KC DANCE Keith | Amateur sports team
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25.01.2022 Heart is full after a fabulous night of dance! So great seeing my gorgeous students again and welcoming some new faces to the KC Dance family too Thank you to Holly & Natahlia for helping out in our younger classes. ... Our new structure went so well and I got to chat with all students in each class about what they are hoping to learn and achieve this term and in 2020! Back at it in the morning for MINI MOVERS at 10.30 am and the TAP/JAZZ and SENIOR class tomorrow afternoon. Would you look at our Little Groovers Jazz hands & big SMILES! Miss Krystal xx
24.01.2022 TODAY- Minis and all Groovers 3.30-4.00! All other lessons remain the same. If seniors can come a little earlier that would be fabulous!
24.01.2022 Concert seats remaining We have a some seats left for 11.30 time slot! 15 seats for 11.30 am show... Please comment or text 0400191157 if you wish to come along and watch! Payment can be made at door or direct debited. Thanks everyone
24.01.2022 B A C K T O S C H O O L & D A N C E I hope that everyone enjoyed the school holiday break! The kids and I enjoyed exploring new places, heading to Moonta Bay, Port Elliot/Victor for a few nights in the Pop top. Class timetable and fee’s remain the same as last term.... Please see reminder below. Any outstanding fee’s from last term can be desposited to BSB 063511 ACC 10080317 or in a named envelope to be handed in at lesson. Minis/Groovers $80 Junior/Mids/Senior/Adult $100 WEDNESDAY Minis 2.30-3.00 Kindy Groovers 3.00-3.30 Little Groovers 3.30-4.00 Junior 4.00-4.40 Mids 4.40-5.20 Senior 5.20-6.00 Adult 6.00-6.30 We have a busy term with the end of year showcase coming up! Dates and info out soon. Very exciting time of year but obviously things will be a little different due to COVID. We will still be putting on a great show and letting the kids show off their skills and routines they’ve learnt in this crazy year! Much love, Miss Krystal xx
23.01.2022 TODAY MINIS 10.30 TAP 3.30... So fabulous to be back last night!!!!
22.01.2022 TOMORROW Kindy Groovers (1) 3.00-3.30* Little Groovers (2) 3.30-4.00 Juniors 4.00-4.40... Mids 4.40-5.20 Seniors 5.20-6.00 DanceFit (Adults) 6.00-6.30 Cant wait TAP & MINIS INFO via email. *All Little Groovers (Kindy Groovers) in the earlier time slot have been notified.
22.01.2022 Thanks for a fairly smooth running evening everyone! I will work out how many seats we have left in total for each session and post here and via email in the morning. I know there are a handful though so get in touch if you have someone special wanting one! REMINDERS: ... HAIR : High middle pony tail (or mini movers and kindy groovers can have high pigtails) FACE: Blush on cheeks and red lipstick COSTUMES: If you’re child is missing something from their costume oust don’t stress! There are a few items I will bring and I will post these in the morning to save you questioning if Yorke kissing something! Either way-I’ll have spares of everything Sunday! If you have costume or ticket money you can bring Sunday and hand in at check-in or preferably deposit into bank account prior. BSB 063511 ACC 10080317. One less thing to think about Sunday! Just send a text which one you would prefer and use name as reference. If purchasing more seats please text which time a lot also. See you bright and early Sunday morning
22.01.2022 So close now! With just a couple of important things to finalise we are looking on track to begin classes again from the 10th June. I am so looking forward to seeing all of my gorgeous students again. More important information to follow in relation to Covid-19 plan and class numbers. All currently enrolled families for 2020 will be contacted with all relevant information on class days, times and any changes to timetable due to keeping numbers under 10 per class. Thank you for all of the supportive messages and videos of your kids dance moves over the break! I hope everyone is safe and well. How lucky we are to live in this amazing country and state of SA xx
