Kelvin Grove Equine | Local service
Kelvin Grove Equine
Phone: +61 437 837 636
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25.01.2022 COVID-19 Update I am still travelling to clients and doing my job as usual. I firmly believe that it is a significant welfare issue that farriers continue to operate in these times, as without attendance to our horses' feet their comfort and welfare will deteriorate over time - as such I am currently involved in petitioning the government to address farriers as essential personnel during this crisis (as the UK Government has.)... I kindly request that everyone take reasonable measures to keep themselves and others safe by maintaining at least 2m distance from myself (except where my safety requires less than this distance - e.g. to restrain the horse) and rescheduling any appointment if they are within a quarantine period or feel unwell! I have hand sanitiser which is used between each property, and have contactless payment (EFTPOS) available Any concerns just let me know!
24.01.2022 Chris was accepted into Vet School! All his hard work last year has paid off, and he will be studying full-time for the next four years to become a veterinarian, in the graduating class of 2023 What does this mean for you?... As a result of his study schedule, Chris’ availability will decrease significantly. All horses must be put on a strict 5-week schedule, if they are not already. He will be available for shoeing only on Thursday mornings, Friday mornings and Saturdays (this includes a 5-weekly rural run to Narrogin Veterinary Services, which will be held on a Saturday.) Any clients who won’t be able to fit in with these changes will be referred on to some of our best colleagues to continue the care of their horse’s feet
23.01.2022 Chris was accepted into Vet School! All his hard work last year has paid off, and he will be studying full-time for the next four years to become a veterinarian, in the graduating class of 2023 What does this mean for you?... As a result of his study schedule, Chris’ availability will decrease significantly. All horses must be put on a strict 5-week schedule, if they are not already. He will be available for shoeing only on Thursday mornings, Friday mornings and Saturdays (this includes a 5-weekly rural run to Narrogin Veterinary Services, which will be held on a Saturday.) Any clients who won’t be able to fit in with these changes will be referred on to some of our best colleagues to continue the care of their horse’s feet
22.01.2022 After much study and sleepless nights, semester exams are done! I will be responding to all the messages ASAP (If you don't hear from me, please don't hesitate to message again) and getting everyone booked in, and horses back on track! I appreciate everyone's patience during these last few weeks.
21.01.2022 There is still a table or two left for the Animal Aid Abroad quiz night on TONIGHT!!! I think you know the great work these guys do- with the Gili ponies but also with working animals in developing countries all around the world. It is a great cause and a really fun night out. Hopefully, see you there! :)
21.01.2022 It is with great pleasure that we can introduce Dr. Ignasia Misha as the first full-time veterinarian for the Gili islands. The goal of our work in the Gilis has always been sustainability for the local people and animals. Through the generosity of all who have supported Animal Aid Abroad and Horses of Gili that this vet clinic has been able to come to fruition. Dr. Misha has received training from the generously donated time of the Vet/Farrier teams during the April/May cl...inic, along with other veterinarians who have visited the new clinic since! Her passion and drive is a blessing for all animals in the Gilis. This project aims for financial sustainability, however, need everyone's support to get started. Donate now at Visit the Gili Islands Veterinary Clinic #giliislandsveterinaryclinic #localvet #gilitrawangan #animalaidabroad #horsesofgili #catsofgili #animalaidabroad #animalcharity #workinganimals
19.01.2022 The generosity of the team at TDC is under exaggerated as they have donated accommodation for the Vet/Farrier teams biannually for many years along with assisting hands on at the clinics and leading the locals by example with great horse management practices. Not to mention the donations of holiday packages to raise money for Animal Aid Abroad to keep these clinics running! We all thank you Trawangan Dive, Gili Trawangan for your ongoing support.
