Solutions to Thrive at Kelli X Falla and Andrew Hall | Public figure
Solutions to Thrive at Kelli X Falla and Andrew Hall
Phone: +61 427 630 455
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23.01.2022 I wish for all Women to see their worth, believe in themselves & say YES to Transforming! If your ready to build yourself and your dream life comment below & let’s chat!I wish for all Women to see their worth, believe in themselves & say YES to Transforming! If your ready to build yourself and your dream life comment below & let’s chat!
23.01.2022 I declare I am fully committed to lovingly support and stand beside each and every Woman to recognise their own COURAGE BELIEFS POTENTIAL... AWESOMENESS GIFTS to live and experience their bigger DREAMS! (Because I am you and you are me - you know that don’t you? - what we see in each other is what we have inside of us) I am ‘All In’ as a Leader, as a Sister, as an Unshakeable Soul Goddess, as a Lightworker, as a Visionary, as a Rebel, as an Authentic F##king REAL and Inspiring Woman here to stand beside and witness millions of other Woman RISE and step into their POWER! This excites me to my core because I have conquered and come out the other side of some pretty tough shit that held me back for a couple of decades. There is no more playing small and I have courageously stepped into my new story of power and possibility. The time has come for WOMAN to reclaim all that we have inside of us to make a difference to our own lives, our children’s lives and the WORLD putting an end to any hiding - voices being shut down, domestic violence, self loathing, job/financial inequality.......... From your Feminine Power Center, you can activate and realize your potential for true love, authentic confidence, radiant health & self care, true purpose, values-aligned prosperity, spiritual power, creative self-expression, impact & success. Woman are awakening to a new stage of evolution. We don’t just want to achieve success, we want to become ourselves fully, unleashing our gifts and discovering our life purpose! We are all desiring to live a THRIVING Life and it’s never going to be a better time to Step into the real YOU than NOW by FREEING Yourself and owning it all! LET’S ALL RISE TOGETHER SISTER’S TO MAKE A MASSIVE DIFFERENCE TO THE FEMININE IN THE WORLD - we are the creators, the empaths, the courageous, the vulnerable, the listeners, the intuitive’s, the collaborators, the warrior goddesses, the empowered, the courageous, the stunning queens, the powerful lovers, the................ (Add more of who we are in the comments Sisters - I’d love to see lots and lots of powerful traits that we are reclaiming) IT’S TIME TO IGNITE YOUR FEMININE POWER AND STEP INTO YOUR DESTINY! (With Clunkiness and/or Grace it does not matter) If this is giving you a big slap in the face and you feel the fire burning inside your soul I’m ready alongside many of our Sisters to support you to living in your fullest expression to manifest your potentials in Love, Health, Wealth, Purpose, Impact, & More. DM me if your ready to play big, Sister - we rely on each other to live our best lives - you know that don’t you? There is no need to hide any longer, it’s so safe to come out and play. LIVE WILD & FREE and LOVE with all of your Mind, Body & Soul! XxThe Firecracker Biohacker! Xx
22.01.2022 Having multiple streams of income is a smart’s not that one is not working! I am just in love with Money and desire it to come and play and be received with so much excitement a lot quicker as I have so many dreams, visions, projects, travelling, celebrations and events up my sleeve that I am too impatient to wait! Want to know how we are creating our Freedom? ...Continue reading
22.01.2022 You’ve got to be in it to Win It! 2021 is the year of self-love, dedication, and commitment to your health and well-being! If your name isn’t drawn come join us anyway as your health is your greatest wealth. ... An incredible system to get results and become the best version of yourself. Bring a friend and join in on all the FUN!!! Good luck!
