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24.01.2022 My fav breakfast - gluten free, sugar free, protein, fiber and good-fat rich buckwheat granola. A fool-proof recipe you can customize to your taste and effort level, but a great one to set you up for the day. Crunchy, satiating, energising. Recipe on the blog.
21.01.2022 Shift your perception of yourself, your situation by re-framing the narrative you tell yourself. Negative self-talk perpetuates your belief that these stories are true; I’m not skinny enough, I’m not good enough, they won’t like me until, I need to be different in this way. Pay close attention to the words and phrases you identify with; when thoughts are negative you’re convincing yourself this is your truth, when they’re positive they allow you to live your real truth and... thrive. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it to yourself! On top of this, negative chatter can induce stress, which activates your adrenals, and can lead to all sorts of negative, physical health effects. Be kind and supportive to yourself, you’ll be surprised how much easier and more wonderful life will become. #iamenough #marisapeer #healthcoach #health #wellness
20.01.2022 Some of my fav products for AM skin health, particularly if you’re trying to recoup and revive your skin. I’m obsessed with @rationale’s isotropic skincare (meaning containing ingredients that our bodies naturally use to maintain health, so they work more efficiently), Serums 1 and 2 drench the skin with antioxidants to provide DNA protection, preventing pollution and other nasties from breaking down collagen and elasticity causing fine lines, pigmentation, dehydration, sun... damage and dullness and also help to reverse these things to restore your glow. Well worth the investment, even for a period of trying to coach your skin back to health, kind of like having a facialist with you every morning. SPF is a daily must, if you’re trying to revive your skin health this one is particularly important! It does all the further prevention work, but there’s no point spending time and money on your skin if you’re not wearing SPF daily, you’re just fighting against yourself. It will help with dehydration, fine lines, dark circles, inflammation, redness and skin texture. My fav sunscreen, @ultravioletteau Queen Screen is a dream, it’s light like a serum but packs a 50+ punch and is nice and glowy for my dry skin. If you’re oily I can recommend Supreme or Lean Screens, they’re all just lovely to wear. #rationale #ultraviolette #sunscreen #spf #serum #skincare #queenscreen #antioxidants #todaysspf #calltimeonmelanoma #healthcoach #health #skinhealth #wellbeing #wellness
19.01.2022 Fruit - friend or foe? On one hand fruit is full of vitamins, minerals and fiber so fruits can be a wonder food in your diet. There’s nothing like a mango or crunchy watermelon on a balmy summer day On the other hand fruit is full of fructose so can be taxing for anyone with digestion issues, bacterial/fungal overgrowth/imbalance or anyone sensitive to blood sugar spikes/crashes and intern hormone imbalances. ... If you tick any of the boxes in that second sentence, proper food combining can significantly improve your health and have you feeling well again. When you eat foods that don’t combine properly (just like orange juice and toothpaste) the digestive system gets mixed signals about which digestive juices and enzymes to release. Food then remains in the digestive tract longer then it should do and starts fermenting. For anyone with digestive issues, this food can then become poisonous to your system, polluting your inner ecology; the result is bloating, gas, weight gain and perpetuates your digestive issues. A tip to try if you have these symptoms and/or digestive issues, eat fruit alone, and on an empty stomach, so breaky is your moment, and don’t eat fruit with animal protein (lemon is the exception). What is your relationship with fruit like? How does your body respond? Image credit to the talented @jillburro_w KSHC Xx
17.01.2022 Fake scenarios, you know them. The ones we create anxiously and irrationally, plucked from thin air.often after an awkward or uncomfortable situation/conversation with someone, when he doesn’t call you back, or when we think our boss is going to fire us. It’s easy to completely catastrophise, it’s a protection mechanism that occurs after a rush of adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine, aka stress, particularly in those times that take us by surprise. Our brain chooses to p...ick a memory with negative association and it runs with it. But you know what?! You can stop it in its tracks. The thing is these fake scenarios can be damaging to relationships, most of all your relationship with yourself. Self worth can really take a hit, intern affecting self confidence and self esteem. The more doubt we put out, the more hurt we experience. Positive affirmations work by taking advantage of the reward system in the brain to act like an emotional buffer to any painful, negative or threatening information that follows. So without that positive reward, the mind spirals to a pretty unhappy place. If these fake scenarios come up, either take the bull by the horn and speak up, ask for clarification around a feeling, or if it’s not the right time to ask for clarification, don’t let yourself go down the rabbit hole. Think rationally and allow yourself to see the positives in the situation - if things don’t turn out the way you hoped, you can bet its because something much bigger and better is on it way to you