22.01.2022 TODAY: MINIs 3.00-3.30 GROOVERS (Kindy & Little): 3.30-4.00 All other lessons are the same.... See you soon!
22.01.2022 COVID RESTRICTIONS mean that as of 22/11 we can only have 50 people in our concert audience. This is likely to change on 1st December, hopefully allowing us to have more. (Currently 1 person per 4 sq metre but hoping it changes back to 1 per 2 sq m). So whilst it’s tricky and unknown, please just bear with me as we work through this together to come out with a great result, for the kids being able to perform! What I do know is that they will be performing; in their costume...s, receiving their awards and it will be filmed so regardless if you’re in the audience or not you will still be able to watch your little star perform! Working through costumes in the next few days and will have more of an idea of what is required by everyone. So far this has been white socks and white canvas lace up shoes (big w $3). It is also likely that most students will need little black bike shorts, but again don’t rush out to buy them, I will update you all very soon Thank you all for your patience x See more
21.01.2022 While tomorrow is going to be a scorcher we will be in the amazing air-conditioned comfort of The Institute! So classes will run as per normal. Dont forget your drink bottles to keep hydrated! Tickets will go on sale for the Showcase at the end of the week. Final student info will be emailed then also (arrival times, hair etc). Im so proud of how hard all of our students have been working. The end of year Showcase is really coming together and all the students are just a tad excited to show you what they have been up to! Miss Krystal
21.01.2022 2020! Oh how time is flying already! I sure have missed all of my gorgeous students over the holidays LESSONS begin in school week 2, from 4th Feb, to give students a chance to get back in to the swing of things and start back at school. Term 1 is an 11 week school term and a 10 week term of dance.... ENROLMENTS FOR NEW STUDENTS: Tuesday 28th February. 4.30-5.00pm. The Institute, Heritage Street Keith. ENROLMENTS FOR PREVIOUS STUDENTS: Please download enrolment form, fill in details and bring along to first session or fill in and email through to [email protected]. Email along with forms or text through to 0400191157 students name and class/es that they wish to attend this year. Alternatively come along to enrolment session. You will receive an email in the next few days with timetable, 2020 info and forms attached. MERCHANDISE ORDERS: Please download merch form and fill in your requirements. Tees, caps, bows and jackets will all be available this year with a few more exciting items in the works! MID YEAR SHOWCASE: Friday 26th June (more details to come) Please let me know if you have any questions regarding classes, times, merch etc. I look forward to seeing you all very soon, Miss Krystal
21.01.2022 LAST CALL for merchandise orders for 2019! I will be putting in a final order this afternoon for tees. If you would like to order please send your child size (generous sizing) and name through to 0400191157 today Miss Krystal ... * If you ordered in our last batch l have your items aside with costumes for next week xx
20.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all of my gorgeous students, families and the whole Keith community! I hope your day is filled with plenty of love and laughter and yummy food Have a safe and happy holiday break
20.01.2022 REMINDER! Lessons begin next week! I will be at The Institute from 4.30-5.00pm this evening for any new students to come along, meet and greet and enrol! Previous students are welcome but not compulsory to attend. Just text (0400191157) or email ([email protected]) your childs name and lesson/s that they wish to attend and print and return or email your enrolment forms back this week! Please see your email for all info including timetables and enrolment forms etc.... Look forward to meeting some new faces and getting back into dance!