22.01.2022 LIVING LIFE YOUR WAY IS THE ONLY WAY! COME HOME TO YOURSELF AND EXPERIENCE TRUE FREEDOM! Who’s ready (or already has) made a pact with themselves to live life the only way that feels good , authentic and natural for you.? ... You don’t have to live the way everyone is living it, just because someone else told you so! If your like me, I hated being told what to do, how to act, who to apologise to, what to say, etc and what appeared right in their eyes when their right was not my right! Everyone has a different perception of right and wrong, happy and sad, fear and courage - we are all living and experiencing this lifetime the best we know how at the time and some choose to continue to expand, grow, evolve and wake up where others are happy to move through life without much change stuck in the same thoughts, programs and their model of the world. It is all ok and everyone can live their life exactly as they see fit for them. There is no right or wrong! Get it! It’s whatever works and feels good for you and only you. Living your best life also means respecting others model of the world and that we aren’t always at the same place at the same time of our journeys. Even though we all experience duality in our life it can all look so differently due to how we choose our thoughts that create our reality. We can certainly choose who we surround ourselves with but definitely not making anyone wrong for how they choose to live. Most people are doing the best with what they have and know. Far out my journey has been very colourful and full of learnings. I wouldn’t change it for the world though as everything happens for a reason at the highest level. What if life wasn’t happening to you, and it was happening for you? Have a great Sunday FB family! Xx Eek - 1 week before we head off on our big trip. Still getting sorted with supplies . Can’t wait!!
21.01.2022 If you are looking for Solutions to Thrive you must check this out - get the scoop on it all! Nothing hidden...........all revealed in this incredible The New Era of Freedom Workshop - private group for you all to replay and enjoy. You never know where it may take you? ... Link in comments - check it out and then we will chat before you go any further. There is a process to see if you and I vibe and are on similar paths to creating a very special and magical life of Freedom, Family, and FUN! And did I also say High Impact and High Profit? It’s absolutely incredible. Check it out for yourself, it’s all ready for you. Start Living your Best Life NOW!!!! Xx Kelli & Andrew
20.01.2022 Happy FRIYAY Amazing friends & family, I am sooooo pumped for this 2 day MasterClass and the powerful line up we have to share with you how life can be so incredible with an extraordinary online educational platform that will have you building a high profit business online super quick with the mindset and the kickass mostly automated strategy. Imagine setting up a business that runs in the background having all links, sales calls, products, launches, duplication of informa...tion all done for you and you just have to focus on showing up as your authentic self to build a unique personal brand online to attract your soul tribe. There is a NEW paradigm of doing business and it’s working for so many that decide to change from the hustle and grind to just serving others in a more know, like and trust way attracting your own beautiful tribe. It gets to be done with ease and flow in every way. The most exciting part is YOU GET TO BE YOU - no having to change or show up a certain way for anyone to create success. This is the NEW, FUN & REAL WAY to do business. I’d say leave your old stories about online biz on the shelf with your ego for this one (saying this with love and truth) and Jump in to see how you can change your reality to something with so much more Freedom, Impact, Wealth, And Fun times! It’s simple, easy and fun and it is the most amazing platform to change your life for the better! Comment CHANGE below and will forward you the link to register. 2 Powerful Days with 6 Powerful Legends it’s gonna be jam packed with stuff that will get you thinking outside the box and I didn’t mention so excited for life’s incredible opportunities. Starts this Mon in a private group and replays available. 2 DAY MASTERMIND TO SUPPORT YOU TO CREATE A HIGH PROFIT FREEDOM BUSINESS LIVE ON 26TH & 27TH APRIL 10AM AEST 25TH & 26TH APRIL 5PM PST Bring your VISIONS to Life! The WORLD is your OYSTER!!! Speaking of Oysters we are going to the Oyster farm today to devour some Oyster Kilpatrick! Have an awesome day and hope to see some Go-getters in the group that are truly ready to live bigger, bolder, braver and more badass! Oh and not to forget WILD, WEALTHY & FREE!!!!! Let’s GO! Xx The Firecracker Mumma
20.01.2022 Happiness is when what you say, what you think and what you do (pretty much who you are being) are in harmony! Being in Alignment with your Soul Self! Let everything else go that doesn’t meet you there! ... It’s your life - live it so it feels so damn Free and Juicy!!!!! Life’s for Living - ‘BayWatch style’ LOL.
