Karrkad Kanjdji Trust | Businesses
Karrkad Kanjdji Trust
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25.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
25.01.2022 Mimal Country, Central Arnhem Land, Northern Territory.
24.01.2022 Thank you to all at Woohoo Body who made a very generous gift last night! We can't thank you enough for your support!
24.01.2022 Fantastic to see the Nawarddeken Academy students preparing for their NAIDOC week celebrations last week! They celebrated with stories and singing in Kunwinjku, damper making and spending time with their special Old People. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe
24.01.2022 Here is Mimal Ranger, Anthea Lawrence Luraman moving camera traps to track a cheeky buffalo causing problems at the Mimal Spring rehabilitation site. Photograph supplied by @mimalland of @lil_mizz_lawrence
23.01.2022 This Australian #WildlifeWeek we celebrate some of the animals you may see in the areas we work across Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory. Here is the Blistered Grasshopper (Monistria Pustulifera); a funny looking grasshopper that can grow up to 65mm in length. You may find this one across other parts of Australia too. Photograph by Warddeken... @australian_wildlife_society See more
22.01.2022 Indigenous Rangers of Warddeken say 'thank you' to all of their supporters. The Kunwarddebim (rock art) Project continues to be a success thanks to you! Watch this video to hear from Elders, Traditional Owners and teachers about how they're contributing to the documentation of rock art across the Warddeken Indigenous Protected Area. This video was put together by Senior Female Rangers who wish to share what their job involves and what it means to protect the incredible art of their ancestors.
22.01.2022 Do you want to learn a little Bininj Kunwok? Head to bininjkunwok.org.au for some great resources put together by the Bininj Kunwok Regional Language Centre. Nga-djare nga-wokdi Kunwinjku - I want to speak Kuwinjku.... Ka-mak kan-bukkan? - Can you teach me?
22.01.2022 Our Coordinator, Anna Boustead, had the opportunity to attend Arnhem Land Fire Abatement (ALFA NT)'s Pre-Season fire meeting that was held in Maningrida yesterd...ay. About 100 rangers from across Arnhem Land, gathered and shared their fire management plans for the upcoming season, discussed the protection of cultural heritage, and how to partner and share data to better manage the fire season. Anna provided an overview of recent developments in the Carbon Industry, ICIN's upcoming Governance Review process, and the different ways of how members can participate in the network. Thank you to ALFA NT for allowing ICIN to participate in the Pre-Season fire meeting, and thank you to the Bawinanga Rangers, for hosting the event. Bawinanga Rangers Bushfires NT Mimal Land Management Yirralka Rangers Arafura Swamp Rangers Jawoyn Association Warddeken Land Management
21.01.2022 F I R E 'Across Arnhem Land, in the remote tropical savannas of northern Australia, Aboriginal Traditional Owners and rangers utilise customary fire knowledge to accomplish highly sophisticated landscape scale fire management. This work is resourced through their engagement with the carbon market and the Savanna Burning Methodology.... ALFA is the entirely Aboriginal-owned and not-for-profit carbon farming business created by Aboriginal Traditional Owners in Arnhem Land to support their engagement with the carbon industry.' Words by ALFA NT Photograph by Rowand Taylor
20.01.2022 'Goodbye' 2020 and 'Hello' 2021! A year we hope brings much more predictability, joy and health to all. Photograph by Rowand Taylor
20.01.2022 The Mimal men building a traditional shelter at the culture camp last week.
19.01.2022 Prior to colonisation, it is estimated that there were once 250 distinct Indigenous languages, and 800 dialects spoken across the continent. Across West Arnhem land, the language group is called Bininj Kunwok, which includes six varied dialects. Across West and Central Arnhem Land programs such as 'Learning on Country' and 'Indigenous Language and Culture Curriculums' are being developed to ensure these languages are not lost on future generations. ... It is beautiful to see that English is a second language for many growing up in Arnhem Land and something to be celebrated!
