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to load big map

25.01.2022 While society has (mostly) adjusted to our new normals and ‘the curve’ is flattening, some businesses are allowed to reopen and vital JobKeeper funding is now available. But what if your brick and mortar business isn’t allowed to recommence? Without foot traffic or regular flow of bookings you need to implement digital strategies into your business. You’re probably sick of ‘PIVOT’, but it has become so important in 2020. And it’s not too late! Ways to go digital : ... Website - If you don’t have a website, GET ONE. If you are a physical store, time to move online - try Shopify. Email marketing - The best part about building your email database is YOU own your audience list! Start by creating a Freebie (lead magnet) to build your email list. Link it up to your website and social media. Start small, include relevant content in your emails & try a balance of Freebies, information, and your sell. Try out MailChimp for free. Zapier - I love Zapier! It helps to automate things in your business that would normally take hours, by doing them for you in the background. Open a free Zapier account to test it out. Emails - convert all your post to emails! This might save you some money, easier to find & not take up physical space. Setup folders and automate filtering. I use Gmail . Medium-large business? You’ll want to upgrade to G-Suit. Facebook - Add chat bots (like ManyChat) to your Facebook messenger to automate FAQs and customer journeys. Instagram - if you have an e-comm store add Instagram shopping. Video - create daily Insta stories with behind the scenes (BTS) biz action. Depending on your demographic (& dance skills), give TikTok a go. YouTube - create a how to video to share. Virtual meetings - keep in contact with your staff and clients via video chat platforms such as Zoom. Most importantly, engage with your audience! It’s not a 1 way conversation. Reply back, ask questions, build relationships that will (hopefully) turn into long-term business relationships. Like these ideas, think there rubbish? Tell me!

24.01.2022 SEO SERIES: Lesson 2 How are you measuring and improving your website’s performance? Our top 3 basic SEO tools to get you started: 1. Google Analytics... 2. Google Search Console 3. Google My Business The best part, all of these Google products are FREE and there are apps for both Google Analytics and Google My Business to help you keep track! If you haven’t already set these up for your website &/or downloaded the apps, that’s your homework this week. Once you’ve completed it, let us know! If you haven’t heard of these tool before or maybe you have but don’t know much about them. Then let’s discuss these below! Google Analytics - gives you insights into how visitors find and use your website, and basic demographic details including age, gender, location, devices used and their interests. Google Search Console - tools and reports help you measure your site's Search traffic and performance, fix issues and make your site shine in Google Search results. Google My Business (GMB) - manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps. That includes adding your business name, location, and hours; monitoring and replying to customer reviews; adding photos; learning where and how people are searching for you, and more For more information on these Google products visit . . . . . @melonblanc via Instagram #seotools

22.01.2022 That’s right It takes 50 milliseconds or 0.05 seconds to decide if they like your site or not, and whether they want to stay or exit. After that, 38% will exit if they don’t like the content or layout. Scary huh . If your website is failing the 50 millisecond test, then here’s some of my suggestions on how you can improve your audience retention: Fix your load time. Remove unnecessary plugins, reduce the size of your images and tidy up your code.... Improve your website design. If it’s cluttered, look to simplify and add white space. If you think your website is too simple try introducing colour, update your heading and copy typography (fonts), get creative with lines and composition. Review your navigation and site map, so it makes the most sense and easy to use. Look at the hierarchy of your content. Put the most important information at the top of the page, including CTAs (call to actions) so your audience can find what they are looks for quickly and you can step them through your lead funnel quickly before they lose interest.

20.01.2022 Happy New Year from my family to yours! I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Christmas break. See you all in 2020 for a year full of prosperity and success . We’ll be back in action from next Monday 6th January to help you with all your business marketing needs.

19.01.2022 New Product Alert + Competition Did you know you can turn your Instagram URL into ! How? We can create you an all *new* that lists your most popular links, latest blog posts or offers in one place! You might be familiar with this already, and seen lots of third-party options - HOWEVER this is not the best way;... 1. Can affect your SEO, by sending traffic away and giving it to someone else. ~ ’ ! 2. Free accounts have third-party branding, footers, links and URLS. ~ ! 3. Limited by the available features and design options. ~ . 4. Instagram may block these sites and penalise you - your link will be removed or broken. ~ , ! 5. They can be unstable & non-secure i.e. server or privacy issues, increase fees or worse yet they closeup business. ~ ? But we are here to save the day ! We have created the all new for only $40/build! Perfect for complementing any business’s existing website and adding to your Instagram business page. What is included: Unlimited website links Link tracking Hosted on your site using your current branding, templates & theme. We will also provide 30 days of support and link updates for free! After this, you can choose to update yourself or signup to $10/month with unlimited link updates how good is that! ‘ ’ ! To discuss your project, slide into our DMs or phone us for a chat. To celebrate the launch of our new , we’re giving one away to one lucky winner! To enter, head over to our Instagram page See more