19.01.2022 If you want to fly then ‘let go’ of the things that are weighing you down. Create space for new Dreams! If you want to fly then ‘let go’ of the things that are weighing you down. Create space for new Dreams!
18.01.2022 This little girl is having the best time ever and guess what?............ we can stay here longer! YIPPY YAY YAY - (Good old Covid is good for something) Why come home when one of our business’s is closed and we have easily adapted and can deliver our members a great workout getting the same results by doing it with us via zoom. It’s the best!!! and it’s so much fun! ... Plus we now have all this time to expand in our online business by creating some epic content and ads here in paradise. Our educational platform has it all to learn the skills required to creating a successful high profit, high impact health conscious business with some of the most successful 7-8 figure leaders and mentors in the world. We are so grateful for how we have set up our life to be spending most of our time working on our mindset that will allow our creativity to flow and to energetically align ourselves with manifesting all our future desires along with taking intentional action. Being here in Byron changes your whole energetic state so why not capitalise on that and expand our mind, body and souls even more. I love that we all have a choice and we can get resourceful anytime to enable to have in our reality whatever lights us up. Keeping things simple, easy and fun working on our vibration every single day is the secret to our success. If your a family that would love to get rid of the complications, complexity, normality and routine of life and focus on all things wild, free and fun to achieving your dreams comment WILD & FREE below and we will share how we are changing our life and living it before it even seriously happens. You must believe that anything is possible and ready to do the inner work! You can CHANGE your IDENTITY & your LIFE whenever you want! There are no rules, no should and shouldn’ts, no right or wrong, no listening to others, no playing it safe, no putting things off till the times right (when is the perfect time?) because if you do you will miss out on the best part of life and that’s experiencing it all and living from your own magical soul! Life is for Living RIGHT NOW!!!! READY SET.......PRESS PLAY! Xx
17.01.2022 TRUST is the most important aspect of any relationship. Between Parents and their Children, A Loving Committed Couple, In Business,...Continue reading
17.01.2022 2020 for me was AWESOME!!! I didn’t get caught up in the fear once. I only wore a mask once having to enter a hotel, I focused on building my immunity (having Murray river dips smack bang in the middle of winter) so I would never get the damn cold or flu that they call something else these days. ...Continue reading
17.01.2022 WITHOUT CHANGE WE WILL NOT WAKEN!!! . ....Continue reading
16.01.2022 = We can say money doesn’t give you the inner happiness and freedom - I know that, you know that, but let’s leave that for now. But once we achieve that and nothing is holding you back you would have to agree MONEY is how people can create more Freedom for themselves. ... CORRECT And unfortunately many won’t experience true Freedom in their life because of the money stories and blocks that they keep within them. This is where the work is required to free yourself and enable more abundance to flow. You know you can release them and re-write a new narrative for your belief system and life right? It’s absolutely mind blowing when you start working with the unconscious/conscious mind. Anyway it’s not all about the amazing things you can buy with money such as the big house, boat, new flash Range Rover, designer clothes........(you can have all that too if you wish) It’s about having the FREEDOM to spend your time doing what you are passionate about and the people you love... This is why I have made it my mission to create an abundance of wealth in my life so I have more time to do the things I love and to build on my passion and vision in life. It’s so simple - the more money I make, the more people I can help and it continues to ripple throughout families and the world. Think small - stay stuck living a mediocre life. Think BIG - live your dreams and passions impacting the world creating a legacy for your family. If you are desiring more FREEDOM to do the things you love with the people you love comment with either MONEY emoji below and will show you a strategy that works and people are escaping the hustle, burnout and grind of working harder and longer not smarter, shorter, happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives. You can start building your DREAMS today! 2021 is when things can get super REAL for you if that’s what you deeply desire. To build something that no-one can ever take away from you. It’s pretty damn special. Chat soon if this Freedom journey is for you! (I know it’s not for everyone unfortunately - if only people could see that they have got what it takes to do and achieve anything) Live your Dream Life Xx
15.01.2022 Happy Wednesday - what are you doing to feel great today? Comment below after you watch my Live. Xx
15.01.2022 The Personal Development playground is a never ending journey and it the most powerful commitment to self to uplevelling your whole being and life. After working on my subconscious and conscious mind for a while now and at a deeper level for over a year I still have a lot of beautiful work to do. The conditioning, programming and the DNA that is embedded in your body from many generations ago can be changed with doing the inner work and to be honest in this world, many peop...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Listen in Momma’s - something exciting to share!
