Keezia Leigh | Business consultant
Keezia Leigh
Phone: +61 431 162 342
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25.01.2022 Love chatting all things crazy on the Keezia Leigh Show! So I give you....embarrasing sex stories!!! Which one was your favourite? Or better yetwanna share a juicy story with me?
25.01.2022 Money baby I love you You have no idea what you mean to me You show up for me unconditionally ... You don’t judge me You understand me I appreciate you for every single thing you do for me I appreciate that you allow me to have organic veggies I appreciate that you allow me to spoil my partner for his birthday I appreciate that you allow me to have sexy nails which make me feel radiant as fuck I adore you I appreciate that you come into my life with such ease and flow. I get you now. I truly do You just want to be loved You just want to be honored You are overflowing with wanting to work for me to help me birth my wildest desires into the world I know you have so much to give to everyone on this planet I love you money Imagine if we treated money like we treat our partners? Imagine if we actually said these things DAILY? What do you think would change?
23.01.2022 When you think of people that you love and admire in this space, what's the thing about them that that you friggin love?
22.01.2022 I’m saying NOOOOOO Last week was particularly challenging (I feel like we say that every single time we are upleveling in some way like yeah babes this soul work is a fucking dream. Not ) I was feeling utter exhaustion, confusion - a bit of fuck what’s the point.... Things in my business are going My mission is lit up I am serving so many amazing women My magic mission money container round 3 is nearly full So when an entrepreneur hits a good run of momentum of course the normal thing is to keep going right? Keep launching Keep serving What I realized tho, is that even with ALLLL the work I have done - I’m absolutely addicted to being reactive to my work. To my social media. The pattern I noticed is this tho - I’ve done this before with my salon over and over. Keep pushing keep growing blah blah blah. Until the point something BLOWS THE FUCK UP So I have decided as soon as the next round of MAGIC MISSION MONEY starts (next week) I am official in a NO creation mode. No launches No more programs No saying yes to podcasts and speaking gigs just coz I have the opportunity No more saying yes to events just coz I feel like I should For the next 3 months it’s going be about serving my magic mission money girls in a beautiful devoted loving enjoying my new puppy who arrives in a month! spending way less time online getting in nature every single day moving upstairs in logans house and welcoming our new roomies downstairs Emma L Baker and Ryan Schroter and fully decorating and creating sacred space in my home playing with my niece diving so deep into my health, my sexuality and MEEEE planning and prepping for an incredible next year and building the foundations stronger for my empire Ughhhh It feels so delicious My soul is cheering I am committed to re write the way as women we play in business. That we choose our soul first and foremost We forget at times that their is no freaking rush Our soul doesn’t rush. It slows down It flourishes in every single moment It finds grace even in the folding of the washing Yum So - this will be the last opportunity to work with me this year. Magic mission money round 3 If you would like to apply to trust in the unknown To unlock your soul To trust yourself deeply To collaborate with an eco system or incredible women Dm me Celebrating Dennicka Watts on this incredible art hit her up
22.01.2022 AHHHHH ME AND THIS INCREDIBLE WOMAN ARE DOING A THING Emma L Baker Hello you sexy, sassy, sultry self expressed sistas of the SUNSHINE COAST ... Emma Baker and Keezia Leigh have teamed up to bring you this event thats been calling on their souls. Weve both been on a deep journey the last few years to having a soul led business where all of ourselves is WELCOME. We are so deeply passionate about building community so that’s why we have created this. What’s it about? A two hour journey which every fortnight will change. A safe space where all of you is welcome Transformational exercises and experiences. Diving into topics such as sexuality, unlocking your voice, your expression, moving your beautiful body A Deep mystery - just like the feminine. Crazy and wild or soft and sensual. All parts of you will be welcome and ignited Who’s it for? Women of any age (18+) Women of any size, colour Women who are dying to unleash, to express Women who are looking for more excitement and turned on lives Women who are dying to connect with other women who Celebrate them and dont tear them down We have only 15 tickets available THIS WILL SELL OUT!! (If you miss out purchase tickets to the next ones they are already available until the end of the year)
21.01.2022 Nothing beats a deep breathe into the soul Nothing beats turning off all of your notifications and actually forgetting about everything else in the world apart from putting your ear on the grass and listening to the heart beat of pachamama and just listening, like really listening to her... Nothing beats afternoon naps, breathework, strolling the markets for hours. ... Nothing beats having a photoshoot with your lover... Nothing beats staying on a property of 45acres and having a kookaburra attack your windows and kangaroos coming up to You while your tanning hehehe.. As I come back into my world today, I notice my anxiety has dropped. My NEED to do all the things and be on top of it all. The next 4 months will be a radical change and I can’t wait to share with you all... We are creating an eco system where women feel deeply nourished, and deeply on purpose. Both is possible. Post a pic of your amazing weekend
