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Kelly Wilton for Windermere 2021 | Political candidate

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Kelly Wilton for Windermere 2021

Phone: +61 409 861 224


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23.01.2022 First world problems solved right here, folks!

22.01.2022 Premier Gutwein announced today that Tasmania's borders will remain closed until December. The fear of Covid will result in many supporting this move. When Covid hit the government narrative was all about flattening the curve. Now it seems to have shifted to erradication. Covid is a virus. It can, has and will mutate. The fact that gnome sequencing can identify a source is evidence of this. On the 7 nightly news last night, we learned that scientists have discovered a mutatio...n of the virus that is even more contagious. Think about this for a minute. The Flu is a virus, also belonging to the Covid strain. Every year a new vaccine is released to protect against the latest strain, and it is widely acknowledged that those vaccines are only efficient between 40 and 60% of the time. By the time a vaccine is discovered for Covid19 - there is every chance that the virus will have mutated, and there is still no way of predicting when one will even be found. I'm not a fan of the 'Karen's' of our country who go out of their way to defy government pandemic advice. But by jingy's, I am more than a little concerned about where this is all heading - and to what end. The inconsistencies and stupidity of some of the public health directions are staggering. I had the pleasure of being taken out for a meal in Launceston on the weekend. My son, daughter inlaw and I were standing by the fire and were told we couldn't stand there due to Covid restrictions. (I should have known.) The staff member was great - she went and found us 3 stools, so we could sit where we were standing instead. This is no reflection on the staff member or the establishment, but do the government REALLY think that SITTING will protect us? There are families who have not seen each other all year because they are stuck either in another state or overseas. Our migrant communities are suffering, and our international workforce who are stranded here, get little support. I could go on - but I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing about it every time they engage in any type of media or social media. (apologies for doing it again!) We need to start working toward a strategy of living with this virus. Protect our older and vulnerable people, let the rest of us take responsibility for our own risk, after all life is always risky! This virus not going anywhere - but our freedoms are. Rant over.

20.01.2022 #OTD: I was only 19: The story behind the man who kicked the mine the day man walked on the moon No song has managed to capture the Vietnam War in the same wa...y as Redgum’s ‘I was only nineteen’. One of its most haunting lyrics describes the moment when Frankie kicked a mine the day that mankind kicked the moon. Did you know that this is actually in reference to a real event? Although composer John Schumann did not participate in the Vietnam War, the song was based on the true events that occurred to his brother-in law Mick Storen, and his friend Frankie Hunt. The song’s lyrics recounts the events of 3 Platoon, A Company, 6RAR who were on patrol on the 21st of July 1969, the same day that Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. Except on that day it wasn’t Frank who kicked a mine, but rather their platoon commander Lieutenant Peter Hines. According to the story later told to Hines’ wife, her husband had just been informed over the radio that man had taken its first steps on the moon. As he stood up to tell the rest of his platoon, he stood on a mine, killing him immediately. The blast also wounded 19 other members of his platoon, including his radio operator, Frank Hunt. Out of respect for Peter’s family, Schumann changed the names in the song to Frankie instead. Peter left behind a young wife and six year old child. He was only 27 on that fateful day. His memory lives on in this song. --------------------------------------------------------------- If you spot an error, please send me a message. Join our group here:

18.01.2022 The graphs do not lie!

17.01.2022 The COVID pandemic is presenting challenges for the upcoming harvest season, for farmers of fresh produce. Tasmanian cherry growers who have relied back packer’s, are cautiously considering how they can engage a full workforce to get their crops picked in the short harvest window. I spoke to a cherry grower a couple of weeks ago who normally employ’s a mix of local and back packer workers. He was optimistic that he could secure some Pacific Islander groups who are still in Au...stralia, and any shortfall would be offset by locals who may have lost their jobs. He told me the issue that is causing the greatest concern, is getting the fruit to the Asian markets. This was echoed today on the ABC’s Tasmanian Country Hour by Tim Reid from Reid Fruits in the Derwent Valley. Cherry growers traditionally use air freight, including passenger planes, to transport their fruit to over seas markets. However, the COVID pandemic has severely impacted international air freight. The other option is sea freight, however this presents its own challenges. While indicators at the moment, are that markets are looking strong, produce with a short shelf life would be on the sea for approximately 1 month. It would also delay the arrival and Tasmanian producers could potentially miss the usual advantage of having fruit available for sale before the rest of the world. Instead it would potentially arrive at the same time as fruit from other areas of the globe, resulting in a flood of the markets, and impacting price. I don’t know the answers to these issues. I do know that cherry farmers can’t just cut their losses for the year. They still need to care for the trees, they can’t let the fruit rot on the trees, they still need to get it off. They have to work all year, and only have a small harvest window to deliver their one payday of the year. I sincerely hope the state and federal governments are hearing these concerns, and can offer some support to our primary producers.

17.01.2022 Last year the Federal Parliament passed the Criminal Code Amendment (Agricultural Protection) Act 2019. This legislation basically makes it illegal for protesters to use a carriage service to incite or encourage protesting on private land or on worksites - including mining sites. Resource Minister Guy Barnett insists the protest by the Bob Brown Foundation today, is an example of why the Liberal's Protection From Protesters Bill needs to pass in the State Parliament. If existing laws were enforced such as the Agricultural Protection laws and Work & Health and Safety laws, that carry serious penalties - there would be no need to introduce more and new laws! Why bother, when history tells us, they wont be enforced anyway?

