Keep Australia Fishing | Non-profit organisation
Keep Australia Fishing
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25.01.2022 Please take note
25.01.2022 Nice, and will produce results
24.01.2022 Have your say on the draft Commonwealth fisheries resource sharing framework. Fishing is an important cultural, recreational and commercial activity for many Australians. Sharing fisheries resources can be a complex issue affecting commercial, recreational and Indigenous fishers. The draft Commonwealth fisheries resource sharing framework is now available for comment. To have your say on the draft framework and how we can share our Commonwealth fisheries resources fairly, go to
24.01.2022 Want to fish Eastern Victoria, then head across to Mallacoota, #planyournextfishingtrip
24.01.2022 Some minor changes to NSW recreational fishing rules will come into effect on 30 April 2021 relating to the blue swimmer crab size limit and the use of ‘Opera House’ style yabby traps. These changes are being implemented following consultation with and support from the Recreational NSW Fishing Advisory Council. Blue Swimmer Crabs size limit to increase to 6.5cm The size limit of blue swimmer crabs will increase from 6cm to 6.5cm to help assist with protecting spawning crabs a...nd to improve the productivity of the stock through time. It will also provide consistency between the recreational and commercial fishing sectors. The NSW Government is giving away 5,000 yabby nets to recreational fishers as part of a comprehensive program to phase out the use of enclosed 'Opera House' style yabby traps in NSW from 30 April 2021. 'Opera House' style yabby traps can pose a risk to native wildlife such as platypus, water rats and turtles, which can inadvertently get caught in traps. More information about the recreational fishing rule changes are available online at, or by contacting your local NSW DPI Fisheries office.
23.01.2022 If you can’t get out, do it via computer :)
23.01.2022 The principle of "Resource Sharing" in fisheries management is not a first in - best dressed scenario as is happening now with the Black Jewfish in Qld. Recreational fishing quota is set by bag limits and should not be shut down just because the commercial sector has reached its quota. The Hon. Bob Baldwin Chair Australian Fishing Trade Association (AFTA)
22.01.2022 Let’s do something about this, protect your hard earned asset whether it's your boat, trailer or van. It seems that these scum now use cordless disk grinders with diamond blades to get though locks, so what's the solution other than a 24 hour guard?? GPS Tracker??? your thoughts?? - oh and please share the post wide and far
21.01.2022 Whoops, we’re a day late with this share ..... but no less important today than it was yesterday!
21.01.2022 As reported by Sydney’s Daily Telegraph today, Organisers of a new Sydney Harbour festival plan to release a tagged kingfish into the water that will pay the person who catches it a whopping $1 million. The $1 million kingfish is going to cause a lot of excitement among the millions of anglers across NSW and Australia, Bob Baldwin, chairman of The Australian Fishing Trade Association, said. I can’t think of a better place in the world to wet a line and maybe catch a right in the heart of our magnificent city. The million-dollar fish competition will be just one part of a Harbour of Life festival aimed at rebooting the Western Harbour from Barangaroo to the west of Pyrmont. This kind of event can really kick start Sydney’s recovery from the COVID pandemic, Western Harbour Alliance chairman Geoff Parmenter said. Stay tuned .. we’ll post more information on this exciting event as it comes to hand.
21.01.2022 Just do it as Arnie said
19.01.2022 Thanks for sticking with us, Victoria! The easing of restrictions has been announced, but we still have work to do to ensure we keep ourselves and others safe.... As of midnight tonight (Wednesday, 17 February), several changes will take effect: - Recreational activities such as fishing and boating will be permitted in groups of up to 20 people and with no time limit - Face masks will be required indoors and outdoors where physical distance can’t be maintained - There will no longer be 4 reasons to leave home and the 5-kilometre travel limit will not apply For further details including FAQs, head to More information relating to fishing and boating, including the resumption of the Golden Tag competition, is available at For today’s statement from the Premier visit We look forward to safely seeing you wetting a line soon!
