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Kate Barnes Health Coaching
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15.01.2022 Mask research Summary "It is a testimony to the power of propaganda, institutional capture, and the desire to socially conform that masking of the general population has successfully been imposed during the COVID-19 era. The harms from this imposition are palpable, and potentially long-term and gargantuan, not the least of which is the psychological training of the public to comply with an absurd measure that has direct personal negative impact. I review the mounting eviden...ce of the obvious: Universal masking harms people and society, without any detectable benefit. " https://www.researchgate.net//349518677_Review_of_scientif
15.01.2022 Questions I caught up with a great friend recently & she was stunned to learn how much information about the p a n d e m i c is censored As a single mum, working full time - she has lots of competing priorities ... She rarely, if ever uses medication for herself or for her children. However she hadn’t had time (or the inclination) to think too much about the V. So WHY question what she’s being told? But once we started chatting, that changed. So if you’re like my buddy & haven’t had time to think twice about what we’re being told Here are some of the questions we chatted about; Why is the State of Emergency renewed every 2 weeks when there are NO community transmissions? Why are the V’s being rushed out while still in their trial phase, (for the nxt 1 - 2 years)? Why are all the deaths & adverse reactions not reported in the mainstream media eg VAERS? Why is there no scientific debate? Rather the research and 1,000’s of scientists and doctors speaking out against the narrative instantly censored? Why do we need the V. if it doesn’t definitely prevent transmission or infection? Why for the first time in history are case numbers the measure for lockdowns etc, not hospitalisations or deaths? Why aren’t we asked to get outside, move our bodies and boost our natural immunity (which works a treat)? why does the entire world need the injection when 99.3% of us will recover or not even get symptoms? how does the injection cater for the mutated strains?? Why is there now a push for a v. passport that‘ll discriminate (& divide) against those choosing to wait or trust their natural immunity?! What IS the urgency? Many of us have drawn conclusions as to what we believe. This is not to convince anyone either way or to enter a discussion about V. This post is for those who haven’t had time to take a moment to consider a broader perspective & listen to their inner knowing. Our inbuilt GPS And how can we make well informed choices if we don’t get ALL the info (uncensored)? Trust your gut. As mothers especially, it’s never been more important
15.01.2022 ex WHO employee & Whistleblower's fascinating insights on the pandemic & why everyone 'sings from the same songbook' & much more... (30 min).
14.01.2022 A Sweet Plum Frangipane I was reminded by a friend of this quick and easy recipe this am It’s a goodie and perfect while plums are still in season & full of goodness ( @local_produce_ladies is where I get mine )... Prep: 20 minutes Cooking: approx. 45 minutes 1 hour Serves: 6 Ingredients: 6 plums, cut in halves and then sliced thinly 100g butter 2 4 Tbsp honey (adjust to how sweet you prefer it) or preferred sweetener 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla powder or vanilla essence 1 cup almond flour (or milled almonds) pinch of himalayan or celtic sea salt 1/4 chopped or sliced almonds Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. 2. Melt the butter gently, add the honey and mix well and allow to cool. (Gently mix again before adding to the flour mix). 3. While the butter is melting, layer the plums out on the base of a shallow pie or gratin dish. Or if milling the almonds add them to a high speed blender. Blend on high for approx. 30 seconds or until a flour consistency. If not milling just add the almond flour and all other ingredients (except the sliced almonds) into the blender. 4. Blend on a medium speed until well combined. Taste. Add more sweetener e.g. honey if required. 5. Pour the batter into the dish over the plums and gently smooth over so the batter covers the plums evenly. 6. To finish, sprinkle chopped nuts over the top. 7. Pop into the oven for 35 45 minutes and until a golden brown in colour. 8. Enjoy fresh out of the oven with your favourite yoghurt, fresh cream or ice cream. Yum Notes: For a lighter colour, use peeled almonds. It will last in the fridge for 2 or 3 days. Enjoy as a snack or even breakfast! Up in my website too https://www.katebarnes.com.au//sweet-plum-frangipane-grai/ stunning image via amazing @emmaduckworthbakes check out her stunning feed & recipes #photogoals #seasonal #realfood #glutenfree #dairyfree #naturesmedicine
11.01.2022 At this time, wellbeing, wealth and wisdom for women is more important than ever This incredible summit hosted by Christina J Casey Coaching has something for everyone and will kickstart the year ahead perfectly. Hope you can join us. Link below. As Christina says, ' We want women to create their own freedom & answer the call to explore their own greatness & contribute to a beautiful ripple effect that begins with recognising your own value. When you claim your worth and f...ollow your path - you give others the permission & inspiration to do the same ' It's a free summit starting 22 February. https://christinajcasey.kartra.com//wellbeing-wealth-wisdo Delighted to be collaborating with Chic Money Hayley Richardson Photography Kerry Rowett @jacquelyn_atkins On Deck Yoga
05.01.2022 Australia's medicines regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is banning advertisers, (health providers, doctors, pharmacists) from telling patients which C0vld va((ine (& ingredients) they'll get. This means that as a 'patient' I'm not allowed to know what injection I'm getting and I'm not allowed to know what the ingredients are? (And how does this affect those with allergies)? I understand there's an element of faith we place in the medical profession & the ...TGA. Do we really need to know what the ingredients are in a medicine? Perhaps not, but I find it alarming that as a global population we are increasingly medicated yet dealing with more chronic illness & auto immunity than ever before. Who knows if there's a correlation, but it makes me wonder how well the pharma lead medical model is working? Maybe it is, and maybe it's also time to pay more attention to what we're being asked to expose our bodies to and the affect those ingredients/technologies have on our body? I look at what ingredients are in my food, I definitely want to look at what ingredients / technology are in my medication and experimental injections? link to the TGA article in the comments.