21.01.2022 One day someone will be wiping your ass again Last night Over a wine with my longest friend of 14 years... we were discussing life. From babies to grandparents to death doulas and birth doulas and the cycles of life. (Noticing ourself how we infact feel like fully fledged adults? When did that happen? From poppin pingas in the club to passing out after two wines ) ... Anywho - I was driving home and just thinking how as humans so many of us - STILL GIVE SO MANY FUCKS ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK!!! I’m reading a book at the moment the top 5 regrets of the dying by Bronnie Ware. 1 regret - Have the courage to live the life you really want And like - I know this is SOOOO cliche. But truly I am in the deep question time and time again - what life do I REALLY WANT? Not the one that I feel validates me Not the one I hoped my family would tell me I’m proud for Not the one I’m staying in cause of who I’ll let down? Not the one that makes me more insta famous Have the courage to live the life you want Coz one day when your on your death bed and someone has to wipe your ass again and you don’t get ANY choice - you’ll regret that you didn’t step into courage
20.01.2022 On this episode Heidi Anderson and I discuss; Ownership Not taking her husbands last name Her presence on Big Brother and how being recognised impacted her... Having the courage to leave a well paying job in radio to start an online career The masks we wear in our lives Heidi Anderson, an over sharing mama turned hustling biz babe. Host of the #1 podcast First Time Parents & worldwide hype queen. Creator of the SHED YOUR SHIT movement, helping women shed their shit and learn to love themselves sick. You can follow Heidi through her social media platforms below: FB: Heidi Anderson IG: @ _heidianderson You can find me on IG as: Keezia Leigh To listen to the FULL episode head on over to: Send me a DM and let me know what your BIGGEST takeaway was! Thank you for listening. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review
20.01.2022 Take a breath for every moment and for the things that are important. Leave a YES below if you're doing this with me
18.01.2022 Clap really loudly for yourself. Clap really loudly for yourself Coz babes I said babes I said yo. ... The reason I am where I am, is coz even when NOBODY was clapping for me - I clapped for myself Here’s some true facts about my last few years and the failures - I stepped into offerings not even fully prepared and totally under delivered And felt like a tottaly failure and that everyone hated me - A community I had worked so hard in building fell apart. Once again feeling like a failure and that we had let people down and felt like a fake - I ended a group program and a business partnership because we were no longer feeling the alignment and couldn’t work past our different ideals - I posted ALOT from my ego. I was naive and so new to this space and idolized my coach (very common when you first start out) and thought that that way was the ONLY way to do business - Covid hit and then I had another offering end Yes amongst this their has also been SOOOO many wins. But I just want to remind you. There’s been times when I have felt so isolated. I’ve been told by people that a lot of people were throwing arrows and shade at me. And warranted it was probably deserved AND, and and and... I took on the feedback. I humbled myself and asked god to come into my life to show me the way. It took my being on my knees over and over surrendering and it took me UNDENIABLE COURAGE to get back in the arena time and time again!!!!! I am so grateful for it all Coz as I sit here today I know deep within my soul that I am living my souls purpose. After announcing the winners last night and donating over $10,000 dollars I realized how much bigger than me it’s always been And that last night. All my wildest dreams felt so fucking possible. I will not give up I will face the arrows I will surrender over and over again to create this new earth Thank you All of you who have watched the journey unfold and still find love in your heart for me I love you
17.01.2022 EPISODE 14 IS LIVE It’s not everyday I see someone who can match me in my full expression. She is incredible, beautiful, smart, out there, raw as all hell! She’s a mother, a fighter for the truth, a curve model, a full time blogger and an epic contribution to the women empowering themselves to live life in their fully expressed selves. ... On this episode @shani.chantel and I discuss; - Being the woman of your dreams - Spiritual connection to yourself - From the trenches to expression - Being courageous in what you want - Relationships and ‘false safety’ - Changing your path and direction Find Shani: Instagram: @shani.chantel / @thegirlcode_byshani Facebook: Shani Chantel Web: She is a woman of the world building her own path and going against the status quo that kept her caged in and petrified of living her ultimate human experience. And while unravelling all that she learnt from others and discovered who it is she is truly meant to be outside of what society wants from her. She’s here sharing every part of her journey to remind every woman who comes her way that she is a badass babe that is entitled to live her every desire. So while she unravels her life, she’s sharing that daily in any way she can reach the woman who needs to hear it the most. You can find her deeply invested in anything that helps her get her message across from podcasting, to magazine feature, period underwear billboards across your city and everything in between. You can find me on IG as: Keezia Leigh To listen to the FULL episode head on over to: Send me a DM and let me know what your BIGGEST takeaway was! Thank you for listening. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review
