Female Fitness Factory in Kingscliff, New South Wales | Gym/Physical fitness centre
Female Fitness Factory
Locality: Kingscliff, New South Wales
Phone: +61 431 340 905
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25.01.2022 All smiles after a fulfilling session
24.01.2022 I wish you wonderful new experiences We often want and invest in experiences for others (kids, partners etc) but forget about our fun, and what lights us up Breathe some new life into your lungs with variety and meeting new people. Whether it is virtual (at the moment) or in person. Have an experience that leaves you with a lasting feeling of happiness and well being that could change the trajectory of your days, weeks and months ahead. Could I ask you these 4 questi...ons: When did you last work with a Trainer? What was the last sport or physical activity you did in a group or solo? What has been the activity youve loved in the past that has lit you up that perhaps youve forgotten about? When, if ever, did you last pick up a dumbbell and feel strong and empowered. At KMPT we are Covid Safe. We dont share even though we were taught to as children. All you need is your own dumbbells and we provide other personal item use from time to time such as booty bands, KBS, balls etc. With lots of options here any KMPT, I would love to discuss your individual needs. Ive extended my new client offer for 50% off your first month only 12 days until SPRING its SO close I can FEEL IT.so jump on this offer before it expires. I know new is scary and takes some deep digging to build the confidence but you can do it Kat x
23.01.2022 Online sessions Virtual Led Training Live and interactive weve added music to the experience Join us from anywhere in Australia ... ... #melbournefitness #melbourne #sydneyfitness #sydney #canberrafitness #canberra #virtualledtraining
23.01.2022 Have you set your intentions for the new year
23.01.2022 What if strength training is the answer youve been looking for? It is for these Women
23.01.2022 Thursday night triathlon training at Movement gym with @des_gooda_coaching Wearing a tri suit gifted to me by a friend I made through triathlon. Running on a pain free foot. In the company of inspiring athletes and coach. Feeling pretty grateful.... #grateful #seriousface
22.01.2022 You Change your life Or change a thing you don’t like or isn’t helping or serving you Create your own happiness ... Build yourself up Do the hard things Try and try again #backyourself
21.01.2022 Some days everything just all comes together so nicely #ilovedayslikethese
21.01.2022 For the love of Abdominal exercises
19.01.2022 Beach boxing since 2018 Always the beach to ourselves Always invigorating #kingscliff ... #kingscliffboxing #kingscliffbeach #kingy See more
18.01.2022 Are you judging yourself, like saying you are being lazy or is some self loathing coming up for you which is holding you back? Has your physiology changed in recent years? Peri-menopause, menopause, the way female metabolism slows down after 30..... . Its a game changer Its NOT a time to be critical of yourself or overdo it trying to work harder to combat it. Its about finding harmony and working smarter with respect to your body and all your personal needs. I have just finished my 2nd edition of my Womens How to Guide and I would love to share it with you like I have with all of the Women at KMPT. Pop me a message about what is holding you back right now as I would love to help [email protected]
16.01.2022 We tell ourselves lots of things about what we can and cannot do If we were always right about ourselves how come we often surprise ourselves with our predictions ... ... At KMPT we are a very safe welcoming group. We have individually, at some time in the past few years stood in the shoes of the person walking into our group for the first time and fearing or doubting our decision. At KMPT we bridge the gap between personal training and large gym classrooms by offering a personalised small group training service. No big gym-intimidation or paying for a big ticket personal training service. I love this saying When you doubt your power you give power to your doubt - Honore de Balzac #backyourself #takeashot #makeachange #doathing #provingyourselfwrong #breakthrcomfortzone #Kingscliff #virtualledtraining #facetofacetraining #changeisgood #growth #ditchyourdoubt See more
16.01.2022 Post strength session and walk to support stride for stroke 1x group tomorrow 830am Plans to enjoy the weekend ... Starting with a digital detox for me I’m wondering if you need to keep some self care in mind at this time? Timely end of year reminders : Listen to our bodies best we can. Often a warning sign can be felt, and a schedule adjusted for some rest and self care. Stick on airplane mode and get off devices for a few hours to be uninterrupted Create a weekly menu with some meals that will help with energy levels. Get food delivered if grocery shopping is an energy drainer Don’t say yes when you want to say no especially if it can be avoided and will come at your health and wellbeing expense. Find some good ways you can (sans alcohol) de-stress: hobbies, leisure walks, talking to friends, baths, swims. Create a wins board of your personal and physical achievements each week no matter how small or big. Make a relaxing bedtime routine and waking routine. As pressure to keep up builds into the festive season, breathe and know you are enough and you do enough. Take the pressure down.
