in link below). Boomerang Alliance needs our help to make the new law, which will be debated in the Senate on 9 November, effective. A short email (see link below) to key MPs could make the difference.... https://www.boomerangalliance.org.au/recycling_and_waste_bi
17.01.2022 Ask your school to consider this effective way to make sure food waste doesn't go to landfill. School's can still have worm farms and compost bins for some of their fruit scraps - but the reality is schools produce commercial quantities of food waste every day eg 10-40kg/day depending on the size of the school. At least 2 tonnes a year per school... and up to 8 tonnes for the big schools.
17.01.2022 "Jackpot" thats what we are looking for. Masses of litter, much closer to the Hunter River, found on a little change of direction, after a slog hauling 70 full... bags some 100 metres from the back of the tidal mark closer to the Hexham bridge, and those flagon bottles didn't make the bags any lighter. Hunter Local Land Services volunteers gathered today for our seventh clean up of the Tomago mangroves with the target to continue West of the Hexham Bridges. Our team carried empty 30 bags from the foreshore up through fairly pristine mangroves to the tidal mark and immediately were confronted by old glass and plastic bottles plus polystyrene. "Jason" was on his first tip out with us and we soon utilised his strength as he began carrying the bags from the tidal mark to the waiting barge. "More bags" was the call and it was then a procession, as bags quickly filled the barge, and "Pete" our guest skipper was kept busy carefully stacking for an impending big load. 142 metres (according to Bree) was cleaned at this site. We had progressed 200 in total west passed the bridge, and being curious what lay ahead, the team loaded back into the barge and proceeded to the first bend in the river. The mangroves appeared to blend closer to the foreshore and a definite tidal line of timber debris suggested a good litter hideaway. Correct!! We found masses of plastic and glass bottles plus polystyrene all on the timber debris. Another 51 bags were quickly filled, with a and campsite removed from the corner of the river. Car tyres we prominent all along this section with a total of 26 removed including one large truck tyre still on a rim. Large plastic drums, polystyrene boxes and plastic pipe were collected, however the larger items were not in the same numbers as on past trips. As always another big load returned to Old Punt Road, tide and wind made Pete's job difficult for the barge to re-load. The LLS crew completed the stats revealing 3357 pieces polystyrene, 2813 plastic bottles, 1270 glass bottles and 1028 pieces of soft plastic in the 121 full bags plus bulk collected weighing 1.480 tonne. Great job again team, thanks to Hunter LLS and supporting staff plus Port Stephens Council for covering the disposal fee. See more
16.01.2022 Two community clean ups planned around local lagoons next week (school holidays) - Tuesday 29/9 and Wednesday 30/9. Keep an eye on Clean4shore Facebook page for details in next few days. Terrigal and Wamberal lagoons - most likely in the morning.
16.01.2022 The Central Coast Council Draft Waste Resource Management Strategy was on public exhibition from 11 May until 21 June 2020. Read more about the recent round of consultation in the phase 2 consultation report or summary. [click on link below to go to the webpage where you can download these two documents[ The draft Strategy is being now being finalised for Council adoption.... https://www.yourvoiceourcoast.com//draft-waste-resource-ma
15.01.2022 Central Coast Council meeting next Monday will look at the Resource Management Strategy Report which is the final stage of the consultation process... if approved as is Council staff can implement the Action Plans described in the Report. Despite concerns raised in Kariong Eco Garden, Total Environment Centre and other submissions, the report still leaves the door open for energy from mixed waste. It says they will investigate it. We urge all Councillors to say NO to any the...rmal treatment, gasification or incineration of our mixed waste - as it is a very dirty way to generate energy - worse than coal-fired power, leaves toxic ash, air pollution (the high tech filters are not infallable and expensive to fix if needed) and cannibalises