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Keilor Tennis Club in Keilor, Victoria, Australia | Sports club

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Keilor Tennis Club

Locality: Keilor, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9331 7740

Address: Old Calder Highway 3036 Keilor, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Msg from Tennis Vic: Like you, we are extremely disappointed by Premier Daniel Andrews announcement that all tennis facilities are to remain closed as we move to Step 2 of the Government’s COVID-19 Recovery Roadmap. We firmly believe that tennis, a physically distanced non-contact sport, can return safely to provide health and wellbeing opportunities to support people through isolation and to provide our coaches with much needed income.... We are considering our next steps and will continue to advocate for the safe return of tennis in Metropolitan Melbourne.

25.01.2022 We have an array of used water bottles in the club house. If one of these are yours please let us know, otherwise they will be all thrown out next week

25.01.2022 Want to join an awesome committee for an awesome club??? Get your nomination forms in before 14/9.Want to join an awesome committee for an awesome club??? Get your nomination forms in before 14/9.

25.01.2022 The roads, shopping centres and public places are getting a lot busier. Please continue to be covid safe and during this time of easing restrictions. KTC wishes you an enjoyable long weekend with your family and friends ... . See more

25.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day To All The Wonderful Dads, Stay Safe & Healthy During This Crazy time We Would Like To Take This Opportunity To Thank you For Your Support During This Difficult Year.

23.01.2022 Check out our new web page If you have any suggestions , please feel free to email us

23.01.2022 Our dedicated committee will be at the club tomorrow at 5 pm to clean , weed, mow and tidy. This will allow us to be ready to open as soon as we get the go ahead from council

23.01.2022 Just a reminder that anyone playing on our courts, MUST sign in with QR codeJust a reminder that anyone playing on our courts, MUST sign in with QR code

23.01.2022 Community Tennis Guidelines Update Dear Tennis Victoria Affiliates, After discussions with Sport & Recreation Victoria today, Tennis Victoria has been advised that clubhouses can now open, subject to the following conditions:... # density rule of no more than 6 on clubhouse at any one time # only enter if necessary # please be respectful of others See more

20.01.2022 Has anyone lost this?

20.01.2022 We are having trouble with our landline. Please email club or text Lisa until further noticeWe are having trouble with our landline. Please email club or text Lisa until further notice

20.01.2022 Update....Our phones are back up and running

20.01.2022 If anyone is playing tennis, please respect our courts and do not leave your empty ball cans or rubbish on them. We have bins located next to the clubhouse , so please use them. Remember, we all use the courts and expect them to be free from rubbish so we can all enjoy a hit of tennis and not have to clean up after others Thank you

20.01.2022 We are in desperate need of 1 female - adult or junior to join our Mixed Team next season. Please contact KTC for more infoWe are in desperate need of 1 female - adult or junior to join our Mixed Team next season. Please contact KTC for more info

18.01.2022 Wishing our wonderful membership secretary, Jean, a very happy birthdayWishing our wonderful membership secretary, Jean, a very happy birthday

18.01.2022 To book a court - please use our new check in QR code upon arrival at courts. These will be located on clubhouse door, clubhouse window and gate to court 1 You must check on each time you visit Courts are subject to availability Please note if you are on courts 3 and 4 - training will take precedence


17.01.2022 AUTUMN 2021 FIXTURES RELEASED Autumn 2021 fixtures are now available on the NSNTA website: LADIES - MIXED - MENS - Season start dates Ladies Tuesday, 2 February 2021 Mixed Wednesday, 3 February 2021 Men’s Thursday, 4 February 2021 We hope everyone is staying safe and hope to see everyone back on the court in early February.

17.01.2022 Wishing all or members and friends a very happy Easter

16.01.2022 Happy Melbourne Cup Day everyone. Why not book a court and enjoy this perfect sunny dayHappy Melbourne Cup Day everyone. Why not book a court and enjoy this perfect sunny day

16.01.2022 Courts will be closed from 8am to 5 pm on Wednesday 13th January, for court maintenanceCourts will be closed from 8am to 5 pm on Wednesday 13th January, for court maintenance

15.01.2022 A quick reminder - today is the last day for you to pay for Early bird memberships (Tomorrow is full price )A quick reminder - today is the last day for you to pay for Early bird memberships (Tomorrow is full price )

15.01.2022 NSJTA Season 2 Update The NSJTA Match Committee met by Zoom last week to discuss options for the Season 2 competition. It is still too early to make any decisions, as we dont know when restrictions might be eased or when community sport will be permitted. The season may need to be cancelled if restrictions remain in place for several months. However, if the outlook improves, the Nsjta are considering the possibility of a shortened 7 week season with one final starting the first weekend in Term 4 on 9 and 10 October 2020. Lets cross fingers everything progresses the right direction