16.01.2022 Strong confident Women from our Winter 6 Week Challenge Zoe-Marie Wellings Kelly Macdonald... VB Von Marnie Cowan Susie Thomas Lisa Bell Sue Settree @ Kit
14.01.2022 Same session Same leg burn One virtual interactive The other Face to Face
14.01.2022 At the start of the year I was really excited, working hard and focused for the Kingy Tri in March. It was only about 3 weeks away and it was cancelled. Fast forward to September and it becomes, once again, focus for Kingy Tri in November. Recently, to practice for Kingy Tri, I (kind of randomly) entered Raby Bay Tri.... It was so great I felt such personal satisfaction. It hit the spot. The race which was meant to be ‘just practice’ and experience for something else became the highlight of my year so far. Maybe more so than any other races yet to come in 2020. This made me to think how many unexpected things end up being life’s highlightsand the importance to take up opportunities. I am all for the ‘surprise highlights’ now. How about you? Has something you least expected or anticipated turned into your 2020 highlight? #kingscliffpt #expectations
14.01.2022 When there’s a choice between push ups or dumbbell chest press ! Not a push up to be seen and I LOVE it because they’re listening to their bodies and still working hard with either higher reps or more weight!! It was also our third round
14.01.2022 Do you say Ill have a few wines tonight I deserve it or Im already off track so I might as well ... Then is the consequence feeling down and skipping training the next day You do deserve to enjoy yourself but you also deserve To feel great ... To achieve your goals whether performance, physical, or financial feeling of true confidence and achievement What are your barriers?
13.01.2022 Some days its about doing weights and feeling better OR feeling the weight of the world In my past I didnt make time for exercise. I certainly didnt make my needs a priority. I became unable to control my weight, lacked confidence, and felt anxious and unhappy. I had more weight gain than any other time in my life particularly after turning 30. The silver lining was my burn out led me to work with a PT doing strength work. I am a true believer in the benefits of streng...th training for my physical and mental well being. Its my passion to pass on my knowledge and experience to help others to lift the weight of the world from their shoulders. Through strength training Ive felt emotionally and physically stronger. It has helped me transform my body more than any other training I tried before (mostly cardio based). It is sustainable and not a struggle to do. It makes me feel great. Strength training has helped me gain control of my weight. I have increased my lean muscle mass resulting in a higher metabolism. We have a qualified Nutritionist supporting you through our 6 Week Challenges. The next one is coming in September
13.01.2022 Their goals change so regularly as their expectations of themselves grows ... #fromaclientatkmpt... #relatestothemall #confidence See more
13.01.2022 This was an impromptu PUSH session after a refreshing creek swim Have you noticed how action, and particularly movement can have a snowball effect? Do one little thing and before you know it you’re doing another
13.01.2022 Today was our 86th virtual zoom strength and conditioning session Soon Ill introduce you to my client who has completed 99% of them !! Training during lockdown, over 50, losing weight and getting fit and strong and added kilos of muscle an absolute legend and pleasure to have in each session ... even took over from me once
12.01.2022 New clients often tell me that they need help to move more Some women aren’t moving much at all and have very low energy levels. This keeps them in a negative mindset and not the right health choices on a day to day basis. The right amount of movement will give you energy which will snowball into other areas of your life, positive thought patterns, good or better choices, increased productivity ... We look at your lifestyle needs and getting enough daily movement is an important part. We stream strength sessions so you can group train with other women, in real time, in your own home! We offer in person options for those local to #kingscliff #banorapoint #chinderah #salt #casuarina See more
12.01.2022 Ive always loved the outdoors Camping, bbqs, trips to the beach In the past few years Ive offered training sessions outdoors (as well as other locations and including virtual sessions). On some rare occasions there is an element of inconvenience or discomfort when outdoors but this never out weighs the beauty and benefits. An example is todays sunrise spectacularthough quite cold today. ... Ill happily take it all See more
