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Kate M Gear

Phone: +61 477 624 569


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25.01.2022 Knowledge is power . . . .... . . . . I was in my previous business for 5 years and never had any idea what the hell i was doing online, how to promote my business, my products and my opportunity. The difference between success in an online business and just treading water if that is .... KNOWLEDGE ! And wholy bugeebuz have I found that in The Freedom ERA..... Incredible Trainers and Top Masterclass Consultants. Since I have been applying their knowledge my confidence has 10Xed!!!!!!

23.01.2022 Lets’s Talk Perfection.. Have NO FEAR of Perfection you will never reach it! FACT!!!!!... Perfection really is an illusion and those who seek perfection will lead a very unfulfilled life.. The idea of a perfect life made me FREEZE and not take action. For so long I was yearning for more, I wanted more than being a stay at home mum More importantly I wanted a means that I was in charge of my life. I would only take the action when I had all my ducks in a row. When I had lost the weight. When I had perfected the art of writing When I had mastered creating a video. (Now I just laugh at them becuase every master was once a disaster right?) When I was confident enough to speak my truth When the kids slept through the night When I stopped breastfeeding so I would have more time When the kids were a little older and less demanding (does that even happen) Until 6 months ago when I met a lady online There was something remarkable about her A deep knowing of who she was as well of a certainty of knowing where she was going. Her certainty was sexy I reached out and enquired about what it is she actually did. Her reply was not what I was expecting. WELL I GET PAID TO BE ME I had a little giggle to myself because to be honest she was so relatable but no one very special. At first I dismissed it because who would pay me for being me Despite the undermining thought I agreed to knowing more Slightly terrified but the dream of being in control of my life outweighed all else After watching a webinar, I said yes to creating a brand online. Still terrified in saying yes has enabled me to find The me that knows with certainty that I can be or do anything I wish More important the me that knows that my past is beautiful and I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. Yes we get to make money from what we do Yet the money is not the only win I’ve spent so much time, energy and money trying to fix who I am Building my personal brand has shown me that my success comes from being my true authentic self because know one else can be ME! There is nothing to fix. When we own all of us, we own our magnificence. We are in the golden era of creating a personal brand online How cool is that? What a time to be alive

22.01.2022 SKEPTICAL?? HECK YES!! Yeah, me too!! I HATE dodgy stuff! There is nothing worse than being promised the world and the product doesn't hit the mark. ... BUUTTT there are times in life where you actually get what you pay for... and this was one of them!! I thought it was all hype, fantasy... but let me tell you, it's multi patented & award winning for a flippin' reason! And.. it's not $20 a bottle for a reason! There are literally thousands upon thousands of transformations, testimonials, before and afters. This stuff is the bomb digity!! It's the shizzle! There are simply no comparisons & I wont use anything else! Hit me up for all the details on this Type II Collagen, PLUS grab yourself my sneaky discount code.. Kha-ching!!

22.01.2022 AMEN to watering down who you truly are for the sake of others... Be bold Be your authentic self... Big

22.01.2022 Yep.......counting my blessings daily.

21.01.2022 Just finished the book 'LETTING GO -David Hawkins'. Well worth a read for all you personal development ladies. ... 'Some days it rains, some days it's sunny, some days it's cloudy. You can't change the rain but you can put on a raincoat. Be realistic and take the necessary steps to stay dry.' There are many aspects to life that you can't change but you can LET GO of your expectation or need that they be different to what they are. Love yourself enough to NOT hang on to anything that is not bringing you peace and happiness. NOW that is FREEDOM to me.