19.01.2022 Showcase prep Who doesnt love a bit of bling?!
18.01.2022 REMINDER! Back at The Institute today! Same times as last week (Senior Hip Hop will be back to 5.30 next week)! ... Thanks everyone x
18.01.2022 WE ARE BACK! Enrolled families should have received an email regarding a return to lessons this week. It is very important that you get in touch if your child will not be returning to dance this term! We have a few classes with excess numbers (over 10) that need to be rearranged. This may only be for a few weeks until higher numbers are allowed but at this stage all lessons must have a maximum of 10 students in each class/area. Also students must stay home if they are unwel...l or have any symptoms. There is a list of all applied covid principles in said email. Timetable will be released this evening. If I do not hear from you, I am assuming that your child is continuing as normal. Any changes to classes will be done in the fairest and most logical way, most likely dependant on age. More information will be given later today. I can not wait to see all of my gorgeous students this week and get back into things!! Much love, Miss Krystal xx
18.01.2022 End of year Showcase Keep an eye out In the next week for all info on our EOYS. COVID has obviously changed the way we can do things but the show must go on and we will adjust accordingly. (Mainly not being able to fit everyone in the audience- but hoping restrictions will ease a little before then).... Look forward to seeing everyone perform their routines
18.01.2022 TEAM GOALS I hope youre having a lovely long weekend. Im sure this gorgeous gang will help to put a smile on your face #littlegroovers #littlelegends #dance #friendship
17.01.2022 Trying a new multi class this term giving students the opportunity to try difference styles in the one weekly 45 minute class! Ages listed are a recommendation, if you have multiple children and a recommended age doesnt suit, please get in touch to see if youre child is at a level to move to the next stage! Please note there may be slight changes due to class number etc. Lessons begin next week and this is a 10 week term. There are 40 dance lessons in the 2020 year. ... Previous students should have received an email with all relevant forms and info, please text 0400191157 if you have not. Miss Krystal xx
17.01.2022 CONGRATS to my beautiful students for putting on a wonderful show tonight! My heart if so full and I am beyond proud of each and every one of you and feel so honoured to be able to do this job. To see you all blossom and gain so much confidence and coordination throughout the year and then to watch you get to show all of your loved ones tonight. You should all be so proud of yourselves. THANK YOU to Amy Drabsch and the theatre group for organising and putting on such a gr...eat lighting show tonight and all of your extra work behind the scenes! THANK YOU to Remy Logan for his work with our music and his videography tonight. Has been an absolute legend helping behind the scenes! Dont forget that you can order your copy of the show on a USB! See yesterdays post or PM for more details. THANK YOU to Peter Brookman up in the Audio box running our music tonight. THANK YOU to the audience for coming to support our showcase and for your patience and support of our gorgeous dancers! I loved the kids excitement in getting up on that stage to show you their routines. It was a great celebration to top off a wonderful year. THANK YOU to all of our volunteers; on the door, green room, side/backstage and anywhere else needed - Kheeli Harris and Nikki OLoughlin- absolute godsends! Rochelle, Mel, Jacqui, Isabel, Jess, Karen, Catherine, Claire, Veronica, Janelle, Sarah, Vigo. I know I know Ive probably missed someone but I will thank you all personally during the week. The show couldnt run without your help and myself and the kids are so grateful. I love my job and I love these kids Check out our gorgeous lions from tonights show Make sure you tag us in your photos and videos, would love to see them!
17.01.2022 I cant believe the year is coming to an end! It has been another fabulous year. So much growth in my students, from coordination to confidence. It has truly been the best to witness! Cant wait to watch them shine up on the stage again this weekend. Happy Showcase week, to all of my beautiful students
15.01.2022 REMINDER: Normal times today! Minis 2.30 Kindy Groovers 3.00 Little Groovers 3.30 Junior 4.00... Mid 4.40 Senior 5.20 Adult 6.00 See more
14.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE: CLASS POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!! The health and well-being of my students and their families is of utmost importance If in doubt- go with your gut. Please remember to stay home and self isolate if you are showing any mild symptoms and up the anti on your hygiene regime and reiterating your childrens! Lets best this thing together #washyourhands #stayhomeifunwell ... Take time to read the positive updates too- China has had a rapid decrease in the number of cases and has closed 14 of its temporary C19 hospitals!
