Karratha Labor | Political organisation
Karratha Labor
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25.01.2022 It was an honour to attend the Whim Creek Memorial Service and pay my respects to the heros of the Lockyer family who served our country in WW2. I would also like to pay my respects to all the fallen service women and men of our country. We will remember them.
25.01.2022 I’d like to wish all West Aussies a safe and relaxing public holiday today. And to those at work, keeping our State running: thank you.
23.01.2022 There’s a TOTAL FIRE BAN for the PORT HEDLAND, EAST PILBARA, LAVERTON, NGAANYATJARRAKU and WILUNA districts for MONDAY 28/9 What CAN and CAN’T you do? ... A total fire ban means no fires in the open air. ‘Open air’ means anywhere outside, including a deck, balcony, courtyard or park. Includes cities and towns. Runs 12.01am -11.59pm Monday 28 September. Cooking outside is restricted to gas and electric barbecues only, with conditions. No "hot works" like welding or grinding. Penalties apply for breaking the rules. See https://www.facebook.com/dfeswa or https://twitter.com/dfes_wa http://bit.ly/2TmHQbP
23.01.2022 This weekend, hundreds of thousands of Western Australians will be gathering with their friends and family. It might be for a party, to watch the footy or just ...to hang out. Here in WA, since all the way back in July, we've had no hard limit on how many Western Australians can gather together - as long as the venue has 2 square metres per person. Every State is following the health advice that they're getting, relevant to their own situation. WA is no different. Because of the safety and confidence offered by our hard border, we were able to lift the vast majority of restrictions three months ago. As a result, we’ve got back to living in a COVID-safe environment faster than other States, and as a result Western Australians were able to get back to work. Other States, in line with their own health advice, still have strict restrictions on the size of gatherings. In New South Wales, that limit remains at just 20 people, with the 4sqm capacity rule still in place. Yesterday, it was announced that up to 60 people will be allowed to gather at homes in Queensland from the start of December. These are positive steps other States are making and we look forward to seeing them continue to reduce restrictions further, in line with their health advice. The freedoms Western Australians are able to enjoy across our State have only been possible because of our hard border, and that continues to be the advice from our Chief Health Officer. The border won't remain in place forever, and the recent improvement of the situations in the eastern states has been very reassuring. But we also have to remember just how devastating an outbreak would be for Western Australians' lives and their livelihoods. We can only imagine what it has been like for our friends in Victoria over the last few months, and we can't afford to see that happen here. That's why it's so crucial that we continue to follow our expert health advice and be extra cautious, as we continue to make the most of the freedoms and safety in WA.
22.01.2022 Anyone here in WA has known it for a while now, but it's good to see the rest of the country acknowledging the strong position that our State is in. Make no mis...take - the economic results that our State is seeing are thanks to the hard work and vigilance of every Western Australian and the confidence that we've built behind our hard border. Our approach has kept WA safe and strong, and that's paying off for the entire country. Let's keep it up.
20.01.2022 WA Police will be out in force again this summer: we're funding Operation Heat Shield for a second summer in a row, to help keep us all safe and strong. Summer ...is a great time to get out and about - but historically we also see rises in anti-social behaviour, as well as increased burglaries, retail theft and family violence. Under the $5 million Operation Heat Shield, over 55,000 hours of additional policing has been funded, to put more cops on patrol in hotspots like the CBD, but also across our suburbs and throughout regional WA. I hope they're not needed, but in the event that someone needs help, this boost will mean that WA Police aren't far away. Last year, it was a significant success - resulting in 2,499 arrests and 5,882 charges.