17.01.2022 Hi everyone first up, sorry for the ‘radio silence’, the past few weeks - I had some family & personal stuff going on . A few weeks ago, my husband and I decided we’d start keeping our kiddos home from daycare & kindy for the foreseeable future because COVID-19 here in Aus was just ramping up. During our self-isolating, they both developed colds (& if you’ve met a sick kid, you’d know how needy they are). Then our littlest guy somehow picked up a nasty virus (not rona,... calm down) and needed urgent medical assistance, which meant 4 days in hospital . We finally got home last Thursday (on my birthday, yay ), we have been recovering, catching up on much needed rest and taking a mental break since. I know for many of you small business owners, it’s been a stressful and unknown time . And like many of us, we’ve been navigating our new ‘normal’ both at home and in our businesses. During the many hours sitting in hospital comforting my babe, I was thinking a lot about the future of Kat Digital, my beautiful clients and their businesses, and how I can support them during this tough time . I’ve been brainstorming ways I can support and give back to the local small business community . I will be announcing some new digital marketing services over the next couple of days, so look out for them . I’m also in talks with other small businesses and finalising some details hopefully I’ll have something exciting to share with you next week ! I’ll start up our weekly SEO Tips again next week, because I know they will be really useful for you all during this time too! Until then, let’s try keep our chins up and focus on what we can be grateful for today . Stay informed, seek advice & take care .

16.01.2022 SEO SERIES: Lesson 1 We are running into on our series on SEO with... the big questions on "What is SEO?" let's dive in . SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimisation’ and is the process of gaining and improving a website for Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) or organic search results (not paid), on search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Search engines are providing a service to users therefore their focus is on user experience. ...Continue reading

10.01.2022 SEO SERIES: Lesson 3 This week, we are looking at Keyword Research . And more specifically developing a list of long-tail keywords to target. This method focuses on niche keywords that are easier to target and start ranking for sooner, giving you more traffic! Did you know your best free SEO Keyword research tool is YOU as know your business the best ! So, we are going old school with the most basic of tools in these 6 steps...... 1) Create a spreadsheet file in your preferred program (ie Microsoft Excel or Google Sheet), and save it as SEO Keywords and label the 1st column ‘Keywords’. 2) In your sheet, start listing in new rows the top services/products your business offers. Next add variations of each of these services. Example if you offer website design service = ‘web design’, ‘website designer’, etc. 3) Add locationto each keyword based on your office location or service area. Example - if your office is in Calapaba = ‘website design Capalaba’, etc. 4) Next think of the FAQs you receive from clients/customers on emails, calls, social media and face-to-face, etc. Add these questions to your list. Then create a 2nd column called ‘answers’ and add your correlating answers to each. 5) Open Google search and type in one of your services/products, you will notice autofill suggestions appear . Example ‘website design’ = suggestions ‘...templates’, ‘free’ ‘ideas’, ‘company’, ‘software’, etc. Add these to your list too. 6) Put yourself in your client/customer's shoes think about other questions they might ask. Try appending to the beginning on your service/product ‘how to...’, ‘will’, ‘can’, ‘does’ and ‘how does’. Great work fam give yourself a pat on the back and remember to SAVE your work! We’ll continue part 2 next week of Bear (my oldest babe), supplied by kindy.

09.01.2022 Tomorrow we are kicking off our series on SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)! Every Monday you’ll get FREE advice on how to improve your Google rankings . Who doesn’t want to appear on the first page of Google! Stick with us to learn how you can start to optimise your website for Google. DM me your SEO / Search Engine (ie Google) Ranking questions and I’ll try to answer all of them during the series. ... Original photo from Getty Images

04.01.2022 Back to the Monday Hustle with a real talk... Guysss, when was the last time you backed up your site? Here's our top 5 reasons you should do it now! 1. Guard your site against human error - let's face it, we've all made a stuff up to our site, thank goodness for backups to restore your site before your update *phew*... 2. Reverse update issues - whether you've just installed a new update to WordPress core, theme or plugin it's handy to have a recent backup because I've seen it many times before where the update isn't compatible with your site for one reason or another. 3. Prevent losing data - cannot imagine anything worse than losing content or products I've spent hours inputting. 4. Remove malware & protect against hackers - if you do end up having your site hacked or infected with malware, you are going to want to have a clean backup ready to go so you can get your site back online faster. 5. Easy migration - with a backup tool on your site you can easily migrate your site to a new server. See more

02.01.2022 Who has tried out the new ‘care’ emoji yet?

02.01.2022 A few weeks ago we launched a shiny new Shopify website for Cleveland fashion boutique Neon Laundry In just two short weeks, we turned their site into a modern and functional shopping experience for their customers. Made for both mobile and desktop - because 2020, everyone on mobile Now their site equally matches the vibrant personality of both Kylie (owner) and Em + their in-store experience.... They are stoked with the new site and I am thrilled to be able to help out another small, local business! Check out the site & be sure to give Neon Laundry a follow!

01.01.2022 You better sit down for this one we’ve got some hump day truths for you. Ready? YOU DON’T OWN your Facebook business profile Say what now? That’s right. You don’t own your social media channels at all. Instagram does. Facebook does. YouTube does. You are simply borrowing them this is known as Borrowed Media. We borrow the pool of users and build a community around our brands. However we have limited control over our shared content, profiles and have zero control over t...he platforms themselves. Owned Media on the other hand is content you have FULL control over and FULL access of as the owner. You create the strategy and content, you perform the execution, publication, and promotion. So, what does this look like? Your website Blogs posts Building your mailing list Newsletter Printed marketing materials Having full control over the whole process and content means this type of media is therefore the most valuable type you must include in your marketing mix. The best way to integrate your Owned and Borrowed, is by using borrowed media channels to build an audience and increase brand awareness, then direct traffic to your owned media.

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