18.01.2022 Some times you just need to get out, so do it now :)
17.01.2022 Learn To Fish Just In Time For Gone Fishing Day! DPI has teamed up with fishing legends Steve Starlo Starling and Al McGlashan to produce this handy how-to... video to help you and your family make the most of this year’s Gone Fishing Day celebrations! Check out Starlo and Al’s expert tips and advice for catching golden perch and other native species in freshwater dams and rivers as well as bream and flathead on the coast. Use the info on rigs, baits and techniques to improve your chances on the water on Gone Fishing Day, this Sunday, 18 October! Remember, you can watch this video as many times as you like, even when you’re out fishing! And make sure you have a go at winning the great prizes we’ve got on offer. Good luck, tight lines and have a safe and fun Gone Fishing Day!
16.01.2022 It appears all major political parties are supporting Recreational Fishing in the NT. Congratulations to AFANT CEO - David Ciaravolo on the outstanding work AFANT have done, for more details please see website
15.01.2022 Congratulations Fishability Western Australia, would love to see this program rolled out across the whole of Australia. Everyone should be able to fish
15.01.2022 If you want to be able to buy your fishing gear to go fishing in Melbourne then join this campaign and write to Premier Dan Andrews & Ministers Horne & Pulford demanding that Tackle shops be allowed to re-open
15.01.2022 Wow, this says it all. Please watch and share, tight lines
15.01.2022 Restrictions on recreational fishing at Port Pirie will remain in place after scientific sampling of fish, crabs and shellfish detected above permissible levels of lead. Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development David Basham said people should not consume fish, crabs or shellfish from the Port Pirie harbour area. On 15 September precautionary restrictions were imposed on recreational fishing at Port Pirie and these restrictions will be continued, Minister Ba...sham said. Under the fisheries restrictions, the taking of shellfish in this region is prohibited. In Zone 1 crab fishing is prohibited and fishing for finfish is strictly catch and release only. Fishing for crabs and for finfish is permitted in Zone 2. This means residents can drop a line over the jetty in Port Pirie and enjoy the fishing experience, but any fish caught must be returned to the water and are not to be eaten. Sampling was undertaken of yellowfin whiting, striped trumpeters, yellow-eye mullet, Australian salmon, blue swimmer crabs, mussels and razorfish, with testing completed by the Australian Government’s National Measurement Institute. The results show heavy metal detections above permissible levels in at least one of all aquatic species tested across the sampling locations. These results will enable SA Health to conduct a preliminary health risk assessment on the consumption of aquatic species within the Port Pirie area, Minister Basham said. While the fishing restrictions are in place, SA Health have recommended additional sampling of finfish and crustaceans in Zone 2, which will guide future health advice about fishing restrictions. The Government will work with stakeholders including fishing associations and community organisations in the Port Pirie region and both the Port Pirie and Mount Remarkable councils have been briefed on the test results. These results only impact recreational fishing. All consumers can continue to have confidence in our quality seafood product as commercial fishing does not occur in this region and our commercial fisheries are supported by an ongoing program of National Residue Survey testing. Port Pirie fishing closure Temporary closure: 15 September 2021. Closure location: waters adjacent to the Port Pirie township. A temporary closure is in place as a precautionary health and safety measure. Shore, jetty and boat-based fishing activity is restricted in the closure area as follows: Zone 1 waters south and west of Weeroona Island Boat Ramp and including First Creek, Second Creek and Port Pirie River. all species, including all molluscs, crustaceans and fish, must not be taken from this area. Catch and release fishing is permitted. Zone 2 waters in the Port Germein area, extending north and west from Weerona Island Boat Ramp. bivalve molluscs eg. oysters, mussels, scallops and razorfish, must not be taken from this area. See more