20.01.2022 Had a spectacular evening at Songs of Peace at the Ngurin Centre hosted by the Yijala Yala project and Big Hart. It was a wonderful event and thanks to all spo...nsors and Regional Development of Arts WA for sponsoring such events that brings regional communities together. Thanks to my wonderful friend Tootsie Daniel Tooty for singing her own songs. See more
17.01.2022 PILBARA YOUTH RAISE MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS It was a privilege to officially open the Photo Speak exhibition at Red Earth Arts Precinct last night. The photo e...xhibition was put together by the Karratha Girls Academy and headspace Pilbara, and presents work by Year 7 and 8 students that explores the issues surrounding mental health. We are privileged to have young people in our community who are not only very talented, but who are also willing to explore the important issues facing our community. The Photo Speak exhibition is open at the Red Earth Arts Precinct until the 16th October - I recommend you go down and have a look. Congratulations to all the students, staff and sponsors involved in this project. Thanks also to the FX dance group for the wonderful dance routine at the opening.
16.01.2022 We are now managing 17 active cases linked to the COVID-19 outbreak on the Patricia Oldendorff which is anchored off Port Hedland. Of those cases, 10 are in hot...el quarantine in Port Hedland and 7 remain on board the bulk carrier. There is still a total of 9 crew aboard the Patricia Oldendorff this includes the 7 who have tested positive to COVID-19. We are awaiting the results of serology tests for the other 2 remaining crew to see if they have already had the virus. The Health Department and WA Medical Assistance Team continues to work with Australian Maritime Safety Authority and Pilbara Ports Authority to ensure the safety of the vessel and look at potential replacement crew if this is required. The Patricia Odendorff is undergoing daily cleaning and the crew who have returned positive tests are not displaying significant symptoms and are in good spirits. I want to reassure the Port Hedland community that safety of the maritime workers, emergency services and transport staff, hotel staff and the local community continues to be our number one priority. The Department of Health is experienced in managing outbreaks on vessels and is putting every precaution in place to protect the local community. There are 5 active cases not related to the Patricia Oldendorff - 1 is from interstate and 4 are Western Australians. All 5 of these cases involved returned overseas travellers who tested positive while in hotel quarantine. Our State has maintained its strong record and has not recorded a single case of community transmission in 171 days. This result shows how well our teams have handled these difficult situations, how well our quarantine systems have worked and how well every Western Australian has done to remain vigilant. Let's all keep it up WA.
16.01.2022 ROEBOURNE COMMUNITY INVITED TO HELP DESIGN SCHOOL The McGowan Government is committing $42 million to redevelop Roebourne District High School. Please contact the team at the Pilbara Regional Education Office on 9185 0111 if you would like to attend the sessions below.
16.01.2022 $818 MILLION PILBARA PIPELINE OF WORK The Premier Mark McGowan has announced the WA Pipeline of Work, including 39 Pilbara projects to the value of $818 million.... The Pipeline of Work is a game changer for our local Pilbara businesses who will be able to plan for and win more local contracts on local projects. It will also give young people the opportunity to get skilled up for jobs they know will be required for future work in their home towns, building a sustainable future for our Pilbara community. Find out more here: www.wa.gov.au/pipeline
15.01.2022 Perth United Malayalee Association Inc(PUMA Inc ) is conducting first ever community boat race among our community members, in cooperation with the Lakers Drago...n Boat Club Inc and Dragon Boat Western Australia (DBWA), our members never had any opportunity to explore anything like this in the past, PUMA is taking initiative to bring our community out from their comfort zones and travel through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it. We are from Southern part of India and VALLAM KALI (Boat Race ) is one of the most vigorously celebrated festivals in Kerala, it is mainly conducted during the season of the harvest festival Onam in autumn. On Behalf of Perth United Malayalee Association Inc(PUMA Inc, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the opening ceremony on 26th of September at Champions Lake. I want to thank PUMA for their kind invitation. It was an honour to speak and flag the boats off to a good start with the Mayor of Armadale Ruth Butterfield. Thanks to the President of DBWA Barbara Clarkson and the ever popular John Beinke President of LDBC and Vice President of DBWA who trained and coached the rowers. Cr. Of Armadle Shanavas Peter for their support and help given to PUMA. Great to catch up with my long time Karratha friend John Bose. Thanks to all the organisers volunteers and sponsors not forgetting. the President of PUMA Biju Varghese, Sujit Abraham PUMA secretary, Boat Race Co ordinators Raveesh John and Thomas Daniel for making this event a great success.