14.01.2022 WE ARE BACK! Term 1 Lessons begin tonight. Here is a reminder of the timetable.. Please note there may be changes in the next two weeks. If you have a preference/suggestion, please get in touch ASAP. As per usual, I will be walking over to The Institute from school with any who would like to join me.... PARENTS: Parents/siblings are only allowed to stay for the Mini Movers lessons. For all other lessons, only the students enrolled are to be in the hall during class. WHAT TO WEAR: Mini Movers: Own choice of suitable dance clothing Little Groovers: Ideally KC Dance Tee and suitable shorts/pants/ballet attire. Tap/Jazz: KC Dance Tee and shorts/pants. Tap shoes. While we trial our combined lessons.. Jnr-Sen: KC Dance tee & shorts/pants (with ballet gear, those that have) LITTLE GROOVERS: There is an option to start Little Groovers later (2nd class in) to give them some rest in between school and dance as there are a few new school kids this year! Parents, I would love to hear your feedback on this. TAP/JAZZ: Hoping to fit in on Wednesday to suit age group of kids involved. COMBINED: most weeks we will be working on two styles of Dance in the lesson. Lessons for older students will also be based around and catered to their main interests, being Jazz/Hip Hop in most cases. Acro, Cheer, ballet/contemporary will also be included. Looking forward to having other specialised teachers on board this year also. EMAIL: Apologies for the emails missed last week. My enrolled families list wasnt the recent one so I have been updating and have send out a TEST EMAIL today at 11.20am. Please get in touch if you DID NOT receive the test email! CHEER COMPETITION TEAM: Taking expressions of interest for those interest in competing in the Cheer & Dance Comp. This would require extra training on a suitable day/time (Tuesday or Thursday) and it would also involve fundraising to purchase uniforms and other required items. I have some VERY TALENTED cheer kids, so Id love to enter a team and give them a chance to be a part of such a wonderful experience with an opportunity of so much growth! Cant wait to see my gorgeous kids tonight! Miss Krystal
13.01.2022 We are lucky enough to have the fabulous Amy Drabsch from The Keith Theatre Group brightening up the stage and the kids gorgeous faces with some fancy lighting for us again! Can’t wait to see what’s in store! 1 seat remaining for 10 am 17 seats remaining for 11.30 am
13.01.2022 Wishing all of my gorgeous students and their families a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful new year and summer break! I am so proud of everyones efforts this year and I am already looking forward to next years lessons, with some new and exciting things planned! We are also looking forward to the Carols on Sunday evening at One Church, hope to see you there too!
12.01.2022 COVID-19 Here is an update from management regarding COVID-19. 16th March, 2020 - As you may be aware, COVID-19 is an infectious disease that originated in Hubei Province, China in late 2019, but has now become a widely spread concern.... Despite the fact that the number of COVID-19 cases in Australia are currently minimal, it is possible that this could change with time and therefore we feel it is important that our companies policies and procedures are outlined to avoid any concern. As a performing arts provider to many local students and families, KCDK has implemented an action plan in accordance with the Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare related specifically to Coronavirus or COVID-19. This includes, but is not limited to: An increase in regular cleaning and disinfecting of all surfaces and equipment. Implementing no close contact between students. Prohibiting the use of shared apparatus and equipment. Promoting extra hygiene upon arrival and duration of gathering. Increased training for staff/helpers to minimise risk. In addition to this, to maintain a safer environment for all, we ask that you avoid attendance (please keep your child home!) at KCDK if you have any of the following symptoms: Fever Cough Sore throat Shortness of Breath AND travelled to (including transited through) a country considered to pose a risk of coronavirus transmission in the 14 days before getting sick OR had close contact with someone diagnosed with or suspected of having coronavirus in the 14 days before getting sick Please follow the guidelines provided by public health authorities which can be found at www.health.gov.au and seek medical advice. If a student, attends KCDK with any of the above symptoms or is suspected to