11.01.2022 One love, one blood One life, you got to do what you should ... We're one but we're not the same We get to carry each other, carry each other ... ... #support #accountability #respect #care
08.01.2022 A lot of clients tell me that they often dont feel the urge to do exercise They know deep down once they do they will certainly feel really good, even great Talking back to those thoughts (not do to the exercise) can help. Is this thought true?... Does this thought serve me and get me to my goal? Exchanging thought with: I have got this! I am strong! I can choose how I act when I feel like this! When all else fails do JFM. Just Five Minutes and see where it takes you. At times I just drop everything and have a go. Sometimes I dont even dress for the occasion in my active wear. Often a strength session has been bare foot in jeans or during lockdown even in my PJS. I just start. Start by moving your body maybe to some music and build up from there. The ladies in the 6 week challenge are today doing 3 Rounds of 10 Squats, Push ups and Overhead Press. Why dont you join them too! #katmillerpersonaltraining #thoughts #exercise #iamstrong #strongerthanyouthink See more
07.01.2022 I was NOT ok with all of the Women around me not being OK. In my life I have seen the Women around me and eventually in myself, that we were not making our needs a priority, self sacrificing, playing small, stressed, tired and lacking in self belief. I wanted to provide a challenge and wellness program for Women who were ready to create change in their lives, and at a stage in their lives to step up and make themselves the important priority that they deserve. We provi...de the important tools for Women to improve their nutrition and training and in turn, become more aware of their needs, feel great and have improved confidence. I love the education part of this challenge and how clients take their experience forward into long term healthy habits. I love seeing the internal shift in the Women who do this challenge as they become to believe in themselves and feel more confident. I particularly love the celebration and photo shoot at the end. From a client in our last challenge: From the day you made the effort to personally assess me I felt the support and encouragement I needed to move forward I have learnt so much over the last 6 weeks, not only about fitness and nutrition but also about prioritising myself and just doing it for me. Sue Our next 6 Week Challenge is commencing on 20 September The Information Night will be held on 7 September and final date to enrol by 10 September. #kingscliff #6weekwellness #fitness #rockthefrock #confidencecomesfromwithin #glowwithhealth #grow #doathing #foryou #backyourself #takeashot #youareworthy #youareimportant #doyou #whenisityourturn Zoe-Marie Photography See more
07.01.2022 Are you in survival mode right now and need someone to coach you towards a consistent training plan and healthier lifestyle habits? No one can go this alone right now and so many Women are still stuck without direction to move the needle forward even a little bit towards better health and wellbeingFrom beginners to advanced athletes, they seek support and coaching to achieve results. You are worth it and we can show you how ... Attend 3+ Training sessions each week that will leave you feeling energetic, strong and not exhausted Receive help to eat healthier for you and your family Learn how to become the master of your body and what works for you Book your 5 minute Can You Help call - the first step to you achieving the same great results as our KMPT women https://calendly.com/kmptbooknow/5minutecall
06.01.2022 Its week 6 of our 6 week challenge! Its been a supportive experience of delicious food and movement goodness. Joy, often from the simplest things The challenge comes to an end but the connections, bonds and support continues ... as does the option to join in again ... The next 6 week challenge is in October. The only way to guarantee a place is to join our community before it starts you will have some things to do in the lead up to it which will put you in good stead for success