18.01.2022 2020 Price Increases Valued clients please be aware that prices will be going up for the first time in 2 years, with a 12% increase to cover increased costs, going into effect on 1st April 2020. Full Set Shoes: $185 incl. GST... Front Shoes: $125 incl. GST Draft Full Set: $350 incl. GST Trim: $65 incl. GST Thank you for your business :)
18.01.2022 "Leave more heel, take more toe". It's simple right? An obscure and oblique photo is posted on a social media page. It appears to show a horse with little to no... heel and a mile of toe, you can see it, your coach can see it, hell even your friend who's ridden twice can see it so why can't the farrier!? In an endeavour to help educate the poor hapless OP you type out your diagnosis and treatment plan. It goes something like "toe is too long. Your farrier needs to leave more heel". Feeling good about the education you've cast unto the interwebs you sit back and revel in the fact that the preceding 67 comments all agree with you, your diagnosis and your treatment. Why does it seem that all farriers can't see this problem as easily as you? In order to understand the condition we need to explore the physiology, function and morphology that contributes. Lying under (or above depending on your viewpoint) the frog is a plump section of fatty tissue known as the digital cushion. As the name suggests this structure exists primarily as a supportive cushion to lessen the impact of the bones within the capsule against the sole. It's mouldable, squishable and, most importantly, deformable. Genetic predisposition, work load and pathology all have a direct impact on the health of this structure and whilst it can become slightly less squashed it is generally understood that it does not possess the ability to repair; meaning once it's damaged, it's damaged. If damaged beyond repair the DC loses its ability to function as a shock absorber for the limb leading to an increase in the total force imparted upon the horn tubules of the heels. These tubules have strength in numbers but aren't invincible and if the load imparted upon then exceeds their capacity they have no choice but to crush and become under run. The hoof capsule is a finely balanced piece of engineering marvel and the more we study it the more intriguing it becomes. Unfortunately though it's not without fault and when one part of it fails the balance is upset which can lead to a cascade of failures. What's all this mumbo jumble have to do with a foot that needs more heel? While we can manage the morphological changes (fancy way of saying shape) that occur, we are ultimately restricted by the horses ability to recover from traumatic stress to the capsule. If the damage done to the foot has been minor then we can definitely improve things dramatically however if the damage done is irreparable then we can only manage. ***** But... But... Before and afters! I've seen the FB adverts showing improved heels on terrible feet! ***** On a simple visual evaluation it can be deceptive just how much a fresh trim disguises sinister pathology. As farriers we are experts at making things 'look' better. Removing a toe flare and running a rasp around the wall can make even the ugliest of feet appear to be vastly improved. *sometimes*, especially on long term cases, this change is purely aesthetic and x-ray will show the hoof balance is relatively unchanged &- it just looks that way. Soooooo you're saying we can't help these feet? No way! As resident experts on things hoofcare it's well within the scope of work for a farrier to "manage" these feet. One of my mentors used to proudly proclaim he could fix any foot in 3 visits. I often called him out on this bullshit until one day he elaborated. It was his believe and experience that whatever improvement a farrier could get from a hoof with morphological discrepancy would be achieved in 3 visits - after that we can only manage the condition. I'm firmly of the belief that there's not a farrier out there running around cutting all the heel off horses and trying to cultivate dorsal flares nor do I believe it's fair to take away a portion of someone's income solely on the advice of a few commenters on Facebook. If hoof balance really was as simple as "leave more heel and take more toe" the decreased stress in my life might give me hope of retaining some semblance of a hairline!