15.01.2022 NSNTA. SPRING 2020 SEASON CANCELLED The State Government has extended Stage 4 restrictions for Melbourne until 28 September 2020, and released a road map for arrangements after that date. Under that road map it is likely that a 9.00 pm curfew and restrictions on community sport competition will remain in place until at least 26 October 2020. After that date, it is likely there will still be restrictions on public gatherings until late November. The NSNTA Management Committee ...has formed the view there won’t be enough available weeks to hold a meaningful competition this year. We therefore regret to advise that we have decided to cancel the Spring 2020 season. We hope to be in a position to start a new season in February 2021. We will advise clubs of team entry closing dates in coming weeks, so clubs can commence their planning. We hope everyone is staying safe and hope to see everyone back on the court early next year!

15.01.2022 Just a reminder - if you want to have a hit - you MUST book Text 0416178143 with time and date and persons playing NO BOOKING. NO PLAYJust a reminder - if you want to have a hit - you MUST book Text 0416178143 with time and date and persons playing NO BOOKING. NO PLAY

15.01.2022 Looking for men to join our competition on Thursday nights. Juniors welcome also. Please email. [email protected] for more information

15.01.2022 Let’s hope today brings us some good news for tennis Let’s hope today brings us some good news for tennis

14.01.2022 The NSNTA Management Committee has met to consider the return to competition. There is still no clear advice from the State Government about when a return to competition tennis will be possible. However, given restrictions are gradually being eased, we are hopeful they will be eased enough to allow competition tennis by August. The Committee has therefore decided to cancel the Autumn 2020 season and start planning for the Spring season.... Your team manager will be in contact with you to discuss your team. If all goes to plan, the provisional start dates for Spring 2020 will be: Ladies Tuesday, 4 August 2020 Mixed Wednesday, 12 August 2020 Mens Thursday, 6 August 2020

14.01.2022 Well it’s Will’s Christmas tree time again As you know Will makes these trees by himself. They range from $20 for a raw tree $25 for a painted tree $30 for raw and lights (color or white)... $35 for paint and lights If you are interested in his trees please send us a message and we will be in touch

13.01.2022 UPDATED VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT RESTRICTIONS In line with the latest round of restrictions from 11.59pm this evening, please ensure anyone 12 years or older is wearing an appropriate face covering prior to entering KTC, unless an exemption applies. If we all wear one, were all doing our bit to slow the spread. Please be kind to each other and stay safe.

12.01.2022 Wishing our assistant coach, Alex, a very happy birthdayWishing our assistant coach, Alex, a very happy birthday

12.01.2022 YAY!! We can Open ( upon local council approval ) Stay tuned for more specific details.YAY!! We can Open ( upon local council approval ) Stay tuned for more specific details.

12.01.2022 Happiest of birthdays to our committee member Hannah. We hope you have a great day

12.01.2022 NSNTA UPDATE - 28 JULY 2020 The NSNTA Management Committee met recently to discuss options for the Spring 2020 season. It is clearly still too early to make any decisions, as we dont know when restrictions might be eased or when community sport will be permitted. The season may need to be cancelled if restrictions remain in place for several months. However, if the outlook improves, the Committee is considering the possibility of a shortened season starting in the last week ...of September or first week of October. Potential formats include two rounds of a six team draw (ten week season) or one round of an eight team draw (seven week season). We will provide further updates once we have more information about when restrictions will be eased. We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.

11.01.2022 Our newest committee member - Hannah. Remember to vote

11.01.2022 NSJTA UPDATE - 23 JUNE 2020 We are aware of growing concern in the community about the increased number of COVID-19 cases, particularly in some local government areas within the NSJTA. We are closely monitoring the situation and any potential impact this may have on the planned commencement of the NSJTA Season 2 2020 competition on 17/18 July. At this stage we intend to proceed as planned with accepting team entries, grading and preparing a fixture. The current restrictions a...llow competition tennis to be played, and we hope to still be able to start the season on 17/18 July. But if the health advice or restrictions change, we may need to adjust the starting date of the competition, the season dates or the competition format. We appreciate everyones understanding as we deal with this fast moving situation. We have also prepared a first version of the NSJTA COVID-Safe competition guidelines, which are on the NSJTA website. All players, parents and club officials must comply with these requirements. We will issue further versions of these guidelines if Government or Tennis Victoria advice changes, so please check the website regularly for updates. NSJTA Match Committee

10.01.2022 Due to extreme weather forecast our back to junior tennis event has been cancelled Due to extreme weather forecast our back to junior tennis event has been cancelled

10.01.2022 Let’s all wish our awesome Secretary Jodie, a very happy birthdayLet’s all wish our awesome Secretary Jodie, a very happy birthday

10.01.2022 KTC CLUBHOUSE closed until further notice ( from 10/1 @ 9 am)KTC CLUBHOUSE closed until further notice ( from 10/1 @ 9 am)

