Kathleen Murphy: Naturopath & Acupuncturist in Lismore, New South Wales | Womens health clinic
Kathleen Murphy: Naturopath & Acupuncturist
Locality: Lismore, New South Wales
Address: 49 Leycester Street 2480 Lismore, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.kathleenmurphy.com.au/
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25.01.2022 And that's me DONE for clinical work here in Sydney. After eight years living and working in this big busy city (with a couple of pauses here and there for babies and sabbaticals and...err... pandemics), it's time to sign off. It's bittersweet! I've loved it here... so many excellent experiences, opportunities and we're lucky to have built a community of beloved friends. Buuuuuuut next week we head off for our new home base in the Northern Rivers. Once we're settled I'll confirm new practice plans.. but for now, it's adventure time. Byeeeeeeee thanks and love you, Sydney!
25.01.2022 Kids and Herbal Medicine My little Molly is nearly on the other side of a chest infection and two day fever, poor poppet The best remedy for her at the moment is rest, which she's been getting plenty of She's also having simple, nutritious food when she feels like eating (soup, broth, fresh juice) Lots of fluidsPracticing good hygiene (especially when there's a snot explosion!) ... Aaaand, we're giving her regular doses of medicinal herbs to 1] support immune function 2] help fight infection, and 3] soothe her inflamed respiratory tract Herbs are great for kids, who often (usually!) take them with minimal complaint or fuss. The doses are much smaller than for adults and children tend to respond pretty quickly. They need to be appropriately prescribed of course... as is true of any medicine. As the daughter of two naturopaths, Molly's been taking herbs since infancy. Here she is knocking back an Echinacea, Liquorice and Thyme mix. Delicious #herbalmedicine #plantmedicine #kidshealth #herbalmedicineweek #coughandcold #naturopathmum
25.01.2022 Hello my friends, Firstly, I hope you are well and taking care of yourselves as best you can through this challenging and stressful time. Like most of you, over the past couple of weeks I've had some unexpected challenges thrown my way and have had to significantly adjust my personal and professional life. ... This week, both my husband and I began working exclusively from home and took our daughter out of school. I won't be seeing anyone in the clinic for the foreseeable future but I will be taking a small number of phone and online appointments each week, mixing and delivering herbal orders, etc. I also want to acknowledge that my husband and I are in the privileged position of having jobs that can transfer to a home 'office' (*ahem* kitchen table), which ensures our livelihood through this uncertain time. I know there are many others (including friends, family and people in our extended community) who are not so lucky and have all of a sudden found themselves in a precarious position with little or no income. As such, we are committed to giving what we can of our energy and resources to those in need, in both our physical and virtual community. I want you to know that if you are looking for support or help and you are struggling financially in the face of current seismic changes, please reach out to me. I mean it. Get in touch with me and I will do whatever I can to help you. Whether it's a herbal tonic to support your fractured nervous system, a pandemic-pantry meal plan, emergency toilet paper (!) or just someone to talk to... please know you can reach out to me and I will do what I can to help. I will also leave you with two resources on COVID-19 which are validated, regularly updated and offer the best advice on the disease itself, prevention, management and public health measures: ** The Department of Health's coronavirus information page is updated daily and has a lot of useful information, including links to health services in your area if you suspect you need to be tested or require specific support (https://www.health.gov.au//novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-hea) **The World Health Organisation has a dedicated page with updated information and advice on coronavirus, and how to look after yourself and others (https://www.who.int//novel-coronavirus-2/advice-for-public) Lastly, I want to give a HUGE shout out to all the frontline health workers, the teachers and child care workers, the people restocking shelves and delivering grocery orders... to those people who are keeping things running... you put yourselves out there every day to support the greater community and I wholeheartedly appreciate YOU Thankyou x
25.01.2022 PC6 (Neiguan) is an acupuncture / acupressure point used by many people for motion sickness, nausea and vomiting It is also a very common point to help with morning sickness in pregnancy, something I treat very regularly in clinic. I've recently emerged from my own period of morning (or, more accurately all-day) sickness, which I had to treat myself as we were travelling a lot and I couldn't get in to see anyone. To support myself through the last couple of months, I used... press tacs (tiny tiny needles affixed with a bandaid) to stimulate PC6 and other points that calm eruptive digestive symptoms and quell nausea. I often use press tacs with women who see me in clinic, as they help to maintain the positive effect of the treatment, between appointments. Pins aren't the only thing I used to feel better. I also maintained a fairly constant intake of complex carbohydrates to stabilise blood sugar (preventing severe nausea) as well as a heroic consumption of ginger, peppermint and fennel. Do what you gotta! Happily, I've now moved into the second trimester which has returned my digestion and energy back to its usual happy balance. Coincidentally, a good time to be back home and returning to practice I'm back in the clinic from next Wednesday, 18th March #acupuncture #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #pregnancy #firstrimester #morningsickness #pregnancynausea #morningsicknessrelief #sydneyacupuncture #pregnancyacupuncture