21.01.2022 Raw and Real I put this pics up for the Mum’s that like the mountain is too big to climb. . .... . You will get there! You got this! . . . Last night I was scrolling the pics on my phone and I came across this one. 5 months after giving birth to Leo Holy friggen Shit Balls. I remember the feelings of shame, guilt, hopelessness. How am I ever going to fit into these shorts??? How did I ever fit into these shorts?? Why is it so hard? My first two pregnancies I was able to lose my baby weight on a shake replacement diet and cleansing (not eating 1 2 days a week). I am forever grateful for it helping me but I have to say after 4 plus years I got sick of meal replacements and found my body didn’t respond as it once did, almost use to it. I felt broken, It didn’t have the same effect and I was forever hungy/hangry and making poor food choices. Food and dieting were consuming my everyday thoughts. I started to believe that this was my destiny and that 3 births in 3 years It was going to be this way forever. Until one day I decided to SURRENDER TO THE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and just eat healthy when my body asked for it. I decided to move my body because it made me FEEL GOOD . Bingo!!! The Bulge started to decrease and my confidence started to return. 4 weeks ago I tested some of the products in my online shop and they have been the final piece in the puzzle. Award winning fat burning collagen Burn - Thermogenic to Increasing metabolising Aloe to assist with wit healing my gut Carb blockers for when I just had to eat the hot chips I’m so thankful for these supplements assisting my body in moving fat and these pictures and the scales tell me I am building lean muscle. I feel healthy and glad now I eat food many times a day and not restricted to any meal plan that at times was socially hard to fit in. Although the progress back to the shorts has been slower this time I’m super happy with my progress and can’t wait to put a bow around this little journey and just make my Gut health a priority. I’ll be doing with our 3 day ACTIVATE detox starting tomoz. I get to eat normal foods on this detox and won’t be sitting on the Toilet Supports natural detoxification and eliminates waste Kick starts a lifestyle regimen with monthly rejuvenation Formulated with third party certified organic aloe Includes natural apple pectin, psyllium seed husk and dandelion root Convenient, single serve packs 99 % sugar free and vegan Can’t wait to take you on this journey and share my results. Hola if your body needs a detox after all those choccy eggs and can help a sister or brother out

20.01.2022 Happy Monday Y'all.......... Quick good news story for ya! Have a great day!

20.01.2022 6 things to remember when you think you are not good enough...... Sometime I am terrible to myself and relentlessly comparing myself to others Almost on the daily.... I meticulously look for evidence that I am a nobody That I don’t deserve a good life or that I am not living up to my potential Sometimes in the midst of the pressure I forget that we are all wonderful, unique and perfect just the way we are. Ladies it’s time to step away from the thoughts in your head Stop tearing away at our self esteem and say a big F U to the inner critic Remember The People you compare yourself to compare themselves to other people too. Stay in your god dam lane. Your mind is a convincing LIAR and you heart knows the truth There is more right with you than you think You need love the most when you think you need it the least Focus on progress rather than perfection No one will ever speak to you worse than you speak to yourself!!!! Let that one sink in. Big YOU ARE ENOUGH

20.01.2022 Ohmahgawd - can’t believe the promo dropping for Mothers Day!!! If you want to jump on my VIP list to check them out let me know. Moveover another dressing gown and slippers we got ya covered. ... x Limited stock available x

19.01.2022 I was young and pretty special 21 Years old and I left on my first oversees trip. Flying solo... I had a tour booked so there was some security The tour left from London to travel 21 days through Europe I Met a great group of people Saw all the famous sights Partied all night Met a randon group of guys out at a bar who suggested we leave the tour AND Sail to the MTV awards in Spain with them on their great big Yacht What a great idea right? Absolutely I officially signed off the tour group to go sailing with a group of randoms. Strolled back to the yacht the next morning to find the yacht had to stay in port for a week and they were no longer sailing. The tour group had already departed to next city I found myself alone for the first time Made plans to catch up with tour again. Boarded a train and after a long day of travel thankfully we were reunited. Few! I then fell sick with the chicken pocks Was asked to leave the tour again as I was contagious OUCH! 21 years old and in Europe all by my lonesome AGAIN. The reason I am sharing Is I don’t even know who that wild and free girl is anymore but I am determined to find her. We become mum’s and we conform to what society says we should The late nights and early morning are for now for feeding kids We become the cleaner The Cook The teacher I don’t know about you but when I left school none of those roles were even on my radar. I am a stand for mums being able to raise their children but still have so much fun Still be free as a bird Still have have a purpose Not lose the free spirited little girl you once were I am here to tell you that you still can be You can have it all. If this is speaking to you. Comment WINE below and let’s chat!

