Kariong Neighbourhood Centre in Kariong | Childcare service
Kariong Neighbourhood Centre
Locality: Kariong
Phone: +61 2 4340 1724
Address: 10 Langford Drive 2250 Kariong, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.knc.net.au
Likes: 1117
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25.01.2022 THANKING ADAM CROUCH MP FOR HIS RECENT VISIT TO OUR CENTRE & COMMUNITY! We were delighted that Adam Crouch, Member for Terrigal and Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, came to visit Kariong Neighbourhood Centre recently. On the day of his visit Adam was able to see our Active Playgroup, Tai Chi group and SecondBite program in action, meet and talk to local community members and see first hand the great demand for these services in Kariong. Thank you Adam Crouch MP Member for Terrigal for taking the time to visit, talk with locals and support Kariong Neighbourhood Centre! #kariongneighbourhoodcentre #kariong #Secondbite #ADAMCROUCHMP #adamcrouch #centralcoastnsw #thankyou #communitycentre #community
24.01.2022 CHRISTMAS FOOD HAMPERS - FOR ANYONE IN NEED - AVAILABLE 16/12/20 2-3PM at Kariong Neighbourhood Centre It has been a very tough year for many in our community. If you or someone you know is struggling, we will have CHRISTMAS FOOD HAMPERS available for anyone in need. Hampers will be given out to the community during our Food Relief Program, 2-3pm on Wed 16th December 2020 A massive THANKYOU goes to our wonderful volunteers who are working hard to coordinate the hamper ...drive, pack the hampers and who will be distributing them to the community on the day! Thankyou also to the many schools, childcare centres and businesses who have donated to make this hamper-drive possible For more information, or for further referral or assistance, please contact us on ph: 4340 1724 or email: [email protected] #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #kariong #christmashampers #christmas #foodrelief #fairfood #volunteer
23.01.2022 SPRING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS VACATION CARE PROGRAM Sept/Oct 2020 Wednesday 7th October - INHOUSE - German Sausage Sizzle to celebrate Octoberfest! & Bring Your Own Device Technology Day It’s all things German today as we celebrate that fabulous German tradition of Octoberfest! We’ll enjoy traditional German Food - are you game to try Sauerkraut??... We will also be enjoying some BYOD Technology time today! Please Bring Sun Safe Hat, covered in shoes Morning tea Lunch German sausage sizzle supplied! (Vegetarian option will be available) Afternoon Tea Water Bottle Cost $65 #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #KNC #VacationCare #SchoolHolidays #OOSH #Childcare #HolidayFun #Octoberfest #BYOTechnology #GermanSausageSizzle
22.01.2022 BASIC PRESCHOOL BALLET - Week 3 Review Today we practiced our ballet positions, and learned the actions to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. We listened to the music "The Secret Garden". Thea gave out a ballet picture to take home and colour in. Please note there is no Ballet class next week. Class resumes on 24 November 2020.... Do you have a little one who loves to dance? Basic Preschool Ballet is for 3-5yr olds. Bookings are essential. For more information call Kariong Neighbourhood Centre - 4340 1724 or email [email protected]. #Ballet #Preschool #Dance #CentralCoastNSW #KariongNeigbhourhoodCentre #Kariong
