Katelyn Jane Copywriting in Thirroul, New South Wales | Copywriting service
Katelyn Jane Copywriting
Locality: Thirroul, New South Wales
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25.01.2022 Halfway through the year. Yikes. So many lists......... #copywriter #copywriting #webcopy #digitalcopy #digitalmarketing #creativewriting #creativelife #creative #marketingdigital #digitalcopywriting #smallbusiness #digitalbusiness
24.01.2022 I have written my first ever public article - and its a personal one. Thanks to Jenny Henderson at Parents Guide Illawarra for spurring me on to write this. I hope it helps other mamas. Photo courtesy of Jade Flores Photography.
23.01.2022 Work love. Love what you do. Dont settle for anything less #copywriter #webcopywriting #katelynjanecopywriting #webcopywriter #digitalmarketing #digitalcopy #creativewriting #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #gratitude #grateful #feelthefearanddoitanyway #loveyourwork #lovewhatyoudo #copywriters
23.01.2022 Stop over-thinking your online content and web copy. The term zombie words in the copywriting profession is real. Clean, clever, jargon-free, direct, cut-to-the-chase copy gets attention quickly. And effortlessly. Then find out what makes you stand out from the pack. Therein lies your secret formula. Visit www.katelynjanecopywriting.com.au #copywriter #copywriters #webcopy #digitalcopywriter #writingfortheweb #onlinecontent #smallbusiness #contentmarketing #digitalcopy #copywriters #copywriting #creativity
23.01.2022 Listening to the guru on talent and economics, Professor Pierre-Michel Menger deliver his Keynote Talk on The Economics of Creativity at the Marketing, Communications and Ticketing Summit 2018. An interesting anthropological account of the intersecting roles of marketing, creativity and economics . . . #australiancouncilforthearts #marketing #marketingcommunications #creatives #creativity #creativeindustries #artsindustries #creativelife #powerhousemuseum #eventsmarketing #publicrelations #katelynjanecopywriting
23.01.2022 News about women all over the world has provided some thrilling and exciting reading of late. I came across this New Yorker cover a couple of months ago and it screams louder than words. Women are emerging as a potent political force with very loud voices. Women are as strong as hell. Proud of my gender. And thanks to economics, feminism, education and talking back, middle-aged men in white suits can take a back seat As Amina Sow once said "choose yourself first....you have agency. You have dreams". . . #katelynjanecopywriting #womeninbusiness #webcopywriter #webcopywriting #smallbusiness #wevegotthis #womenempowerment #newyorkermagazine #feminism #digitalcopier #writingfortheweb #rebeccatraister #allthesingleladies #itsabouttime #creativelife #digitalsmallbusiness #webcopy #businesscopywriting #copywriters #webwriter #creativewriting
22.01.2022 My 3am epiphanies explained. #copywriter #copywriting #creativewriting #mygeminibrain #webcopywriter #digitalsmallbusiness #mybrainneversleeps #mybrainneedsanoffswitch #smallbusiness #journaling #webcopy #greatquotes #writing #writingprompts
22.01.2022 These amazing words courtesy of the very awesome @curtmercadante. Image courtesy of @tangosleepless You dont need permission to define your desired lifestyle.... More importantly, you dont need permission to start living it. I once thought I needed permission to live the life I wanted. Permission from whom? I have no idea. And thats the point. The only person you need permission from to start living a life of freedom and fulfillment is ...... yourself. . So forget the expectations of others. . Forget your past. Forget your bad habits. Give yourself permission to define and live the lifestyle you want. Before its too late. #curtmercadante #feelthefearanddoitanyway #gratitude #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #copywriter #creativewriting #motivation #trailblazer #stayinyourownpower #growingsmallbusinesses #uplevelling
22.01.2022 It's already mid January 2018, and I'm staring down any obstacles and challenges it throws my way like......because I survived the year 2016. Does anyone else remember what their 2016 was like? My 2017 was good. But my god, 2016....... Trust me - I am not looking backwards...just enjoying the view from how far I have come. Photo: Anouk Amie (Photo still from "La Dolce Vita")... . . . #copywriting #webwriter #copywriter #copywriters #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #digitalsmallbusiness #feelthefearanddoitanyway #Katelynjanecopywriting #copywriting #copywriter #copywriting #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness #creativewriting #feelthefearanddoitanyway #selfimprovement #2018 #promotionalwebcopy #webcopywriter #webcopy #creativelife #creative #webwriter #businesscopywriting #newyear2018 #gratitude #creativewriting #writingfortheweb See more
21.01.2022 And don't expect an apology #copywriting #webwriter #copywriter #copywriters #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #digitalsmallbusiness #feelthefearanddoitanyway #Katelynjanecopywriting #copywriting #copywriter #copywriting #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness #creativewriting #feelthefearanddoitanyway #selfimprovement #2018 #promotionalwebcopy #webcopywriter #webcopy #creativelife #creative #webwriter #businesscopywriting #newyear2018 #gratitude #creativewriting #writingfortheweb