15.01.2022 For me it is those little boys eyes always watching......

15.01.2022 You can change your mind.... Last week I was boasting not having warn makeup in over 6+ months. This week I'm like This mumma needs some much needed colour... If the world ended tomorrow (drastic) At least I would feel good in today It seems the thing to do today Unless I change my mind

15.01.2022 A Personal Brand is YOU Following on from yesterdays post I have a lot of people asking me to elaborate about this Personal Brand Thang.... The everyday person has never had a more available time to make an impact as we can today! It is a real provledge for being able to speak up, have a voice and be seen! All while just being YOU With all your perfections and imperfections You get to be clear on who you are OWN IT BE IT LIVE IT A personal brand is just you showing up You can make people Laugh (If that is your thing) Inspire Make massive impact Speak up Speak out Create choices Be a stand for something special All while creating a income Whilst doing the things you love We are in a new world and I will be forever grateful to have these platsforms available to impact the world. I am so bloody passionate about showing mums that they can have it all whilst raising happy children and I will be forever grateful to be alive in this time to do that Hope this clears up some of your questions.

14.01.2022 You Want to know a secret? . . . .... . . . . I have always had a cheerleader in my corner I mean through my life I have always had someone believe in me more than I believe in myself. FACT I was not the smartest kid at school or the most popular however I was chosen as school vice-captain I didn’t have natural sporting abilities however always chosen in the representative teams I didn’t have the qualifications needed for most jobs however was always promoted When redundancies where been handed out, I was always the last person standing I was put on a plane to the UK and that started my wonderful travel journey. It really wasn’t my idea and had I not been pushed I probably wouldn’t of gone. This is a pattern that has shown up all through my friggen life. You may say that I have been lucky but to be honest I would disagree Because it is so much better to believe in yourself more than others believe in you. FACT Others people’s belief will only get you so far I feel so grateful that others have believed in me as to be honest I don’t know where I would be today. And it has propelled me into my current career of been a cheerleader for other women. And I am LIT up Mum’s in particular who have lost their way Mum’s who have lost their spark Living their life as the generations before them did. It’s time to break the mould ladies Do thing’s a different way Keep those dreams alight Raise happy children and still have a purpose If you need a cheerleader, I’m Ya Girl. Head over to my page Kate M Gear where we are cheering each other on Yes, now I am my own biggest cheerleader and owning IT! GO RIKKI, GO RIKKI!!!!!!!!!!

13.01.2022 The only thing that matters to me - is that you know.... YOU ARE WORTH IT and YOU MATTER Take a breath ... Take a break Focus on what you can control Phone a friend Be kind to yourself, after all The rest can wait!

12.01.2022 How can I reset my gut health? . Try them all for a complete gut heath reset. . Ditch the white. ...... Love your wholegrains. ... Get down with pulses, beans and lentils. ... Beef up on veggies. ... Eat probiotic foods. ... Eat prebiotic foods. ... Eat mindfully and manage your stress. Take a really good pre/pro and importantly post biotic! Complete a 3 day gentle detox (better still do it with friends) We’ve had this product available in some of our other markets. It' a monthly cleanse of the old pipes and is transforming waistlines Proteins break down in the lower colon, causing toxicity, inflammation and your digestive system to slow. Activate is a gentle flush to get rid of all that built up it gently cleanses the bowels and helps to kick start our digestive system, while detoxing it will rejuvenate cellular health, eliminate toxins and leave the you feeling great again. So bye bye bloat and toxins leaving your tummy feeling amazing and flatter. It is 3 days... NO FASTING NO LIQUIDS ONLY NO SPECIAL FOODS NO MAD TOILET DASH I Have a code for 10 ladies a 10 buck discount and an opportunity to complete Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Offer stands for next 3 days Hola now to take your place.

09.01.2022 YOU ARE ENOUGH Hudson told me the other day that he wants to be a super hero Right I said, why is that?... Well mum so I can fly. My responseGO FOR IT! I remember when I was younger I wanted to be a news reporter because I wanted to share my voice with an audience that would listen..... I was told that it wouldn’t happen as I barely passed English class. I mean I would get high grades for my verbal communication but my written was barely making the grades. I never followed through on that dream listening to the opinions of others You could say I never made it but that little girl knew one thing. She knew when the time is right, she would be whoever she wanted to be. Fast forward to the year 2020 and we can all use our voice and be seen And we don’t have to be signed by a big corporate. Mum’s perhaps you have given up on your dreams? Mum life took over? Your dreams have been put on hold What we need to do right now is stand in our power Show our kids that they are enough, YOU ARE ENOUGH! Let’s face it reporting all the negativity in the world was never going to suite me! So with that I have birthed GOOD NEWS WEEK. Next Monday I will be coming to you with all the positive news around the globe. Watch this space We all have superpowers and when my child tells me he is going to fly who am I to tell him otherwise? You are enough!