25.01.2022 This is such a genuine heartfelt piece and certainly one that will resonate with anyone who has lost a baby, as so many of us have - I felt a familiar lump in my throat and blurry eyes as I read this What a year. And what a good time to be reminded about the immense value of caring and connectedness https://www.nytimes.com//op/meghan-markle-miscarriage.html
24.01.2022 Practice news! In the next couple of weeks, I'm going to have more face-to-face appointments available and in a new Northern Rivers location... at Mullumbimby Comprehensive Health Centre! I'm very excited to join this wonderful integrative team every Thursday and alternate Mondays. So, if you live up that way, come in and see me there! ... I'm still at the Birth House, here in Lismore, 2-3 days each week (every Wednesday and Friday + alternate Mondays)... but adding some shifts in Mullum means I'm able to be more available for those of you who would like to see me for care, treatment and support https://www.mullumhealthcentre.com/team/kathleen-murphy/
22.01.2022 Sage advice! Take care my Sydney / Aussie friends. We feel so lucky to be over in Oxford at the moment, but also guilty to be away from home and community while the fires continue to burn. Sending love from here to there
22.01.2022 Now that we aren't able to gather together in person, there are many innovative online events popping up and one that I want to share is this #circleofsupport event on Thursday evening. This is such a wonderful and valuable resource for those who need it. As many of you know, we lost our baby a month ago and while I'm incredibly lucky to be surrounded by love and support, it was and continues to be heartbreaking. Even as life goes on and other things (work, children, global ...pandemics...) require attention, we are still grieving; and I cannot emphasise enough the value of community during this time Over the past few years, I have recommended The Pink Elephants Support Network to women and their partners many times... and, over the past month, I have benefited myself from their support and resources. If you have experienced pregnancy loss and are looking to connect with a support network, I encourage you to get in touch with Pink Elephants and take advantage of these valuable services. https://www.facebook.com/events/511431499743517/
22.01.2022 Happy New Year my friends! I hope you are all well and, for those of you already seeing me in the clinic or via online appointments, I'll be back at my desk from next week - starting Wednesday 13th January I *was* due back to work this week, but ended up having an unexpected emergency appendectomy a few days before Christmas (very on brand for the year that was) and need some extra time to rest and recover before returning to work. I'm very much on the mend, however, an...d feeling pretty good -- plus, as ever, deeply grateful for my wonderful family, friends and ability to access excellent healthcare. To schedule an appointment - in person or online - you can use the online booking system: https://bit.ly/3qo0bXx ... or feel free to message me with questions about how I can support you. xoxo
21.01.2022 I'm spending the next three days taking a deep dive into pregnancy, birth and postpartum care - love learning, growing and extending my skills
21.01.2022 I'm coming home to Sydney in a couple of weeks and will be back in the clinic for appointments from 18th March. There are a few other changes coming up, which you can read in this update. I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone, in person, soon! http://kathleenmurphy.com.au/sydney-clinic-return/
21.01.2022 "Studies have shown that time in nature as long as people feel safe is an antidote for stress: It can lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduce nervous system arousal, enhance immune system function, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and improve mood." We don't necessarily need research to tell us this, we feel it ourselves when we're out in nature... but always interesting to have evidence support what we know, instinctively, works https://e360.yale.edu//ecopsychology-how-immersion-in-natu
20.01.2022 NEW YEAR... NEW CLINIC As many of you would already be aware, the Lismore Birth House shut its doors this week. A big change AND a loss for birthing folk in this region, but also time for Bron to have a well-deserved break. This means that I am moving my practice. Not too far though, just a few blocks over, to a lovely space at Inspired by Health, 45 Zadoc Street (Lismore). I have updated the website and booking system, but please let me know if you have any questions or ...issues with booking. I will be back in the clinic next week (from 17th Jan) and at the moment, all spots are booked til February - but do reach out if you were hoping to get in earlier, as I can try and fit you in. At the moment, I will not be running the community clinic, but I'm hoping to get this back up and going very soon. For now, I'm available for private appointments on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I look forward to seeing everyone back in the clinic from next week and, as ever, am so lucky to be part of so many people's health team - a real honour
19.01.2022 Come along to the Lismore Birth House this Saturday (28th Nov) to learn acupressure techniques for labour and birth. Join us from 9-11am and bring your birth partner if you can! Just $5 and morning tea is provided. Let me know if you're planning to attend - love to see you there!
