Fiona Kates Animal Chiropractic in Wattleglen, Victoria, Australia | Chiropractor
Fiona Kates Animal Chiropractic
Locality: Wattleglen, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 404 180 772
Address: 18, Scotts Angle Road 3096 Wattleglen, VIC, Australia
Likes: 211
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25.01.2022 Lots of fun at The Good Life Farm in Chum Creek near Healesville this week, treating two mini donkeys! Mini Me, the mum, is on the right, with Taco her daughter (who can be a bit naughty at times!) #thegoodlifefarm #animalchiropractic #FionaKatesAnimalChiropractic #donkeys
25.01.2022 But that was yesterday......... Afraid that after the situation for chiropractors was clarified, I have had to come to the conclusion that I am not able to see patients By not working, clients will not be travelling to see me, and I will not be travelling to horse properties, which is the whole point of this.... I am very sorry that I will not be able to continue the treatment programs in place for my patients, but we will pick up again at the end of stage 4 If anyone is concerned that their pet /horse is in pain, or worsening, please contact your vet. They are still available. Look after yourselves, stay well and PLEASE reach out if you are struggling. #animalchiropractic #FionaKates #dogchiropractor #horsechiropractor
25.01.2022 Looking for a new home....... This is Millie. She is two years old and her elderly owner is no longer able to look after her. She is very sweet natured and currently staying at Ringwood Vet Clinic. But she needs a new place to call home, where she can feel safe and loved. If you can do that for her please let me know, or contact Ringwood Vet Clinic on 9870 6440 #rescuecat #catneedshome
24.01.2022 This how we build resilience in our kids!!
23.01.2022 As tomorrow has a fire danger rating of extreme, all appointments are postponed. If you have an animal chiropractic appointment booked for tomorrow, I will be in contact today to reschedule. Any questions, please contact me on 0404 180 772 Stay safe!
23.01.2022 Thank you to all those people who generously donated to the Lions Bushfire Appeal. And thank you to those Lions giving so generously of their time and labour
22.01.2022 12 week old husky, Arizona, came in for her free puppy check today! She loves playing with her husky friends but they are bigger than her, so play has to be regulated to reduce the risk of injury. She was so good at standing for her check up - theres no stress, and a great learning experience for her.
21.01.2022 I was very privileged to volunteer at this event. I met people with vision impairment from all over the state who return year after year. There were massive smiles, not only on their faces - but on the faces of the driving instructors, car drivers and bike riders too. I get involved with events like these through my membership of Diamond Valley Lions Club. If you have a bit of time, and would like to join a team of people who work to make a difference, consider going along to your local Lions Club to see if youd like it. Youd always be very welcome
20.01.2022 So excited to be attending this event next Sunday! I will be offering free spinal screenings all day, along with chiropractic and risk management advice. All attendees who get a show bag will find a discount voucher inside for Fiona Kates Animal Chiropractic Services. Hope to see all you Goldie owners there! # animalchiropractic #Goldrush #goldenretrievers
20.01.2022 Just letting everyone know that, after a heart stopping few hours yesterday, Fiona Kates Animal Chiropractic Services can still say that we are open for business. Changes in appointment procedures have been put in place to assist clients in their social distancing. You will be informed of these before your next appointment. Please make sure that your contact details are up to date for this to happen. Undoubtedly, there will be more changes soon, so please keep checking my page for further updates. Stay safe and sane! (Cute puppy photo to make you smile )
19.01.2022 Great news! Thank you to everyone who shared the post of Millie. She has now found her new home. Im sure shell settle in quickly
18.01.2022 Happy 2nd birthday to Lexi the Frenchie! What a way to spend your birthday - a relaxing chiro treatment (with a few treats to celebrate ) followed by a day of being spoilt by the family. Perfect!
17.01.2022 The water bowl is filled, the clinic is freshly painted and all I need now are my wonderful patients! So very excited to be able to reopen my clinic at Wattle Glen tomorrow.
17.01.2022 What.....again??! ‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!’ Now that we are back at stage 3 restrictions, I am still working at Wattle Glen, Lower Plenty and mobile for horses, but there will be a limit of one person per patient in the clinic rooms.... If you have any symptoms at all, please contact me to postpone your appointment until test results have been received. If you are vulnerable due to age, co morbidities, or a suppressed immune system, please advise me in advance of your appointment I will be continuing with increased sanitising and distancing where possible. If any clients are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact me in the strictest confidence We can get the numbers down again! Take care, think twice and stay safe Fiona
15.01.2022 Fiona Kates Animal Chiropractic Services is now closed for the Christmas break, reopening on Saturday, 28th December. Business as usual on Monday 30th, and then a break until the afternoon of Thursday, 2nd January. Wishing all of my wonderful clients and amazing patients a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy 2020!!Fiona Kates Animal Chiropractic Services is now closed for the Christmas break, reopening on Saturday, 28th December. Business as usual on Monday 30th, and then a break until the afternoon of Thursday, 2nd January. Wishing all of my wonderful clients and amazing patients a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy 2020!!
