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25.01.2022 Caring for yourself is just as important as caring for others. Happy Monday!
22.01.2022 Can I get an Amen? Shared some tips with you last night for some things that help me get into a good night time routine. After the festive season my body was definitely telling me to get back into bed earlier and make my way back to my Self Care practices. I definitely let myself enjoy more food, afew wines, a lot of desserts and later nights than usual. I know myself well enough to know that while I love time off, I definitely thrive off some routine especially around my... rest and sleep. Hope these can help if you’re heading back into work this week or just wanting to create some more routine in your week.
21.01.2022 Growth comes from saying YES to new things! If there is something you are wanting to create in your life write it down, affirm it and then make some changes within your daily routine to move you closer to that goal/dream. It can be a scary thing to do something new and step out of your comfort zone but it is there where some beautiful things grow! ... You are worthy of the life you are dreaming of!
20.01.2022 TE REREMOANA Keen to kick off our Self Care Series for 2021 with this beautiful soul. As always, I’m so grateful for Instagram for allowing me to connect with SO many women who are similar journeys to Self Care and self love. I am a big believer that we do not what we are told but we what we SEE. So proud to see women stepping up and taking better care of themselves, as this is what the next generation will be modelled. Self Care is something we must learn and by taking c...are of yourself, you are also showing those around you how they can take care of themselves too. Excited to follow along Te Reremoana’s self sunday this weekend sharing about her journey, motherhood and the ways she fills her cup. You following along this Sunday? @terere.moana X @katoacollection
19.01.2022 Not all the stories your mind tells you are true! If it can make up stories, why not make it a positive one? Without knowing I used affirmations years ago in school. I absolutely hated public speaking and I’d get so anxious before it. So much so that the stories I’d make up in head of how bad it would be, would be worse than the actual reality of it. I started saying to myself I am confident, I am confident, I am confident anytime before I’d have to speak infront of pe...ople. It didn’t completely get rid of my fear but it did switch something on in my inner world. It interrupted the story of I can’t do this, I’ll stuff up to instead affirming something positive. Become aware of the stories you tell yourself of why you can’t do something or why you’re not good enough. Try noticing them and ask yourself - is this true? Is this thought/story serving me? Can I replace it with a positive affirmation/thought instead? Affirmations cards are popped into every candle order.
18.01.2022 Okay so it’s feb 1st.. the new year has really started now right?! Last month I shared with some Self Care I was focusing on and wanted to share my focus for this month of Feb! Being the month of Valentine’s and Loving I encourage you to think of some ways you can show some love to yourself, think of what makes you feel good and make space for it this month- no matter how big or small! Something extra that’s not on my list but I’d like to add is being more mindful o...f my time and energy. A way that this can look like is Pre-Planning my week ahead so I can know what’s coming and reduce stress by being a little more prepared. I always thought I was go with flow, which I am for some things but for the most part I defs thrive off being a planner. So today I bought a calendar for my fridge So I can hand write and visually see what’s coming up! What are you putting on your Self Care list this month?
16.01.2022 Happy international women’s day I am very grateful to have grown up with many strong, loving and hard working women who surrounded me. ... If there is something you wish existed in the world, you have the power to be the one who creates it.
15.01.2022 It’s good to be back Took a little time away from being online as I usually am to just prioritise some Self Care. It can be hard to place boundaries especially when it comes to saying no and taking some things off your already full plate. But something I am constantly reminded of lately is - if you don’t honour your boundaries with yourself, how will anyone else? Some boundaries I’ve placed for myself to take care of my own energy: ... prioritising rest saying no allowing people to help taking things off my to-do list if it’s too full What boundary do you need to take care of your own energy?
13.01.2022 Monday Reminder. So often we have conversations of when this happens, I’ll be happy.. or if this person did that, I’d be happy.. or if only I had XYZ, I’ll be happy.. It’s a dangerous game the I’ll be happy when one. If you’re finding you woke up this morning and just not happy with where you are, make a change, just one small step. Change happens when you choose differently. Is there something you can do differently today that was different from yesterday? Or so...mething different tomorrow that’s different from today? If you know you want change but don’t know where to start, I encourage to think about the thing you complain about the most. It’s usually when we get so fed up with our own BS that we actually make the choice to change it. Humans, right?