14.01.2022 What are you waiting for........say YES to what scares you the most and live your best life NOW!!!!
14.01.2022 Plug into the epic humans that inspire you, who will ignite the power within your soul and will support you to get to where you want to be and to living your dr...eam life. If you haven’t got it all worked out that’s great either have I. We are all perfectly imperfect doing the best with what we have. (We can always make it better and work towards creating our own reality instead of just going through the motions of normal life) It will always be a never ending journey of self discovery with the new way of learning and expanding being self-education. Find your platform and amazing community to grow with, become a better version of yourself and make a difference in the world. We all have a calling - it’s time to find out what’s yours! Your purpose and calling will unfold naturally when you do the consistent work, find your soul tribe, a mentor your admire and has what you want. You will start feeling more aligned, competent, confident and amazing within yourself to create all the happiness and success. Xx
14.01.2022 Eliminate TOXINS from yourself and your home! I am so excited to invite you all to a Sustainability, Eco-friendly and Conscious Living 4 Day Course very soon. ... This excites me so much as from what I have learnt over the past 10yrs - and have taken the small steps to change is how important it is to detox your mind and body than actually what you put inside your mind and body. This has been a massive shift and game changer in my life. In my moods, my energy, my body fat, my skin, and my mental clarity and cognitive functioning. It’s either heightened by what we take out and also put back in or it goes backwards with what we enable into our environment being internal and external. So being a Biohacker and always tweaking and trying new things to see how I feel I know the importance of reducing our toxic load. Do you know what is in our home is worse than what we ingest outside. So there are many things we can do to change it up and eliminate all these nasties that are making us feel more lifeless and sick as we age. (The biggest concern is the increase in Cancer that comes from toxic overload - we need to eliminate and release from our life) Time to learn something new and put a new healthier spin on life. By changing your thoughts and changing what you do, you change your outcomes. Make it a healthy change today! You will feel the difference!!! Comment below ‘DETOX’ if you would love the link to the 4 days where you will learn all about carbon blueprint, sustainability, the environment, low-tox living and more. This I wish I knew all about years ago. How about the days I used to clean the shower with hot water that increased the toxic fumes of white king. OMG!!! Now I use 11.5ph water and disinfect with acidic 2.5ph. It’s absolutely incredible the science behind the many different types of water available that have their own specific purpose. They are not all the same! You may think how can that be??? If you are one that values your health - and that’s not just exercising and eating right 80% - 100% of the time; the most important is reducing your toxins and releasing whatever your body has trapped inside. If you wish to THRIVE in life comment ‘DETOX’ below and get ready to be flooded with eye opening information. I love this stuff and if your like me jump in and we can learn more together. SAVE US, OUR FAMILY & OUR PLANET!!! Xx
11.01.2022 YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY! You are here to THRIVE in your life not just SURVIVE! What’s stopping you from going next level?................. To changing your Health To changing your Relationships To changing your Wealth To changing your Identity To changing your Work/Biz To changing your Life What are you going to commit to in the next week to start changing an area that will get the ball rolling? You know you have been putting it off and making all the excuses under the sun for far too long! STOP kidding yourself and give yourself what you deserve to THRIVE! If your ready to commit to yourself, I am ready to commit to you and be there with you all the way to feeling amazing just like I do and designing your own dream life. I’ve done the work and will only work with people that want so more for there life in a much bigger way - Personal and Business! It can flow beautifully together - it’s a lifestyle! Imagine living your days feeling like your not working! That’s me and I absolutely love it! They say find what you Love and you don’t have to work another day in your life! So if it’s Time Freedom, Impact, Wealth Creation and Health you are desiring I am fired up like a FIRECRACKER to support, love on you and will strive to have you THRIVING really soon - From 1st Oct I am taking 5 incredible souls to work with closely to kickstart what you absolutely want to create for your life! It’s all here beautiful incredible creators, visionaries, entrepreneurs, health conscious ChangeMakers......what are you waiting for? My motto I use a lot is - say YES and work it out later! (Only if your feeling the deep nudge and your intuition is telling you to go for it - listen and feel it in your whole body as this isn’t for everyone) Looking forward to having a fun chat to see if your ready to plant that stake in the ground and create a different, new and exciting life for yourself. XX ‘The Firecracker Biohacker’ - becoming the best version of yourself that allows you to THRIVE in life!!! PS: Transformation is so much FUN!!!