09.01.2022 Urgently looking for 1 male and 1 female to join KTC comp next year. Please contact Lisa on 0416178143 for more details

09.01.2022 Court 1, 3 and 4 are booked out booked this Wednesday, 31/3 from 1-30 - 330. Thank youCourt 1, 3 and 4 are booked out booked this Wednesday, 31/3 from 1-30 - 330. Thank you

08.01.2022 YAY - we will be opening tomorrow (20th October) at 10 am All courts must be pre booked by texting 0416178143. You must wait for a reply to confirm your booking prior to entry Please see guidelines below

08.01.2022 Urgently seeking a male player to join our B Spec team on Thursday nights. Please contact Lisa on 0416178143 Thank youUrgently seeking a male player to join our B Spec team on Thursday nights. Please contact Lisa on 0416178143 Thank you

08.01.2022 NSNTA UPDATE - 1 JULY 2020 Following the Victorian Government announcements on 30 June 2020, restrictions will be re-imposed on some suburbs within the north-west of Melbourne from 2 July 2020. Tennis Victoria has confirmed that clubs within these hot zones will need to close until at least 29 July. This includes a number of clubs that participate in the NSNTA. It is too early to know what Government restrictions will be in place after 29 July, and what impact those restric...tions will have on the NSNTA competitions which are due to start in early August. The NSNTA Management Committee has therefore decided to continue planning for the Spring 2020 season in the hope that the season can commence in August. Clubs have been asked to submit their teams and the Committee will proceed with its usual grading process and preparing a fixture. This will ensure we are as ready as we can be to start the season once Government restrictions allow. There is a possibility we may need to adjust the arrangements for the season, including start dates, once we have a clearer idea of what Government restrictions will apply in August. We will update clubs and players when we know more. We hope everyone stays safe and thank you all for your understanding during this unprecedented and evolving situation.

08.01.2022 It’s our night delegate, Alysia’s birthday today. Let all wish her a very happy birthday It’s our night delegate, Alysia’s birthday today. Let all wish her a very happy birthday

07.01.2022 Members: On Sunday 6th September, the Victorian government announced an extension to our existing Stage 4 lockdown. This announcement by Premier Andrews, of the new roadmap , which explains when restrictions will be lifted is a significant blow to all industries and sports , including tennis. Unfortunately, at this time, it is likely that our tennis courts and facilities, must remain closed until the "Third Step , which is scheduled for October 26th. We will keep you up date with any further reports. Please stay safe If you have any questions, please do not hesitant to contact KTC See more

07.01.2022 NSLTA - comp cancelled for 2020

07.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE (FACE COVERINGS) 31 JULY 2020 Dear members, We hope that you are well and staying safe during the Stage 3 COVID-19 Restrictions. We would like to remind members of your obligations to comply with the current COVID-19 restrictions when at the tennis club. As you would be aware, the State Government recently introduced further restrictions that require the wearing of face coverings. Please make note of the following requirements when attending the club for per...mitted exercise: 1. Unless an exception applies to you, you must wear a face mask when entering and leaving the club. This means continue to wear a mask before playing tennis, remove the mask whilst on court playing tennis, and then put the mask back on after you finish playing tennis. 2. Social distancing must be practiced at all times, keep 1.5 meters apart, even when wearing a mask. 3. No social gatherings, no spectators. The Tennis Club is to be used for playing Tennis only, and stick to your booking time. Remember, Get In - Play - Get Out. 4. Singles play only if not from same household 5. When booking a court, please text Lisa the two names of the players, to assist with contact tracing. Please note that if there more than 2 persons playing tennis that do not live in the same household on a court this could result in you receiving a $1,652 fine, and if youre not wearing a mask when required to do so this could result in a $200 fine. There are CCTV cameras at the club, In addition, there may be further sanctions from the club, including the suspension and/or cancellation of membership We therefore ask members for their cooperation in complying with the above requirements so that we can all continue to use our tennis club in a safe manner. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their cooperation thus far during these challenging times. We have provided below a link to the DHHS website for their advice on face coverings, please familiarise yourself with the specific face covering requirements in relation to exercise. Thank you DHHS Information about wearing face coverings Please refer to:

07.01.2022 We understand that the next 6 weeks will be tough for a lot of people. Please see below for a list of resources that can offer support during this time. Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636... Lifeline 13 11 14 Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 1800RESPECT 1800 737 732 Mensline Australia 1300 789 978 Relationships Australia 1300 364 277 Open Arms 1800 011 046 Headspace We are in this together and we will get through this together. Please stay safe, stay home and look out for one another. KTC

07.01.2022 UPDATE 2 JUNE 2020 The NSNTA has recently conducted a survey of clubs on options for a return to competition when State Government restrictions allow competitive sport to resume. The NSNTA Management Committee is meeting on Monday 8 June to consider the clubs responses and decide on next steps. We will update you as soon as possible after that meeting.