21.01.2022 Love this bit of brilliant insight on a Monday....
21.01.2022 How do you define irony? . . . #writingfortheweb #copywriting #copywriters #copywriter #growyourbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness # #katelynjanecopywriting #grammar #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness
20.01.2022 Love receiving testimonials from happy clients of Katelyn Jane Copywriting. Many thanks to Wollongong Flowers for their support. #katelynjanecopywriting #copywriter #copywriting #writingfortheweb #digitalcopy #webcopy
20.01.2022 "When you pair your purpose with your powers you’ll be the best version of yourself". Be the purple cow. #copywriting #webwriter #copywriter #copywriters #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #digitalsmallbusiness #feelthefearanddoitanyway... #Katelynjanecopywriting #copywriting #copywriter #copywriting #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness #creativewriting #feelthefearanddoitanyway #selfimprovement #2018 #promotionalwebcopy #webcopywriter #webcopy #creativelife #creative #webwriter #businesscopywriting #newyear2018 #gratitude #creativewriting #writingfortheweb See more
18.01.2022 At the very top of this list is reclaim your self worth. The list below is an excellent reminder why you constantly need to check in with yourself and re-evaluate why authenticity is the key to running a business no matter the size. #katelynjanecopywriting #womeninbusiness #webcopywriter #webcopywriting #smallbusiness #wevegotthis #womenempowerment #newyorkermagazine #feminism #digitalcopier #writingfortheweb #rebeccatraister #allthesingleladies #itsabouttime #creativelife #digitalsmallbusiness #webcopy #businesscopywriting #copywriters #webwriter #creativewriting
17.01.2022 More love my way! Love receiving testimonials from happy clients of Katelyn Jane Copywriting. Many thanks to Butler Creative for their support. #katelynjanecopywriting #copywriter #copywriting #writingfortheweb #digitalcopy #webcopy #proofreading #editing
16.01.2022 At the very top of this list is 'reclaim your self worth'. The list below is an excellent reminder why you constantly need to check in with yourself and re-evaluate why authenticity is the key to running a business no matter the size. #katelynjanecopywriting #womeninbusiness #webcopywriter #webcopywriting #smallbusiness #wevegotthis #womenempowerment #newyorkermagazine #feminism #digitalcopier #writingfortheweb #rebeccatraister #allthesingleladies #itsabouttime #creativelife #digitalsmallbusiness #webcopy #businesscopywriting #copywriters #webwriter #creativewriting
16.01.2022 Ursula K. Le Guin The creative adult is the child who has survived. I never grow tired of this one because I feel very much like that child all over again. And Im determined that my son will experience his own creativity at both spectrums. Photography @jade_flores_photography #creativewriting #startanywhere #feelthefearanddoitanyway #writingfortheweb #copywriting #copywriter #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #digitalsmallbusiness #jadefloresphotography
14.01.2022 Its already mid January 2018, and Im staring down any obstacles and challenges it throws my way like......because I survived the year 2016. Does anyone else remember what their 2016 was like? My 2017 was good. But my god, 2016....... Trust me - I am not looking backwards...just enjoying the view from how far I have come. Photo: Anouk Amie (Photo still from "La Dolce Vita")... . . . #copywriting #webwriter #copywriter #copywriters #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #digitalsmallbusiness #feelthefearanddoitanyway #Katelynjanecopywriting #copywriting #copywriter #copywriting #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness #creativewriting #feelthefearanddoitanyway #selfimprovement #2018 #promotionalwebcopy #webcopywriter #webcopy #creativelife #creative #webwriter #businesscopywriting #newyear2018 #gratitude #creativewriting #writingfortheweb See more
14.01.2022 "When you pair your purpose with your powers youll be the best version of yourself". Be the purple cow. #copywriting #webwriter #copywriter #copywriters #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #digitalsmallbusiness #feelthefearanddoitanyway... #Katelynjanecopywriting #copywriting #copywriter #copywriting #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness #creativewriting #feelthefearanddoitanyway #selfimprovement #2018 #promotionalwebcopy #webcopywriter #webcopy #creativelife #creative #webwriter #businesscopywriting #newyear2018 #gratitude #creativewriting #writingfortheweb See more