19.01.2022 An important job early each fire season is to install asset protection firebreaks around each of the communities in the Warddeken IPA. When vegetation dries out... a bit more, rangers will backburn from these breaks to ensure that communities are protected throughout the fire season. At Kabulwarnamyo, Penny Yibarbuk has been busy slashing grass with a whipper snipper, while Freddy Nadjamerrek reinforces an existing break with the tractor. See more
19.01.2022 Dean Yibarbuk, Deputy Chair of the KKT board (amongst many others) knows that fire used in the right way is the answer in protecting his Country. Photographs by Sally Tsoutes and @staceyirving
19.01.2022 A very content, sleeping Black Wallaroo captured by the Warddeken camera traps.
19.01.2022 A huge thank you to the crew from Njanjma rangers who fought fires alongside us this week. The collaboration and camaraderie between ranger groups in West Arnhem Land during wildfire season is a big part of what leads to strong fire management outcomes across our region.
19.01.2022 We are incredibly proud to have a passionate Board of Directors who listen, support and act on the wishes of the Indigenous ranger groups whom we partner with. If you wish to find out more about our Directors, head to our website at kkt.org.au. In order of photos:... Dean Yibarbuk - Deputy Chair Justin Punch - Chair Emeritus Professor Jon Altman John Dalywater Teya Dusseldorp Fred Hunter Cindy Jinmarabynana Margie Moroney See more
18.01.2022 In Australia we have more endemic species than are currently known for any other country. You would think that we would be doing as much as possible across Australia to protect these species, yet Australia has experienced the largest documented decline in biodiversity of any continent over the past 200 years. The Northern Quoll (Djabbo, pictured) is currently classified as Endangered by the IUCN. The species is now absent from many parts of its former range, particularly the ...Savanna Country, where our partners, the Warddeken Rangers work. In the face of catastrophic and ongoing mammal declines in northern Australia, the Warddeken Mayh (species) Recovery Project seeks to improve the status of key mammal species in the 1.4 million hectare Warddeken Indigenous Protected Area (IPA). You can support their work by following the link in our bio.
18.01.2022 Some incredible new signage for the Kabulwarnamyo airport on the @warddeken IPA. The design features Wakkewakken, an important ancestor spirit for the Mok clan’s Mankungdjang (honey dreaming) estate. A big thank you to @stonecountrycreations @lorrainekabbindiwhite for facilitating the project, and to @colormaker_industries for providing @permaplastik paints.
17.01.2022 Introducing the berrerd-berrerd (Rainbow Bee-eater)! Photograph by Ross Knowles
17.01.2022 Another week, another wildfire contained! Shout out to the hardworking team of firefighters who have been out there looking after Country and protecting biodiversity from devastating late dry season fires. Words by Warddeken Photograph by @tinycruiser
16.01.2022 This International Literacy Day, we'd like to share a few books written by Indigenous authors. We think these are all important stories for you to work your way through. This year, the theme is focussed on 'Literacy teaching and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond'. All of the above books are available to purchase online in print from @readingsbooks or through multiple websites for a digital copy. Happy reading!