17.01.2022 Ever been over promised and under delivered by a coach or mentor??? I know I have, AND ... I am so grateful for what that showed me. Earlier this week on our magic mission money call we were talking about the energetics of money. Have you ever signed up to a program and thought.... fuck that was a waste?! What was the stories that followed this? The downward spiral? I calculated that over the last 10 years I have probably spent over $300k on personal and biz development. Was any of it a WASTE? Absolutely not - for even if eventually it wasn’t in my highest good anymore - it SHOWED me who the fuck I really am. Every inch of that beautiful money allowed me to reveal even more of my desires and what I want to bring through. I know, like gurlllll I know. You have some trauma around leaning into the unknown for the biggest fear is that you may fail again. Or you’ll be over promised. And under delivered and just fall into another number I know your heart truly wants to create impact and be recognized for your worth I get it. Your unique soul expression can’t be put into a box. And every single strategy out there won’t allow you to come out of your shell if you are constantly comparing yourself to others. This is why everyone who comes into my magic mission money program has a human design reading (honestly life changing) This is why I am SO PASSIONATE about creating new earth paradigm business and why I DO NOT coach you to be a coach. I support that unique frequency coming online, allowing space for your soul to download your mission and have us ALL WORK TOGETHER The girls in my current program, this has happened. Like intention is everything. They coach each other, they work in each other’s businesses and they are truly re-writing ALLLLLL the sisterhood wounding around showing up. It is unlike ANYTHING I have ever seen. The next round is magic mission money starts in under 2 weeks. The woman who is ready to BE it all. This is for you. This is NOT for the woman who is not ready to let go of the stories that keep her small and Play safe Message me to apply. P.s how cute are me and Stepha Doyle
16.01.2022 As we begin to sell and market our products things can get pretty confusing and overwhelming. Don't believe that you've got to do what everyone else is've got to do YOU because the cookie cutter approach DOES NOT WORK! Type, "YES" in the comments below if you're ready to do YOU!
16.01.2022 Don't just watch Alex and I destroy our brands by being inappropriate...participate Drop a if you enjoyed this! . .... . #womenempoweringwomen #communityovercompetition #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleempowerment #womeninbusiness #femalefounders See more
13.01.2022 EPISODE 13 IS LIVE On this episode Abergale I discuss; - Feminine leadership and business... - Her relationship - Soul journey and navigating your business journey - How to have integrity in your feminine led business and follow your flow - Abergales 2 month decent 'off' her business Find Abergale: Instagram: @abergale_bremner Facebook: Abergale Bremner Web: You can find me on IG as: Keezia Leigh To listen to the FULL episode head on over to: Send me a DM and let me know what your BIGGEST takeaway was! Thank you for listening. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review
11.01.2022 THROUGHOUT HISTORY WOMEN HAVE BEEN SILENCED Enough is enough. It’s time for our voices to be heard, it’s time for us to rise together. ... Through contribution & collaboration my vision is to unlock 100million fully self expressed women. And I cannot bring this vision to life alone. Please take the time to truly receive the message of this video. For every time this video is shared I am going to be personally donating $10 to Mindfull Aus That’s right, $10 donated from myself for every video share until Tuesday 22/09/2020 at 5pm. I have also created a competition with some EPIC giveaways for all those that want to contribute to this vision. Prizes Include: - $1000AUD CASH PRIZE! Yes cash - $6999AUD Scholarship to my high end dope mastermind MAGIC MISSION MONEY (launching 7th October) To enter the competition and to support this vision these are the simple action steps... 1. Share this post (it must be shared directly from the Keezia Leigh page to be accurately tallied) 2. Tag 5 courageous women whose heart and stories inspire you (Please also tag the 5 women on the original video post so we can tally your names) 3. Completing the action steps 1&2 = 1 competition entry The prize draw will be announced LIVE Thursday 24th on the Keezia Leigh facebook page so please come and join us to find out how much we raised and celebrate the winners of the epic prizes! A little more information on the charity - There is so much more to life than the fear that is holding you back and that’s why we wanted to support Mindfull Aus - tailored, engaging and relatable programs working with our next generation of young people to grow up in a world where they too find their true value, self worth, purpose and belonging - just as they deserve. For more about the epic stuff this organisation and their incredible founder head here - Thank you for being a stand against mental illness and womens fullest self expression.