12.01.2022 It doesn’t matter who the WA Liberal Leader is.
11.01.2022 A brilliant morning for the Yara Burrup Open Classic Swim at Hearson’s Cove in Karratha organized by Swimming WA’s Open Water Swimming Series. Congratulations t...o all contestants. Exciting to see 109 entrants including Mayor Peter Long and Pilbara Development Commission CEO Terry Hill. It was spectacular to see swimmers of all ages compete. Thanks to Yara, City of Karratha, all sponsors and volunteers for supporting this event. Thanks to Chris Rijksen from Yara for committing to sponsor the event for the next 3 years. It’s sad to hear Chris will be leaving Karratha and I wish him all the best in all his future endeavours. I would also like to acknowledge Darren Beazley Chief Executive of Swimming WA and his crew for their hard work in organising this event.
11.01.2022 I just want to provide an update on what we are doing in Port Hedland today - it is important for both the WA community and local Hedland community to understan...d what is happening. As I outlined yesterday, we were informed that two crew members on board the bulk carrier Patricia Oldendorff were reporting flu-like symptoms. Any illness on board a vessel must be immediately reported to WA Health, who then conduct an assessment. WA Health safely tested the two crew members for COVID-19, following the necessary protocols - those tests came back positive which triggered the next step in our response. These are the strict protocols which have been extremely effective in stopping any spread of COVID-19 from international ships to the WA community. The Patricia Oldendorff remains anchored nine nautical miles off Port Hedland with 21 crew on board, including the ship’s master. Early this morning the first members of our Rapid Response Team flew from Perth to Port Hedland. This preliminary team includes the WA Medical Assistance Team lead, Dr Tudor Codreanu who managed the successful Artania and Al Kuwait responses. Other staff now on site include an Infection Prevention and Control specialist and Department of Fire and Emergency Services logistics personnel, and they are working alongside WA Country Health Services and emergency services personnel. The Rapid Response Team has commenced an onsite assessment of the situation from Port Hedland. At this stage, the priorities for the team today are: 1. Ensuring the safety of the vessel’s crew, emergency services personnel and, of course, the local community. 2. Testing other crew members to determine whether there more potential COVID-positive cases. 3. Assessing the logistics of moving the crew onshore, in quarantine, to manage their welfare. 4. Setting up the transport and accommodation logistics for moving the crew on shore. 5. Ensuring those on shore have the necessary training and PPE. When all the appropriate measures are in place, the Rapid Response Team will decide whether to go to next phase of moving the crew on shore and into quarantine, while leaving a skeleton crew on the vessel. We have our best people on the ground who are now very experienced at dealing with a situation like this. Can I thank the Department of Health and everyone else involved so far in working together so quickly to manage the situation. This is a reminder of why we have constant vigilance and precautions in place to ensure WA remains safe from COVID-19.
11.01.2022 Honoured to attend the National Police Remembrance Day at South Hedland Police Station. Since 1989, National Police Remembrance Day has been held on or near Sep...tember 29th of each year. This being the Feast Day of St. Michael, the patron saint of all Police Officers. It is a day we honour and remember fallen colleagues from State, Territory and Federal Police Services who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. See more
10.01.2022 I'd like to provide you with some information about an evolving COVID-19 situation off the Pilbara coast. On September 16 a bulk carrier named ‘Patricia Oldend...orff’ anchored nine nautical miles off Port Hedland from Manilla - in preparation for being loaded with manganese ore. The vessel was scheduled to berth earlier this week with a crew of 20 Filipino nationals on board plus the vessel’s master. However, we were informed by the vessel that two crew members were showing flu-like symptoms, so arrangements were made to have them tested. Those tests occurred yesterday when two RFDS nurses boarded the vessel by helicopter to collect samples. The nurses wore full PPE and, along with the flight crew, took all the necessary safety precautions. This afternoon it has been confirmed that the two crew members tested positive for COVID-19. The crew members remain on board the ship in isolation and the ship is still anchored off the coast. Our teams at Health are well-drilled at responding to situations like this so an incident team has been formed. They will be sending a rapid response team of clinical and logistical staff to Port Hedland first thing in the morning. The rapid response crew will assess the situation in the morning on the best way to deal with the crew on board the vessel. This is an evolving situation and is being handled appropriately. The safety of Western Australians is always our highest priority in dealing with these cases. We will keep you up to date with further information as it comes to hand. These two cases show just how easy it is for the virus to return in our State. It is why we must remain extra vigilant and avoid taking unnecessary risks. Strong border controls and quarantine systems are so important when it comes to protecting all Western Australians.
