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Kate Evershed

Phone: +61 490 850 079


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to load big map

25.01.2022 A Happiness Trail.

25.01.2022 Kitty discovering she has feet

25.01.2022 My heart just melted! So sweet!

23.01.2022 Altruistic August - Day 20: Look for the good side in everyone you meet today

23.01.2022 Have a go at YOUR to be list.

22.01.2022 Have a wonderful day or evening.......

21.01.2022 Tell someone how wonderful they are to you as they may not realise what an important impact they have on you.

16.01.2022 When we do good we feel good. Join us for Altruistic August and help spread a bit more kindness in the world

16.01.2022 Just because.... very lovely find at a local shop. Will brighten up my dining room.

15.01.2022 Another stunning autumnal day. The air is clear and crisp. May you all have a beautiful day enjoying your surroundings.

14.01.2022 Remember to dance the day away!

13.01.2022 Listen to your body if it’s telling you to take a break. You deserve one Image:

12.01.2022 Make sure you take time for yourself.

12.01.2022 Well we may have lost the AFL Final to Queensland this year and therefore the public holiday however this is being replaced with ’Thank You Day’ instead on Friday 23 October 2020 by the Victorian Government! This holiday will acknowledge and recognise Victorians for their hard work and sacrifices made as a community to help contain the spread of Coronavirus. Our State Government is awesome! What a joyous way of spreading hope, love and acknowledgment to an entire community.

11.01.2022 How have you been creative? Over the past couple of days I’ve managed baking (cheese straws and some scones) and colouring in. Maybe you’ve been creative by: making a card; writing in a journal; gardening; jigsawing; or perhaps playing a board game. Have fun and share what creative pursuits you’ve been up to.

11.01.2022 Over the coming seven days look at all the beauty and colours that surround you whether at home, out walking, on holiday or perhaps, like me in lockdown, choosing another colouring in project. Ask yourself what caught my eye? Which colours or textures enchanted me? How did this make me feel? Were you attracted to the same colours, patterns or textures as the day before? Another colourful creation. Have a beautiful week.

10.01.2022 Such a beautiful day - sunshine, gentle breeze, magpies singing and the garden is blooming! Spring has sprung. Today my eye was caught by my beautiful daffodils. What colours have caught your eye today? What sounds caught your attention? Have a fantastic day or evening depending on where you are.

10.01.2022 Another wonderful day in the garden. The Boronia is taking off with its very beautiful cerise flowers, the flowering peach is happy and the mandarins are on their way. Have a fantastic day everyone. Big hugs to all in Melbourne as we head into another week of lockdown (week 6).

09.01.2022 The little things in life. This beautiful butterfly was dancing around the garden enjoying the sunshine and dandelion flowers. Which moment caught your attention?

09.01.2022 Great Message!

07.01.2022 Pooh woke up that morning, and, for reasons that he didn't entirely understand, couldn't stop the tears from coming. He sat there in bed, his little body shakin...g, and he cried, and cried, and cried. Amidst his sobs, the phone rang. It was Piglet. "Oh Piglet," said Pooh, between sobs, in response to his friend's gentle enquiry as to how he was doing. "I just feel so Sad. So, so, Sad, almost like I might not ever be happy again. And I know that I shouldn't be feeling like this. I know there are so many people who have it worse off than me, and so I really have no right to be crying, with my lovely house, and my lovely garden, and the lovely woods all around me. But oh, Piglet: I am just SO Sad." Piglet was silent for a while, as Pooh's ragged sobbing filled the space between them. Then, as the sobs turned to gasps, he said, kindly: "You know, it isn't a competition." "What isn't a competition?" asked a confused sounding Pooh. "Sadness. Fear. Grief," said Piglet. "It's a mistake we often make, all of us. To think that, because there are people who are worse off than us, that that somehow invalidates how we are feeling. But that simply isn't true. You have as much right to feel unhappy as the next person; and, Pooh - and this is the really important bit - you also have just as much right to get the help that you need." "Help? What help?" asked Pooh. "I don't need help, Piglet. "Do I?" Pooh and Piglet talked for a long time, and Piglet suggested to Pooh some people that he might be able to call to talk to, because when you are feeling Sad, one of the most important things is not to let all of the Sad become trapped inside you, but instead to make sure that you have someone who can help you, who can talk through with you how the Sad is making you feeling, and some of the things that might be able to be done to support you with that. What's more, Piglet reminded Pooh that this support is there for absolutely everyone, that there isn't a minimum level of Sad that you have to be feeling before you qualify to speak to someone. Finally, Piglet asked Pooh to open his window and look up at the sky, and Pooh did so. "You see that sky?" Piglet asked his friend. "Do you see the blues and the golds and that big fluffy cloud that looks like a sheep eating a carrot?" Pooh looked, and he could indeed see the blues and the golds and the big fluffy cloud that looked like a sheep eating a carrot. "You and I," continued Piglet, "we are both under that same sky. And so, whenever the Sad comes, I want you to look up at that sky, and know that, however far apart we might be physically...we are also, at the same time, together. Perhaps, more together than we have ever been before." "Do you think this will ever end?" asked Pooh in a small voice. "This too shall pass," confirmed Piglet. "And I promise you, one day, you and I shall once again sit together, close enough to touch, sharing a little smackerel of something...under that blue gold sky." We all need a piglet in our lives. #mentalhealthmatters #bullyingstopsnow #EveryMindMatters #yourimportant #itsoktotalk #everylifemattersinfife #itsoknottobeokay

06.01.2022 Altruistic August - Day 2: Send a positive message to someone you can't be with

05.01.2022 Wishing everyone a very beautiful day or evening!! We’re now in tight restrictions in Melbourne due to COVID 19 however there is sunshine and the joy of our allocated hour of exercise near home. Today we saw our lovely rainbow lorikeets and the red rumped parrot.

05.01.2022 Let go of comparing yourself to others. What you see online isn’t a true reflection of people’s lives Image:

02.01.2022 Some days are better than others. Don’t worry, tomorrow is a chance to try again Image:

01.01.2022 Self-care is not selfish - you can't pour from an empty cup. Join us for Self-Care September and find ways to be kinder to yourself as well as others

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