Kelvin Tran | Businesses
Kelvin Tran
Phone: +61 424 946 983
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25.01.2022 160KG SQUAT PR (+20KG PREVIOUS MAX) - Being quite leg dominant, squats have always been a strong point of mine. With some adjustments made to my form and technique, I’ve been able to get into a nice rhythm with my squats This 160 was a solid RPE8.5 with a bit more in the tank, so I’m keen to see what’ll happen on the platform on comp day! ... Also just wanted to take this time to say a big thank you to everyone who have been so supportive during this whole comp prep Thank you! - Coach: @sb.barbell Fitted by: @grindfitapparel KTFIT15 for 15% off at checkout @abf.barbell - #squats #bench #deadlift #sbd #powerlifting #powerlifter #competition #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #powerbuilding #gym #gymmotivation #gyminspiration #progress #pr #pb #1rm
24.01.2022 3 REASONS WHY YOU NEED TO BUILD YOUR SHOULDERS - 1 YOU LOOK BETTER Broader, wider shoulders for both males and females help achieve a ‘small waist’ physique. Ultimately, building your physique is all an illusion. If you have bigger shoulders, it can help in making your waist look smaller. 2 YOU GET STRONGER Your shoulders are heavily involved in a wide range of movements, particularly push movements. Developing strength in your shoulders can help build strength... in a variety of push exercises, including the bench press. 3 YOU FEEL BETTER Who wouldn’t feel better when they look good and are strong?! Definitely give this shoulder press variation a try The Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press places your shoulders under greater time under tension, helping progressively overload those muscles What’s your shoulder routine like?! COMMENT BELOW - #shoulders #bouldershoulders #variation #exercisevariation #shoulderpress #bodybuilding #hypertrophy #strength #bulk #lean #cut #bodybuilder #powerlifting #powerlifter #gym #exercise #fitness #health #gymlifestyle #gymmotivation #gymideas #exerciseideas #personaltrainer #pt #personaltrainertips #ptadvice
24.01.2022 100KG BENCH REP PR // 9 REPS - This was the last PR I hit before 2020 I’ve always felt like my bench has been my weakest lift, but 2020 was the year I really found my groove with bench. ... In order to achieve this, I focused on frequency (benching 2 times a week) and specificity in my training. If you’re looking to progress in a certain thing, doing it consistently is definitely a key element I’m keen to see how my numbers move in 2021! This year is focused purely on growth and development, and competing will come in 2022 - #bench #pr #powerlifting #powerlifter #weightlifting #bodybuilding #benchpress #chestpress #gym #fitness #lifts
24.01.2022 MY GO-TO LEG DAY FINISHER Looking to grow your legs? Give this one a try I absolutely love finishing my leg days with this exercise. Right when your legs are screaming for you to stop... hit them with the heel-raised goblet squats ... WHY I LIKE HEEL-RAISED GOBLET SQUATS Anterior focused meaning it facilitates growth in your quads Allows for changes in tempo and increased time under tension Incorporates arms and core SAVE this workout and give it a go during your next leg day #legday #personaltrainer #pt #trainer #tips #advice #anytimefitness #gobletsquats #squats #booty #bootybuilder #quads #legs #gym #gymmotivation #gyminspiration #workout #workouttips #workoutroutine #workoutmotivation #workouts #health #fitness #healthyliving #fitlife
23.01.2022 Ending the week with some solid deadlifts today - 4 x 4 x 140kg - I really noticed the impact of sleep today. Usually, I have about 5 hours of sleep during the week, but last night, I had a solid 6.5 hours of sleep ... I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and energetic, and this really showed in my lifts today. I pulled 140kg earlier this week with <5 hours sleep and they felt wayyyy heavier This just goes to show the importance of rest and recovery Something I’m definitely going to try improve on now. BUT these lifts could’ve also been the result of the pwo @liftwithjenz gave me And the gee up by @eddieheng_ - great seeing you both today - Fitted by: @grindfitapparel KTFIT15 for 15% off at checkout - #deadlift #powerlifting #powerlifter #grind #grindfit #athlete #weightlifting #weightlifter #gym #gymmotivation #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #gymlife #gymaestheticsig #personaltrainer #pt #training
20.01.2022 Let’s talk ARMS - Your arms are essentially composed on 4 main muscle groups - the deltoid, biceps, triceps, and forearms muscles In developing these muscles, it’s important to work on them proportionally. Imagine this - huge biceps with tiny forearms... That’s just... Yeah, you look like a t-rex... Proportion largely influences the appearance of your arms, and more widely, the look of your body. To develop arms which appear humongous, focus on these tips: Aim for large, rounded deltoid muscles to give off a broader and wider appearance Work on the short head of the triceps to increase width of the arm Don’t neglect forearms development COMMENT BELOW any of your tips and what you think! - Exercise: Triceps Extensions Fitted by: @grindfitapparel KTFIT15 for 15% OFF - #arms #armsday #armsdevelopment #armsgrowth #biceps #triceps #forearms #forearmsmuscles #bodybuilding #hypertrophy #bodybuilder #pt #personaltrainer #ptadvice #pttips #healthtips #healthyliving #training #lifting #gym #exercise #gymlife #gymmotivation