15.01.2022 Students of the Nawarddeken Academy learning life saving, first aid skills! When you live in remote locations in Australia, you're never too young to learn important information and skills to help your friends and family in an emergency. Photograph by Nawarddeken Academy
15.01.2022 Today is Indigenous Literacy Day! Currently, only 36% of Indigenous Year 5 students in very remote areas are at or above national minimum reading standards, compared to 96% for non-Indigenous students in major cities. The Nawarddeken Academy is doing something about that by providing remote bi-cultural schooling for children in West Arnhem Land, so that they can attend school whilst living with their families on Country, instead of travelling hours to larger towns in order to... receive an education. Thank you to the students and teachers at the Nawarddeken Academy for constantly inspiring us! Photograph of Nawarddeken Academy student, Richard taken by Rowand Taylor
14.01.2022 Fabulous new books by Indigenous authors delivered to the Nawarddeken Academy! #indigenousliteracy #readingopensdoors The Indigenous Literacy Foundation
14.01.2022 Our CEO, Stacey with the incredible, Annette Miller at this weeks @territory_nrm conference in Darwin! Annette is a Traditional Owner of Bigedi and belongs to the Marananggu clan group in the Mimal region. Annette has served on the Mimal board since 2017 as well as our KKT Board since 2019. She is a highly respected Elder who has worked tirelessly to conserve language and culture.... @mimalland
13.01.2022 In 1985 the United Nations designated the first Monday of October every year as #WorldHabitatDay. The idea is to reflect on the state of our towns and cities and the basic right of all to adequate shelter. It is also intended to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat. Having an adequate home is now, more than ever, a matter of life and death. As COVID-19 continues to spread, people have been told to stay at home, but this simple ...measure is impossible for people who do not have adequate housing. The arrival of COVID-19 in Australia posed a serious risk for remote communities in West Arnhem Land where there are existing high rates of chronic disease. There are also risks to the cohort of Elders who are the holders of vast amounts of cultural and environmental knowledge and are often the glue that holds these communities together. Photograph of Kabulwarnamyo, Warddeken IPA by Sally Tsoutes
13.01.2022 Warddeken rangers and rock art staff choppered their way up the escarpment to set up camp on top of the Djurlka waterfalls - a powerful and majestic place in Mayerrkulidj clan estate in the north of the Warddeken IPA. The camp was an opportunity to survey Country not often explored due to the remoteness of its location. During the surveys they found very old red ochre paintings of a range of animals, mimih spirits, oenpelli pythons and other ancient creator beings. Painting...s were located in galleries half way up the escarpment, and tucked away in deep caves historically inhabited by didjnguk - 'dwarf spirit beings'. How magical to live here, care for and represent the Stone Country!
13.01.2022 Mimal women rangers have been building nesting boxes for the Savanna Glider project that we, thanks to Patagonia are supporting. Scientists have now discovered that the well-known Sugar Glider is actually three seperate species. One being, the Savanna Glider who is at great risk in the North. Photograph by @mimalland
12.01.2022 Daluk (women) from clan groups across west Arnhem came together for a camp at Kulnguki on Mok clan’s Mankungdjang (wild honey dreaming) estate. 30 women ranging... from teenagers to elders, as well as 25 children, sat down for in-depth conversations about the customary roles of Nawarddeken daluk in managing country, and the opportunities and activities they would like to see Warddeken offer daluk rangers moving into the future. The outcomes of this important dialogue will drive our 2021 daluk work program. The camp also included cultural activities including a women’s ceremony, harvesting and weaving kun-dayarr (pandanus) and fishing for turtle, and was such a huge success that a daluk camp will become an annual event for Warddeken. See more
11.01.2022 Sound on to hear the crackling of fire! KKT is investing in the capacity of remote ranger groups to support the next generation to build the knowledge and skills to confidently manage fire.
11.01.2022 The Warddeken Mayh (animal) Recovery Project has started the year's fieldwork at Kabulwarnamyo by heading out on Country with the Nawarddeken Academy students. Daluk (women) rangers and ecologists worked with students to set up motion sensor camera traps to detect the different animal species that occur around the community. Thank you to all supporters of this project, especially @parks_foundation and @followFRRR
11.01.2022 What a spectacular view! Warddeken Rangers and rock art staff choppered their way up the escarpment to set up camp on top of the Djurlka waterfalls - a powerful and majestic place in Mayerrkulidj clan estate in the north of the Warddeken IPA.
10.01.2022 The beginning list of what's important to the Daluk Rangers of Warddeken. This year, rangers continue to work towards various forms of training to gain confidence in what is needed for their job. Thank you to our supporters who are helping fund integral ranger training.