resources that should be recycled. It is not part of a Circular Economy. See Zero Waste Australia and Boomerang Alliance resources for more information. Council's draft Strategy shows the make-up of our red lid bins bound for landfill: 59% is organic (and could go to a Food Organics, Garden Organics system via a FOGO green bin), 11% is standard recyclables (which should be in the yellow lid bin); another 11% is non-standard recyclables (maybe e-waste, batteries, clean soft plastics?); leaving only 19% residual waste needing to go to landfill. if we can separate those first three categories. FOGO is the obvious answer, working well for more than 40 other councils in NSW including our near neighbours Lake Macquarie and similar demographic in Penrith. What are we waiting for? Please contact your Councillors. https://zerowasteaustralia.org/ ABC Central Coast Permaculture Central Coast Inc. Peninsula Environment Group, Woy Woy Community Environment Network
14.01.2022 Last month we reported to you the concerning development that many food and drink outlets were refusing to accept their customers' BYO cups. Cafes mistakenly th...ought BYO cups were less safe, taking their advice from the Restaurant & Catering Association's Guide (under COVID restrictions) to 'refuse Keep Cups'. The Association has over 45,000 restaurant and cafe members in Australia. We got quite a reaction to our email from Boomerang Alliance supporters annoyed that this was happening and giving us their stories and experiences. We have been working hard to turn the situation around. Today we have good news! After our lobbying, the Restaurant and Catering Association are changing their guide to allow BYO cups, as long as they are clean (cafes can't wash them) and they follow the 'contactless pour' procedures, we have been advocating Plastic Free July #plasticfree Australian Marine Conservation Society BeachPatrol3934 Clean Up Australia Cooks River Alliance Environment Victoria Good For The Hood Take 3 Tangaroa Blue
14.01.2022 This weekend Kariong Eco Garden has a working bee on Saturday 14/11, 10am - 1pm and our Repair Cafe and Boomerang Bags PLUS some stalls outside, also 10am - 1pm on Sunday 15/11. Gentle gardening options, guttering repairs, recycling the old gates and fixing the water tank are all possible projects for Saturday as well as making a new banner to advertise the ECO GARDEN on Woy Woy Road. Covidsafe, family friendly activity.
14.01.2022 Fresh on the heels of England and South Australia, Justin Trudeau government made the huge announcement this week No meme necessary #bemorecanada #plasticfree #plasticpollution #goodnews #needmoregoodnews
13.01.2022 Here’s your ticket to an evening of storytelling at Kariong Eco Garden. Hear stories of The Unexpected! Friday 27/11/2020 from 6pm. Free.
13.01.2022 Big thanks to TimesCafe in Kariong for supporting BYO coffee cup with COVIDSafe ‘contactless pour’ method. Following best practice and reducing single-use plastic. #suptember #choosetoreuse Boomerang Alliance
13.01.2022 Victoria deserves a clean, split responsibility container deposit scheme that puts recycling first. Easy to access refund points Refund points open longer ...Jobs created in Vic Fundraising opportunities for kid’s sports clubs, charities & local community groups Cheaper to run Sign the petition today via https://bit.ly/3oXGIMy to stop big beverage companies taking complete control of the CDS. It already has over 44,000 signatures! #RecyclerightVictoria #StopBigBeverage #SayYesCDS
12.01.2022 Join us in the garden on Mondays 10-12noon. Family friendly.
12.01.2022 Clean Up Terrigal Lagoon next Tuesday 29/9/20 starting at at Terrigal Marine Discovery Centre, 9 - 11am - register here: https://www.ccmdc.org.au/events BYO kayak or good SUP or use a Clean4 Shore canoe and life jacket.
11.01.2022 Get out and help clean up this Sunday as part of SUPtember. All equipment provided. Just come along with your wet gear, water bottle and slip slop slap. Message Lisa to RSVP: 0429 431 889.
10.01.2022 Got something that needs fixing??
09.01.2022 Friendly reminder that there is a clean up at Terrigal lagoon (meeting at Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre) this morning at 9am and tomorrow at Wamberal Lagoon (meeting at Remembrance Drive) at 9am. Please register if coming today. No registration needed until you arrive tomorrow.