17.01.2022 PAIN-FREE LIFTING - Are you feeling pain or tightness when you lift? First things first 1 You should definitely check on any sources of pain before you continue to train. If you are feeling pain during training, it’s more than likely that something is wrong and you should get that checked out! ... Secondly 2 Feeling tight when you work out is common, but it’s important to not dismiss it. Stretching and warming up is just as important as the workout itself because it can help in preventing injuries. After you’ve done all this and you’ve been cleared to work out, there are various methods to help with your training. This exercise is one example! NEUTRAL GRIP BEND OVER ROWS By linking handles to the barbell, you can achieve a neutral grip which is more natural and conforms to your natural grip. This method is especially useful if you experience pain or tightness when pronating or supination (turning) the wrist Give this a go and let me know how you go! - #pain #painfree #conditioning #strength #bodybuilding #fitness #rehab #rehabilitation #health #healthyliving #gym #gymsafe #gymmotivation #gymlife #gymworkout #pt #personaltrainer #personaltrainertips
16.01.2022 CLIENT SPOTLIGHT - Hey everyone - this is Kie! Kie is in the film industry, with experience in photography, videography and editing - if anyone needs any mad shots, feel free to reach out to him @kie_lay Kie has been training with me for just 4 weeks, but we’ve already been able to see some amazing progress. ... I first approached Kie at the gym to help correct his deadlift form We’re now working together to get to where he wants to be! Kie’s goal is body recomposition. He wants to get lean and shredded in time for summer, while also building strength and muscle. In just 4 weeks, Kie has: Lost close to 3kgs Improved his technique in the squat, bench and deadlift Increased strength in all exercises Achieved greater muscle growth, particularly in the chest as seen in photo 2 Become more confident at the gym and as a person holistically While there’s still some way to go, I’m super proud of what Kie has been able to achieve in just 4 weeks. He’s put his head down, followed his program and pushed through the tough times. Well done Kie! DM me NOW if you want to learn more about how to achieve similar results - #transformation #journey #bodyjourney #bodytransformation #progress #bodyprogress #bodybuilding #clientspotlight #gym #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation @ Sydney, Australia
16.01.2022 ARE YOU LACKING FULL CHEST DEVELOPMENT - While the flat bench is a great compound movement for building strength and size, I have found that the incline dumbbell press has also helped in further developing the size and shape of my chest I have found that the incline of the bench has helped target and contract the ‘upper’ portion (clavicular head of the pectoralis major) of the chest and the anterior deltoid ... COMMENT below your thoughts on this exercise and what you think about the ‘upper’ and ‘lower’ chest I know there are some passionate opinions about this topic - #chest #chestday #chestgains #exercisetips #exercisehacks #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #gym #gymexercise #gymhacks #gymmotivation #strength #pecs #powerlifting #powerlifter #personaltrainer #pt
14.01.2022 170KG SQUAT PR (+10KG) - Well and truly PR season here Expected though seeing that my comp is in EXACTLY 11 DAYS Super nervous but super excited to compete in my first ever powerlifting competition. My numbers have definitely increased but the real test will be on comp day where I’ll truly max out ... One more heavy day today on bench and then onto a deload which I’m actually really looking forward to My body is feeling pretty fried It’s been a mission and a half juggling comp prep while doing full time PT and full time uni, but we got through it. It’s honestly been a mental challenge more than anything, but it’s helped me grow and learn more than I would’ve imagined Stay tuned for more to come - Coached by: @sb.barbell Fitted by: @grindfitapparel KTFIT15 for 15% off - #powerlifting #powerlifter #squat #pb #pr #powerbuilding #powerbuilder #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #gym #gymmotivation #plusfitness #anytimefitness #fitness #health #pt #personaltrainer #gymtrainer
