Katrina Tite: Content Coach | Business consultant
Katrina Tite: Content Coach
Phone: +61 422 750 450
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23.01.2022 Life is not perfect and sometimes the best moments are hidden in the glorious messiness! Hope you are having a great Friday
23.01.2022 If there is one thing that gets me riled up it is when ppl assume someone can/can't/should/shouldn't do something because of their gender. I am incredibly thankful that I have never felt my gender has held me back or been a cause for discrimination. But really, I shouldn't need to be grateful for that. It should just not even be a factor.... Yet the reality is that it is, and for many many women their gender is an obstacle, a barrier, a disadvantage, a big black cloud. There have been moments in the past when I have regretted not doing more to speak up and call out inappropriate comments, jokes or behaviour. So for international women's day I choose to challenge gendered actions and assumptions. It is hard, it is uncomfortable, it is scary...but it is important. Every action, small or big, makes a difference. What will you choose to challenge? #iwd2021 #choosetochallenge #womeninspiringwomen #womensupportingeachother
22.01.2022 Isn't it funny how it sometimes takes another person's point of view to remind us of how much we have achieved and what we have to offer? I think this is why I love being a content writer for small businesses...I get to draw out my client's ideas, expertise and value and put a spotlight on how they can help their clients. We often struggle to 'toot our own horn', so I love doing it for them Thanks Big Ideas Rural for the spotlight this week. I love being part of the Inner C...ircle. Happy Friday everyone, hope you are having a smashing day!
22.01.2022 It was a highlight of my week getting this feedback A one off blog article for a new client and a tight timeframe, with some key messages provided but light on detail. I did my research and dug into my knowledge of the industry and client experience to craft some solid content it was a challenge but the result was rewarding! I was so happy the blog article hit the mark for Brooke's Blooms and resonated with their clients.... Love my job!
19.01.2022 Isn't it funny how some things come full circle? A few weeks ago I was chatting to someone about getting into content writing as a career. Naturally it got me thinking about my own path. ... This pic is me at uni about 15 years ago. I majored in marketing and economics. But decided I didn't really want a career in either. After some soul searching I realised what I loved was solving complex problems involving business and people and policy and behaviour I had my heart set on the graduate program at Dept of Foreign Affairs and Trade. But then I got offered a job with a top tier global consulting firm. And that took me around the world, working with incredible minds on amazing projects and building my skillset across strategy, planning and implementation Along came a tree change and two kids and I shifted gears to help build an e-commerce platform for my husband's business. I taught myself website design and entered the world of retail, branding and customer experience. A couple of one off freelance writing gigs led me to another new path that lets me bring together my skill and love of writing with problem solving, strategy, marketing, behavioural economics and storytelling. And making it accessible for small businesses to enable their growth And so I find myself coming full circle, but with 10+ years of learnings, skills and experience. I have often thought if I had my time again I should have studied journalism or politics or org psychology instead. But then I would not have ended up where I am now. Sliding doors and all that, right? I'm so curious, are you working in the same field you studied/entered after high school? Or have you taken unexpected twists and turns? Or maybe you have come full circle too? I'd love to hear your story
14.01.2022 Today is my 8 year wedding anniversary In some ways Roger and I couldn't be more different. He has an engineering brain, is a genius with metal and machines, very competitive and way more disciplined than I am at setting and chasing goals. But we share the same values, sense of humour, belief in common sense and karma. What you put out there comes back to you. We call ourselves the dream team and we really are team mates in life.... He is also my mentor and has taught me so much about building and running a successful business. He doesn't have a business degree, he hates reading, doesn't put much faith in experts but he is an excellent observer and analyst of people. Watching him build a business has given me insight and food for thought about branding, pricing, backing yourself, storytelling, experimenting, planning, consumer psychology and so much more. Most importantly he backs me all the way . Even though he doesn't fully understand what I do or how I do it! He believes in my talent and my ability to make an impact. Everyone needs someone like that in their corner Who backs you all the way?
13.01.2022 blog writing tip Is a new blog article on your to do list this week? Does writing for your blog fill you with dread or delight? Are you excited to get into it or procrastinating until the last minute (and maybe always leaving it for *next week*)? ... Sometimes the thought of sitting in front of a blank doc makes my stomach churn. And sometimes my brain goes into overdrive with all the reasons why my topic is lame and uninteresting and I have nothing to say that hasn't been said before. So yeah, if writing for your blog is an unpleasant chore you would rather not have to do, I totally get it Here are a couple of tips based on what helps me get unstuck and get the words flowing: have a topic chosen before you open a new doc write the first headline that pops into your mind - you can come back and optimise it later write your headings next - they will give you structure and remind you of the key points you wanted to cover START WRITING! You can't edit a blank page! write for a real person - an actual client or a friend/colleague. Write as if you are sending them an email to explain the topic or give your advice write first, edit later. Don't let typos and formatting interrupt your flow of ideas quality over quantity - you don't need to write an essay if you can deliver the same value in 800 words look for opportunities to use bullet points and lists to break down your thoughts into more consumable chunks look for opportunities to include real examples for your work/experience if it ain't happening, walk away. Take a break, get some fresh air, work on something else. Your brain will keep turning over ideas in the background and you can come back to it with a fresh set of eyes always finish with a call to action that is relevant to your topic - what is the next step you want your reader to take? What other ways help you get words down? If you are struggling with your blog - topic selection, what to write, how to write and anything in between - send me a DM and we can book in a free Content Chat to help move you forward.