20.01.2022 International Day of People with Disability Webinar Disability Council NSW and DCJ are pleased to present a free webinar on Community, Local Council and Disability Action Plans (DIAPs). Please join our panel members from two NSW Councils, sharing their DIAP journey. Date: 3 December 2020 Time: 10.30am 12pm, Thursday, 3rd December AEDT... Register Now: https://events.humanitix.com/disability-council-idpwd See more
20.01.2022 If you are in need of a service to assist people or children who have disabilities, their families and carers from multicultural backgrounds to access National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) service and other relevant mainstream supports, then Community Connectors is for you!. They can assist when: Parents or families are worried about the children’s development, but do not know where to go to seek support People with disabil...ities or their family/carers may want to understand the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) better People with disabilities or their family/carers want to know more about how to apply for NDIS or ECEI People want extra support to attend NDIS planning meetings and plan review meetings People want to know more about other supports available in the community and so on Follow the link to find out more
19.01.2022 ACTIVE PLAYGROUP END OF YEAR CHRISTMAS PARTY PICNIC IS ON WED 16TH DEC 2020 - BOOK NOW - NUMBERS LIMITED! Last day for Active Playgroup is Wed 16/12/20 - this will also be our Christmas party "Picnic Day"! Bring your own picnic mat & your drinks. Fruit, fairy bread and a treat will be served PRIZES for BEST DRESSED, BEST CHRISTMAS TREE & BEST CHRISTMAS 'PRESENT'! Note, we will be making Christmas Trees and crafting Christmas 'Presents' during week 8-9 as our craft activit...y (Wed 2nd & Wed 9th Dec respectively) If you would like to attend, please book asap, as numbers are limited to keep everyone COVID safe. Phone 4340 1724 or email [email protected] to RSVP. #kariongneighbourhoodcentre #kariong #christmas #christmasparty #christmaspicnic #picnic #activeplaygroup #playgroup
19.01.2022 SPRING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS VACATION CARE PROGRAM Sept/Oct 2020 Wednesday 30th September - INHOUSE - Water Play Day & BYOD Technology Day... It’s water fun play day today!! It’s also National Mud Pack Day we’ll be creating some mud sculptures & getting dirty so wear your oldest clothes!! AND bring your own device today for a chill out afternoon of technology fun. Please Bring Sun Safe Hat, sun safe rashies Spare dry clothes Morning tea Lunch Afternoon Tea Water Bottle Cost $65 #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #KNC #VacationCare #SchoolHolidays #OOSH #Childcare #HolidayFun #WaterPlay #BYOTechnology
19.01.2022 KNC IMMUNISATION CLINIC CANCELLED FOR DEC 22ND 2020 Please note that unfortunately our regular Immunisation Clinic at Kariong Neighbourhood Centre will be unable to go ahead on Dec 22nd 2020, 12-1pm Two other Immunisation Clinics will still be running on this day: Woy Woy 9:30-10-45am Gosford 2:30-4pm... Please phone Gosford Gateway Health Clinic for further detail on ph: 4328 7900 If you are in need of further referral or assistance please contact us at Kariong Neighbourhood Centre on ph: 4340 1724 or email: [email protected] #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #immunisationclinic #immunisation #centralcoastnsw #earlychildhoodhealth
17.01.2022 Our Food Relief Program is on today Wednesday 30 Sep 2020, 2pm - 3pm. ALL WELCOME! 1 shopping bag + 1 box or 2 shopping bags ONLY per person $5 donation (Your donation contributes to supporting programs and projects run by Kariong Neighbourhood Centre for our community.)