12.01.2022 Trying to show a chest exercise but all you see is legs - TRY THIS: CABLE PRESS So I decided to try this Chest Press variation last week... ... Since giving it a go, I understand why it is one of the best chest exercises to most effectively load the pectoral (chest) muscles It literally felt like my chest was being ripped apart and it was genuinely a new feeling. The main reason why this movement is so effective in engaging your pectoral muscles is because: The resistance profile of the cables not only forces your hands BACK but also APART when you perform this movement. Your chest muscles are therefore required to PULL YOUR HANDS TOGETHER Ultimately, this movement of horizontal adduction is the primary function of the chest muscles and that’s why this movement is so efficient and effective at loading the chest muscles. FYI - The seat in this video is set at an incline as I was aiming to target my upper pec. To target the general area of the chest, set the bench flat and align the cable anchors with your chest. You can also perform this movement seated and move the cable anchors up so they align with your chest. Give this variation a go and FEEL THE DIFFERENCE - @anytimefitness_hoxtonpark #chest #chestmuscles #chestpress #muscles #anatomy #gym #fitness #exercise #pt #personaltrainer #health #exercise #workout #workouttips #workoutmotivation
12.01.2022 3 REASONS WHY TRAINING PARTNERS HELP YOU LIFT BETTER - I had an awesome time last night lifting with @nickitrains @swolmop and supporting @liftwithjenz hit some mad PRs We out here looking like power rangers though It was a hectic environment and just a total gee up atmosphere Lifting with friends isn’t just a fun time, but can have benefits to your lifting too ... 1 Another set of eyes Training partners can watch and observe your lifts from the outside and from different views. This allows them to provide a second opinion on how your lift looked 2 You learn from each other This is most particularly evident with more technical lifts. Lifting with those who are more experienced and knowledgeable can definitely help in your training as they can provide real value to improve your lifts 3 They hype you up I personally vibe off the positive energy of others. I love the encouragement other people can provide when you lift, yelling and screaming at you to GET IT UP Keen to train with y’all again! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to train together! Do you workout with a training partner? COMMENT and TAG your training partner below and let’s get some love going - #gym #gymmotivation #training #trainingpartner #friends #lifting #lifts #sbd #squat #bench #deadlift #abf #family #pt #personaltrainer #tips #trainingtips #trainingadvice #gymlife #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #powerlifting #powerlifter #teamgrind
11.01.2022 When you get more DOMs from snowboarding than from weightlifting - Got some pretty solid S turns yesterday - my second day ever snowboarding My body is actually DESTROYED, BUT I’m seriously grateful for making sure I warmed up and stretched before and after I jumped on the board ... I’m pretty sure I’d be more sore and dead now if it wasn’t for warming up and stretching I truly believe that before powerlifting and having engrained in me the importance of warming up and stretching, I wouldn’t have done it. That just goes to show the power of good habits This weekend has been awesome though - picking up a new sport and enjoying a weekend away It’s been a good break from the gym and work, and I’ve been able to stimulate my mind by learning a few new skills on the board I’ve got one more day tomorrow and I’m more keen than ever to do a few more slopes Anyone wanna do another snow trip next year? I’m keen to organise one - #snowboarding #sports #wintersports #doms #newskills #personaltrainer #pt #sturns #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #powerlifting #powerlifter #stretching #warmingup
10.01.2022 CLIENT SPOTLIGHT - Meet Martin! Martin is one of the hardest working people I know, and I’ve seen his work ethic from running his own hair salon translate into his training at the gym @martin_j_hair Martin came to me earlier this year with the goal of gaining mass and go from 61kg to 70kg. He’s so close to his goal and he’s looking really good ... Since starting with me, Martin has: Gained 7kgs in 6 months Corrected his form in the main compounds Gotten significantly stronger and fitter Felt more confident in his body and how he looks Gone up 2 pants sizes To achieve these results, we have applied these 3 main principles: 1 Caloric surplus in diet 2 Progressive overload in training 3 Hard work! This is definitely just the start for Martin - we’re planning to finish this bulk and then work on leaning down Making these posts are absolutely inspirational for me, and I hope it inspires you too! If you’re looking to bulk up, just like Martin has, don’t hesitate to reach out for any tips and advice More than happy to help! - #transformation #transformationjourney #tranformationgoals #bodyjourney #gymjourney #bulk #bodytransformation #bodygoals #bodybuilding #gymmotivation #gymlife #inspiration #motivation #weightgain #weightgainjourney #anytimefitness #anytimefitnessaustralia #client #clientwork #clienttransformation #pt #personaltrainer @ Sydney, Australia