09.01.2022 Visited local artist David Hooper’s exhibition in South Hedland yesterday and I must say he has perfected the art of painting sceneries with water and ships. Gr...eat encouragement speech from the CEO of the Town of Port Hedland Carl Askew who opened the exhibition. I have known David over the years and must say his talent has surpassed my expectations and love his passion and art. Wishing David all success. See more
09.01.2022 Invited to breakfast today with the South Hedland Cougars Rugby League Football Club and sponsors. It was a privilege to meet the team, families, volunteers and sponsors and see the hard work they have been doing. Wishing them good luck in this evening’s grand finals.
06.01.2022 I would like to give you an update on the operation underway in Port Hedland regarding the bulk carrier, Patricia Oldendorff. Yesterday, 12 of the ship’s crew w...ere transported off the vessel into hotel quarantine. This included the two positive COVID-19 cases. The transfer was successful, and the crew have now commenced their minimum 14-day quarantine period, away from the public and under strict supervision. No one requires medical care at this stage. Today I can confirm that of the remaining nine crew members onboard to maintain the ship, seven have now tested positive. This puts the total number of positive cases from the vessel to nine. We anticipated this could occur and we are ready to respond. We have been in this situation before and we have strong procedures in place to manage the situation. For now, these seven crew will remain on-board the vessel and their health will be monitored. This is not ideal, but they are essential crew required to manage the vessel. Planning is now underway to manage the situation safely and options are being considered for a potential replacement crew, if required. Daily cleaning of the vessel has also commenced, with a deep clean to be conducted prior to any new crew boarding the vessel. We would like to reassure the Port Hedland community that every safety measure is being put in place to protect the local community. These crew do not currently need medical treatment, but should it be required, every precaution will be in place to protect healthcare workers and members of the public. Any transfers will be undertaken with the safety of the maritime workers, emergency services and transport staff, hotel staff and the local community as our number one priority. WA Health has experience managing outbreaks on vessels and will put every precaution in place to ensure the ongoing safety of the local community. As always, the health of Western Australians is our number one priority.
05.01.2022 Great to meet and get to know the team working on the redevelopment design for Roebourne District High School. Fantastic to see community engagement with Roebo...urne locals to hear their ideas about what they would like to see in the new school. The McGowan Government has committed $42 million to redevelop Roebourne District High School.
05.01.2022 Here in WA, it can be easy to lose sight of what is happening with the COVID-19 outbreak around the world. That's a good thing, as it shows how well we've done ...and how significantly we've been able to return to normal. But even though it might not be daily headline news here anymore, the reality is that the global COVID-19 outbreak has not slowed down. In fact, this week has set a new record for the number of cases recorded around the world. You may have heard that many countries in Europe are in the midst of second wave outbreaks, and that the UK has just had to reimpose significant restrictions which are set to last for up to six months. The USA has now registered more than 200,000 deaths from COVID-19. Almost one million people have died around the world. The number of daily cases diagnosed is around 300,000 every day - and that's only counting people who've been able to get properly tested. It's alarming, but this is what happens when restrictions are lifted before the virus is under control. Here in WA, while numbers of recorded cases have been very low and limited to returned travellers, we have seen a steady stream of positive tests among those coming back from overseas. Thankfully, our hotel quarantine has been effective to date - but that's just all the more reason that we need to keep it running well. We've seen people who were meant to be in quarantine make stupid, selfish decisions to break out and put the community at risk. We've seen what happens in other States where things have gone wrong. Following from the agreement we reached with the Federal Government last week, we are going to increase the cap on international arrivals through Western Australia. But the statistics from overseas show why it's so important that we bring our fellow Western Australians home in a sensible and safe manner, and that we do not stretch our quarantine systems too thin. Our State has seen such remarkable success, and we've seen that pay off with some of the best health and economic outcomes of anywhere in the world. We just can't afford to put that at risk.