10.01.2022 NEW LEVELS OF BEING These last few weeks have been absolutely epic and also very super god damn trying! You know we always have duality in life! ...Continue reading
09.01.2022 ATTENTION Where are my FIRECRACKER WOMEN???? Come out, Come out Where ever you are or who you are being by playing small and shine that bright F##kin...g light of yours! The ones that desire more and know they are worthy of such much more!!! Watch this and become UNSTOPPABLE with other Firecracker Women that are ready to play Big in 2021 building their dreams and stepping into who they truly are with passion, courage, commitment and love. It’s time to make a difference and share your unique GIFTS with the World. Let’s do this! THE FIRECRACKER BIOHACKER Xx Link in comments if your ready to Fast Track your Life to Freedom.
09.01.2022 It’s raining here in Byron today so that means caravan snuggling, kipping and finishing my Milkshake website! Whilst Leni is asleep in my arms - I love this time together. (Boys have gone for lunch which means peace and quiet for awhile) Loving my progress (it didn’t take long) - want to check-it out? Here’s the link - (still more writing and a few tweaks to be made) Everyday I get more and more clarity of what I am here to share. I love progress and I also love failing forward getting to discover what’s in alignment and what’s not. The ever evolving game of life whilst making it Fun and Simple! This is one small part of what I learn in our online 90 day Mastermind to building our own brand and business online. It starts again in 2 weeks where I keep improving my skills, expanding my mindset and creating confidence everytime to strive for more in my life. I also get to help others with Solutions to Thrive in their life that I have gained. It’s so beautiful and super cool to share your tools and wisdom with the world in a way that it’s your own authentic gift that has had you receive the results you desire. Having a Heart-Centred and Soul-Driven Business ROCKS!!!! Happy Hump Day whatever your doing and wherever you are in the world! Xx
09.01.2022 Have you pivoted or changed your plans this year to how your going to create your dream life going forward? It’s been a real massive shift and we have all been forced to adapt and go inwards to see what do we truly want for our lives, how can we create something else that is going to give us our desired life of Time and Wealth Freedom with also a Thriving Wellbeing - if we are not mentally and physically strong everything else doesn’t matter hey?!!!! We own a F45 studio th...Continue reading
09.01.2022 It’s really exciting right now in my Soul Tribe online Biz, so many amazing people hitting their next level of leadership which means more Freedom and Wealth and I am not too far away either. We have been celebrating them all for just being epic human beings and showing up consistently with their big hearts to make this world a better place. We all go at our own speed and never any comparison as that just takes away from your own beautifully aligned journey that is meant to...Continue reading
09.01.2022 WHEN THINGS CHANGE INSIDE YOU, THINGS CHANGE AROUND YOU!!! I chose to radically change who I was being, what I was doing and the views I had that were no longer serving me, (many that never served me actually but kept validating it all in my own mind) keeping me playing small in my life. I was hungry for more fulfillment, passion, purpose, joy and pleasure. ... I knew there was so much more to discover about myself and where I could actually take my life. And that was getting to know and understand how our mind, body and soul works with implementing some of the many powerful healing tools available to us that are always within us. I chose to believe in myself and was so ready to fully trust the journey I was going to be taken on. I filled myself with all the excitement of the unknown! I really had no idea about any of it at a deeper level. And know this is the majority of society or we wouldn’t have as many people suffering from mental, physical and emotional illness. The world would be a happier place if everyone decided to just slow down, create peace within, eat healthier, focus on self discovery and continue to put their needs first with so much love. I was prepared to put everything I knew on the