12.01.2022 beastmode Two sick kids home this week so I've been squeezing work in around arvo movie time Today is my only kid free day of the week but... I'm not feeling it ... Was tempted to skip a workout session this morning but made myself go. Got the blood pumping and muscles burning. I've got some really cool work to smash out today but feeling pretty sluggish...even after coffee! So I'm cranking up my go to playlist for when I need to get in the zone. It's hardcore trap and bass that is probably more suited to the darkside of the nightclub than deep focused writing...but it works for me What gets you motivated and in the zone when you are struggling?
11.01.2022 "Just letting that person know...they are worthy of being cared about is sometimes enough" Lisa Nichols, #ruokday ambassador This week I was asked twice by the same person if I was doing ok. At first I brushed it off, figuring it was just the bags under my eyes, the yawns and a sore neck from sharing my side of our bed with our toddler. But then I took a moment to check in and ask myself if I really was ok. And I was. But I was grateful that my colleague cared enough to ask.... And when he asked I could tell he was genuinely concerned, not just being polite. Tomorrow is #ruokday. Take a couple of minutes to reach out to someone and check in. Showing them you care enough to ask could be the best part of their day
11.01.2022 This article is jam packed with good stuff! If you implemented one of these 10 things each week then by the end of the year you probably wouldn't recognise yourself Start with #1 - say no more often
06.01.2022 Feeling pretty chuffed to have been elected to the Executive Committee of the Goulburn Chamber of Commerce @goulburnchamber Over the past 12 months I have been in my 'happy place' combining strategy + marketing + small business. I helped deliver some fantastic campaigns to support local businesses, including the Shop2580 campaign to promote shopping locally, and the Business2580 awards recognising the best of our local businesses. The next 12 months is going to be bigger and ...better #shop2580
06.01.2022 It is true that ppl will encourage you to charge what you are worth. But what are you worth? As a human being your worth is immeasurable, infinite. As a service provider your worth to your ideal client should NOT be intrinsically linked to your self worth as an expert and thought leader you bring value through your expertise and advice and experience. Well worth setting aside a few minutes to read and reflect on the ideas and advice in this article ... https://www.hustleandheart.com.au/charging-your-worth/
06.01.2022 What if they say no? Last week I was in a mindset workshop with the amazing Michelle from @laptops_and_lattes. We were exploring the fears holding us back from tackling our biz goals. I have a big goal for this year...to get a feature article published in a magazine... My stomach is churning just typing that I have barely admitted that goal to myself let alone put it out into the world! The workshop pulled out a lot of fears for me they will say no to my pitch my portfolio isn't good enough my writing isn't good enough I'm not a 'proper' writer I reflected over the weekend that many of my clients battle their own fears when it comes to creating long form content. And they come from a similar place of feeling like they are 'not enough'. I'm not an expert I'm not a thought leader I have nothing unique to say I am boring I can't write nicely No one will read it anyway If that is the kind of headspace you are in when it comes to creating long form content for you business, then I totally get it. I know exactly how it feels to keep procrastinating and putting off action, even though you know there is opportunity there. I also know you DO have something special to share with your ideal clients. I know you have more to offer than you give yourself credit for Whether it's a quick chat to point you in the right direction, a deep dive into your content strategy and target audience, or helping convert your ideas into compelling content...I am here to help. To guide. To encourage. To enable. Because we are not doing ourselves, or our potential clients, any favours when we let the fear win. Comment below or send me a DM if there is something in your content marketing you are struggling with, let's work on it together
03.01.2022 in action at my place this morning! Now if only the house would magically stay clean for more than a few hours
03.01.2022 It definitely is a courageous decision to put yourself out there and start a business! Hats off to all the other solo-preneurs out there, fighting the good fight everyday to deliver value to our clients and do what we love Happy Own Business Day!... #businessownerlife #icandothis #bemyownboss
03.01.2022 *new blog article* Maximising the value of you evergreen content Evergreen content - timeless, always relevant - should be the cornerstone of your content strategy. ... High quality, seo friendly and engaging evergreen content delivers long lasting value. If evergreen content is a new concept to you, or you need to freshen up your blog I have put together a useful article that covers what evergreen content is (and isnt) format and topic ideas to inspire your next piece of evergreen content tips for maximising the value you get from your content What is your next evergreen blog article going to be about? https://katrinatite.com/evergreen-content-what-it-is-and-h/
02.01.2022 Enjoying a weekend at the beach and loving the feel of sand under my feet The kids are loving the waves and seaweed and hermit crabs and shell treasures It's been over two years since we last went coastal. The ocean is so refreshing and rejuvenating. And the kid's joy is infectious ... Thinking of waking up early to catch the sunrise, but a Sunday sleep in might be too hard to resist What adventures are you having this weekend?
01.01.2022 Did you know the avg recommended reading level for digital content is equivalent to high school grade 7? Readability is a big factor in creating content that connects with and engages your ideal client. Your reader doesn't want to struggle through ... super formal language highly technical language long, complex sentences jargon fluffy filler words to get to the gold you have to offer! The Hemingway app is an essential part of my content writing toolkit. It is an online editing tool that reviews your text and highlights where you can improve readability: - difficult words - hard to read sentences - over use of adverbs (describing or qualifying words) - over use of passive voice and it tells you what reading level your content matches. Just a word of warning though - you don't have to do everything the editor recommends. Keep in mind your target audience (which may mean you can write to a higher level). And stay true to your voice and story, even if it means breaking a few writing rules The online version is free so why not give it a go today.