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22.01.2022 Birth story part 7/8~ Our midwife arrived around the corner to me hanging from my anchor blowing raspberries out my lips, a funny memory. She arrived to see that yes this really is happening! ~ She had no time to get a foetal heart rate only the time in between surges to get her gear ready. She was there for 9 minutes & our baby was born. I remember saying for one surge I don’t think it’s going to be a water baby I think it’s going to be a land baby!. These last three surg...es as everyone was still racing to get the pool to temperature I had Mum support me through one surge, Tanya my midwife for the next & for the last my amazing husband. Tanya was behind me kneeling. He crowned still in cased in the water, I yelled I’m crowning! I heard Tanya say to the rest Too late baby is coming!. ~ I knew now that I could bear down & as my legs were in a high lunge I bent more into a high squat, I felt that familiar crowning burn for only two seconds & he was born. Tanya caught him & in one motion swoop passed him through my legs & into my arms (it was very impressive). My birth team quickly undid my rebozo knots, took my TENS machine off from around my neck & got my nest (large pillow) to sit on that we pre-made, stitched & stuffed with shredded office paper. I was sitting, leaning up against my birth pool that never got used. As soon as my baby was passed through my legs I seen his face for the first time & knew he was a boy! As I sat there my husband with tears in his eyes kissing my head he asked what is it? My Mum & daughter behind him, I looked & announced it was a boy! ~ Sitting down I then met my secondary midwife who had just arrived. My baby was on my chest he came out with colour, reflex & a good set of lungs. He only cried for a couple of minutes & happily started to suckle where he then stayed for 5 hours. It was 2am & no measurements/ weighing was done until lunchtime the next day just bonding together. ~ My beautiful friend Gabe @gabrielle_eileen_ arrived & started tending to me bringing towels & taking pictures. My Mum & Father in law also arrived. All missing the birth. Photo Tanya @ourmidwife_ supporting me through one of my last surges
21.01.2022 Birth story part 6/8~ It was one hour from when Scotty woke to when our baby was born. ~ Although the surge of power pulsing through me built rapidly, it still wasn’t as intense as my other labours. My waters still hadn’t ruptured & as I drew great comfort in my TENS machine, rebozo anchor & support from my birth team I remember feeling could it be happening this smoothly & quickly?.. As in between each raging surge I stood calmly and quietly watching everyone race around- (...deep down I think I knew I was never getting in that pool) ~ I started to get the urge to bare down and thought it couldn’t be happening this quickly, I haven’t felt nauseas or had hot & cold tremors like my previous labours. I also couldn’t feel my baby in my pelvis strongly (like my other labours where the water sac had broken) I started to breath out through my mouth like blowing a raspberry to divert the pressure from bearing down, I also thought to myself how can I do a vaginal examination (VE) here to see if I’m dilated enough lol (was never gonna happen). ~ I was now speaking to my daughter in between surges who was placed on the couch from her sleep, reassuring her that we were about to meet our baby. She was so excited to birth our baby but as it happened so fast and in the night, No one could sit with her as all hands were on deck. I was sad I couldn’t be with her more or reassure her more that I was alright. Only when I could in between my surges. I was now vocalizing in a primal deep tone for each minute-long surge. ~ Pic- My husband & Tanya (who hadn’t arrived yet in this part @ourmidwife_ )snapped by my Mum See more
20.01.2022 Closing of the bones Ceremony ‘Cerada’ in latin America Is a ceremony that acknowledges the immense changes a woman has experienced through the pregnancy & childbirth journey. It makes space for & honours the enormous shift in a mothers physical, mental and emotional state & all the changes she has undergone. It is said the Mexican people believe that when a woman is in childbirth her soul travels to the stars to collect the soul of her child, often some of her spirit is l...eft behind. This ritual assists in bringing her spirit back into her own body. Physically, it guides her bones back into place, helps her pelvic organs shift & her uterus to shrink back down, & stimulates blood flow. For me it was a process that honoured all three of my birth experiences. It calmed & centred me & I felt my body & being re-establishing a sense of self. I travelled to the rainforest of Kuranda with my friend & midwife @thismidwildlife @ourmidwife_ to do this ritual with Jaye from Lomi Laka (Facebook) who was so kind to let us into her home after she had just moved & had a fresh baby herself. It is said it can be done up to three times to really help the mother land back into her body. I can’t wait to do this again with Jillian @zamama_doula #honour #nourish #closingofthebonesritual
16.01.2022 My website has been hacked! So sorry for any inconvenience while it gets fixed
13.01.2022 Birth story part 5/8~ I anchored myself to my rebozo anchor as I sat on my exercise ball rocking my pelvis forward & back & sleeping into the support of my rebozo sling in between the gentle surges. I reached for my phone to start timing only out of my own curiosity. Surges were lasting 1minute and were approx. 5 mins apart. It pulled me out of my birth space a bit to have to click the timer which was on the chair behind me. So when I felt the presence of my husband standing... next to me I could relax into it more. He watched and timed & made all the calls from here on out. He knew it was happening it was 1am when he woke up, I had laboured for one hour by myself since waking at midnight and my Mum was now awake. ~ I went to the toilet again and in this space, I had another surge, this time 2 minutes apart. Now they were coming closer. Things started to speed up as Scotty and my mum realized I was grounding through my surges much more and needing to wrap my arms around Scotty during each. Without me queuing him to he called our midwife Tanya & said it’s definitely happening. I wrapped myself into my rebozo anchor as my husband and Mum raced around to bring the pool to temperature, wake my daughter (who wanted to watch the birth) and support me in between with each surge.
13.01.2022 Birth story part 8/8 we made it ~ As I tried to relax into third stage of labour & give it my full attention my amazing midwives guided me as I birthed my placenta. I had no tears only some membranes (not placenta) which didn’t release. With the close support of my midwife Tanya her trust in me & my body’s natural wisdom to do what it is designed to do I passed this over the next week & a half. Belly binding & herbal tinctures- @yourfamilynaturopath also helped me greatly... postnatally. Overall, I was in two hours of active labour, I got to experience a labour where my waters didn’t rupture & a birth standing upright outside of water- a land baby! Staying calm in my beautiful familiar birth space, the use of key tools from my Hypnobirthing Aus practitioner experience & a deeper wisdom & understanding of the importance of birth preparation, support & mindset definitely played a part. I did the bodywork this pregnancy! Yoga, swimming, specifically positioning my body to help my baby into an optimum position through my OMP knowledge & also through the stages of labour all contributed I believe to my smooth birth. There is a primal, instinctual trust & respect that needs to be given to the birth process. I truly gave myself permission to release & let go this birth & surrender to whatever it would be. I even had a c-section preference plan if a natural disaster happened (hypothetically speaking) which we have to be real about . But a deep trust in my body, a confidence in my choices & a belief in my support was all important Our son & daughter were ecstatic to finally meet their new baby Koa & Indie said how excited she was to teach him to ride bikes & do backflips.. My home birth is a memory I will cherish forever. All my births have been special in their own unique ways. But there was something extra special about this 3rd ride- birthing in the home were I grew up, my own space- drinking tea watching the sun rise over the hills surrounded by loved ones, all my support & my beautiful baby Koa on my breast. Just BliSs- Oxytocin plus plus! #grateful @ourmidwife
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