09.01.2022 It’s been busy at Manmoyi, with rangers working hard on our Mayh (Animal) Monitoring Project, deploying camera traps around the community and surrounding areas.... Many young rangers learned to set up cameras for the first time, working alongside more experienced crew. Every expedition to set out cameras is an opportunity to build rangers’ skills in survey methodology, and to exchange ecological knowledge during habitat surveys drawing on customary and western scientific knowledge systems. It's also a chance to get families out on country and bring together different generations to manage the clan estates that comprise the Warddeken IPA. See more
09.01.2022 A beautiful shot of the Hakea grammatophylla. A shrub of the Proteacea family that is endemic to the Northern Territory. Photograph taken by Rowand Taylor
08.01.2022 PSA from @mimalland Please remember in extreme fire conditions a fire break might give rangers a chance to fight a fire, but wind can still move embers across breaks. Fires at this time of year puts our people, Country and houses at risk. Photograph supplied by @mimalland
07.01.2022 On the 8th of March, it was International Women's Day. The students of the Nawarddeken Academy focussed on the important daluk (women) in their lives and how they inspire them everyday. They created these beautiful artworks of their role models. Thank you to all supporters of the Nawarddeken Academy, who have continued to give to such an incredible school over the past six years. A special thanks in particular to @DusseldorpForum and @KennardsHire Foundation. #IWD2021 #InternationalWomensDay #warddekenipa #rolemodels #inspirationalwomen #caringforcountry #kktrust #karrkadkanjdjitrust
07.01.2022 What will you do to help protect Australia's wildlife this week?
06.01.2022 Last year Australia had its hottest, driest year on record, reflecting a larger global trend. Today is #EarthDay2021 where we are forced to reflect on the impact we have on this earth. Scattered throughout the Arnhem Land savanna are patches of lush rainforest, made up of an ancient proto-eucalypt, Anbinik (Allosyncarpia ternata). This ancient tree species is unique to the Arnhem Plateau, and is under threat.... Can you make a pledge this Earth Day to #RestoreOurEarth ? Donate today at kkt.org.au
06.01.2022 We live and work on Aboriginal land and we pay our respects to the past, present and emerging Elders of the many countries of Australia.
05.01.2022 This #nationalwattleday we celebrate all of the 1200+ Acacias native to Australia. From the most vibrant and full, to the most subtle and sparse. In Arnhem Land when the wattles begin to bloom, just like the one pictured, it is a sign that the crocs will start laying their eggs. A very good warning sign for all! Photoraph by Rowand Taylor
04.01.2022 Water Buffalo were first introduced to the Northern Territory in the 19th century, to act as working animals as well as a food source for remote settlements. Subsequent to their introduction, they have become feral, where they inhibit swamps and floodplains across the wet parts of northern Australia. Feral buffalo has been a major environmental disaster in the wetlands of the top end, where they cause significant disturbance to freshwater habitats and wetland vegetation pla...nts and animals. As such, the populations of crocodiles, barramundi, freshwater turtles and other native species have declined, and many waterbirds, including magpie geese, have lost their habitat. Indigenous ranger groups have various ways to manage the feral buffalo, such as culling for food sources and mustering for enterprise. Mustering ensures economic benefits, such as employment opportunities and royalty income, which are directed back to landowners and community. Photograph by Stacey Irving
03.01.2022 Mannga (rainforest or jungle) covers only 0.2% of the Northern Territory. The Djelk IPA is home to three different types of rainforest, which makes it incredibly special. These types are: - Monsoon vine thicket on coastlines - Spring fed wet rainforests - Kakadu Oak Anbinik forests (Allsosyncarpia ternata).... Rainforests are important for bush foods like native ginger, medicine plants and canoe trees. Photo by @bawinanga_rangers
03.01.2022 It looks pretty great being a Daluk (women's) Ranger! KKT has partnered with Warddeken and Mimal ranger groups to strengthen the role of women in caring for their Country. Their work has transformative benefits, not only for themselves and their communities, but for the preservation of Country and culture.
03.01.2022 Warddeken on-country adventures, wet season style. Rangers, families and wurdurd (kids) come together to visit and monitor significant freshwater sites. True community-based, culturally-driven land management.
02.01.2022 Suzannah is a Senior Daluk (womens) Ranger. She has just come home to Mamardawerre after a week of 'work ready' refresher training in Kakadu with the Daluk ranger team: Chainsaws, 4WDs, chemical handling - these deadly daluk are skilled-up and ready to look after Country.
01.01.2022 A must watch and listen!
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