13.01.2022 Is anyone else feeling that building momentum anticipation going into 2018? Im a double-Gemini so am in list making craziness/not feeling particularly organised/mad flurry to grab the new year energy/goal setting meltdown = basic overwhelm. I do it at the end of every year. And then I remember to PAUSE. I am going to throw this great quote at all of you who feel similar this time of year.... #itsthattimeagain #copywriting #copywriters #copywriter #newyear2018 #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #feelthefearanddoitanyway #gratitude #goalsetting #growthmindset #growyourbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness
13.01.2022 Massive fan of both these words and the incredible Lin-Manuel Miranda. If I never posted on Instagram again, I would leave with this.....#linmanuelmirandaquotes #creativewriting #creativewriter #justwrite #copywriter #webcopywriter #webcopywriting #katelynjanecopywriting
12.01.2022 #copywriting #webwriter #copywriter #copywriters #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #digitalsmallbusiness #feelthefearanddoitanyway #Katelynjanecopywriting #copywriting #copywriter #copywriting #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness #creativewriting #feelthefearanddoitanyway #selfimprovement #2018 #promotionalwebcopy #webcopywriter #webcopy #creativelife #creative #webwriter #businesscopywriting #newyear2018 #gratitude #creativewriting #writingfortheweb
11.01.2022 Now I feel validated. #copywriter #webcopywriting #webcopywriter #digitalmarketing #digitalcopywriters #creativewriting #juststartwriting #digitalsmallbusiness #contentmarketing #womeninbusiness
10.01.2022 I am as proud as punch to be associated with Anita Rosenberg. And I am more so this week when Anita featured my business Katelyn Jane Copywriting in her newsletter (link below). Even though we live in separate parts of the globe (Anita is in Los Angeles and Im in Australia) we have been in each others corner since 2014. There is simply no way I would continue to achieve success and alignment in my business, wealth and career without Anitas knowledge, expertise, mentorship.... Knowledge is power. And Anita has it in spades when it comes to Feng Shui, Business Coaching, BaZi Chinese Astrology to just name a few. I trust Anita implicitly and will be forever grateful that our paths have crossed http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Why-can-t-you-stir-up-th Photo of me courtesy of Jade Flores Photography. . . . . #Katelynjanecopywriting #anitarosenbergstudio #anitarosenberg #copywriting #copywriter #copywriting #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness #creativewriting #feelthefearanddoitanyway #fengshui #spirituality #selfimprovement #metaphysics #2018 #promotionalwebcopy #webcopywriter #webcopy #creativelife #creative #chineseastrology #webwriter #hollywood #cosmiccoaching #businesscopywriting #publicrelations
10.01.2022 This is so funny When her husband asked What times dinner? @ursulabrooksdesign
08.01.2022 Perhaps a little cheesy. But I have always admired Beyonc for her ambition and drive. Plus I have not posted in a while. I am grateful for regular and consistent copywriting and freelance work, hence this quote and hence this post. #copywriting #webwriter #copywriter #copywriters #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #digitalsmallbusiness #feelthefearanddoitanyway #Katelynjanecopywriting #copywriting #copywriter #copywriting #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness #creativewriting #feelthefearanddoitanyway #selfimprovement #2018 #promotionalwebcopy #webcopywriter #webcopy #creativelife #creative #webwriter #businesscopywriting #newyear2018 #gratitude #creativewriting #writingfortheweb
08.01.2022 A dear confidant of mine and friend, Anita Rosenberg Studio, has written a beautiful and personal newsletter this month about her own experience with grief, writing and the healing process. Very timely for me as I lost a friend this week to cancer. So thankyou Anita again for reminding me why we are on our chosen paths. Gratitude always #katelynjanecopywriting #copywriter #copywriting #writingfortheweb #digitalcopy #webcopy #proofreading #editing #grief FuckCancer #loss #writingascatharis #healing
07.01.2022 Dont forget to follow me on my Instagram page for Katelyn Jane Copywriting! https://www.instagram.com/katelyn.jane.copywriting/?hl=en