14.01.2022 Active Playgroup is cancelled tomorrow 11 Nov 2020. Sorry for any inconvenience it may cause.
11.01.2022 SPRING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS VACATION CARE PROGRAM Sept/Oct 2020 Thursday 8th October - INHOUSE - International It’s My Party Day! & Come dressed in your favourite footy colours day It’s party day today!! Let’s enjoy party games, party food & fun! ... And come dressed in your favourite sports team colours as we celebrate the build up to the footy grand finals! Please Bring Sun Safe Hat, covered in shoes Morning tea Lunch Party food supplied!!! Afternoon Tea Water Bottle Cost $65 #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #KNC #VacationCare #SchoolHolidays #OOSH #Childcare #HolidayFun #InternationalItsMyPartyDay #FootyColours
10.01.2022 SPRING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS VACATION CARE PROGRAM Sept/Oct 2020 Friday 2 October - EXCURSION & INHOUSE - BYO Scooters Day & Sports fun in the park.... BYO Scooter today (with your protective gear) and we will create an Obstacle Course/scooter challenge get ready to show us your scooters skills!! Then we will head to the park for a BYO picnic lunch & some group games. Please Bring Sun Safe Hat, covered in shoes Morning tea BYO Picnic Lunch Afternoon Tea Water Bottle Cost $65 #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #KNC #VacationCare #SchoolHolidays #OOSH #Childcare #HolidayFun #Scooters #FunInTheSun
09.01.2022 You are invited to our 2020 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING at Kariong Neighbourhood Centre. 10:00am, Monday 26 October 2020 Please RSVP on 4340 1724 or [email protected] by Monday 19 October 2020. #AGM2020 #Kariong #NSW #neighbourhood
08.01.2022 BASIC PRESCHOOL BALLET IS BACK! RETURNING THIS TUES 27/10/20. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL! Our popular Basic Preschool Ballet class with Dorothea, for 3-5 year olds, is back from this Tuesday 10:30-11:30am! There are limited places available, so if you have a young one who loves to move or dance, get in quick to book their place. For enquiries and bookings contact KNC Admin on ph: 4340 1724 or email: [email protected]... #ballet #preschool #kidsdance #centralcoastnsw #kariong #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre
08.01.2022 LITTLE BIG SCHOOL 2021! This program is designed for children (3-5 yr olds) who are preparing for school to extend their basic skills and gain practice and understanding of what is expected in the 1st year of school Providing fun activities that promote learning and development in a small pre-school like setting ... When: Fridays 9:30am 11:30am (during school term only) Cost: $12.00 per child per session plus $12 annual enrolment fee For more information and bookings for next year please contact us at Kariong Neighbourhood Centre on ph: 4340 1724 or email: [email protected] #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #kariong #centralcoastnsw #family #education #learningthroughplay
07.01.2022 THE OVER FIFTIES FRIENDSHIP GROUP IS CANCELLED TODAY - 20/11/20 - OUR APOLOGIES! Please note that The Over Fifties Friendship Group (TOFFS) is unfortunately cancelled today. Please phone us on ph: 4340 1724 if you would like any further information. #centralcoastnsw #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #cancelled #theoverfiftiesfriendshipgroup
06.01.2022 SPRING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS VACATION CARE PROGRAM Sept/Oct 2020 Tuesday 6th October - INHOUSE - Tie Dye Madness & Mad Hatter Day, Loud Shirt Day & Crazy Socks Day Today’s the day you show your REAL fashion style Wear your maddest HAT, loudest SHIRT & craziest SOCKS!!!... We will be doing some tie-dying as well!! We will enjoy an Afternoon Tea Party wearing our MAD HATS! It’s the start of Fire Prevention Week so we will be also discussing fire prevention & safety. Please Bring Sun Safe Hat, covered in shoes Morning tea Water Bottle Lunch Afternoon Tea Party supplied Cost $65 #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #KNC #VacationCare #SchoolHolidays #OOSH #Childcare #HolidayFun #TieDyeMadness