shelf and go all in with a clean slate to reprogram it all. (My ego has put up many fights along the way but I will never give up. I will side with my soul always) It has been journey (and is a never ending journey) I am so grateful for every single day that I decided to take action to create a new world for myself that I thrived in. Fear turned up on my doorstep and I jumped into it with both feet ready to go! (This is where it begins - you hide and play the victim or you fight for your freedom and become a warrior) What do you choose? I alone cannot change society for the better. But I can radically transform my own consciousness, overturning the conditioning that limits my potential. We can all do this one by one. Overtime we can change ourselves to the degree society changes from the inside out. Giving birth to a new way of being. Manifesting the birthright of living in a peaceful and abundant world. Have no FEAR. TRUST yourself. LIVE your full potential. DANCE within the FIRE every chance you get!!! XX
09.01.2022 When I fell pregnant with Leni at 43yrs of age I never once thought I was too old or calculated how old I would be when Leni was 10 or 21! I just didn’t care and gauged everything on how I was feeling! And to be honest my third pregnancy turned my whole life around with the sabotaging of my health - mind, body and soul. ...Continue reading
08.01.2022 A little progress each day adds up to big results.!!! This time last year I had 3 months of from doing exercise - I could count on one hand how many F45 sessions I had done. (Kept my nutrition consistent, lost body fat and lost a little muscle) Your body can be out of balance due to inflammation in your body caused by high cortisol levels (stress) therefore harder to get results. ...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Why is it that people give up so easy??? Start healthy eating, then slip up and put the whole idea on the back-burner until after that party or the start of the next week/month??? Decide Covid has been stressful and hard so going to right off the rest of the year???...Continue reading
07.01.2022 People have forgotten to do this for themselves!!!
07.01.2022 The FUTURE is just a story we tell ourselves! How do you wish your future to be? It’s never enough to just wake everyday with the mindset of being hopeful and wishing for things to be different. ...Continue reading
06.01.2022 What is this Kangen Water you see pop up and I get excited and reference to. Well it’s my No. 1 Biohack to feeling incredible and uplevelling my well-being! It’s great for me, great for the people and an absolute no brainer for the planet! ...Continue reading
05.01.2022 My decision to join an online affiliate business 2yrs ago was to firstly earn money being at home with my children and then it was becoming the healthiest and best version of myself! I had it around the wrong way. Oh and haven’t I got myself so much more than that! ... I have a tribe of other incredible soul entrepreneurs desiring the same thing for their life and the desire to find solutions for so many others to have it all. This is what lights us up - the more we help people then the money piece is all looked after. The way we do business today has changed considerably. It’s connecting with a soul aligned business that ticks all the boxes for yourself first, then not making it all about yourself that will allow you to design life on your terms! I used to think it was too good to be true but when you integrated physical, emotional, spiritual and financial gains your life can be completely different and well so fulfilling. Living from your soul and your aligned truth rather than your ego and societies old ways. I broke away from that old paradigm as I could see what was possible and knew I could create something magical also. Tonight we have our Queen of Abundance Kristie X Ord coming LIVE in a MasterClass sharing all the greatness of this community and a different way of being and doing that will open you up to Dreaming bigger than you ever have before. IN THIS WEBINAR, YOU'RE GOING TO DISCOVER... * How Kristie has made a full-time income (7 figures actually leveraging social media and how you can too * The 3 steps to Freedom, Money and Impact * Our high ticket / high impact conscious earning formula If you are someone