06.01.2022 I wrote this article for Parents Guide Illawarra........
06.01.2022 Brilliant . . . #smallbusiness #marketing #socialmediamarketing #copyisking #copywriting #copywriter #writingfortheweb #digitalcopy #digitalcopywriter #digitalmarketing #bebravewithyourbusiness #webcopy #webcopywriting #marketyourbusiness
06.01.2022 Is anyone else feeling that building momentum anticipation going into 2018? Im a double-Gemini so am in list making craziness/not feeling particularly organised/mad flurry to grab the new year energy/goal setting meltdown = basic overwhelm. I do it at the end of every year. And then I remember to PAUSE. I am going to throw this great quote at all of you who feel similar this time of year. . . . #itsthattimeagain #copywriting #copywriters #copywriter #newyear2018 #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #feelthefearanddoitanyway #gratitude #goalsetting #growthmindset #growyourbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness
05.01.2022 Katelyn Jane Copywriting finally has a home!
04.01.2022 And dont expect an apology #copywriting #webwriter #copywriter #copywriters #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #digitalsmallbusiness #feelthefearanddoitanyway #Katelynjanecopywriting #copywriting #copywriter #copywriting #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness #creativewriting #feelthefearanddoitanyway #selfimprovement #2018 #promotionalwebcopy #webcopywriter #webcopy #creativelife #creative #webwriter #businesscopywriting #newyear2018 #gratitude #creativewriting #writingfortheweb
03.01.2022 A word from the wise. Applause as usual to the formidable JK Rowling.
02.01.2022 How do you define 'irony'? . . . #writingfortheweb #copywriting #copywriters #copywriter #growyourbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness # #katelynjanecopywriting #grammar #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness
02.01.2022 Yep, fuck all that indeed because BOUNDARIES . Ive been exercising my water tight boundaries for 5 years now and what a difference it has made to my life. The crystal clear clarity you get from decluttering toxic individuals and situations from your life is nothing short of life changing . . . #gratitude #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #copywriting #creativewriting #
02.01.2022 The struggle is real. #copywriter #copywriting #digitalcopywriter #creativewriting #writingprompts #writingfortheweb #webcopywriting #katelynjanecopywriting #writinglife
02.01.2022 Perhaps a little cheesy. But I have always admired Beyoncé for her ambition and drive. Plus I have not posted in a while. I am grateful for regular and consistent copywriting and freelance work, hence this quote and hence this post. #copywriting #webwriter #copywriter #copywriters #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness #digitalsmallbusiness #feelthefearanddoitanyway #Katelynjanecopywriting #copywriting #copywriter #copywriting #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #writingfortheweb #digitalmarketing #digitalsmallbusiness #creativewriting #feelthefearanddoitanyway #selfimprovement #2018 #promotionalwebcopy #webcopywriter #webcopy #creativelife #creative #webwriter #businesscopywriting #newyear2018 #gratitude #creativewriting #writingfortheweb
01.01.2022 More word love my way! Love receiving testimonials from happy clients of Katelyn Jane Copywriting. Many thanks to Katrina & Shayne of Shellharbour City Florist for this one! #katelynjanecopywriting #copywriter #copywriting #writingfortheweb #digitalcopy #webcopy #proofreading #editing
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