14.01.2022 One of the wonderful things to be born out of 2020, people forming a more positive relationship with their skin and feeling liberated from the notion of ‘needing’ to wear makeup when in public. Don’t get me wrong, I love makeup, I’ve made a 17 year career from it; makeup is fun, experimental can bring out an alter ego and can change your mood in an instant. It’s the perfectionism that creates insecurities in us that upsets me. Until I hit 30 I had my things I couldn’t leave... the house without, a little concealer under my eyes, mascara and a brow groom, but thankfully with age or some universal shift I woke up one day not giving a f*#k and have felt liberated ever since. I now crave my days with no makeup, and the lazy-girl in me hates taking it off so I feel even more freed on these days The NPD 2020 Makeup Consumer Report (a report from the US, however the same behaviour is reported, and I’ve witnessed it, in Australia) notes a 64% decrease in makeup usage. A difficult trend for brands, but I think it shows such a great shift in societal pressures, or our perception of these pressures and a new found confidence. Can’t recommend a no makeup day enough; remember you are enough and the judgements of others are generally a reflection of something going on inside them. Be free, Beauty xx #iamenough #youareenough #nomakeup #nomakeupselfie #free #makeup
13.01.2022 Tongue scraping - I started a while back, and now I can’t stop. And to think I never used to makes me feel a bit ick... I once heard it describe like this - Imagine your mouth is a room with wet carpet, and there’s a party bout to happen up in this room. The people coming to this party (what you eat, drink, polluted air, general mouth ick) come in with their dirty shoes on (bad bacteria). The dirt on their shoes gets stuck all down in the wet carpet (your tongue), a bunch of ...inconsiderate guest who aren’t thinking about the clean up in the AM. If the dirt was left there, the carpet and room would fester and become pretty gross after a while. A tongue scraper is like the vacuuming and steam cleaning Dyson that would come along and clean up the evidence of the night before, leaving the room looking clean and feeling fresh. The body goes into detox mode between about 10pm and 2am, and Ayurvedic tradition believes one of the detox channels from your body is the mouth, via the tongue (which is technically the start of your digestive system). When you wake, the layer on your tongue can be consider toxins your body has ejected, so best be scrapping it off! Tongue scraping also helps with bad breath and just generally makes you feel much cleaner, but anything that helps with detoxification is a bonus in my books. #tongue #tonguescraper #tonguescraping #ayurveda #ayurvedalifestyle #keeko #healthcoach #health #wellness #wellbeing #oralhealth
08.01.2022 Ever looked at the ingredient list of a ‘food’ and seen numbers in the list? If an IL contains numbers, it means part of what you’re eating isn’t actually a food at all, it’s a synthetic substance, a ‘food additive’. These substances in moderation are ok, a healthy body can detox them relatively easy, but the dose is the poison. If you’re eating foods that contain numbers on the daily, and multiple different foods with numbers, you can overload your system with these substa...nces. This overload can lead to gut and digestive issues, asthma, headaches, migraines, fatigue, brain fog, dehydration, skin rashes/irritation, dizziness, nausea, obesity, Crohn’s, IBD, IBS, cardiovascular disease.the list goes on. Food additives can be broken down like this - 100-180 - colours 200-297 - preservatives 300-385 - emulsifiers/stabilisers/bulking agents 400-492 - thickeners/stabilisers/gelling agents 500-586 - texture enhancing agents 620-641 - flavour enhancers 905-907 - sweetener/thickener/appearance enhancing The worst one I find that’s in SO much packaged food is 621/E621 - which is MSG (monosodium L-glutamate). Not just reserved for old school Chinese food, it’s in rice crackers, chips, ‘healthy’ labeled snack alternatives, hummus, dips, cheese, noodles. So if you feel tired and fatigued after eating something from a packet, chances are it contained 621. All chemistry-like trickery leaving you to think that the brands that make these products are really great cooks. Not the case, it’s all smoke and mirrors. Remember the dose is the poison; if you’re already experiencing any of the health concerns listed above, this might be something to look out for and good place to start to making changes and choices that will be better for you health in the long run.
08.01.2022 In managing my newly diagnosed PCOS, blood sugar balance is now more important for me than ever. Every doctor you speak to will tell you a different story, it’s irreversible, diet doesn’t change anything, control it with the pill. After studying the work of Dr Alisa Vitti, and seeing thousands of women reverse their hormone imbalances, I’m determined to use diet, and a few other healing modalities (cue kinesiology and strategic supplementation) to try to normalise my cycle, a...nd clear the symptoms of PCOS. 3 months in an I’ve already taken my cycle form an 8 week to 5 and a half week cycle, so something is working! A key to hormone balancing - balance your blood glucose levels and avoid spikes in blood sugar - be sure to eat regularly and don’t let yourself go hungry, that’s when your glucose will spike and send your endocrine system into alert. Here’s a recipe I created to give myself something to snack on between meals, or to chuck in my mouth when life gets busy and I may miss sitting down to eat breakfast or lunch. Lots of protein, omegas, fibre and minerals, each crucial for normal endocrine function. Sugar and gluten free granola bars, recipe; - 2 flax eggs (2 TBSP flax meal, 5 TBSP water, mix and let it set for 5-8 mins) - 2 TBSP butter - 1 cup quinoa flakes - 1-1/2 cups of chopped nuts (I used cashews, almonds and walnuts) - 1/2 cup sunflower seeds - 1/4 cup hemp seeds - 1/4 TSP salt - 1 TSP cinnamon - 1/2 cup buckwheat flower Method - - Preheat the oven to 150C - Line a baking dish - Mix all of the dry ingredients together - Melt the butter then mix the butter and flax eggs into the dry ingredients - Add to your lined baking dish and press firmly into the pan. - Bake for 20-25 mins or until it reaches the desired texture. Continued in comments...
