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Karuna The Homeopath in Buderim, Queensland | Medical centre

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Karuna The Homeopath

Locality: Buderim, Queensland

Phone: +61 408 705 650

Address: 8 mayfield street 4556 Buderim, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 As a homeopath with 30 years experience there are only a few health problems I have not been asked to treat. The most common requests which get excellent results are the treatment of depression and anxiety. Mental and emotional problems rank highly in our society. Id love to treat deafness as this humble homeopath has. Anyone out there need help?

24.01.2022 Here is A simple explanation of why media rebuff of Homeopathys ability to cure fails an intelligent mind. Keep your mind open, do research, dont blindly follow, all is not what it seems on the surface. There is tremendous good in a well prescribed homeopathic medicine.

23.01.2022 Stromonium. A medical miracle for those with this certain type of anxiety. One case From my clinic. A 10yr old boy imagined and feared a wolf lived under dining table. Living with extreme terror he could no eat meals with the family for fear the wolf would attack. This went in for years. I dose of homeopathic stramonium and the wolf disappeared. Dont you love it?

22.01.2022 Shingles and post-herpetic neuralgia Homeopathy has something to offer at every stage. Shingles Shingles usually presents as a painful blistering eruption on the skin. It is caused by the same herpes virus as chickenpox. After the initial infection, the virus lies dormant in nerve roots near the spinal cord, kept in check by a functioning immune system. If when the immune system becomes less effective and its guard is down, the virus can seize its chance. It multiplies an...Continue reading

22.01.2022 Homeopathy has a wide application covering most mental, emotional and physical conditions. Nothing prescribed by anyone is 100% effective but most of the time impressive results are seen with ongoing applications of natural medicine.

19.01.2022 Homeopathy is my first choice of medicine for most physical and emotional health problems for myself and clients although there are a few exceptions. Im into my 30th year of homeopathic practice and finding the right medicine keeps getting easier. This article gives a good persoective.

18.01.2022 Electro magnetic Stress and Radiation Overloads. Electro magnetic & Radiation Overloads: A Modern Health Hazard We are increasingly filling our homes with electrical appliances, lighting, smart TVs, stereos, white goods, computers and mobile phones and so live in an environment flooded with electromagnetic energies. Modern Science gives us evidence where the accumulative effect of electro-magnetic fields affect us most....Continue reading

18.01.2022 I have seen this in my own clinic. After constitutional homeopathic treatment most patients have been able to reduce prescribed drugs and in some case stop them completely.

18.01.2022 These fact and figures should be noted for the health of all humanity, loved ones and the future generations

17.01.2022 Here is A simple explanation of why media rebuff of Homeopathy’s ability to cure fails an intelligent mind. Keep your mind open, do research, don’t blindly follow, all is not what it seems on the surface. There is tremendous good in a well prescribed homeopathic medicine.

17.01.2022 Robin Robin Bartlam James

17.01.2022 Homeopathy is most often gives quick results when men suffer from lack of erection, weak erection or premature ejaculation. It is not as easy as grabbing an off the shelf remedy as there are many different remedies and the medicine must match both physical and mental symptoms to help. If your husband or partner is suffering from this embarrassing problem please encourage them to make a homeopathic.consultation.

16.01.2022 Prince Charles and all royal family love and use homeopathy as their main choice in medicine.

15.01.2022 These simple diagrams can be helpful I. Prescribing a homeopathic remedy to reduce regular headaches that so many suffer from. You may still need advice from a homeopath for the choice of potency and amount of doses.

15.01.2022 Wow I’ve just learnt something I didn’t know about bunions and gout. I have a very small bunion so I will try this for myself and see. Then I will tell my podiatrist as she didn’t have a clue what caused or what might cure a bunion. Please read on.

14.01.2022 Did you know that homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine worldwide, with the exception of the U.S.? We've got a special in-depth piece for you t...oday which gives you an introduction to homeopathy, how it applies to cancer, and 16 protocols that you can use! Read on below!

14.01.2022 Some homeopathic remedies to eep close for corona virus which also help prevent it. I will be leaving on 8th feb if anyone wants done before then. I will travel with these medicines. Homeopathy is effective. Please read article.

