Kehilat HaDerekh in Rokeby, Victoria, Australia | Religious organisation
Kehilat HaDerekh
Locality: Rokeby, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 428 343 457
Address: 1025 Brandy Creek Road Rokeby, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 Torah Portion: 24 Oct 2020 6th day/ 8th month 5856 4th year of the 4th Shmittah cycle. 25th year of the 120th Yovel/Jubilee ... B’resheet/Genesis 6:9-11:32 Noach, - , Hebrew for the name "Noah", The Torah portion tells the stories of the Flood and Noah's Ark and the time he spent in there on the waters, of Noah's, the covenant Yahuah made and the sign of the rainbow , Noah planting a vineyard and episode of becoming drunk, the cursing of Canaan, and of the Tower of Babel and confusion of languages. The generations after the flood are counted up until the time of Avraham. Haftarah Yeshayahu/Is 54:1-55:5 Brit haDasha Luke 17:20-27 Shabbat Shalom Royal family of /Yahuah . Blessings and peace be with you and your house as you rest and study His Word this beautiful day!
23.01.2022 Study this if you are new (or not so new)to understanding what is the correct ‘names and titles’. You may even adjust and correct your understanding!
20.01.2022 Counting the Omer Sefirat haOmer- Day Twenty-Five 25 Today is the fourth day of the fourth week of seven weeks. Today is the twenty-fifth day of the counting of fifty days from the day of the waving of the Omer on the morrow after the Shabbat... There are 25 days until Shavuot is fully come We're half way! We're in the 'middle of the week' so to speak! What Yahuah Requires Psalm 15:1-5 1 Yahuah, who does sojourn in Your Tent? Who does dwell in Your set-apart mountain? 2 He who walks blamelessly, and does righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart. 3 He has not slandered with his tongue, he has not done evil to his neighbor, nor lifted up a reproach against his friend. 4 In whose eyes a reprobate one is despised, but he esteems those who fear , he who swears to his own hurt and does not change. 5 He has not put out his silver at interest, and has not taken a bribe against the innocent. He who does these is never moved. Tehillim/Psalm 67 1 Elohim does favor us and bless us. Cause His face to shine upon us. Selah. 2 For Your way to be known on earth, Your deliverance among all nations. 3 Let the peoples praise You, O Elohim, let all the peoples praise You. 4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You judge the peoples uprightly, and lead the nations on earth. Selah. 5 Let the peoples praise You, O Elohim; let all the peoples praise You. 6 The earth shall give her increase; Elohim, our own Elohim, blesses us! 7 Elohim blesses us! And all the ends of the earth fear Him!
19.01.2022 Excited to meet back in Rokeby tomorrow for Shabbat @ 1400hrs all welcome.Excited to meet back in Rokeby tomorrow for Shabbat @ 1400hrs all welcome.
19.01.2022 Torah Portion 14th November 2020 27th day/ 8th month 5856 4th year of the 4th Shmittah cycle. 25th year of the 120th Yovel/Jubilee ... B’resheet/Genesis 23:1 - 25:18 Chayei Sarah, life of Sarah The portion starts off with the death of Sarah and tells of Avraham's negotiations with the Hittites to purchase a field with a cave as a burial place for his wife Sarah. Avraham sends his servant on a mission to find a wife for Yitzchak. The servant finds Rivkah(Rebecca) at the well and discerns carefully and worships on his success. Rivkah agrees and her father Bethuel releases her to go with the servant to be the wife of Yitzchak. After Yitzchak is comforted, Avraham took another wife and fathered 6 more sons, before he himself dies at a good old age. Yishma’el’s genealogy is also given at the end of the portion. Haftarah 1Kings 1:1-31 Brit haDasha John 4:3-14 Shabbat Shalom to the Royal family of /Yahuah . Blessings and peace be with you and your house as you rest and study His Word this beautiful day!