17.01.2022 EEL'S LIVES MATTER! To the sum of $1,000,000!

14.01.2022 FINALLY! Some common sense!

10.01.2022 Having been on the end of a vexatious discrimination complaint made by Bob Brown, I have watched this with much interest. Sadly, it seems nothing has changed at Equal Opportunity Tasmania (EOT). They are still accepting evidence that is clearly false, or unrelated to the complaint. Anti-discrimination laws are still being used as a weapon of the left, with NO accountability for the complainant. Meanwhile, the person whom the complaint is lodged against is guilty until they prove themselves innocent, bearing the legal costs, inconvenience and stress that can go on for months or even years. And believe me, there is a lot of stress involved! Something has to change. We need anti-discrimination laws that protect people in our society from genuine discrimination. We don't need the 'thought police' pushing a left agenda via legal means to intimidate and silence debate. That my friends, is the beginning of the end....... and it has been happening for years.

08.01.2022 Today, a Launceston man was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment for the brutal and violent rape of his ex-partner in 2019. He will be eligible for parole after serving just 3 years and 9 months. His name will be placed on the sex offenders list for 10 years. The offender entered the property late at night, uninvited after learning that his ex had found a new partner. As he raped her, he told her that he was sorry, but she needed to be taught a lesson, and that she would always ...belong to him. The offender has a long history of violent behavior, and breached a family violence order on the night of the rape. 3 years and 9 months jail will not compensate this woman for the horror she experienced at the hands of her attacker, that will stay with her for life. When sentencing, judges will usually hear if there are 'mitigating circumstances', to consider that may take time off the sentence. This is the point where the defence lawyer gets up and tells some bleeding heart, hard luck story about how the offender came from a broken family, he was picked on at school, that she was beaten as a child and this led to a life of drug and alcohol abuse. SPARE ME PLEASE!!! It's like points are given for each sad tale! There is NO excuse for violent crime! We, as a society must stop accepting excuses for it. On reflection I'm sure most of us can think of some shitty thing that happened to them during childhood. It does not lead to the majority of us becoming violent criminals. This victimhood mentality rewards offenders, and the true victims are left with trying to find some way of living the rest of their life with the sentence. The sex offenders list is not publicly listed in Tasmania, so what is the benefit of it for society? It's time for a review of sentencing of violent and sexual crime, with a focus on sentences that meet community expectations. It's time for truth in sentencing, if the sentence given by the judge is 10 years, the offender should serve 10 years. You do the crime - you do the time.

06.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS RITCHIE PORT! 3rd place podium finish! Great achievement for Ritchie after missing out so many times over recent years due to injury and crashing out. Le Tour de France is a gruelling race, a little over 3300km’s ridden on back to back days across 3 weeks with just 2 rest days. This year, some of the mountain climbs have included gradients up to 24%. One of the commentators gave this perspective imagine your stairway at home, now lay a plank up it and imaging... riding your bike up it. Ritchie is changing teams next year, and will take a position on domestique (support rider for the team leader) meaning this was his last crack at a win. He is a softly spoken hero, carrying the pride of Australia on his shoulders. Well done Ritchie!!!

06.01.2022 THANK YOU JOAN! The resignation today of MP Joan Rylah is a loss for the people of Braddon, and the Liberal Party. Joan is a grassroots politician, very much in touch with her electorate, and a fierce advocate for not only the people of the North West coast, but also for Tasmania.... I first met Joan at a rally in Burnie in 2012, when she was involved in Unlock Tasmania, fighting against green ideologies that threatened the jobs of people on the coast, being pursued by the then Labor/Green government. I have always found Joan approachable, available and willing to help. Joan Rylah, thank you for all the work you have done for Tasmanian's as a Member of our Parliament, and for all the unseen and rarely mentioned efforts you have put in quietly behind the scenes. I wish you the very best for where ever life takes you next.

05.01.2022 We're back! Keep an eye out for us in local newsagents and businesses throughout the Tamar Valley! You can also read our digital edition here:

03.01.2022 LegCo Rosevears candidate debate about to start for those interested

02.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads today! My Dad is 82 years young. So much of what I have learned across my life, I learned from my Dad. If you want something, work for it. Listen & learn. Be proud of your achievements and accept your failures as learning opportunities.... Never give up. Don’t take life too seriously, you are going to end up dead anyway! Laugh with others, and laugh at yourself. Reach for the sky and you just might reach the top of the trees. Give help when you can. Your children will be your greatest achievement, and will also break your heart. Forgive when grudges serve no good. Stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves, and stand beside the ones who can. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. When it really matters, ask for forgiveness - not permission. The greatest limits are those you put on yourself. Love. With everything you have. Don’t take the people who matter for granted. If you find a good friend, treasure them. And ALWAYS! Remember you are competing with 5 siblings for the deeds to the ranch! So DAD IS KING! Lol. LOVE YOU Bruce Webster! Heartfelt thoughts to those dads and children who have been separated this year, due to COVID. xxx

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