04.01.2022 Great to have the Minister for Health Hon Roger Cook, The Minister for Regional Development and Ports The Hon Alannah MacTiernan along with the Chief Mecical Of...ficer Dr. Andy Robertson, The WAMAT Mission lead Dr. Tudor Codreanu, The WACHS Chief Ececutive Mr. Jeff Moffet and The CEO for Port Roger Johnston coming to Hedland to meet the community, the departments and be at the public forum to answer questions from the community. I was giad to accompany the Premier Mark McGowan in Hedland the next day to meet with the experienced staff managing the situation on the ground. I want to thank everyone at the hospital, the health staff, WA Police, Army, Navy, port workers and security staff for all the important work they are doing. We have strong procedures in place to manage the situation and keep the community safe. I want to thank the local community for their understanding.
04.01.2022 PORT HEDLAND COVID-19 COMMUNITY MEETING TODAY This afternoon, you have the opportunity to hear from the Minister for Health Roger Cook, Minister for Ports Alann...ah MacTiernan, Chief Health Officer Dr Andy Robertson, WA Medical Assistance Team Mission Lead Dr Tudor Codreanu, WA Country Health Service Chief Executive Jeff Moffet and other response agencies about how we're effectively managing the Patricia Oldendorff vessel outbreak to keep you safe. I look forward to seeing you there. When: 5.00pm today, Wednesday 30 September 2020 Where: Wanangkura Stadium, South Hedland To comply with physical distancing, everyone attending must keep two metres away from each other. Attendee numbers will be capped.
03.01.2022 It's here. Find your nearest refund point and more information about WA's container deposit scheme at www.containersforchange.com.au/wa
03.01.2022 Visiting Port Hedland today to meet with the team responsible for ensuring the safety of the community in the response to the Patricia Oldendorff vessel and COV...ID-19 cases. I am assured all is going well and the crew are in good health. I want to reassure the Port Hedland community that safety of the maritime workers, emergency services and transport staff, hotel staff and the local community continues to be our number one priority. The Department of Health is experienced in managing outbreaks on vessels and is putting every precaution in place to protect the local community. The hotel quarantine facilities at place in Port Hedland use the same tried and tested models that are in place in the Perth metropolitan area. The model has been overseen by the State Health Incident Coordination Centre, and only fully-trained WA Medical Assistance Team personnel wearing PPE are in contact with the crew in hotel quarantine in Port Hedland. I have visited the Hedland Health Campus with Kevin Michel MLA and met with clinical nurse, Joyce Davis and other hard-working health staff. I will also be meeting with the Pilbara Port Authority and the WA Medical Assistance Team (WAMAT). The WAMAT team have been working hard on the ground to ensure that the crew are kept safe and well and that all protocols are adhered to. This evening I will be co-hosting a community forum to let the community know what is happening and to assure locals that everything is being done to keep them safe.
02.01.2022 Scott Morrison can't help himself. To distract from his ever growing list of failures, he’s started taking credit for our list of successes. Luckily, West Australians can see through his smirk and mirrors.
01.01.2022 Had a great time last night celebrating Thai New year with all my Thai friends, The Mayor Of The Town Of Port Hedland Peter Carter and rest of the Community in Port Hedland. Wishing all A Happy Thai New Year and Gods blessings for Good Health and Happiness.
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