15.01.2022 Good news for all Victorians wanting to fish the Murray River....
15.01.2022 AFTA wrote to all political parties & independents in Queensland on the 21st September, for a comparative analysis of the responses to the AFTA Questionnaire, please visit:
13.01.2022 Well look at it :)
13.01.2022 Finniss River & other areas Closed, with Blue Mud Bay Registration Permits for remaining NLC waters from Today AFANT has called upon the Northern Territory Gove...rnment to act promptly, in the interest of all Territorians, as fishers are locked out of some of the most popular and socially significant recreational fishing areas in the Top End, including the Finniss River and Mini Mini region. As the peak body representing NT recreational fishers, we have a proud history of caring for and protecting our fisheries and the environment. We have a vision for a more complete, harmonious, and enduring resolution of Blue Mud Bay access than has been achieved to date. Only the Northern Territory Government can provide the leadership, funding and foundations required to achieve enduring and mutually beneficial agreements with Traditional Owners who decide they want to share their waters, so that all Territorians may enjoy and care for these special places. Click the link to read the story for more information... We thank you in advance for keeping your comments respectful.
12.01.2022 Calling on South Australian fishers to take part in important fisheries research.
12.01.2022 Let’s do it, you never know what you may just learn
11.01.2022 Take the challenge and head up to North East Victoria for outstanding fresh water fishing, #planyournextfishingtrip
11.01.2022 Please read this and contribute to the fishing future in the NT
11.01.2022 FRDC's next monthly fishing survey is now open. They're asking about your fishing in September 2020, and would love to hear from you even if you didn't get to fish. This month’s survey will only take 5-10 minutes to complete. It is open until 29 November 2020. Follow this link to the Survey: Take the Survey Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:... Our great monthly prize draws are continuing. Every time you participate you get an additional entry into our monthly prize draw for a $400 gift card, as well as an extra entry into our grand prize draw valued at $6,000 (see website for details). "We appreciate your continued participation in our monthly surveys as part of the National Recreational Fishing Survey. Your participation again this month will help us continue to track changes in participation in recreational fishing in response to COVID-19 and other events and what this means for economic and social wellbeing." The survey is voluntary, confidential and anonymous. If you need assistance with the survey please email us at [email protected], or call us on 1800 981 499.
09.01.2022 Coronavirus fishing restrictions Changes to Coronavirus restrictions announced Sunday 2 August. Metropolitan Melbourne... Under changes to Stay at Home Restrictions for Metropolitan Melbourne announced on Sunday 2 August, recreational activities such as fishing and boating are not allowed. A curfew will apply from 8.00pm to 5.00am each night, with exceptions for work or medical care and caregiving. Exercise will also be limited to within 5km of your home. Exercise can continue to occur with only one other person, and will be limited to once per day, for a maximum of one hour. This does not include recreational activities such as fishing, boating or diving. Regional Victoria Stage 3 Stay at Home Restrictions will come into effect in Regional Victoria as of 11.59pm on Wednesday, 5 August. This includes the Mitchell Shire, where Stage 3 Stay at Home Restrictions will remain in effect. In regional Victoria, recreational activities such as boating and fishing will be allowed under Stage 3 Stay at Home Restrictions. These activities should be undertaken close to home with household members or one other person. A distance of 1.5m must be maintained between participants