19.01.2022 Back home, just about unpacked, slowly coming out of the jetlag fog and deeply enjoying being back to #saladlyfe I missed this fresh crunchy deliciousness while we were away... though, truly, I also enjoyed all the UK's stodgy options... it was appropriate and seasonal! Today I've got veggie fritters, a boiled egg, fresh tomatoes, avocado and crunchy sauerkraut. Yummmm.
18.01.2022 Healing foods are for the soul as much as the physical body. In this case, mushroom congee delivered to my door by a beautiful friend We have received such an outpouring of love over the past week from family, friends and community. I feel so loved and so lucky and so incredibly grateful to live among such kind and beautiful people. The current pandemic has really put things in perspective for many of us, myself included. Though I'm still healing, I'll be easing back to ...work this week, but limited hours and only from home. I'm not seeing anyone in the clinic for the foreseeable future (we'll see how this changes in the coming weeks and months... like many people, we're in limbo... waiting...) but I am taking some phone and online appointments, delivering herbal orders, etc. I'll also be helping out in the community, as we have a lot of people in our area who are suddenly and dramatically in need of support... and we (me / Jon/ many of our neighbours) are committed to giving what we can of our energy and resources to those in need. We're all in this together See more
18.01.2022 Good to remember
18.01.2022 Feeling nauseous in the early stages of pregnancy is incredibly unpleasant, but not unusual. Up to 80% of pregnant women will experience some form of nausea and over half will also experience vomiting. Often referred to as morning sickness this name doesnt accurately reflect what many women experience, as the symptoms can appear any time during the day or night! It can be debilitating. I have supported a lot of women experiencing pregnancy nausea and in some cases hyperemesis; and want to reassure you that there are many different treatment options, including natural remedies, that can help significantly with these symptoms. Have you tried any of the ones I recommend? http://kathleenmurphy.com.au/beat-pregnancy-nausea/
18.01.2022 No, but really... wash your hands! Good hygiene is always important, of course, and even more so at the moment
17.01.2022 Some simple info tiles I put together about general health support and COVID-19. Ultimately, I recommend the naturopathic approach of prevention and health promotion... which aligns with public health recommendations for managing the impact of the current pandemic. There is no definitive treatment for this virus, so staying as healthy as you can and reducing risk for those around you is tantamount. What measures are you taking to protect and support your health, as well as that of the community at large?
16.01.2022 I'll be on leave from the end of this week and mostly offline from then until the new year. All my online appointments this week are done or booked and just a couple of spots left at the Birth House before Friday... here's the latest mail, with appointment info AND tips on staying well through the festive season xoxo --> https://mailchi.mp//festive-season-survival-and-appointmen
16.01.2022 This is going to be such a wonderful event on the weekend and we have just a handful of tickets left! If you're thinking of coming along, make sure you've secured your spot (i.e. booked a ticket) by tomorrow, Thurs 31st Oct
15.01.2022 We've just arrived home from the Eden Project and it was so beautiful, excellent, rad and inspiring. Experiencing different ecosystems, strong focus on planetary health and sustainable practices, syncing with natural systems and using plants to heal... all totally up my alley! I've had Eden Project on my wish list for years - so lucky and grateful to be able to visit. Even better, with with my favourite humans. Five stars
15.01.2022 I've had just a handful of opportunities to be on my own over the past two months. The rest of the time has been spent with my little human by my side, no matter what we're doing, talking talking talking. Even when I'm in the shower or taking a bath... she wants to TELL me things! It is exhausting and it is a privilege. And when I can get a few hours to be on my own, it is bliss. I sit quietly in the library and read or go and look at something a 5yr old wouldn't or couldn't. Simple pleasures and great appreciation.