15.01.2022 So...from tomorrow I, and all my clients, will be even safer during their pets and horses chiropractic appointments. Love my new animal-themed fabric reusable masks from Sandy Buchanan at MaskMe #animalchiropractic #fabricmask
14.01.2022 Cant wait to see all those magicians (and comics) out there!
13.01.2022 Give our CFA members a bit of a break - well need them again next summer
12.01.2022 Sharing this post Please keep an eye out for Tom if you live in the area, thanks! Hi everyone, my cat Tom has been missing since saturday afternoon. If anyone has seen him can you please message me ASAP. We live in Happy Valley Rise. If you guys could please check under your houses or near your sheds to see if he’s hiding that would be great. I’m worried he’s injured
12.01.2022 Of course dogs dont ever need a chiropractor......!!
11.01.2022 Something to put a smile on your face and get you moving! stay sane everyone!
10.01.2022 How many did you get?
09.01.2022 In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, I am introducing a few changes for my clients. I will be asking all those clients who are able to pay by eft, to do so. Those unable to do so can still pay by cash. If clients are particularly at risk from the virus (elderly, have chronic health issues, on immunosuppressants, are carers etc), then arrangements can be made for them to stay in their car until the room is available, so the length of time in clinic waiting rooms is kept to a minimum. If clients are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with infection by COVID-19, please contact me to postpone your appointment. If you are unsure of any of these measures, or just want clarification on whether you should keep your appointment, then please dont hesitate to contact me. Stay safe and sane out there, everyone!
09.01.2022 A great cause and a great night out! Support our wonderful volunteers at Wattle Glen CFA....Ill definitely be going
09.01.2022 Fantastic work being done by Lesley Porter and The Good Life Farm. Check it out!
09.01.2022 What.....again??! Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more! Now that we are back at stage 3 restrictions, I am still working at Wattle Glen, Lower Plenty and mobile for horses, but there will be a limit of one person per patient in the clinic rooms.... If you have any symptoms at all, please contact me to postpone your appointment until test results have been received. If you are vulnerable due to age, co morbidities, or a suppressed immune system, please advise me in advance of your appointment I will be continuing with increased sanitising and distancing where possible. If any clients are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact me in the strictest confidence We can get the numbers down again! Take care, think twice and stay safe Fiona
09.01.2022 So...from tomorrow I, and all my clients, will be even safer during their pets' and horses' chiropractic appointments. Love my new animal-themed fabric reusable masks from Sandy Buchanan at MaskMe #animalchiropractic #fabricmask
09.01.2022 Just a gentle reminder....
08.01.2022 A great way for the puppies to feel safe and comforted - the blankets have the scent of their mother and siblings on it
08.01.2022 A great new local business producing quality, bespoke, handmade pet accessories! Please check it out...!
07.01.2022 Millie is still looking for someone to love! She is being well cared for at Ringwood Vet Clinic, but it isnt the same as being in a home with someone to care for her. Please share this to anyone you think may be looking for a lovely cat like Millie
06.01.2022 Step 2 restrictions I am happy to say that I am now able to treat patients who fall under certain criteria. If there is a welfare issue, ie the animal is in pain, showing a functional disability and/or has arthritis,... Or if it requires timely intervention, eg for a working animal, or an injury sustained by an immature animal that could affect its development. At present, all small animals are being seen at Lower Plenty Vet Clinic, unless a home visit is essential. Horses are being seen on site, as usual, with social distancing as much as is safe, and masks to be worn by both the client/handler and myself The Wattle Glen clinic will hopefully open soon, although it is still unclear when practitioners will be able to work from non commercial premises. The practice at Ringwood Vet Clinic remains closed for the time being. There is no date for reopening at the moment, but I will give as much notice as possible when I am informed. I’m very happy to discuss any concerns you may have about your pet or horse. If I can’t help you at the moment, I will advise you on how to find someone who can Let’s all look after each other!