05.01.2022 EARLY CHILDHOOD NURSE WILL CONTINUE AT KNC IN 2021! PLEASE NOTE IMMUNISATION CLINIC WILL BE DISCONTINUED. We are happy to announce our much loved Early Childhood Nurse, Helen, will continue to deliver her invaluable skills and service to families in our community in 2021! To book an appointment with Helen, contact Gosford Gateway Health Clinic on ph: 4328 7900. Unfortunately our Immunisation Clinic at Kariong Neighbourhood Centre is unable to continue in 2021. Immunisation C...linics will continue to be available in Woy Woy & Gosford. Please contact the clinic on the above number if you would like any further information on this If you would like any further assistance or are in need of referral or crisis support, please contact us at Kariong Neighbourhood Centre on ph: 4340 1724 or email: [email protected] #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #centralcoastnsw #earlychildhoodnurse #nurse #family #kariong #kids #immunisation #immunisationclinic
05.01.2022 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! - CAN YOU HELP? We love our volunteers at Kariong Neighbourhood Centre and are incredibly thankful for all they do for us and their community! We are in need of extra volunteers to help sort food donations for our food relief program on Tuesday afternoons weekly, as well as helping to set-up and pack-up our Food Relief stall on Wednesday afternoons, or help sort and organise the food store room. ... We are also in need of a volunteer or two to teach our computers to seniors tutorials. If you would like to develop your skills, make great friends and give beck to your community, and if any of these roles sound like they might suit you, get in touch wish us asap! Phone us on ph: 4340 1724 or email: [email protected] #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #Kariong #volunteersneeded #volunteer #foodrelief #computersforseniors #workskills #friends #giveback #community
04.01.2022 SPRING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS VACATION CARE PROGRAM Sept/Oct 2020 Thursday 1 September - INCURSION HOLIDAY ROCKSTARS & Kariong’s Got Talent Quest... Music Bus visit today- 3 hours of music funjam sessions on the bus, talent quest, air guitar competition, games, disco & craft activities. Come dressed as a Rock Star!! Please Bring Sun Safe Hat, covered in shoes Morning tea Lunch Afternoon Tea Water Bottle Cost $65 #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #KNC #VacationCare #SchoolHolidays #OOSH #Childcare #HolidayFun #HolidayRockstars #KariongsGotTalentQuest
03.01.2022 The JFF Plus: Online Festival program is OUT NOW! Watch over 25 Japanese films streaming for free from 4-13 December. View the full program and sign up for your free JFF Plus streaming account now! http://jffau.net/pfb #JFFAU2020
03.01.2022 SPRING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS VACATION CARE PROGRAM Sept/Oct 2020 Friday 9th October - INCURSION - Something Wild Show from Australia Wildlife Displays... It is Australian Wildlife Week so we will be celebrating our wonderful Aussie wildlife by hosting a visit from Australian Wildlife Displays. Children will interact with pythons, lizards, frogs, crocodiles, birds & possums!! Please Bring Sun Safe Hat, covered in shoes Morning tea Lunch Afternoon Tea Water Bottle Cost $65 #KariongNeighbourhoodCentre #KNC #VacationCare #SchoolHolidays #OOSH #Childcare #HolidayFun #AustralianWildlife
03.01.2022 If you've left a car key in the Little Library in front of Kariong Neighbourhood Centre please come to the Centre to claim it.If you've left a car key in the Little Library in front of Kariong Neighbourhood Centre please come to the Centre to claim it.
01.01.2022 Come along to celebrate NAIDOC Week with: - Acknowledgement to Country from Toni Carew - Bj Duncan speaking about the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the importance of celebrating NAIDOC Week this year Morning or Afternoon Tea... When: Thursday 12 November 2020 Time and Place: - 10.30am - 12.30pm, NDIS Building, 33B Alison Rd, Wyong - 2.30pm - 4pm, Dental Car Park, 37 Alison Rd, Wyong RSVP: Friday 6th November 2020 to Allan Beale on 0412 544 774 or Allison Trindall on 02 4351 1040 #NAIDOCWeek2020 #Yerin
01.01.2022 UPDATE 15/10/2020 - WE NOW HAVE ENOUGH - THANKYOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS, WHAT A WONDERFUL SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY WE HAVE!! CLEAN EGG CARTONS & PLASTIC SHOPPING BAGS NEEDED! Dear Kariong Community, We are in need of donations of clean used egg cartons and plastic shopping bags for our SecondBite program. If you have any spares you would like to donate, please drop them off to Kariong Neighbourhood Centre, 10 Langford Drive, Kariong ... If you would like to get in touch, please contact us on ph: 4340 1724 or email: [email protected] #communitycentre #neighbourhood #eggcarton #plasticbags #Secondbite
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