06.01.2022 UPDATE 3/8/2020 Due to Stage 4 Restrictions the courts have been locked with absolutely no access to anyone Stay safe and hopefully we can get back on the courts soon.

05.01.2022 NSNTA AUTUMN 2021 SEASON We are pleased to see that restrictions are gradually being eased across Victoria and we are looking forward to starting a new season in early February.... Autumn 2021 season start dates -> Ladies Tuesday, 2 February 2021 -> Mixed Wednesday, 3 February 2021 -> Men’s Thursday, 4 February 2021 If you would like to join or rejoin pls contact KTC We hope to see everyone back on the court early next year!

05.01.2022 Latest NSJTA update

04.01.2022 Reminder: our discounted Early Bird membership fees need to be paid by 30 June 2020Reminder: our discounted Early Bird membership fees need to be paid by 30 June 2020

04.01.2022 Back to Junior Tennis Comp" BBQ and hit on Sunday 24th January at 5pm. Bbq sausages and bread

04.01.2022 Reminders: *All courts MUST be booked *No more than 4 persons from 2 households can play per court We hope you can all adhere to this

03.01.2022 Our new signage has arrived Stefan Visser. Keilor Tennis. Viss Tennis

03.01.2022 These past few months have been incredibly challenging for so many people. Normal life has stopped and things weve taken for granted for so long are now things... that we crave and long to have back. While we dont know how long COVID normal will last, were all in this together and need to work together. Gratitude is something thats not hard to show and/or give and is certainly undervalued in so many circles these days. BUT it is something that can help make such a positive difference to so many people. Id just like to send a shout out to our amazing President Lisa Mayoh and the rest of the Keilor Tennis Club Committee for doing such an amazing job. Not only in these last few months (which I know have been extremely challenging for you all but especially Lisa) but since my first day and beyond. Thankyou for everything youve done and continue to do. You make our Club special and the place it is because of the wonderful people you are.

03.01.2022 KTC welcomes Jo Ellis as our new membership secretary. For personal reasons Jean, our former membership secretary has had to resign from her position on the committee We would like to thank Jean for all her hard work and commitment over the past few years.

02.01.2022 Unfortunately our start date for mens, ladies and junior comp is now postponed until further notice , although our courts are still open for those wanting a hit As soon as I have further clarification I will let you know

02.01.2022 Courts are cleaned. Leaves and weeds gone. Grass is mowed. Gates are unlocked Remember if you want to play you must book firstCourts are cleaned. Leaves and weeds gone. Grass is mowed. Gates are unlocked Remember if you want to play you must book first

02.01.2022 Clubhouse has now reopened Thank you for your patienceClubhouse has now reopened Thank you for your patience

02.01.2022 All members: Although we are still waiting further clarifications for Tennis Vic, KTC courts will remain open to all our our paid members and wider community . However no more than 2 persons per court if you are from a different household . Please call or text to make a booking and a reminder to abide by all previous restrictions that we had in place. We thank the community for their continued support during this time... As soon as we have a more exact direction, we will advise See more

02.01.2022 Strong communities are built with the help of dedicated volunteers who offer their time and energy. KTC thanks everyone who offered their support and contribution to the club during 2020.

02.01.2022 Wishing our night ladies delegate, Sarah, a very happy birthday

02.01.2022 KTC AGM will be held remotely ( via Zoom) on 14 September 2020, 7 pm. We will be emailing all members later this week with all details required to attended.KTC AGM will be held remotely ( via Zoom) on 14 September 2020, 7 pm. We will be emailing all members later this week with all details required to attended.

01.01.2022 Please welcome our new committee for 2020/2021 President Lisa Mayoh Vice-President Sarah Gonsalves... Treasurer Rebecca Knowles Secretary Jodie Robinson Coach Stefan Visser Membership Secretary Jo Ellis Junior Co-ordinator Margot Knight & Rebecca Knowles NSNTA Delegates Gary Mayoh Sarah Gonsalves / Alysia West NSLTA Delegate Patsy Remboulis NSJTA Delegate Margot Knight & Rebecca Knowles Senior Selection Gary Mayoh Sarah Gonsalves Alysia Junior Section Margot Knight Rebecca Knowles Stefan Visser General Committee Hannah Robertson Barbara Lennon

01.01.2022 Please note / new restrictions If you live in the following post code, we cannot allow you to play on the courts until restrictions are lifted We understand your frustration, however, our hands are tied

01.01.2022 KTC committee is saddened to advise all our members that: **NSJTA season has officially been cancelled ** 2020 KTC Club championships have been cancelled.... We will endevour to keep you up to date with future events , cancellations and postponements

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