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Baby2sleep in Mitchelton, Queensland, Australia | Consultation agency

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Locality: Mitchelton, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 414 585 173


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20.01.2022 A fantastic party idea for those little diggers.

20.01.2022 A daily routine for your baby is great for you as it brings order to your day and babies thrive when they know what to expect next. Don't keep baby awake too long - watch for tired signs and body language and note how long they have been awake. Over-tired babies do not sleep well; they produce stress hormones which block their ability to get into a deep sleep, and this leads to being unsettled. Rely on motion to get them off to sleep - if your baby needs you to settle them b...ack to sleep, gradually reduce how much help you give. Use motion less and less and work on self settling by putting baby to bed drowsy but not asleep. Don't go against baby's natural rhythms - when your baby sleeps in sync with these rhythms he or she cannot only fall asleep more easily, but also gets the best quality, most restorative sleep. Allow time for a wind-down ritual - that's calm and consistent. If you go through the same sequence before every sleep, day or night, it will create a feeling of trust and your baby will know what to expect when this happens. Being consistent - is the most important factor in baby sleep success. If these things are out of alignment, your baby will probably be tearful and struggle to sleep as their need for sleep doesn't match their own physiology.

20.01.2022 Nightmares are most common among preschoolers (children aged 3-6 years) because this is the age at which normal fears develop and a child’s imagination is very active. The child may dream about danger or a scary situation. Nightmares may involve disturbing themes, images or figures such as monsters, ghosts, animals or bad people. Symptoms: Night sweats, screaming, enlarged pupils, heavy breathing, confusion, fatigue, memory loss. Consequences of nightmares: Extreme panic, i...rrational or aggressive behaviour, anxiety, paranoia, confusion, irregular routine for sleep, stress, conflict among adults or other children. Treatment: Use a security object such as a favourite stuffed animal or a blanket to help a child feel relaxed and safe in bed, leaving a low nightlight on in your child’s bedroom, follow a regular and mellow routine before bedtime, talk to your child about what is stressing him or her out.

18.01.2022 Who else did this?

18.01.2022 I just love Dr Kyla's reviews as below. Who would have thought with the advertising this breakfast cereal would contain so much sugar? The negatives: This cereal is high in sugar (22.4g/100g), exceeding the healthy guidelines. A small serve of this cereal contains roughly 2 tsp of added sugar. It does have significantly less sugar than Coco Pops (32.4g/100g).... There is no added iron. It’s quite common for cereals to contain added nutrients and minerals like iron and B vitamins. Even Coco Pops offer around 30% of a small child’s iron requirements per serve. Iron can be a tricky nutrient for lots of kids, which is why I often recommend fortified cereals like Weet-Bix!

16.01.2022 Please read if considering putting your baby in a sling and baby carrier.

13.01.2022 Oh, who hasn't had a Digestive biscuit before? It really does pay to read the label to see what you are eating.

12.01.2022 Wrapping (or swaddling) is a valuable technique that parents can use to help settle their babies on their backs. Watch our step-by-step guide to learn how to wr...ap baby safely, to get them sleeping safe and soundly. A big thanks to our friends Sheridan Australia for helping to create this important resource for parents.

10.01.2022 Does anyone else have any helpful tips that have worked for them?

09.01.2022 While we have a lot of recipes using chia seeds on the blog, these chocolate chia cookie are simple, and kids love them!! And they're even gluten free! The pean...ut butter and chia seeds combined are a great source of protein and fiber, helping to curb your kids’ sugar cravings and keep them full until dinnertime. And they only take 10 minutes to bake! See more

08.01.2022 Wow, just love these breakfast ideas. Super healthy for kids.

06.01.2022 What a great idea

05.01.2022 Far too fast and so precious.

02.01.2022 Tummy time can also prevent the back of your baby's head from developing flat spots (positional plagiocephaly).

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