16.01.2022 Happy Rosh Chodesh 1st day 9th monthHappy Rosh Chodesh 1st day 9th month
13.01.2022 Found this interesting enough share!
13.01.2022 Torah Portion: 17 Oct 2020 29th day/ 7th month 5856 4th year of the 4th Shmittah cycle. 25th year of the 120th Yovel/Jubilee ... B’resheet/Genesis 1:1-6:8 B'resheet, "in beginning" In the parashah, Elohim creates time, space and all physical matter, as well as Adam and Chava/Eve, in 7 days and sets-apart the Shabbat. A serpent/ deceives Chava, who then invites Adam, to eat the fruit of tree of the knowledge of good and evil, ( eitz hada’at tov v’ara) which Elohim had forbidden them. Elohim curses them and exiles them from Gan-Eden. One of their sons, Cain, becomes the first murderer, killing his brother Hevel/Abel out of jealousy. Adam and Chava have other children, whose descendants populate the Earth. Each generation becomes more and more degenerate until Elohim, (despairing), decides to destroy humanity. Only one man, Noach, finds Elohim’s favour. Haftarah 1Sam 20:18-42 John 1:1-17 Revelation 22:6-21 Shabbat Shalom Royal family of /Yahuah . Blessings and peace be with you and your house as you rest and study His Word this beautiful day!
12.01.2022 Torah Portion 21st November 2020 5th day/ 9th month 5856 4th year of the 4th Shmittah cycle. 25th year of the 120th Yovel/Jubilee ... B’resheet/Genesis 25:19-28:9 Tol'dot - Hebrew for "generations" or "descendants," The Portion tells of Rivkah being barren before finally giving birth to twins, there is conflict between the twins Ya’akov and Esau, Yitzchak's passing off his wife Rivkah/Rebekah as his sister, and Yitzchak blessing his sons, in which Ya’akov secured the blessing by deceit, and Esau received the 2nd blessing, yet being the first born.. Esau marries two Hittite(from Canaan) women. Haftarah Malaki 1:1-2:7 Brit haDasha Romans 9:6-13 John 5:17-31 John 10:22-42 Note how Yitzchak mimics Avraham’s life, just as lives according to the Father’s ways (Jn5:17). stated that men should honour the Son as they honour the Father, Avimelekh honoured Yitzchak even as he honoured Avraham! It’s as if Yitzchak and Avraham are one in unity (Jn10:30) Shabbat Shalom to the Royal family of /Yahuah . Blessings and peace be with you and your house as you rest and study His Word this beautiful day!
09.01.2022 Elohim never ceases to amaze! Whether it’s in a grain of sand of such eloquent beauty he manifests his order and design.
08.01.2022 Counting the Omer / Sefirat HaOmer Day Twenty-Four 24 Confidence In Yahuah Psalm 11:1-7... Today is the third day of the fourth week of seven weeks. Today is the twenty-fourth day of the counting of fifty days from the day of the waving of the Omer on the morrow after the Shabbat. There are 26 days until Shavuot is fully come. Psalm 11:1-7 1 In I have taken refuge. Why do you say to me, Flee to your mountain like a bird? 2 For look! The wrong bend a bow, they set their arrow on the string, to shoot in darkness at the upright in heart. 3 When the foundations are destroyed, what shall the righteous do? 4. Yahuah is in His set-apart Hal (Temple), the throne of is in the heavens. His eyes see, His eyelids examine the sons of men. 5 Yahuah tries the righteous, but His being shall hate the wrong and the one who loves violence. 6 Upon the wrong He rains snares. Fire and sulphur and a scorching wind are the portion of their cup. 7 For is righteous, He has loved righteousness. The upright shall see His face. Psalm 67 1 Elohim does favor us and bless us. Cause His face to shine upon us. Selah. 2 For Your way to be known on earth, Your deliverance among all nations. 3 Let the peoples praise You, O Elohim, let all the peoples praise You. 4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You judge the peoples uprightly, and lead the nations on earth. Selah. 5 Let the peoples praise You, O Elohim; let all the peoples praise You. 6 The earth shall give her increase; Elohim, our own Elohim, blesses us! 7 Elohim blesses us! And all the ends of the earth fear Him!