08.01.2022 Worth engaging in
08.01.2022 Congrats to the NSW DPI on this initiative
08.01.2022 Well done Minister.
08.01.2022 The lure of commercial fishing reform (South Australia) More than 30 commercial fishers have already applied to voluntarily surrender their licence under the Marshall Liberal Government’s historic $24 million reform of the South Australian Marine Scalefish Fishery. New information to help current licence holders decide if they want to take part in the voluntary licence surrender program has been released today regarding the proposed management zones as well as total allowable... catches for each species. Management proposals now open for consultation: Zones: Four proposed management zones: West Coast, Spencer Gulf, Gulf St Vincent/Kangaroo Island and South East. Priority species under quota: initial assessment of the priority species (snapper, King George whiting, southern calamari or southern garfish) which will be managed by individual transferable quota, by region. Catch: the indicative total allowable commercial catches for King George whiting, southern calamari and southern garfish. Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone said the release of the first stage of information will assist licence holder decision-making. This new information will assist fishers decide whether they will exit the industry with dignity, or stay and invest in the fishery. We have already had 31 commercial fishers apply and with funding for only 150 voluntary surrender of licences, it is first in-best dressed, said Minister Whetstone. This is another step towards the Marshall Liberal Government’s historic $24 million reform package announced last month, aimed at improving the long-term sustainability of fish stocks in South Australia and increasing the profitability of fishing businesses. We are taking action to reverse the decline in all fishing sectors experienced under 16 years of Labor by tackling a major problem in our waters, too many fishers and too few fish. These management proposals are the result of extensive consultation with the industry and have been further refined using expert advice and the latest in scientific information. This is a once in a lifetime reform of the fishery but I want to be clear to fishers; this will be the only buy out. We are offering a fair market price and the offer will close on 13 November 2020, unless it is fully subscribed earlier. If less than 150 licences are surrendered, the quota will be allocated amongst remaining fishers. See more
07.01.2022 Fish in Queensland?? then read this submission AFTA made to ALL political parties for comment by the 16th Ocotber. Please feel free to share and take the time to contact all the candidates in your area to let them know recreational fishing is important to you
07.01.2022 Avoid "breakaway" floats! With the welcome arrival of mackerel along the North Coast, NSW DPI is reminding anglers not to use "breakaway" floats such as polysty...rene foam and balloons as these products contribute to marine litter. It is recognised that the use of pieces of foam as floats is a particular issue during mackerel season on the North Coast. The resulting litter after the foam "breaks away" from the line is not a good look for the recreational fishing sector. Balloons used for a range of fishing scenarios also cause pollution problems as they can persist in the environment for many months and can harm wildlife that attempt to eat them. Using purpose designed floats is the best way to go if you're using live or dead baits for a range of species including mackerel, tuna, kingfish, marlin and sharks. More info:
05.01.2022 Let's Make Fishing Great Again
05.01.2022 South Australian fishers can volunteer to be part of a cutting-edge national research project to accurately estimate the number of recreational fishers and their catch. The national project will assess whether self-reporting from fishers on the SA Fishing app is more effective than the traditional phone/diary survey. Read more here;
05.01.2022 National Gone Fishing Day is on again, it's Sunday, October 18, 2020, and it looks a little different this year. The good news is that all recreational fishers can get involved safely via the Gone Fishing Day app!
05.01.2022 Have your say on proposed fisheries changes in NSW During 2020, the NSW Department of Primary Industries identified some areas for regulatory change, these include commercial fisheries, recreational fishing, charter fishing, Aboriginal fishing, aquaculture and threatened species provisions. These proposals have been turned into consultation papers for public comment. For further information on the proposals, to view all papers and to make an online submission please click ... If you wish to skip directly the recreational fishing paper, please click Please note that submissions will close 30th March 2021.
04.01.2022 Last week the Acting Minister for Water Richard Wynne announced the release of a regulatory impact statement (RIS) for consultation on proposed new operating and trade rules for Goulburn to Murray inter-valley trade arrangements. The Minister’s media release is available at More information on this is available on the Engage Victoria website at and on th...e Water Register website at This includes the RIS consultation paper, along with summary information on proposed operating rules and trade rules and proposed arrangements for the Lower Broken Creek. Victoria's Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning are currently undertaking online and face-to-face consultation with submissions and online survey closing 30 April 2021. They will take on board feedback from the community in making a final decision prior to 1 July 2021 on any changes to operating rules, trade rules and tagged use arrangements. If you wish to contribute via the survey please click here,
02.01.2022 It is great to see that the very successful Golden Tag program in Victoria recommenced yesterday, so no reason now not to go out and get amoungst them, tightlines