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Katoomba Swim | Sports team

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Katoomba Swim


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24.01.2022 Congratulations Olivia Andersen, Casper Larkin and Julia Ross for attending at the NSW Country Championships over the last 3 days at Sydney Olympic Park.

24.01.2022 Members, please enter the MPS championships. Entries close on the 4th of February at 11pm.

23.01.2022 Last winter club night of the season this Thursday 27 September. Don't forget to get your entries in by 8pm Wednesday.

23.01.2022 Katoomba RSL Swimming club members had a great time in Lithgow at Development day with coach Paul Dobson.

22.01.2022 Sun 17th March. Save the date, as Katoomba RSL Swimming Club does the Bunnings sausage sizzle. More details soon. Lots of helpers required.

22.01.2022 Congratulations to our club members Charlotte, Polly and Julia who represented the Mountains and Plains Swim team at the 2021 Speedo Sprint Series at Sydney Olympic Park. Thank you Corin for being the team coach for the day.

21.01.2022 Katoomba RSL swimmers were shining this weekend at the Mountains and Plains Championships at Lithgow. Defying the wet and cold weather they did some amazing PBs and were awarded with medals. Thank you for Pete T. and Eric W. for officiating at the event. Thank you for our president Walter H. and Lynette H. for their special help. Congratulations to all our swimmers Charlotte, Polly, Alexander, Euan, Tom, Julia and Ruby! Thank you to our wonderful coach, Danijela! Special congratulations to Tom B. and Julia R. who were both announced as age champions in their respective age groups.

21.01.2022 Hi All, We have planned two trial nights to get swimming club started for the season. This Thursday 22nd October and the following Friday 30th October Please see below the details for the two nights. We are really looking forward to getting new members so if there's anyone you would like to invite along that would be great.

21.01.2022 Thanks to our swimmers, amazing parents and our dedicated club members we were able to have a great age championships at Katoomba Aquatic Centre. Most of the swimmers were able to achieve great PBs. Special thanks to our president Walter Hitchell, Lynette Hitchell and our official referee Peter Ticehurst. Thank you Danijela Selby for your constant hard work as our coach. Last but not least extra special thanks to Jen Ticehurst who organized the events which went very smoothly.

20.01.2022 Hi All, Club Night 16th January CANCELLED! Sorry for any inconvenience.

20.01.2022 First club night of the season. Don't forget to get your entries in by 8pm tonight, folks.

20.01.2022 Congratulations to all the swimmers who represented Mountains and Plains at the 2020 Speedo Sprint Series on Saturday. Julia Ross from Katoomba RSL Swim Club was part of this amazing team and did some great PBs. Well done!

20.01.2022 Charlotte, Polly, Julia All smiles yesterday at our club night.

19.01.2022 These awesome kids couldn't wait to get in the pool for the first squad session in Katoomba after a long 4 month wait.

19.01.2022 Flyer for OAC carnival on the 15th & 16th May 2021. Get entry in early as limited numbers due to COVID.

17.01.2022 STOP THE PRESSES! The AGM will now be held in the club room at 5:30. Apologies for the change of time at short notice.

17.01.2022 WooHoo!!!!! School is almost over and Christmas is almost here! For our last club night we are having a Christmas Party. Please join us at 6pm. Bring some food to share. We won't be having a regular club night so please bring along your noodles, inflatable toys and anything that might be useful for s few fun races.... If anyone has any good ideas for novelty races could you please organise the equipment you would need for this!! Looking forward to celebrating the last club night for 2019. Lets all make it a fun one!!!! Please invite your friends. Everyone is welcome!

17.01.2022 Club presentation will be held this Sunday at 2 pm at the Blackheath Golf Club. Please come along and help us celebrate the great achievements of our amazing swimmers. Bring a plate to share for afternoon tea.

15.01.2022 Katoomba RSL Swim Club had a great day at the Glenbrook swimming meet. Lots of smiling faces, PBs and medals. Congratulations to all swimmers! Well done William Garrett for qualifying for the dash for cash!

15.01.2022 Remember parents and club members, we have a free Development Day on Saturday the 1st of February with Paul Dobson. Where: Katoomba Pool When: Start 10am... Free Lunch!! It would be great to see a few more of our swimmers there. This is a great way to develop skills for carnivals. It is fine to invite swimmers who are not members of our club.