08.01.2022 Torah Portion: 7th November 2020 20th day/ 8th month 5856 4th year of the 4th Shmittah cycle. 25th year of the 120th Yovel/Jubilee ... B’resheet/Genesis 18:1-22:24 Vayeira - "and He appeared," The portion tells the stories of Avraham's three visitors, Avraham's negotiations with /Yahuah over Sedom and Amorah, Lot's two visitors, Lot's negotiating with the Sodomites, the flight of Lot, the destruction of Sedom and Amorah, how Lot's daughters became pregnant by their father, how Avraham again passed off his wife Sarah as his sister, the birth of Yitzchak , the sending away of Hagar, disputes over wells, and the binding of Yitzchak (, The Akeida- The Binding). Haftarah Portion 2 Kings 4:1-37 Brit haDasha Portion Luke 17:28-37 2 Peter 2:4-11 See how many correlations you can find between Yitzchak and Yahusha, talk about a prophetic book about Messiah, but also about the future return that we look forward to! Shabbat Shalom Royal family of /Yahuah . Blessings and peace be with you and your house as you rest and study His Word this beautiful day!
05.01.2022 2 Thessalonians 2:9-16 even he whose coming is according to the working of Hasatan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 and with all deception of wickedness for those who are being lost, because they didn't receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 Because of this, Elohim sends them a working of error, that they should believe a lie; 12 that they all might be judged who didn't believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are... bound to always give thanks to Elohim for you, brothers loved by the Master, because Elohim chose you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief in the truth; 14 to which he called you through our Good News, for the obtaining of the glory of our Master the Messiah. 15 So then, brothers, stand firm, and hold the traditions which you were taught by us, whether by word, or by letter. 16 Now our Master the Messiah himself, and Elohim our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace. See more
05.01.2022 Counting the Omer Sefirat HaOmer Day Twenty-Eight 28... Today is the seventh day of the fourth week of seven weeks. Today is the twenty-eighth day of the counting of fifty days from the day of the waving of the Omer on the morrow after the Shabbat. Today is Shabbat the fourth Shabbat of seven Shabbatot. Today completes the fourth week of seven weeks. There are 22 days until Shavuot is fully come. Longing For Yahuah | Psalm 63:1-8 1 O Elohim, You are my l; I earnestly seek You. My being has thirsted for You. My flesh has longed for You in a dry and thirsty land without water. 2 Therefore I have had a vision of You In the set-apart place, to see Your power and Your esteem. 3 Because Your kindness is better than life, my lips do praise You. 4 Therefore I bless You while I live. In Your Name I lift up my hands. 5 My being is satisfied as with marrow and fat, and my mouth praises You with singing lips. 6 When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches. 7 For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing. 8 My being has closely followed You. Your right hand did uphold me. Tehillim/Psalm 67 1 Elohim does favor us and bless us. Cause His face to shine upon us. Selah. 2 For Your way to be known on earth, Your deliverance among all nations. 3 Let the peoples praise You, O Elohim, let all the peoples praise You. 4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You judge the peoples uprightly, and lead the nations on earth. Selah. 5 Let the peoples praise You, O Elohim; let all the peoples praise You. 6 The earth shall give her increase; Elohim, our own Elohim, blesses us! 7 Elohim blesses us! And all the ends of the earth fear Him!
03.01.2022 Happy Rosh Chodesh The 8th month for this year Have a great month!Happy Rosh Chodesh The 8th month for this year Have a great month!
01.01.2022 Torah Portion: 31 Oct 2020 13th day/ 8th month 5856 4th year of the 4th Shmittah cycle. 25th year of the 120th Yovel/Jubilee ... B’resheet 12:1-17:27 Lekh-Lekha, or Lech-L'cha - "go for yourself literally "go for you. The portion tells the stories of Elohim calling Avram (soon to change to Avraham), Avram's passing off his wife Sarai as his sister, Avram's dividing the land with his nephew Lot, the war between the four kings and the five, the covenant between the pieces, Sarai's tensions with her maid Hagar and Hagar's son Ishmael, and the covenant of circumcision ( , brit milah). Haftarah Yeshayahu/Isaiah 40:27-41:16 Brit haDasha Romans 4:1-25 By the way, the prophecy in B’resheet 15:16 regarding the return in the 4th generation also applies to us! Did you know that? Avram’s covenant with was made at the beginning of the 3 millennium (2028after creation), and we will return ‘4’ days later. The end of the ‘6th day’ ends in 2044. Shabbat Shalom Royal family of /Yahuah . Blessings and peace be with you and your house as you rest and study His Word this beautiful day!
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