06.01.2022 Hi everyone! I just wanted to share some info with all you animal lovers and pet owners out there, which I found on an American Vets site, posted just a few days ago. To paraphrase - transmission of COVID-19 by touching a contaminated surface or object is possible but less likely than being infected directly from an infected person. Smooth non-porous surfaces transmit the virus more than porous, fibrous materials (eg pet hair) as the porous surfaces trap and absorb the virus... making it harder to get onto your hands. Infectious disease experts and multiple international and domestic human and animal health organizations agree there is no evidence at this point to indicate that pets spread COVID-19 to other animals, including people. If you are not ill with COVID-19, you can interact with your pet as you normally would, including walking, feeding, and playing. You should continue to practice good hygiene during those interactions (e.g., wash hands before and after interacting with your pet; ensure your pet is kept well-groomed; regularly clean your pets food and water bowls, bedding material, and toys). Out of an abundance of caution, it is recommended that those ill with COVID-19 limit contact with animals until more information is known about the virus. Have another member of your household take care of walking, feeding, and playing with your pet. If you have a service animal or you must care for your pet, then wear a facemask; dont share food, kiss, or hug them; and wash your hands before and after any contact with them. So - in these times when we need our pets to continue to support our mental and physical wellbeing, we can still enjoy our time with them, as long as we continue to do those things we are doing anyway - washing hands, and keeping on top of their grooming and bowls /bedding. They do not pose a risk to us!! Enjoy them!!
05.01.2022 Bring along your family (two or four legged) to this great event!
05.01.2022 I am very happy to say that Fiona Kates Animal Chiropractic Services is allowed to stay open during stage 4 restrictions. However, to do the right thing by the community, I have decided to provide only "essential" services. I define these as -... Assessment and treatment of any animal who is in pain, showing significant dysfunction, eg lameness or who is arthritic and the reduction in mobility is affecting quality of life I urge any current client, or prospective client, to contact me if they want to discuss the situation with their pet / horse. I understand that it is not always easy to gauge the severity of a problem yourself. Please also remember that it is allowed for you to travel out of your 5km area to take your pet for veterinary care To everyone - stay safe and sane! We can get through this! #animalchiropractic #FionaKates
05.01.2022 Its holiday time! I will be taking a break from 17th October to 18th November. If you require an animal chiro during this time, Go to to find a practitioner.... Ill see you when I am back at work See more
04.01.2022 A must read! Something for all riders and instructors to keep front of mind. Riding requires consideration of all factors that may be affecting your horse.....
04.01.2022 Often we take our own dogs for granted a little, and dont take the time out to see the subtle signs they are exhibiting. Teach your children, and those that visit, what to look for, and explain that it is our responsibility to ensure that they are happy with the interactions they have with us
04.01.2022 Gonzo has turned 18!! I have loved giving him chiropractic care over the last 11 years. Hes such a beautiful boy - and its great to see him still going strong!!
03.01.2022 Had a fantastic time at KCC Park yesterday - 750 golden retrievers in one place (in the rain and the mud - they loved it! ) Non stop spinal checks for 3 hours but then the wind got up and unfortunately we had to pack up early. I met some great dogs and their people, and really look forward to next year. 991 for the world record? Victoria can do it!... #animalchiropractic #goldenretrievers #dogchiropractor
03.01.2022 Last night, at La Trobe Unis presentation on their research into assistance dogs for veterans with PTSD (funded by the Dept of Vet Affairs) Interesting discussion, but brought up more questions, as youd expect. Will be great to see the results at the end of the four years #ltubold #assistancedogs #dogchiropractor
02.01.2022 I am still here! (And still working!) I just want to assure my clients (and potential clients) that I am still able to work, with some restrictions, at all three of my small animal clinics (Wattle Glen, Ringwood and Lower Plenty) and on equine patients. Social distancing, increased sanitising and the use of gloves during treatments are all being adhered to, in a concerted effort to keep everyone as safe as possible, whilst still providing a service to reduce pain and increase function for pets and horses. If anyone has concerns about how the risks are being managed, or if clients are at increased risk due to their age or poor health / immunity, please contact me. I am very happy to discuss these issues and work out the best way forward. Stay well and sane
02.01.2022 So.......less than a week after my last post, I am afraid I have to inform everyone that I have closed my Ringwood clinic for the present. I will still be working from Lower Plenty and Wattle Glen for small animals, and mobile for horses. Those clients who normally see me at Ringwood can be seen at the other clinics, if they prefer. Stay well! Stay safe!
02.01.2022 For all horse riders.... re social distancing, and what is permitted when you exercise your horse.
02.01.2022 Quick, get the car out! The animal Chiro is open for ALL patients, including routine care! So happy to say that I am now able to see any animal, regardless of level of need. I am also able to work from my clinic at Wattle Glen, aswell as at Lower Plenty Vet Clinic and mobile for horses.... Welcoming all new and old patients! I can’t wait to see you! #animalchiropractor #canine #dogchiropractor #horsechiropractor #equinechiropractor #catchiropractor
01.01.2022 Of course dogs don’t ever need a chiropractor......!!
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