15.01.2022 It's getting ch-ch-chilly here in the evenings and early mornings. Which means: time to get your pashmina out and keep your neck warm! According to Chinese medicine theory, the back of your neck is vulnerable to 'wind invasion' - wind being one of six external pathogens - and, in fact, there is an acupoint at the base of your neck (around T2) called the 'wind gate' (fengmen). So... your neck should be protected and warm in cold and breezy weather... helping to prevent coughs, colds, congestion, aches and pains. Plus, how good does a scarf look!? (Pretty dang good, is the answer) #staywell #livewell #seasonalhealth #chinesemedicine #acupuncture #naturalmedicine #preventativehealth
14.01.2022 I'm slooooowly updating the free resource downloads on my website - webinars, info sheets, etc - and you can access them here: https://kathleenmurphy.com.au/resources/ At the moment, I just have the [updated] natural immune boosting workshop live, but there will be much more uploaded over the coming days and weeks! Enjoy x
14.01.2022 People can get reeeeal leery about needles. And, look, I understand: I used to be the same! But I'm here to tell you that acupuncture needles aren't scary or painful. They are gentle, therapeutic and (in almost all cases) incredibly relaxing. Part of that is to do with the skill of the clinician (because, sure, some people can make them hurt!) but the other part is to do with how small the needles are: they are really little and thin Take a look at the diagram above, this gi...ves you an idea of how teeny tiny acupuncture needles are in comparison to the 'usual' needles most of us are accustomed to (I should say, there are different gauges i.e. sizes of medical / hypodermic needles, some smaller and some larger than the example above) The needles I use most often in the practice are between 0.18 and 0.20mm in diameter - they are super fine and cause very little discomfort when inserted, if any at all. Truly, needles can be your friend #acupuncture #gentle #treatment #acupunctureneedles
14.01.2022 This week is PANDA week - Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia - raising awareness of the impact that pregnancy, birth and early parenthood can have on mental health. Acknowledging and normalising anxiety and depression are important steps towards removing the stigma (unfortunately, still) associated with mental health. It affects more of us than you may realise - 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men. I have heard so many stories of struggle from new parents: in the clinic, thro...ugh friends, family and my community. I struggled myself, significantly, after returning to work when my daughter was still a baby. It was a horrible awful time. Yesterday was the funeral for a girl I knew from school - a beautiful kind-hearted woman, a doctor, a mother of two little girls... and someone for whom postnatal depression could not be overcome. Absolutely heartbreaking. We often see memes and make jokes about 'the juggle' of parenthood and for all of us it is crazy and stressful and overwhelming at different times... but for many of us too there will be periods where it feels insurmountable. Help and support is *essential* during this time. It is rarely easy to ask for help but it is so beneficial. It is also imperative that we look out for others around us and check in which how they're faring. It really DOES take a village and we need to look after one another.
14.01.2022 Deeply appreciating all I have and the ordinary everyday, when our life is on its head and what were once future plans now on fire. Am looking forward to seeing what we build from the ashes.
12.01.2022 I do love my Wednesdays and Fridays at the Birth House
11.01.2022 Merry Christmas if you observe it and otherwise wishing everyone a wonderful festive season and start to the new year / decade. As my daughter writes here... the message is LOVE
11.01.2022 Here, I'll show you a veeeery easy and really quite effective acupressure point to help with nausea and vomiting. Have you used this point on yourself or your family before? Had an acupuncturist include it in a treatment? ... This is probably one of my favourite acupoints!
10.01.2022 For any of my practitioner friends... this is a pretty cool offering! Two tickets, worth ~ $500 each, up for grabs!