13.01.2022 What a great way to finish the year at the last club night of 2020 in an excellent family atmosphere! Everyone had a lot of fun having a chat, playing water polo, bocce or badminton, followed by pizza. Merry Christmas everyone! See you all on the 28th of January 2021!

12.01.2022 Dear parents and club members, only a few days left to enter this gala day. It should be great fun! During registration, please make sure to select Bathurst as the location. Date: 3rd of May 2020... Location: Bathurst Manning Aquatic centre Registrations close: 29th of February 2020

12.01.2022 Thank you to the officials Pete Ticehurst and Eric Wood and congratulations to the swimmers Julia and Ruby Ross who represented Katoomba RSL swim club today at the Bathurst qualifying meet. Fantastic pbs and many places achieved.

12.01.2022 Katoomba Pool is set for a major improvement in facilities. I am very happy with this outcome of the concerted community campaign to Save Katoomba Pool. As one... of only two councillors who, right from the start, refused to even consider closing our beautiful Olympic pool, it is very gratifying that our argument to invest in the pool instead has won the day. Almost 2000 submissions from the community was critical to that happening. Well done everyone. See more

11.01.2022 Hi club members and parents, we would love to see a lot of Katoomba swimmers at the next MPS championships in Orange! Deadline to enter is 30th of January 2020. Please enter via swim central.

11.01.2022 Congratulations to Julia Ross and Michael Bruce for achieving MPS Champion in their respective age groups. Well done! Congratulations to all our swimmers who attended the MPS Championships in Orange couple of weeks ago. Despite very challenging weather conditions and the abandonment of the event Sunday morning our amazing swimmers were still able to achieve amazing results, PBs and medals.... Thank you to Danijela for her expert coaching. Your dedication is amazing. Thank you to Eric who was an official at the event. Thank you to all the parents who assisted with Timekeeping. Thank you Corin for organising a fun dinner out on Sunday night. We have a great team!

09.01.2022 Congratulations to Julia Ross who is representing Katoomba RSL Swim Club at the Canberra Christmas Classic meet this weekend. Lots of outstanding PBs.

09.01.2022 Congratulations Olivia, Laura and Julia on your pbs and medals on the weekend at the NSW Country Regional meet at AIS Canberra!

09.01.2022 Katoomba swimmers, please enter.

09.01.2022 Don't forget to get your entries in by Tuesday 8pm for this Thursday's club night. 25th Oct.

09.01.2022 Liv is keen. Any other takers?

09.01.2022 Swim league registrations are closing soon. I currently have 16 people enrolled. I am still looking for 8 more senior swimmers and 13 junior swimmers. Please ch...eck out some FAQ below. What is Swim league? Swim league is an initiative designed to help swimmers build motivation and enjoyment for their swimming. In particular it is a chance for us to grow and improve out Mountain team squad relationship. This is specifically why I am trying to make it a fun weekend away and why I am encouraging anyone to try and make it if they can. We are team Mammoths and we will compete against two other teams in our region in the pool. We have 3 weekend competitions at Bathurst and Orange. The emphasis is not on race times but rather on racing well. Each swimmer must swim 2 swims and up to 5. Teams don't need to worry about marshalling etc but instead will be around the pool and be cheering, generating an exciting atmosphere. The point system is setup to keep it close. When is it? These are the current dates planned. May 22nd - 23rd Bathurst July 3rd - 4th Orange July 31st - Aug 1st - Bathurst Will the swimmers get times? There are not times. The goal is for swimmers to remove the pressure of achieving a time and just focus on racing fast. over the course of the season this can ultimately lead to the swimmer getting faster times from the racer practice. How do I sign up? Make sure you join the Mammoth team. Make sure you put down Corin Dobson during the "How did you find out about this" part of sign up. Use this link or google swim league NSW. make sure to click the Mammoth logo the same as above. What about travel and accommodation? These are the options we are looking at. I'll know costs based on how many people we get signed up. Option A: We hire a coach and travel out as a team for each of the weekends. We will stay together as much as possible in hotel style accommodation. Option B: We do the same as option A but we organise parents to convoy out swimmers. Option C: People go out individually. I have reserved accommodation for the 1st weekend for up to 70 people. The estimated cost for the accommodation would be $70 per person. The bus would be about $50-60 per person. All depends on numbers What else is happening? We will also aim to have group activities and a team dinner over the weekend.