13.01.2022 @the.holistic.psychologist answered some really interesting questions yesterday on her stories. This question and answer stood out to me so much because it is so incredibly true. Self Care and setting aside time for yourself and your own needs sounds so simple but it is actually very challenging for many. If you’ve grown up in a home where putting others before yourself was constantly praised and modelled, it can feel like it’s actually wrong when you begin to put your own ...needs first. This also becomes ingrained in cultures. Growing up in Pacific Islander homes self sacrifice is constantly praised and it often falls on the shoulders of the women. This is why Self Care is something that actually needs to be learnt because for many of us it wasn’t modelled to us within our homes. It is okay to take time for yourself. It is in fact the most selfless thing you can do, to then give your children, partner, family and friends the best of you rather than what’s left of you.
12.01.2022 So do we all agree 2021 will just start on Monday? Happy New Year everyone! Hope you’re all keeping safe and well as we transition into this new year. ... Thank you for all your support in 2020, if it showed me anything it’s just how much Self Care is needed in our everyday lives. The past year really sparked something in me to create more and bring more real Self Care into more homes in 2021. Can’t wait to bring all my ideas + dreams for this community to life!
12.01.2022 Bit of a throwback Friday to when my face was a table centrepiece I was invited to be a guest speaker at this Women’s Empowerment event aswell as make the candles for the table decorations Speaking at this event was so out of my comfort zone but at the same time so aligned with what I want to do more this year! I remember being so nervous before being called up to the stage, thinking what if I don’t say the right thing. Sometimes we can get so caught up with the right... or the perfect way for something to happen but there is no such thing! How things happen, are exactly how they’re meant to happen. A quote that I always come back when I’m moving into something new that makes me nervous is a comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there. Here’s to saying YES to stepping out of more comfort zones this year and getting rid of the idea of that things need to be perfect to be right. #selfcareevents
12.01.2022 This week my focus is getting into a good morning routine that sets me up for the day. Sharing some tips that might help you too! I’m a big believer that how you start your morning sets the tone for your day. Even if the day turns to you’ll find you are able to deal with it abit better than of you had a morning without any routine/intention. Do you feel better on the days you have a morning with intention/routine vs the ones you don’t?
11.01.2022 Happy Sunday friends If you’ve been waiting for a sign to take a leap of faith on something, this for you. If you’re stepping into some big shifts and changes, this is for you. ... If you’re setting some goals and just can’t seem to take the first step, this is for you. Keep moving forward
10.01.2022 All our coconut shell candles come with a beautiful re-useable linen draw string bag Perfect size linen bag for you use for: - Small makeup products - Essential oil roller bottles... - Jewellery - Hair-ties/clips/bobbypins See more
07.01.2022 I’ll still be online here + there, so feel free to pop into our DM’s or email inbox. Taking a week to switch off and give myself space for life things and creative projects I want to see in 2021. Take the time to slow down & nourish yourselves with self care that feels good!
04.01.2022 Grateful This has been a goal for two years. Katoa Collection has grown from my lounge room to the spare room to now here. Found an old journal and read some goals I had written for 2019. Such a good reminder that some goals aren’t ticked off overnight. ... Keen to create some cool stuff in this space and keep growing Katoa Collection. Double keen to have some extra space at home too.
04.01.2022 @the.sattva.life always coming with the goods. Happy Sunday
03.01.2022 As we begin to celebrate events and gatherings again, keep us mind for gift ideas. Love getting creative with making customised orders. Essential roller bottles for calming energy paired with candles with inspiring Maya Angelou quotes were created for this Wellness event. What’s in our Calm Essential Roller? ... Lavender + Sandalwood + Ylang Ylang. See more
03.01.2022 Happy Rest Day! We hear a lot about ‘rest days’ in the work out world, but how about making Rest Days in our everyday world? Rest isn’t just resting from your workouts, it isn’t just when you go to bed at night.. it’s actively taking the time out of your schedule to not just rest your body but also your mind. ... Swipe right for some ways you can find Rest today. I’m off for a walk as my body needs the movement and then it’s an afternoon of a whole lot of nothing
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