09.01.2022 The Return & Earn Machine has disappeared from the West Gosford Coles Car Park sadly - hopefully temporarily! That machine alone has collected over 12 million beverage containers since it was installed! In the meantime, don't forget our local ENVIROBANK depot at West Gosford and you can always donate the refunds to Kariong Eco Garden - just ask them to credit our account or use the money for your own needs :) https://envirobank.com.au/gosford-depot/
08.01.2022 HELP NEEDED!! It's a jungle out there....in Kariong Eco Garden Job List for our April working bee 10/4/21, 10am - 1pm: *cutting back the pineapple sage (free cuttings!) *digging up and potting the native raspberries (adopt one!)... *whipper snipping the paths and between the garden beds (preferably before we start) *high pressure hosing the mosaic snake path *cutting out the dead hakea next to the labyrinth *weeding the labyrinth so the fragrant ground covers can thrive *planting winter crops in raised beds and labeling them *ponds need a makeover... maybe in May! *Citrus need help - at the right time of year - are you a citrus expert? We want you to be a guest speaker at a workshop in June! Please bring a hat and plate of morning tea to share. Tea and coffee provided. Bring a friend. Garden tour at 10am
07.01.2022 We now have our very own Reko Ring here on the Central Coast, tomorrow is the first one, so excited!!! Thanks to Matt Allen of @ecotone_acres who took this ide...a and made it happen together with all the other farmers involved. What an awesome community we have here on the Central Coast where our local small scale farmers are connecting and collaborating together through this organic system the Reko Ring to provide fresh nutritious food grown with integrity with our soils, animals and environment. This is a space where you can get to know your farmers on a first name basis, know where your food comes from, know how it is grown and support a local fair trade economy, reducing waste, carbon footprint and no middle man, you are only buying direct from the farmer. By supporting our local small regenerative farmers we are voting for better health, a clean and healthy environment, food security, supporting a thriving community and supporting our farmers so they can keep growing abundant and diverse foods to feed us and allow them to sustain a livelihood that they love so dearly for the pure heart they have for the land and for our health. To be recognised that this is one heck of a darn hard livelihood but truly worth the ups, downs and rewards of connecting us all back into nature and the rhythms of life and we are one with nature. Join the Reko Ring Facebook group and place your orders direct with your farmer/s and collect each Thursday afternoon and at the same time you get to meet and share stories with your farmer who grows the food that you eat. I cannot think of any better way other, than to grow your own food, to bring into your life such health, connection and joy to your life and those we encounter through this journey. . #rekoringcentralcoast #gettoknowyourfarmer #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom #buylocal #supportlocalfarmers #supportlocal #localeconomy #regenerativefarming #centralcoastfarmers #centralcoastnsw #lookingafterourplanet
06.01.2022 Save this video to share with any cafes who are still refusing your re-usable cups. Re-assure them it can be done safely. https://www.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au///contactless-cafes
06.01.2022 Join Clean4Shore for a clean up in Terrigal Lagoon next Tuesday. See link to book in through the Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre.
05.01.2022 Todd and Cody have made it through floodwaters to fix bikes at the Kariong Repair Cafe til 1pm in Kariong Hall. First job is to ‘true the wheels’ apparently from Cody doing so many jumps ... the spokes are loose! Stay tuned for new business on the coast In Motion Cycles.
04.01.2022 Yes we are here in Kariong Hall (Woy Woy Road and Dandaloo St) for the Repair Cafe 10am-1pm! And today we have Fiona from Doll R&R. Fiona does neck, hand, hair... and other repairs. Come and meet her and find out how it’s done. Repairs are by donation and costs must be covered for any materials needed eg new hair might cost about $15. See more
03.01.2022 Join us for a our first ever online Trivia night - next Monday at 7pm.
03.01.2022 Gotta love WORM POO!!
03.01.2022 The petition to the Australian House of Representatives is finished. This one is still open though, for anyone willing to sign. Please share: https://spark.greenpeace.org.au//an-australia-wide-ban-on-
02.01.2022 Julie is asking Fiona our wonderful Doll Repairer some questions @ Repair Cafe - every 3rd Sunday at Kariong Hall 10am-1pm.
02.01.2022 My 3 minute speech in Council's Public Forum tonight, on behalf of Kariong Eco Garden, regarding Item 2.7, Resource Management Strategy: "Good evening Mayor, Councillors, Staff and community, At Kariong Eco Garden, we acknowledge with respect the indigenous custodians of this land and work with their spirits caring for mother earth. We ask questions like What can nature teach us? There is no waste in nature resources, nutrients, carbon moves around in cycles. Humans hav...Continue reading
01.01.2022 Support Take3 for the sea this SUPtember
01.01.2022 Celebrate the middle of the School holidays with a Fairy morning in the Eco Garden
01.01.2022 Don’t miss our first Kiwi Food Swap this Sunday - right outside Kariong Hall where we have our last Repair Cafe for 2020. Please share. Permaculture Central Coast Inc. ABC Central Coast
01.01.2022 Norm wants a word... about who is the apprentice!
01.01.2022 The new Kariong Eco Garden sign is going up right now. Big thanks to Tony and Norm!!
01.01.2022 Choose to Re-Use! - Let's have these cups in our Central Coast Cafes ABC Central Coast Kariong Eco Garden
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