10.01.2022 Fixing up the backend of the site and found this post from a few years ago. Still so relevant! What do you think? Do you like practitioners who keep it real?... or would you prefer to keep them at a distance / on a pedestal? (FYI no more Nutella in the house since that time, it's not our jam, so to speak) http://kathleenmurphy.com.au/get-real/
10.01.2022 This is a reminder for those of us in and around Sydney to take extra care if you have asthma or any respiratory conditions, especially over the next couple of days. We are currently in the midst of catastrophic bushfires and, by all reports, things are going to get much worse before they get better. Take care all x
10.01.2022 As you will have seen in the news and your social media feeds, October is pregnancy loss awareness month. Losing a pregnancy, a baby, is a heartbreaking experience and one that many women feel they face alone. For those who've lost babies, one of the of the best resources I can recommend is the The Pink Elephants Support Network. This wonderful local organisation is dedicated to helping women and their partners after miscarriage - offering empathy, support and practical resources during this time of grief and loss.
09.01.2022 I love working at Lismore Birth House and feel very grateful to be part of this team of nurturing, skilled, powerful women
09.01.2022 This is what I got up to today. So great!
08.01.2022 Look at / listen to this sunny backyard view... only yesterday, there I was, wondering if floodwaters would stop me from getting to Mullum for work. Not all, as it happens, today! Life. Always changing
08.01.2022 I have just two appointments left (in Lismore) this week, so let me know if you want to get in for a consult/treatment! I'm not sure about Mullum... I *should* be there on Thursday, but heavy rain / flooded roads might keep me away this week (I had to miss Monday for this reason) - see how we go, but fingers crossed For appointment info and booking --> https://kathleenmurphy.com.au/clinic/
08.01.2022 Hello from London! We have stopped here for a few days en route to Oxford, where we'll be based for the next three months as part of my husband's sabbatical. Lots to see and do here, of course. Today's highlight was The Old Operating Theatre Museum and Herbal Garret. So interesting! The herb garret originally served as a place to dry and store herbs for medicines; and an operating theatre for the women's ward was established later... in the early 1800s. Fascinating and highly recommended!
07.01.2022 Officially: on holiday Incredibly grateful to be able to have some time off and enjoy the company of my beloved humans. I know just how lucky I am, and appreciate it immensely I'm back to work from 17th Jan and availability is limited, but my books open up more in Feb... I can't wait to see your beautiful faces then xoxo Sending love and well wishes to all, over the festive / summer break
07.01.2022 Update on appointment availability and (sort of) future plans. https://mailchi.mp/0aa617f56d0d/appointments-future-planning
07.01.2022 Hiyeeeee I'm back in physical clinic! For the next month I'll be covering appointments for Amy Forth Acupuncture each Monday. Most of the appointments will be taken by waitlist patients from the Randwick and Alexandria clinics, but I will be able to fit in some of my old regulars if you'd like to come in for a treatment before we move to the Northern rivers. It would be lovely to see you before I go. * Also, though I look cheesy and breezy in this pic, I will of course be masked up and following strict infection control guidelines throughout my shift to ensure our mutual health and safety
06.01.2022 Hiyeeee! I haven't been online as much recently because, well, I'm pretty busy IRL Both clinics have picked up and I'm seeing lots of wonderful people at both the Birth House (Holistic Midwifery) and Mullumbimby Comprehensive Health Centre. I'm teaching a history and philosophy subject for Naturopathic and Herbal Medicine students. I'm also B-B-BUSY with organisation and delivery of the upcoming National Symposium for the Naturopaths & Herbalists Association of Australia ...(as I'm on the board). Plus, you know, life family etc... it's a full dance card! I am, as this image tile suggests, a kinda tired pidgeon... but I am also pretty good at self care and ensuring I fill in the gaps when life is hectic (and, it won't be this hectic for much longer - I don't find that sustainable) So... if you're also feeling a bit overloaded at the moment, consider some of of this simple advice to help you through -- basically: eat as well as you can, stay hydrated, rest when you can, move your body... and I would also add to that: get in for some restorative acupuncture, because it really does help! https://kathleenmurphy.com.au/for-all-the-tired-birds/
05.01.2022 I usually only see people face to face for appointments, in clinic or in their homes. However, this is not a 'usual' time we are in and I want to make sure that both new and existing patients are able to get the support they need to maintain the best possible health. Important always, but even more so now, amidst a global pandemic. I return to practice this week (in Sydney CBD and Randwick) but know there will be many people who won't be able to attend face to face appointmen...ts. While I can't do virtual acupuncture (imagine!) I can offer naturopathic and herbal consultations online or over the phone. If you're looking for health support, but are currently quarantined or avoiding unnecessary social contact, this option is for you. If you'd like to do that, email me: [email protected] Honestly, I'm still navigating how to best manage the situation - like everyone else, I am juggling family and work, while watching continual updates and making sure I am doing my best to look after myself, my loved ones and the community at large. Depending on how the next week/s progress, I may pause face to face practice altogether for a period of time... but let's see how we go. For the time being, I look forward to seeing some of your lovely faces (either in clinic or on my screen). I also encourage you to take care of your beautiful selves: wash your hands, eat well, sleep well, get plenty of vitamin C and D, keep away from crowds and breeeathe
04.01.2022 LI4 (Hegu) is one of the acupressure points that can be used in labour and birth; and one of the many I'll discuss/demonstrate at the Birth House workshop this Saturday.