17.01.2022 As the week on the Gili islands progresses so does the training for the local Indonesian vet team. We are so excited to have 3 Indonesian veterinarians who are so willing to learn from our team. Animal Aid Abroad, Horses of Gili Gili Eco Trust. @peta hitchens
17.01.2022 The Gili Eco Trust are at the core of the work that has been done by generous volunteer Veterinarians, Vet Students, Farriers, nurses and support staff. Their continued efforts on the island stand as a beacon to others, leading by example in animal welfare and care. Animal Aid Abroad
17.01.2022 So under the cover of darkness, I escaped for a well-earned "holiday" to the Gili Islands for the past 4 days. Unfortunately, the flippers never made it into the water and a busy 4 days of working with the Gili Islands Veterinary Clinic ensued. We managed to take over many donations to the brand new vet clinic run by Dr Ignasia Misha sponsored by Animal Aid Abroad and Horses of Gili.... We had a huge job on our hands organising the veterinary clinic, so luckily the amazing volunteers from the Gili Eco Trust kindly (also unknowingly) came down to help! With the donation of an ultrasound and endoscope its all starting to take shape! The water trough was generously installed by the team at Trawangan Dive, Gili Trawangan who also donated the room, giving us the first self-filling free fresh water station on the island! The workhorses condition is looking better and better each visit. Next time I might wear a disguise and take the holiday :)
14.01.2022 FREE Dental Vet Client Education Evening - "How horses learn - The science of equine behaviour". Come on down to Dental Vet in Forestdale for another great education evening. Monday 17th Feb 5:30pm for a 6pm start... Sausage Sizzle - Gold coin donation, all proceeds will be donated to Animal Aid Abroad, who supports the amazing work in the Gili Islands and all over Indonesia. Address: 440 Nicholson Rd, Forrestdale WA 6112
12.01.2022 2020 Price Increases Valued clients please be aware that prices will be going up for the first time in 2 years, with a 12% increase to cover increased costs, going into effect on 1st April 2020. Full Set Shoes: $185 incl. GST... Front Shoes: $125 incl. GST Draft Full Set: $350 incl. GST Trim: $65 incl. GST Thank you for your business :)
08.01.2022 **important service announcement** My phone number and all services were taken by a scam and unfortunately can't be reclaimed so I apologise to anyone trying to contact me and getting a phone disconnected message. New phone number is:... 0437 837 636 See more
06.01.2022 A friendly reminder to please use the invoice number of the invoice when paying your bill. I have many payments I can't link to invoices which makes tax time just that bit more of an endeavour. THANKYOU :) :)
05.01.2022 COVID-19 Update I am still travelling to clients and doing my job as usual. I firmly believe that it is a significant welfare issue that farriers continue to operate in these times, as without attendance to our horses' feet their comfort and welfare will deteriorate over time - as such I am currently involved in petitioning the government to address farriers as essential personnel during this crisis (as the UK Government has.)... I kindly request that everyone take reasonable measures to keep themselves and others safe by maintaining at least 2m distance from myself (except where my safety requires less than this distance - e.g. to restrain the horse) and rescheduling any appointment if they are within a quarantine period or feel unwell! I have hand sanitiser which is used between each property, and have contactless payment (EFTPOS) available Any concerns just let me know!
05.01.2022 Apologies to all my clients, whom I think I'm calmly explaining the situation with their horses.
04.01.2022 Currently away at the International Hoof-Care Summit followed by continuing CPD and arriving back to work on the 16th of February. For any urgent issues message the page and we can direct you to local help if needed.
03.01.2022 ANYONE TRAVELLING TO GILI ISLANDS - Gili Trawangan We are once again heading to the beautiful Gili Islands, we are in search of travellers heading over in the near future with some space in their baggage for some donated materials to assist the project. Please contact me if you are able to take donations to assist the Gili Ponies - we have pre-weighed packages available of 3kg, 5kg and even 10kg if you have spare room in your luggage!... We can organise a drop-off point or even pickup from your accomodation on Gili Trawangan - there are urgent materials required for upcoming medical clinics that would be amazing to get delivered! Please message the page if you can assist!
03.01.2022 Dear Clients - I am looking for some of these water troughs to take to the Gili islands, helping to promote better horse health practices. The troughs will be installed at shopfronts throughout the island allowing horses to drink while performing their regular jobs transporting people and materials, allowing them to stay hydrated rather than be restricted from drinking while they work. If anyone has any of these troughs that they are not using, and would be happy to donate for this project, please contact me as I'm hoping to take some over next week!!
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