be feeling unwell, our team will immediately contact the parent/guardian and the student will be sent home. This is a pre-cautionary measure to ensure safety for all. It also should be noted that we are constantly monitoring COVID-19 and will keep you posted on any changes where necessary. Please dont hesitate to get in contact, should you have any questions. The current guideline may change at any time so please keep updated with this Facebook page and your childs student enrolment email. Should a confirmed case arise at the local school, childcare or kindergarten it has been stataed that they will be closing and we will also be shutting down until further updated and advice. Kind Regards, Krystal KC Dance Keith
12.01.2022 These guys are going to achieve great things this year #missingacouple #wednesdayseniors #2020
11.01.2022 Happy Easter to all of my gorgeous students and your families! I have missed you all so much Although it is definitely a different one this year, I hope that everyone gets to enjoy a lovely Easter weekend with their closest loved ones xx #2020 #iso #easter
11.01.2022 T H A N K - Y O U to all of our families last night who braved the heat and made it to lessons. Even though we are totally spoilt with fabulous cooling in the studio, there are still those with little ones or who have to travel and its never fun in the heat! So thanks again My two little costume elfs have been busy trying on bits and pieces over the past month and getting excited for their end of year performances #dance #strength #fun #coordination #confidence
10.01.2022 W E E K 5 End of year emails have gone out. Also most invoices have gone out for any payments outstanding. Still a handful to send. Reminder: Minis and Groovers $80 and all other ages $100 for term lessons each.... Please get in touch if you have any questions about either or if you have not Heath received a relevant email! More showcase info out soon (next week) including costumes and tickets. Another reminder: please send through how many family members would like to attend to watch your child perform! Thanks so much x
09.01.2022 Reminder : Mini Movers 2.30-3.00 today
08.01.2022 UPDATE- SEATS REMAINING 10 AM SHOW - 1 seat 11.30 AM SHOW - 17 seats... TEXT 0400191157 to pop your name on one of the lists and payment ($20) can be made at the door
08.01.2022 COVID UPDATE INFORMATION Please note that I am waiting to find out what the recent announcements mean for our Wednesday lessons and also our upcoming performances next month. I will inform all families with further information as soon as I am provided with clear direction about what can happen moving forward! Keep positive and stay safe!
07.01.2022 COVID UPDATE - Andddddd just like that.... we’re back in business! See you Wednesday for lessons everyone! Some times will be modified so keep an eye out Tuesday late afternoon here and via email for an update
06.01.2022 Feels like we have only just started term 3, but apparently its week 10! It has been an amazing term and Ive especially seen so much growth in confidence with so many kids! The doors will be open this week to welcome families to come and see what the kids have been up to. Dont stress if you arent able to make it in, the concert isnt too far away and we wont be giving away too much this week! ... Dance families should have received an email today. Please send me a text if you did not receive one. Have a great week everyone xx
06.01.2022 How gorgeous were our Little Groovers RAFFLE! I have found the runaway raffle tickets and will draw tomorrow afternoon
05.01.2022 Oh my, how I miss these gorgeous faces! I hope that everyone is keeping as well as they can in iso. Please remember to check in regularly on those who may be really struggling. Mental health can be impacted greatly in these unknown and extra isolating times. As per last email, I have tried to find the best way to deliver content to those enrolled but have honestly struggled. Most families are happy to wait until it is just safe to begin classes again in person, which is obvi...ously the most ideal scenario! I have been sent a few videos of my students dancing and I would love to see what your little dancers have been working on at home and share on our page to really put a smile on many faces! We are doing really well here in SA, need to remain vigilant but how fabulous would it be to be able to resume some normality and dance soon! We will be back soon, no doubt with more passion than ever! See more