04.01.2022 What to say? We're on the other side of the world, watching from afar as our home burns. Writing letters, signing petitions, donating, meditating, trying to vibe high... but still feeling, generally, horrified. Finding simple pleasures and deep gratitude in everyday things right now - always a good practice for busy minds like mine, especially during times of stress. This bowl of hazelnuts, for example, that I brought home from the market today (the second this week)... which Molly asks to be cracked by the handful, to be stored in her pockets for ready access, like a squirrel
03.01.2022 Great post from Gabby regarding Sydney's smokey air and how to best look after your health and especially your airways
02.01.2022 I was woken by the smell of smoke this morning. Take care everyone! X
02.01.2022 You can schedule a time here: https://mamacare-naturopathy-and-acupuncture.au2.cliniko.co
02.01.2022 NEWS + UPDATE https://mailchi.mp/d63aedea48/summer-health-sabbatical-news
01.01.2022 Look, the festive season tends to be a pretty indulgent time of year *and* it's been a shit of year for many of us... so I very much understand the desire to go all out when it comes to food, drink and fun this month And I'm not here to tell you not to indulge or enjoy. I wouldn't dare! What I *am* here to do is remind you that there are maaaany simple ways to ensure you feel well during the festive season *and* come out of it without feeling like you need to reset ... Eat good food Support your digestion Drink water FFS Keep moving Truly, if you keep these in mind, you will feel much better during and after this season of indulgence. FYI - there are plenty of other things you can do to support your health, such as taking liver support herbs and/or a digestive tonic (some need these more than others), or remedies to nourishing the nervous system (this time of year can be V stressful and triggering for some of us)... but these are things that should be recommended by a health practitioner, so that they can be tailored to your needs. What's your plan for enjoying *and* staying well over the next few weeks?
01.01.2022 Swimming together in the freezing Celtic Sea was FRESH and deeply enjoyable Seeing out 2019 + welcoming in a new year and decade (so so lucky but also incredibly strange to be over here, swimming in the ocean under a clear sky, when so many people we know and many more we don't are burning in catastrophic fires at home in Oz ) @ Ilfracombe
18.12.2021 These roses grow like a weed in our garden and it is one of life's simple yet immense pleasures to have a small jar of them blooming on the kitchen table, filling the air with their perfume, and brightening our day. They also remind me of my grandmother's kitchen (the OG Molly) where there was always a jar of beautiful fragrant roses, from her garden, on the table. Just looking at them brings me joy. Lucky! Grateful!
08.12.2021 Nearly time to wrap things up for another BIG year! xoxo https://kathleenmurphy.com.au/end-of-year/
30.11.2021 Just four weeks left and I'm off-off-and-away for a break with my family Hurrah for holidays!... but this also means there are just four weeks left of appointments for this year... and many slots are already booked If you want to get in for a session (or two) before the year is done, now is the time to book it in... I'd love to see you before I go on leave ... Otherwise, I'll be back at the end of January... relaxed and refreshed (and probably very freckly)... ready to jump into the new year! Book yourself in here: https://mamacare-naturopathy-and-acupuncture.au2.cliniko.co
20.11.2021 It's been a funny few months, hasn't it? But over the past couple of weeks particularly I've felt the flow coming back into clinic, and the appointment book is pretty full once more. I'm grateful! I love my work! I'm going to be taking some time off over the summer holiday period And this means that there are just 7 weeks left before I go on leave (through until late Jan 2022)... so if you want to get in for some sessions before then, let me know and we can book that in ... --> https://mamacare-naturopathy-and-acupuncture.au2.cliniko.co Who doesn't need a tune up before the festive season and after the year that was!? xoxo [Image: fresh crisp creek water from the weekend - our first waterfall swim of the season]
12.11.2021 Last night we had the outgoing Naturopaths & Herbalists Association of Australia Board Meeting. In a couple of weeks I'll be stepping down from the Board and my role as Vice-President... which means I won't see quite so much of these glorious darlings, but I'll know and love them forever! It's been a big four years!