09.01.2022 Hi swimmers and families Just a reminder about the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle tomorrow, from 8am at Bunnings Katoomba. Thanks to all the helpers who have already signed up for a two hour slot. We're still keen for a couple more between 12 and 2, if there's anyone out there who can spare some time. (Please email [email protected] is so). Even if you can't help on the day, do come and hang out for a bit, buy a snag (vegetarian also available) while you pick up your galvanised roofing screws and angle grinding discs, and have a chat (so we look like a bunch of fun-loving, inspiring and totally cool groovers that anyone would want to join in with. Yep, it's a membership drive too.) See you there. Margot

08.01.2022 Entries in by 8pm Wednesday for Thursday club night please.

07.01.2022 Hi everyone, this is a chance to tell Council how we use the pools at Katoomba, and give your ideas on improving the outdoor pool.

07.01.2022 Huge congratulations to Charlotte, Polly, Julia and Ruby for the fantastic PBs and medals at the 2021 Country Regional Championships at Oak Flats!

07.01.2022 Don't forget the Katoomba RSL Swimming Club AGM on Thursday 30 May at 6pm in the band room at Katoomba Sports and Aquatic Centre. All members welcome. Nominating for the committee is a great way to be more involved and help shape the direction for KRSLSC into the future.

06.01.2022 Congratulations to Julia Ross who put in an amazing effort representing our club today at the 2021 NSW Junior State Age Swimming Championships.

05.01.2022 Well done Olivia and Julia for representing Katoomba RSL Swim Club at Bathurst today!

05.01.2022 Go Team Katoomba!

05.01.2022 Summer program 2020-2021

05.01.2022 Keep training, kids, and you can be faster than a speeding bullet one day! (Go, Superman!)

04.01.2022 On the 1st of February 2020 a very successful Development Day took place at the Katoomba Sports and Aquatic Centre organized by the Katoomba RSL Swimming Club. It was lead by our two wonderful coaches Paul Dobson and Danijela Selby . Twenty children took the opportunity to enjoy the free coaching session from 10am-2pm that focused on diving, core activation, swimming position, buoyancy, hand position for propulsion, kicking and body stability, fast 50's, starts and finishes.... All participants were given individual feedback during the session. Everyone had a great morning session and they were looking forward to lunch that was provided by Katoomba RSL Swimming Club. In the afternoon at the second session the children worked on their diving techniques. It was a perfect preparation for upcoming school swimming carnival. The day was enjoyed by all, and there were a lot of smiling faces from both children and their parents. We would like to take the opportunity to especially thank Paul Dobson, who is retiring after 30 years working for Swimming NSW as a coach and Development Officer. Also thank Danijela Selby, Katoomba RSL Swimming Club's coach for her ongoing support and tireless hard work.

02.01.2022 Congratulations to Julia Ross who represented Katoomba RSL Swim Club at the 2021 NSW Country Championships and did some great PBs!

02.01.2022 Everyone had a great time at the Lithgow twilight meet. Well done! Congratulations to Laura Ticehurst and Olivia Andersen for your medals!

02.01.2022 Congratulations to all our members who braved the rainy weather today. Charlotte, Polly, Julia, Ruby, Tom and Alexander. Amazing efforts and fantastic PBs by all swimmers at the Lithgow carnival. All of our club swimmers went home with at least 1 medal. Also a huge achievement by Alexander and Ruby who completed their first ever swim meet! Alexander scored a bronze and Ruby struck gold! For a little club we were very well represented!... Thanks also to Peter who was refereeing at the event and to Laura who helped out with timekeeping.

02.01.2022 I've got one word to say to you, swimmers........Let's partaaaay!!! Come and celebrate on the last club night of the year - Thursday 20th December, straight after races. Sausage sizzle provided. Please bring a plate of something to share. It'll be nice....different.....unusual.

02.01.2022 Hi members and parents, there's another swim meet you might like to enter. Please see below post.

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