14.01.2022 It is helpful to others if my clients treated with homeopathy can leave a short review. A sentence or two would be appreciated, saying what I treated you for and if it was successful. Were you or family happy with treatment?

13.01.2022 Its important to remember how effective homeopathy can be in a crisis esp now as so much propaganda to discredit it.

12.01.2022 Coronavirus: Potential Preventive and Curative Role in Homeopathy with Proposed Coronavirus Nosode Homeopathy has a potential role to play in possibly treatin...g and preventing deadly Coronavirus (nCoV) which has engulfed China and scared the world. This potential is worth exploring. Background: Nosodes are homeopathic medicines prepared from germs like bacteria, viruses and other biological materials, used by homeopathic doctors for over 150 years. They are comparable with vaccines in a way, but very different in the process used in developing them; hence very safe in their use. As BCG and Measles vaccines prepared from TB and Measles germs are safe even for babies, similarly, homeopathic nosodes prepared from TB, Measles, Diphtheria, HIV, etc. are safe to use. There are about 50 nosodes used in homeopathy, largely in the treatment of various diseases including some infections. Nosodes used in history: In several epidemics in many countries as well as in pandemics, homeopathic medicines/Nosodes have shown efficacy against Influenza (viral infection), cholera, H1N1, leptospirosis, and Dengue infections. Some of the recent successful uses of Nosodes include reports in controlling Influenza in Brazil, Dengue in Cuba using the Nosodes. There are published research papers. Antiviral effects of homeopathy: Various scientific studies (peer-reviewed publications) and clinical experience of thousands of doctors have shown anti-viral effects of Homeopathy against influenza, Dengue, Japanese Encephalitis, HIV, Hepatitis C, viral warts, and more. Also, my friend from Europe who use homeopathy for animals shared with me the experience that it works against Corona infection in animals. Based on this proven evidence, a possibility of developing and using anti-Corona virus Nosode is logical and rational. Recent Nosode research in Mumbai: I have been involved in collaborative research in developing new Nosodes with the help of many scientists at Haffkine Institute, Nair Hospital, ACTREC (Tata), Kalyani University, and IIT-B. Our studies have shown preliminary efficacy of specific Nosodes against their respective infections. Some relevant research outcomes are listed here: 1. HIV Nosode has shown anti-HIV effects 2. Hepatitis C Nosode has shown anti-hepatitis C effects 3. P. falciparum Nosode has shown the anti-malaria effect 4. E. coli Nosode has shown anti-E. coli effects. 5. Cancer Nosode has show efficacy against cancer 6. Candida Nosode has shown anti-candida (anti-fungus) effects 7. Salmonella Nosode has shown anti-salmonella (anti typhoid) The above results are positive and promising enough to suggest a potential role of Coronavirus Nosode against the infection, as preventive or curative, especially when there is no other treatment available as on the date. No claim is made for its assured efficacy, however, the previous scientific experiments and their outcome suggest exploratory studies for this dangerous, otherwise incurable infection. My offer: After having about 20 years of research experience in developing the Nosodes, I offer to help the government of India and China if they wish to explore this opportunity. Technology: The technology and infrastructure required for developing a proposed Coronavirus Nosode need safe procurement and handling of the organisms in a controlled environment. Certain processes could be carried out in well-equipped institution, in collaboration with virologists, immunologists, and other experts. All universally accepted safety parameters would help in preparing the said Nosode in a short time. Certain standard safety parameters will help to assure safe use in humans. Opportunity for India: It is a good opportunity for India to take a lead in this development and potentially offer service to the world. Dr Rajesh Shah, MD (Homeopathy) Homeopath, Researcher, Academician Mumbai, India References: 1. Shah R. Scientific method of preparing homoeopathic nosodes. Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2014;8 :166-74 2. Shah R, Chowdhary A, Talele G, Vaidya S, Mukerjee S, Joshi S. Preparation, standardization and in vitro safety testing of Mycobacterium nosodes (Emtact polyvalent nosode). Homeopathy 2016; 1-8: 131 3. Bracho G, Varela E, Fernández R, Ordaz B, Marzoa N, Menéndez J,et al. Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control. Homeopathy 2010; 99:156-66. 4. Shah R. Clinical trial for evaluation of a Human Immunodeficiency Virus nosode in the treatment for Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected individuals. Indian J Res Homoeopathy. 2015 ;9 :25-33 5. Shah R. A Clinical Evaluation of a Hepatitis C Nosode in the Treatment of Hepatitis C. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2016;22(3):197-203. doi:10.1089/acm.2014.0146 6. Shah R. Talele G. Preparation of Cancer nosodes from specific cancer tissues. International Journal of High Dilution Research 2019; 18:28-34 7. Shah R. Preparation and standardisation of Plasmodium falciparum nosode. Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2019; 13:229-35