06.01.2022 Social connection A very big part of our wellbeing at KMPT is the group connection, support and friendship To our surprise, we feel plenty of connection online too. Coming together Online in our virtual meeting room, especially in the past few months during Covid hard lockdown was a saviour for me personally and my clients.... Many social science studies have found a link between social connections and happiness over income and material things. With this in mind, (where you can do so) why not make a date with a friend? This will give you something to look forward to. You need girl time to fill your own personal happiness buckets too. Are you catching up with your friends this weekend ?or do you have something planned soon?comment below #personaltrainer#kingscliff See more
06.01.2022 A great post training stretch and appreciation of the beauty in everything around us Happy Friday
05.01.2022 3 practical ways to up your Squat game! NO. 1 ... Add variety! Use some variations of the squat in your training. Narrow feet squats Sumo Squats Sumo deficit Squats Squat to bench Banded Squats Jump Squats Goblet Squats TRX Squats, Jump Squats, Pistol Squats Demi Squat (half range) Try combining Jump Squats with a great exercise like Mountain Climbers to a Tabata track! a great HIIT combo NO. 2 Consider filming yourself and working on technique and seeing the difference over time. Are you getting more range, consider posture and core improvements. I have a great story. A client of mine went to help someone to tie their shoe. My shoe tying client was shocked that she ended up in an ass to the grass squat AND got to her feet. Amazing! NO. 3 Reframe your thoughts about squats and allow yourself to embrace the challenge of what is a difficult but rewarding exercise. Our thoughts create our experiences. I challenge you to say in your head the word Strong as you ascend from your squat and you will be surprised at the shift in your mental thoughts and physical feeling that will occur. #strongsquats #zoom
05.01.2022 Ive said it, and Ill say it again It takes less exercise than you think to feel better
05.01.2022 Hi there! Would you like to join our mailing list? Content about training, nutrition, mindset and wellness ...update on the opening of the Female Fitness Factory. Pop us a message
04.01.2022 We start next Sunday The registration has closed but for 1 single spot to make an awesome group of 10 Women! Now is the time for change! Now is time to be supported and look after you! Now. There is no need to wait, delay or postpone its all doable, simple and its right here !... Thank you to my lovely client Von for her feedback . . #6weekchallenge #onlinechallenge #onlineseesions #facetofaceoptionsforlocald #feelbetter
04.01.2022 It was my Son, Boyd, who sold my services to this fantastic client of mine. Marnie Marnie was taking my details from the sign at the front of our house and Boyd went out to greet her. He told Marnie that she should come to training with his mum. Thanks to Boyds swift actions we are well down the path of our strength and fitness journey. Its been great to see you discover a perfect understand of your own health and fitness needs and created amazing changes that are now ...just a way of life to you. Your positive attitude has always been so good to be around and I love having a gun show with you in studio, park, and online sessions. p.s Can we just make sure our mutual love of podcasts The You Project @whiteboardlessons doesnt involve broadcasting Harps explicitives to everyone via our zoom group training session but that was a fun start to our Monday Zoe-Marie Photography See more
04.01.2022 Join Us, with this great offer for new clients
04.01.2022 Lets get serious. Seriously strong, happy, curvy, powerful, confident, pumped. Feel the joy in it... New online training block starts Monday. Attend all three online sessions a week and see some serious results All from your own comfortable home. . . #virtualledtraining #withyou #trainingtogether #getsquare #screenstrength
04.01.2022 Yes! Bring on October @susiethom I also look forward to celebrating our 100th virtual zoom session with you very soon too
02.01.2022 Today’s strength session included some Med Ball cleans working the glutes, hammies quads, core and arms
02.01.2022 Winter turns to spring And we turn to nature Mindful barefoot walks... Sparkling sunrises and sunsets Scents of the season: gardenia, jasmine, lavender Foods fresh to your plate: red apples, green apples, avocados, bananas, blueberries, green grapes, grapefruit, guava, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, passion fruit, Paw Paw, peaches, pears, pineapples More light in our days and warmth in our nights We are blessed See more
01.01.2022 Have you let out a big yell on a run? I tried it today and liked how it felt, so I did it two more times https://www.runnersworld.com//screaming-improves-your-wor/
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