04.01.2022 Natural health hasn't been given the notoriety it deserves for a loooong time. I've loved following Mercola for over 20 years & now it seems he's being 'cancelled'! Along with the SUN & 'natural health'! It seems natural health has almost had its day in the mainstream - for now... ... The best thing to do to stay in the know with your favourite natural health practitioners, remedies & research, if you're not already is to; 1. go to their websites & jump onto their newsletter list. 2. follow them on uncensored social media platforms like Telegram & Gab And you might like to ask, 'WHY would the powers that be demand to have this info. / opinion hidden'?
03.01.2022 Cancelling Mums? .. what next?! This article is concerning for a couple of reasons. First up though it brings back a special memory. I was driving the kids to school one 'busy' morning, they were about 8 & 10. ... We were rushing, me getting to work & the kids to school on time and we got into an 'animated' discussion when our youngest angrily blurted, 'your work is much more important, you don't care about us' Argh! It stopped me in my tracks. I remember collecting my thoughts... & replying, 'My most important job is being your Mum. It's a job I love & value more than anything' (something like that). His expression is etched in my mind ... he didn't say anything, he just gave me a look of surprise and deep adoration (a heart exploding moment for sure). It reaffirmed just how important my role as their mum is and at the same time, how undervalued I had made it in their eyes. So no matter what language is deemed appropriate by Universities (& it's happening in America & probably here too) I'm always proudly our childrens' MOTHER, because 'Guardian', 'care giver' or any other word can't encapsulate the unique & innate ability Mothers have to 'give life'. It can't encapsulate the value and all that it IS to parent my children as only I, their Mum, can. What a gift On top of which, the vital role Mothers, Parents & Care givers have in raising healthy & happy future generations, isn't and hasn’t been celebrated or honoured nearly enough by society, let alone academics who are now deciding to 'cancel' our role, and truly unique gift to create life. It’s time for a revival of Motherhood not cancelation - now more than ever Some may say, ‘it’s just a name’. I don’t think so... how about you?
02.01.2022 We know the benefits we get from taking responsibility for our well-being is incalcuable So what about financial wellbeing? Given the incredible shift in wealth in the past year, I urgently wanted to take more responsibility & control of our finances Motivated by the rapid change in global financial systems & currencies, I’ve been exploring ways to diversify & safeguard not only our health but financial wealth ... Because the inconvenient truth is that if we rely on current corporate, banking and government systems without embracing and setting ourselves up for the global changes being made right now, we’re at their mercy & to be honest, risk losing our financial independence. (Just like relying on pharma for our health, we risk losing our vitality)! More than ever NOW is the time we need empowering alternatives of income generation and wealth creation. To be able to stand financially sovereign in a system trying to take more control and strip our freedoms left, right & centre I wouldn’t call myself financially savvy! But last year I was shown a ‘set and forget’ investment platform that’s paid us (& thousands of others across the globe) every single week since starting In a short space of time we’ll be earning far more than the income from our jobs & we’ve created a wealth generating asset for our children At the beginning I had no intention of sharing, happy testing it out and having it work for our family. But, a bit like my health coaching business - the knowledge I’m gaining & transformation for our family, is too important not to share I know many of you are also concerned about the changes happening. This is a total no-brainer & to be honest, I’ve felt remiss keeping it to myself! So if you could invest US$300 with no more $ in, & receive returns of around 5-6% each WEEK (that you can take out & spend whenever you choose) & watch your initial investment appreciate in value so your returns also increase, would you be open to learning more? If you’re even a little bit interested don’t sit on this, get in touch & I can share more. It’s absolutely worth knowing about
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