11.01.2022 Leave me a massive if you agree with this!
11.01.2022 EPISODE 12 IS LIVE On this solo episode I discuss; - How to show up online consistently and in flow... - Why hiding in your life is hiding in your business - My greatest fear You can find me on IG as: Keezia Leigh To listen to the FULL episode head on over to: Send me a DM and let me know what your BIGGEST takeaway was! Thank you for listening. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review
09.01.2022 33 WOMEN IN MAGIC MISSION MONEY When I was sitting in ceremony with the entity of this new round of magic mission money I had the download of 33 women. ... I was like - what?! Really? 33 Ok god Ok. A couple of weeks into launch I had 9 women join. I was trying all my old strategies and PUSHING AND FORCING With two Weeks to go - I handed it over to the universe and said - ok I surrender Truly I put full trust No more push More nature More feeling good More fun Post what makes you happy and when you want Stop trying What will be will be The last two weeks I’ve never felt - more spacious - more lit up - more Alive AND Half an hour before my call started today haha we had the finally official of EXACTLY 33 women the exact number I got from god I am always shown time and time again to trust god To trust that I AM MAGIC That living a life of alignment and bliss will be EASY and feel good Today In this moment I am beyond blessed Beyond grateful To my incredible team Jasmine Cheriê Renae Louise Liz Daunt To my current MAGIC MISSSION MONEY ladies I love you all so much To my coaches Abergale Bremner Claudia Forward Angela Gallo Zoe Maitland I would not be here without all of you Thank you thank you thank you
07.01.2022 I want to know what are some of the stories, preconceived ideas or limiting beliefs that you tell yourself about money? Leave it in the comments below or send me a DM
07.01.2022 Join me in even deeper levels of love Fear will not solve what we are here to create!!! If you're with me leave me a in the comments below!
06.01.2022 Check out what we got up to at 10X Leave an emoji below (or a few) that describe you or your brand!
06.01.2022 What works for me will probably not work for you. You need to begin to understand the things that make you tick Leave a below if this resonated with you!
05.01.2022 I've got so much rage around what society is teaching us! I'm angry at myself for the amount of obsession I have around beauty. I'm sharing this because I teach women to be the fully expressed version of themselves and that means NOT HIDING behind the things you're ashamed of.... Leave a below if you're ready to take off your mask.
05.01.2022 I want to break down every belief system that you have when it comes to money Our society is constantly enrolling us into believing that there is not enough, but this is just not true! Leave me a if you're ready to get your power back!
05.01.2022 Welcome to the Keezia Leigh Show... where we talk all things fun including butt plugs Leave a if you enjoyed this!
04.01.2022 I'm calling YOU to come out and share your message! Let me know what's been on your heart in the comments below
04.01.2022 If you're ready to hear a whole minute of me curling my hair and potentially learning nothing, then you are in the right place! Give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this
03.01.2022 Who’s ready to share in this spiritual journey with me? Let me know!
02.01.2022 Freedom begins when you loosen the grip from your throat /Brooke Soils Picture by Blake Lewis at Emma L Baker and Jax Emilio Robinson recent awaken and rapture event
02.01.2022 What are you doing to stand out with your brand?
01.01.2022 I invite you to become clear on what your role is. It's time to own your gifts Type, "YES" in the comments below if you're ready!!!
01.01.2022 None of it matters, yet all of it does! Let's not forget to stop and smell the roses Let me know what you're going to do for YOU today.
01.01.2022 ...and stop pedestaling leaders! Don't pedestal anyone for that matter. Drop a if you agree!
01.01.2022 I experience uncertainty on the regular. For so long I hated and shamed myself, but I've overcome that and I'm so proud!!! Trust that you're being led down this path to learn lessons you need to learn because you can't f**k this life up! ... Leave a below if this resonated with you!
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