07.01.2022 Intermittent fasting has become one of the latest trends for successful weight loss, and there’s lots of studies that have shown it may also be successful for improving cognitive function and lowering the risk of chronic health conditions. However most of these studies have been done on men, so the detail around how fasting effects hormone balance and production in women hasn’t been considered. For a woman of reproductive years, unfortunately fasting can do more harm then g...ood as it can disrupt estrogen balance, cortisol levels and can play around with your thyroid. This can manifest as many symptoms, reduced skin and hair health, low energy, anxiety, brain fog, weight gain, poor muscle tone and infertility or loss of your period. If you’re about to undertake in fasting, it’s important to think about your goals and what you’re trying to achieve. Should conception and fertility be important to you (now or in the future), fasting may not be the best solution - protein and fats first up in the AM are going to keep that baby maker of your in good health, so deprivation can be damaging. Safe fasting is possible for women, the steps link back into your cycle, it’s a more slow and steady approach and should be well researched before undertaking. No matter the goal, listening to what’s going on in your body is key to finding the right solutions to help you reach your goals. Have you had experience with fasting? Would love to know your about the positives/negatives you’ve experienced!
04.01.2022 Anxiety is a disorder that cripples the lives of too many of us and holds us back from making the most of our precious life times. I’ve found a few hacks, and have written a blog about one of my favourites... In my opinion and experience, one of the biggest and what I now feel also unnecessary perpetuators of anxiety, is coffee. Don’t come at me coffee lovers; our bodies are all different and we tolerate foods and stimulants in different ways, so if you suffer from anxiety ...and are a coffee drinker, maybe hear me out. Would love to know if you’ve had any successes with quitting coffee, or if you tried and failed, and how it might have benefitted your anxiety or had any other positive outcomes. KSHCx #kshc #healthcoach #health #anxiety #hack #anxietyhack #coffee #nervoussystem #mindbody
01.01.2022 Oh hey, I’m Kate Squires. I’m here to help you get your glow on. Starting from the inside, out. I’m fascinated about the human body and how our thoughts, lifestyle, and environment affects us not just our biochemical and neurological processes (read: fancy scientific wording for how we function and think), but whether those processes manifest into a positive or negative response. As a qualified health coach, I combine my two passions (see @makemeupkate for beauty) to hel...p you find your fiercest version of true beauty AKA glowing health, clear skin, unshakeable confidence, and sweeter-than-honey happiness. Don’t worry; you’re not alone. I’ve navigated my own health struggles, gut issues, toxic relationships, near chronic stress, depression and hormone imbalances (what a doozy of a run sheet, that is). But you know what, these things can be conquered and it’s easier than you think especially when you stop adopting fads for a quick fix. Life’s too short to be feeling so meh. I’m here to support and empower you to find your missing road map to health, so you can get both hands back on the wheel. #healthcoach #skincoach #glow #health #healthcoaching #weightloss #hormonehealth #hormonebalance #guthealth #stressmanagement #feelinggood
01.01.2022 Oysters. You love em or you hate em. I bloody love them. I have very sentimental memories with oysters, I love the taste, but I also I love that they’re so packed full of goodness, I’d eat them every day if it was easy to keep them on hand living in a city apartment. The nutritional density in a dozen oysters exceeds that of 700grams of grass-fed liver. With organ meats becoming a buzz to get your essential minerals and nutrients, I’d choose oysters over liver any day, excep...t maybe a delish grass fed pâté. Regardless, it puts their nutrient punch into perspective for you. Here’s a few goodies you’ll find in them - Oysters are rich in DHA, an omega 3 - which protects from blue light toxicity, helps prevent heart disease, depression and fights inflammation. It also is crucially important for healthy pregnancies and brain development of a baby in utero - shame you can’t eat them when you’re pregnant but good for storing up prior. They’re also chocked full of zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium and iron - good for immune health, thyroid function, preventing free radical damage and aiding your circadian rhythm. Vitamin D - aids cell growth, bone health and essential to immune health. Also helps bring happy vibes. Vitamin B12, B1 and B3 - aid nervous system maintenance, have an antioxidant effect on the body which help to boost the effects of the total nutrient profile of oysters even further. So next time you’re considering whether to order that dozen for an entree, let yourself indulge! KSHC xx
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