08.01.2022 How to be part of the 1% of people making money online No Spammy cold reach outs No Copy and paste messages... No list of your 100 contacts No launch parties What we will train you to do is to attract your soul mate clients building beautiful connections online both through paid advertising and organically. People will be magnetised to you because of who you are, selling with integrity from a heart space and place of service, creating huge impact. It comes to your offer that which for me, is a high ticket, high impact and high converting. A one-time investment into this bomb digidy high ticket offer that gives you uncapped income potential of 1000 5000 per sale. Below are just a few reasons why I have chosen to partner myself with the offer I have. My vision is to support impact driven mums to create a conscious and powerful online through social media, personal branding, high ticket and automation All whilst been paid to be YOU The real you with all your perfections and imperfections. My inbox is open should you have anymore questions

08.01.2022 The only thing I miss from working in corporate........ Getting dressed up to show up Working from home never felt so good........... When I've finished my hours by 12 I'll be slipping back into the tracky dacks........ Happy Monday peeps Big

08.01.2022 Yahoooo! We all get a Brand...... If you could be a stand for one thang? What would that one thang be?

07.01.2022 I just got off the call to a lovely lady who said ‘I don’t think I could do what you do’ . . . .... . Don’t doubt yourself ladies, there are already plenty of people already doing that for you. That is for Shiz! It’s time for you to be your number one cheerleader, to not listen to the nay sayers and follow your heart to create a life of your dreams. YOU ARE ENOUGH All anyone ever wants is love and connection and so many are worried that they will lose this from the decisions that they make. They feel that they will get backlash because let’s face it society get’s pleasure in seeing people’s shortcomings. And if they succeed society will pick holes in that to. She only succeeded because she already had a huge social media following She is confident in herself She has a great story to tell She is a leader BUT I’m here to tell you that there are plenty of people waiting for you to stand up and speak you truth and create a hugely successful Digital Business. A legacy business for you and your family. Your story will inspire far more people than you know BUT we just seem to focus on the NEGATIVE NANCY’s. The POSITIVE POLLY’S are more your style......... Stop doubting yourself.Make your decision and run with it Put on your big girl panties Remind yourself that the ripple effect of your courage and confidence will have someone finding theirs. If you are reading this post this is your nudge to reach out. I will be working with 5 new ladies this month. 5 ladies who are ready to be bold, step up and change the trajectory of their families life. And have a whole lot of FUN. PM now and I can send you the latest webinar to check out.

06.01.2022 10 ladies only How can I reset my gut health? . Try them all for a complete gut heath reset.... . Ditch the white. ... Love your wholegrains. ... Get down with pulses, beans and lentils. ... Beef up on veggies. ... Eat probiotic foods. ... Eat prebiotic foods. ... Eat mindfully and manage your stress. Take a really good pre/pro and importantly post biotic! Complete a 3 day gentle detox (better still do it with friends) We’ve had this product available in some of our other markets. It' a monthly cleanse of the old pipes and is transforming waistlines Proteins break down in the lower colon, causing toxicity, inflammation and your digestive system to slow. Activate is a gentle flush to get rid of all that built up it gently cleanses the bowels and helps to kick start our digestive system, while detoxing it will rejuvenate cellular health, eliminate toxins and leave the you feeling great again. So bye bye bloat and toxins leaving your tummy feeling amazing and flatter. It is 3 days... NO FASTING NO LIQUIDS ONLY NO SPECIAL FOODS NO MAD TOILET DASH I Have a code for 10 ladies a 10 buck discount and an opportunity to complete Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Offer stands for next 3 days Hola now to take your place.