24.10.2021 Ok. We're going to get the community clinic going again. Let's do it! I'm at the Birth House each Wednesday and Friday for naturopathic and acupuncture appointments... and from Monday 18th October I'll be bringing women's community acupuncture back! Yusss. So, if you want to come in and see me, there are more appointment times and types available xoxo... Book here --> https://mamacare-naturopathy-and-acupuncture.au2.cliniko.co
20.10.2021 Darnit... we're back in lockdown as of this evening! Hopefully just for 7 days this time I have a lot of bookings over the next week and I am still able to see those of you booked in for acupuncture, who want/need the care. Unfortunately, after only *just* re-opening, I'm going to have to cancel the community acupuncture clinic until further notice. I do apologise... but will certainly let you know once I'm able to get that going again. Take care my friends
10.10.2021 Women's Community Acupuncture Clinic We're baaaaaaack! With the easing of COVID restrictions this weekend, I am able to re-open the community acupuncture clinic. Hurrah! As before, this will run every second Monday, and our first session back will be Mon 20th September. The community clinic is a safe and nurturing space for women of all ages, which offers low-cost acupuncture appointments ($40/session) in a shared setting i.e. other people receiving treatments in the same... room. The community clinic provides an option for affordable acupuncture, especially for those who would like regular treatment. Because of the communal setting, there is insufficient time for indepth discussion or catch up, but it is well suited for a general treatment or as part of ongoing clinical support. I am so happy to be able to offer this service again and if you'd like to book a slot, you can use the online schedule (link in my profile) or shoot me a message * Reminder* --> some COVID restrictions remain in place and, as such, you are requested to wear a mask to your appointment, check in with a QR code on arrival at the Birth House and let me know in advance if you have any respiratory or fever-like symptoms on the day, so that we can reschedule your session.
25.09.2021 Feeling grateful to be, as of this afternoon, double jabbed And yes, indeed, there are plenty of things we can do to support our health and that of our community...(pandemic or otherwise) and I'm in the privileged position to be able to do so many of these things: eat well exercise ... practice mindfulness spend time in nature have meaningful relationships garden supplement support others access healthcare if/when I need it ... not everyone can do the same. We're all just doing our best! The vaccine is but one tool in the kit and, I think, why not use whatever we can to help us get the heck out of this! Plus, honestly, there is so much more going on in the world. Let's put our energy and attention towards actions that help one another, make meaningful change and work towards the greater good. I was a bit nervous to share this, as the topic has become SO divisive and I am not here to start an argument, judge you or tell you what to do. I'm just a lady feeling grateful! Ultimately, I feel we're all doing our level best, with good intentions, to make our way through what is a very challenging time. xoxo
19.09.2021 UPDATE on appointments during lockdown! Last week I was closed / didn't see anyone face-to-face, but from later this week, I will be available at the Birth House for acupuncture appointments (as part of 'essential' healthcare). I'm here for those who need it and to honour existing bookings I'll be in touch with everyone currently booked in and please reach out to me if you'd like to find a time. We can also do naturopathic telehealth appointments, which is always an option,... but particularly useful at times like this! Unfortunately I can't run the acupuncture community clinic with the current restrictions, and have optimistically rescheduled everyone in for next week... so we'll see how things go Sending love and good health my friends. It's a challenging time for many and I'm here with you xox
04.09.2021 Oh dear, local lockdown here in the Northern Rivers. I will be in touch with everyone booked in to see me over the next week, to reschedule your appointment for after the lockdown has finished.... hopefully 17th Aug as planned!Take care friends x
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