12.01.2022 This man is one of Australias first class neurosurgeons. He knows and has seen the increasing effect of phone radiation on the brain. The increase in brain cancer. Lets not be blinded or fobbed off my telco lies

11.01.2022 As the heart turns and opens to ones beloved Lord all things are possible. I quote from a meaningful song.... Some say love it is a river... That drowns the tender reed Some say love it is a razor That leaves the soul to bleed Some say love it is a hunger An endless aching need But I say love it is a flower And You.... its only seed. See more

11.01.2022 Very interesting.

11.01.2022 With nearly 30 years experience as a homeopath I have seen a myriad of varied skin conditions that respond positively to the homeopathic prescription. Most clients express amazement at how quickly they have results.

10.01.2022 People often say glibly to me ‘Homeopathy is not proven to work’. It seems they want to believe it and I’ve almost given up responding to that utterly and completely wrong comment. But here is a very informative article with accurate explanations and statistics to explain how homeopathy does work.

10.01.2022 After so much false and misleading attacks on homeopathy it still stands as one of the most reliable and respected systems of natural medicine available today

08.01.2022 This is inspiring and heartening to hear how much, even a simple homeopathic kit in the hands of an intelligent person helps the Masai people in Africa. Some years ago my younger brother lived in Vanuatu. I gave him a homeopathic kit before he left Australia with instructions. Before long he was treating successfully all the local people with amazing results. Word got around and he was honoured him for his help and they villagers travelled many miles for it. If anyone wants a homeopathic kit and learn the skills to use it please call karuna 0408705650 kit including one day seminar. $160

08.01.2022 People often say glibly to me Homeopathy is not proven to work. It seems they want to believe it and Ive almost given up responding to that utterly and completely wrong comment. But here is a very informative article with accurate explanations and statistics to explain how homeopathy does work.

08.01.2022 Very interesting feed back for those who are yet to try homeopathy and reap the benefits of better health. We mostly all start as sceptics, including me, but there is science behind homeopathics proven results.

08.01.2022 Wow Ive just learnt something I didnt know about bunions and gout. I have a very small bunion so I will try this for myself and see. Then I will tell my podiatrist as she didnt have a clue what caused or what might cure a bunion. Please read on.

05.01.2022 Dr Shankaran, considered by many, a brilliant creative and scientific mind. Here is his explanation of homeopathy. As a student of homeopathy I attended several of his inspiring seminars

05.01.2022 Please don't believe the propaganda in media against homeopathy. After 26 years in practice i have more respect for it than ever.

04.01.2022 ... , ':' There comes a stage in spiritual practice when a person recalls previous births. This is my own experience that there is not a species through which we have not passed. After incarnating in human species, one can make an effort for liberation. Mother nature is nourishing all species contributing to their progress; all these organisms will become humans one day, so do not hate any of the organisms. The female in each species has been your mother. This is the spiritual science of India that promotes the spirit of everyone’s well-being.

03.01.2022 Atreya Thomas. Spiritual awakening is like falling in love. "If you fall in love with the very source ... of creation you inadvertently fall in love with all its expressions. Then you don't have to try and love the diversities of life, your husband and wife, your job, anxieties and fears etc; which is impossible anyway. Rather, your love for the inner self in all things allows for one to bypass all the details of form. Then life is experienced as only love interacting with love, while deeply accepting the fluctuations of our humanity."

02.01.2022 One of my teachers when I studied homeopathy in Sydney, had recovered from MS. Shed been like a vegetable but with homeopathic treatment made a full recovery. She went on to study then teach this wonderful system of natural medicine.

01.01.2022 Do you have a problem with tinnitus? So many people do! Read more here...

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