06.01.2022 Oh a Ski Holiday sounds nice BUT for now I'll settle for the beach........ YOU?

05.01.2022 You Are enough Serious rant about feeling like an imposter. . .... . . . . I don’t know about you but IMPOSTER SYNDROME always like to raise her shiny head AKA that feeling of not feeling enough, you haven’t got what it takes. She creeps up at the most inconvenient times? And why is it doesnt matter how long you have been in business, how far you have come, no matter the Soul tribe you have attracted that nasty little voice raises her head? Exactly when you want to branch out in a new direction. Step up your game. Move away from the norm Walk into a room of incredible colleagues OR when you dare to find your own voice OR stand up for something that you believe in. Those voices start naggling in the back of your head Who are you to talk Surely someone has more experience or more degrees or money or more clients or more followers or more, more more should lead the way That sneekly little voice whispers what if they find out that I’m not perfect. What if they find out that I don’t have it all together What if they scroll back my facebook feed and see that I once to was a binge drinking party girl however I have carefully curated my newsfeed suggest you do? Ah the magical games of our inner minds There are a gazillion other ways that our inner critic says "You are not worthy" That little lady gets blood creative And yet, If everyone listened, If everyone gave into the fear of the imposter syndrome there would a resounding silence So today, I want to remind you You are enough Even with all your flaws and imperfections Even with all the knowledge that you lack You have more answers, more experience, more knowledge than you are giving yourself credit for. For sure We need your voice, We need your perspective, We need your story We need your art and creativity We need your heart and service We need them because they come from you! Much love

04.01.2022 YESTERDAY was fly out day How do I get through two weeks flying solo with 3 kidlets??? HOLY SNAPPING CHOCOLATE FIX! ... I'm a little excited my stash arrived yesterday just in time. How cute are they? The taste is delicious. Like think chocolate fudge... What else is good about it you ask! SHAPE features an innovative, first-in-the-world combination of two leading technologies, CLA and Collagen/HA MatrixTM Technology. CLA provides valuable support to low carbohydrate and ketogenic diets. Collagen/HA MatrixTM Technology nourishes the body, joints and skin No fillers or stabilisers, suitable for ketogenic and low carbohydrate diets No artificial colours or flavours Gluten Free Dairy Free 99.9% Sugar Free. If your a coffee lover you need to try mixing a sachet of Shape Chocolate with Coffee for a delicious Chocolate Mocha to kick your 3pm slump! Hola, if you want this little baby in your hot hands and you'll get your first 10 bucks off.

03.01.2022 Ok, what time does everyone put their kids to bed? (Trying desperately to stop early risers here)Ok, what time does everyone put their kids to bed? (Trying desperately to stop early risers here)

03.01.2022 The person with a Plane ticket in their desk drawer is happier than the person sitting on the beach on holiday knowing that they are going home tomorrow. The dream, the anticipation, the imagining, the journey, the vision can often be more thrilling than the destination.... It is so important to make what you are doing FUN. So you wake up every day and enjoy what you are doing. So happy I have found a community full of dreamers. This community however stay awake and make their dreams happen. We are big believers in the 80/20 rule. 80 percent inner work and 20% Strategy. And that FEELZ good! Keep Dreaming ladies

03.01.2022 This was so nearly me today.......luckily there was a Chemist to purchase another mask. Saved me some gravel rash

02.01.2022 It’s not you and it never was all you. . . . .... . . . . . . I don’t know about you but when I learnt this, I felt free I felt supported It bought so much for lightness and fun to this entrepreneurial journey. I have found that when I take the time to meditate connect to source energy, it’s such a higher vibrational state Things just happen easier It’s like things just come to me I am in the right place at the right time We connect to the people that we need to and things just flow Unicorns and rainbows everywhere I know for me when Dave is away and I don’t find the time I can easily get into a funk and go back to my old ways It’s like there is Kate 1 and Kate 2 I tell you the Kate 2 that takes time for herself to connect to source, She is calmer, she is certain and a whole lot of fun, she bounces around with energy. Her cup is full so she can poor her belief into others, she is the best role model for her kids. God I am only human but am working on been in a state of flow always!!! Who takes the time to meditate every day?

01.01.2022 When one of your customers send you her 7 day collagen results..... Keep in mind collagen levels can take up to 90 days. PRETTY AMAZING... Ruths words..... So 1 week apart, started last Tuesday (1st pick) & today. Not as puffy & also top of chest. Love my Pure Collagen Kate. Love helping the ladies feel great in their own skin........How does it get any better than this Ladies PM for your first 10 bucks off

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