05.01.2022 Happy Hump Day Just checking in to say how awesome it was to be back last week and how hard the kids all worked! We are all really finding our groove in the new class layout. We have a busy term ahead, hopefully going ahead with our original plan for the end of year showcase being held a little earlier than previous years.... CLASS REMINDERS Please dont forget to send your child, big or small, with a drink bottle. Dance is thirsty work and the little ones especially get a little distraught that they dont have a drink bottle! Please remember that there is also an option of washing hands with soap and water just inside the kitchen door, for those with sensitive hands or not wanting to use the hand sanitizer. MINI MOVERS is tomorrow at 10.30 and then Wednesday arvo as of next week. Routines are being filmed and will be uploaded to our private Facebook group in a few weeks times to help the kids practice. T-shirt orders are ready to collect. If you would like to order any merch please send through your requirements to 0400191157. We have a vast selection of dance/cheer bows available for purchase at $7 each. I will upload a photo this afternoon. If your child would like to purchase please bring a named envelope with correct money and they can make their selection at the beginning/end of lesson. There are over 30 colours available. apologises to anyone having trouble contacting me. As of today I have a different phone and hopefully this one works a little better! I look forward to another wonderful and productive afternoon of dance Much love, Miss Krystal xx
04.01.2022 USB ORDERS If you havent made your order to Remy for a USB of showcase footage, can you please send through today ASAP! He will be ordering the USBs in the morning.... Reminder: $15 each. Text your NAME, QUANTITY of USBs and TOTAL deposited to Remy on 0435183947. Deposit to: NAME: HOGARTH R L BSB: 015595 ACCOUNT: 226538655 Your name as reference. Thanks everyone Our gorgeous ballerina sisters Grace and Ivy below
03.01.2022 These two.. 8 walk overs in a row! They were in perfect synchronisation, but I was only quick enough to catch them when they were finishing. Little legends #acro #dance #skills #kcdance
03.01.2022 Last week of lessons with Christmas dancing, games and a little end of year celebration! ALL TUESDAY STUDENTS 3.30-5.00 ALL WEDNESDAY STUDENTS 3.30-5.00... Little Groovers will be finished at 4.00. MINI MOVERS: Thursday 10.30-11.00. If you cant make it on your day, you are welcome to come the other day Would you look at those gorgeous smiles
03.01.2022 Tomorrow! ALL Movers 3.30-4.00 Juniors 4.00-4.40... Mids 4.40-5.30 Seniors 5.00-5.55 As close to these times that students can arrive would be amazing!
03.01.2022 TODAY: MINI’s 3.00-3.30 GROOVERS (Kindy & Little): 3.30-4.00 All other lessons are the same.... See you soon!
03.01.2022 Great work tonight everyone! It was great to be back
02.01.2022 ITS SHOWCASE WEEK! Families were sent an email over the weekend with the link to purchase tickets! Here it is for anyone that may have not seen it, or that doesnt have a student enrolled. Tickets are selling fast with almost half already gone! ... Adults $15 Children $3 50c booking fee https://www.trybooking.com/book/event?eid=579694
02.01.2022 Hello! I hope that everyone enjoyed the school break. Looking forward to getting back into dance this afternoon! A newsletter has been emailed out with timetable, fees and important dates to remember. Also, If your child isnt able to do the concert, please let me know ASAP! Below is gorgeous dance student Emma who has been growing her golden locks and has now cut them off to donate and raise money for charity! ... Emma is a legend, with a heart of gold! Follow the link to see how you can donate https://hairwithheart.everydayheroes.com/au/emma-s-chop See more
01.01.2022 Our gorgeous Middys last week Have decided on this years theme.. cant give too much away but Im excited!
01.01.2022 COVID SA UPDATE - CLASS CANCELLED THIS WEEK 18/11/20 After being given conflicting advice from SA COVID departments today I have made the tough decision to CANCEL all lessons this week. We are definitely not able to run any indoor dance lessons for the next two weeks, but I was hoping to move to outdoors, adhering to social distancing requirements- which is where the conflicting advice was given. So to be safe this is where the decision to cancel has come from. I will continue to keep families updated with information as it comes. We still plan to go ahead with our end of year performance and will keep you updated on that also Lets nip this in the butt early. Stay Safe Everyone xx
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