that is obsessed with PD and gets the POWER of consistently tapping into your soul and doing the mindset work to manifest what you desire plus learning the 20% automated strategy to build your dreams click the link in the comments below to register. What has been created in this platform is like nothing else out there and you should also check out the Comp plan. (Everyone I know in this community that has done other online business’s and NWM have never seen anything like it) It’s pretty special! I am always here to share and share and share what we do and the amazing life we are creating! It just all makes so much sense and more people need to know about how life changing it is! You want more FREEDOM then this is it! Xx
04.01.2022 Our No.1 most important Biohack is flooding our bodies with Kangen Water! From joining a business that is affiliated with the most advanced alkalised, hydrogen enriched, oxidised and full of anti-oxidants on the planet we have learnt so much and have improved our health at a cellular level massively. Not all water is the same! ... There are big differences that will make an even bigger difference to your wellbeing and longevity. Yeah we have always been told to drink plenty of water but do you know how and why? Atleast 3-4LTRS per day, 1 LTR as soon as you wake (after you brush your teeth) Don’t drink 30min before or after your meal, make sure you sip it and don’t guzzle, and there are incredible SCIENTIFIC reasons why you do for your cells and tissues to operate an optimal level. (I will go more into this in my private group) Plus we are 70% made up of water so makes sense it’s what we should be drinking most of the time and more of it. So many people are getting around dehydrated and only drinking when they are thirsty. Did you know most of the time you feel hunger is because your thirsty? I have done many 24-48hr fasts, I have done 3 x 5-7 day full fasts (no eating) and I fast 18hrs everyday and I have great energy, glowing skin, muscle tone and low fat as I am dedicated to my health and releasing all toxins from my body replacing it with the most Magical Water on the planet! On Tues 13th Oct, we are commited to doing a ‘3 Day Water Cleanse’ for anyone that wants to join us. We will be opening up a new private group for the ones that are ready to take their health and vitality to another level. Doing it together in a group is where all the incredible results happen. We cheer each other on, learn more about our bodies, meet other likeminded people and have a big shift in our mental clarity plus more. (There are some contra-indications - If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, more than 5kg underweight, a diabetic (type 1 or 2) or currently dealing with an eating disorder, then please do NOT join in on this fast.) Let us know if your keen and will add you to the group over the weekend when I set it up! Let’s enhance our Wellness and Vitality together!!! Xx The Firecracker Biohacker
04.01.2022 Life is never easy. We all have problems, past traumas, tragedies to deal with, and luck has nothing to do with it. Bad luck is only the superstitious excuse for those who don't have the wit to deal with the problems of life.... Always be solution focused when there is a problem. Get resourceful and ask for Help if you wish to move through to a better version of yourself and life. Never quit and know we are all uniquely gifted to be transformed into something better and to serve others! Do you know why more people don’t succeed? Because they are lazy and don’t put in the consistent hard work! -BRIAN TRACY Make it not about you as people are struggling and dying right now - suicide and slow suicide. Get out of your own way, step up and and ‘Give your Gifts, It’s Game Time’ - Preston Smiles This is just some of the Gold Nuggets I am downloading from my commitment to learning from these World Class Coaches and ChangeMakers! I choose to learn from World Class Coaches - because their wisdom and energy is getting me closer to where I desire to be. Get into the fertilised rich soil and environment that will call you forward in every part of your life! I believe in YOU! PS: Also Remember to Let Go, have FUN and always say YES & THANKYOU!!! Xx a relaxed place to grow as a human and coach whilst having fun with my baby girl.
04.01.2022 We are taking our online business onto the road very shortly (8 weeks eek) to travel our beautiful and magnificent country and it is for the health conscious, incredible wealth builders, bigger visionaries, and sustainable living families desiring more adventures, connection, healthier happier living, soul aligned community and an impactful change in the world. We are here to help other families live a life of Wealth Freedom, more Time to travel and explore with their whilst creating greater impact for the people in the world as well as doing our all important part for our incredible Mother Nature to continue to Thrive. Without her we have nothing! We are all here and deserve to live Abundantly and Free with incredible Wealth, Health and being truly fulfilled deep within our souls. Leveraging Social Media and leveraging Automation online enables more time and space in your life to have it all. Approx 2-3hrs pr day can be a normal working day of IPA’s. The rest gets to be for your own personal growth, your passions/hobbies and your special family time. Pretty cool hey! If you’d love to check it out - for 30 days at $99 US you can see if it all aligns with you and if not you get your money back. Easy peasy! It’s pretty exciting and epic what we have and all the dreams that can come to life with the right opportunity. *This is not for everyone. - great if you see the massive advantage of building a brand, (no-one can take it away from you) sharing your life/ travel experiences coming from a place of service and solution based for others to thrive. And if your a great connector, have had enough of the outdated hustle of online business and wish for a more organic fun and easier way then this is a massive bonus and a must to check it out! Let’s chat, connect and see if it’s a fit for how you wish to live your life starting with the most incredible platform to be educated and supported moving ahead in leaps and bounds. Dream Big and just decide to make things happen! It’s all up to you and just question yourself - if not now then when.? Imagine where you could be in 2-5-7-10yrs? PS - Families only desiring more for their life, are service driven and wish to create a legacy need to apply. Xx (the soon to be) Location Free Firecracker Family.
04.01.2022 Hey Woman of the World, It’s comin for Ya All if your ready to unleash the Badass Firecracker within!!!!Woohoooooooo I am committing to a date (YAY) to launch my NEW Real & Raw, Wild & Free, Heated up, Juicy & Flamin Powerful group for Woman to take back and own their Power and Reclaim their life. ...Continue reading
04.01.2022 Coming home with more clarity than ever before on where we are heading, what we choose to do more work on, what our perfect day looks like, how we are going to serve more and having the biggest quantum leap in our online business! There is no quitting here! We have committed again, reassessed some things and are in 110% and here to 100x our life. It starts again now with a higher level of commitment to another 90 day sprint in our online business, committing to a parenting ...program to improve ourselves (as it starts with us) and our kids knowing they are safe and backed all the way, re-opening and marketing our incredible F45 studio, and improving our health even more with Biohacking our Biology at a cellular level. We have future paced our Xmas (3mnths away) to be different and extraordinary! Change can happen really quick if you believe and are committed to doing the hard work to living your best life for the rest of your life! We are so excited to take Health Conscious Families with us! If you want this for yourself let’s chat and see if we align to crush this life together! Alone we can do so little, Together we can do so much!!!! XX Andrew & Kelli We have the ‘Solutions to THRIVE’!
01.01.2022 If you believe you are a VISIONARY and you are here in this lifetime to contribute on a bigger scale, then what’s stopping you? To create a bigger impact that’s playing on your soul, you need the freedom of wealth to do that, right? So you can create and bring to life something magical where you have enough wealth abundance in your life for you and your family to be fulfilled and then all the energetic overflow of money can be the beautiful exchange of energy given to others and living out your vision and dreams. What an incredible way to be able to support, love and have deeper connections with each other in the world. If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. One of the greatest feelings in the world is knowing that we as individuals can make a difference - Jeff Bridges If this is talking to you I would love to show you a webinar where myself and thousands of others are creating freedom whilst making bigger impact in the world. It is not another one of those get rich quick schemes it is a legit heart-centred community and system that is making big waves with online Freedom and Impact. It’s not an easy journey as you face all your shadows and woundings in the process which is where the gold is in building an authentic and real business where you get to show up as you always. How freeing is that? And it’s all possible if you are getting those nudges from the Universe of why you are here........... to be more, have more, and do more in the world! We are all deserving of having it all! Each and every one of us!!!!! Comment ‘VISIONARY’ below and we can connect about this beautiful life you can create if you choose to follow your heart and soul and go for it!!!! Life’s for Living!! Xx
01.01.2022 Tracks have been set and we have embarked on the big lap of this great southern land We would love you to follow our journey on Insta
01.01.2022 Look at your struggles and challenges in life like your at the bottom of a ladder and the only way up is to keep climbing one foot infront of the other! Use your 5 senses to experience it all before you actually arrive at the top. How do you feel. Lock it in. It’s happened! Your life is now full of FREEDOM - love, happiness, success, prosperity, fulfilment, connected to your soul. ...Continue reading
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