10.01.2022 CLIENT SPOTLIGHT8KG WEIGHT LOSS // 4 MONTHS TRANSFORMATION First post of 2021! Time for another year of gains, progress and TRANSFORMATIONS Sam is the first one up for the year. Sam has been training with me for 4 months now and has achieved:... 8kg weight loss - seen especially in her face and torso More confidence in herself Increased strength and muscle gain A set routine for training Healthier habits, especially with diet and food These are HUGE achievements considering that she has never stepped foot in a gym before until last year. How did she achieve this progress? Sam put herself out there and took everything I gave her like true CHAMPION She stayed consistent and NEVER MISSED A SESSION She LISTENED and FOLLOWED her program This is what you can achieve if you STAY CONSISTENT, WORK HARD and NEVER GIVE UP Sam - well done You’re a true trooper and you rock up every session, ready to give it your best. Every session with you gives me joy, knowing that you keep making incredible progress. I can’t wait to see where 2021 takes us! Next stop is... <80kg - @anytimefitness_hoxtonpark #client #transformation #progress #bodyprogress #bodypositivity #bodytransformation #progress #consistency #hardwork #results @ Sydney, Australia
07.01.2022 Me checking if I still have abs after I go all in on the powerlifting diet - I can’t express properly in words how keen I am to compete in my first powerlifting competition in less than 3 weeks It’s gonna be a new experience and I honestly thrive off that hype energy in competitions. It’s been a great learning experience and an awesome way to build my numbers in my lifts ... Despite the fact that work and uni has got me working during every waking hour, and struggling to fit in a solid workout session, I’ve committed to it and acted on it. Big things to come - #powerlifting #powerlifter #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #abs #beach #beachbody #summer #abcheck #fitnessmodel #health #fitness #pt #personaltrainer #bulk #shred #bodytransformation #gym #gymmotivation #gyminspiration #model
05.01.2022 2017 2020 MY 4 YEAR TRANSFORMATION What you see here is as much of a mental and emotional transformation as it is a physical transformation.... I can say with certainty that my journey so far has largely moulded my personality and character to what it is today. The journey has never been easy, and it doesn’t get easier. It only gets harder as I challenge myself more to grow and develop - not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. Ultimately, it has been the journey I have fallen in love with, not the destination. My destination is always changing, but the journey of growth and challenge remains constant. I’m no where near where I want to be, but I’m satisfied with where I’ve gotten so far. I’m committed to staying curious and always learning, and I can’t wait to see what the next 4 years take me, and the 4 years after that, and the 4 years after that! Things don’t happen overnight. It requires patience, hard work, and consistency. You only get out what you put in. If you want to see real change, make some real action. Keep moving and never stop for anyone Fitted by: The Grind Fit Apparel KTFIT15 FOR 15% OFF AT CHECKOUT #transformation #transformationphoto #transformationpic #gym #gymmotivation #motivation #inspiration #throwback #flashback #highschool #pt #personaltrainer #gymlife #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #stayhungry #staycurious
03.01.2022 Here’s the NUMBER ONE thing that can ruin this holiday season - I always LOVE this period of time. Everyone’s always happy and in a good mood But are you still thinking and stressing about your fitness goals throughout this period? ... If you’re struggling to stay on track with your fitness goals during this period... don’t stress yourself over it. It’s okay to relax and take a break. If you’ve been working at it for the past few months, past year or past YEARS, taking a physical AND mental break from training and dieting IS OKAY In fact, taking a break from training and dieting can actually provide various benefits: Improves adherence to dieting and training in the future after taking a break Allows you to mentally reset for the new year Breaking from your diet allows your body’s metabolism to reset, potentially improving fat loss Decreases stress, not just improving mood but also decreasing negatively impacting hormones To make the MOST out of your break and to ensure you return to your training fresh as ever, make sure you: Plan your break - set a start and end date. Figure out what you’re taking a break from - training, nutrition or both To what extent will your break be - will you keep 1-2 days of training and tracking calories? Ultimately, it comes down to your goals and your priorities. If you want to continue working on your goals, absolutely go for it. But if you think you need to take a break, make the most out of it, and come back in the new year ready as heck to smash your goals! Who’s taking a break this holiday period? - #dietbreak #healthyeating #healthymindset #fitness #gym #gymbreak #holiday #christmas #health #weekend #sydney
03.01.2022 CLIENT SPOTLIGHT 7KG BULKING TRANSFORMATION - Everyone, meet Martin! If you watch my stories, you’ll know that Martin has been one of my regular clients since I started as a personal trainer, and Martin has had an awesome fitness journey so far Martin first came to me in February 2020, weighing at 60kg, with the goal of increasing muscle mass and bodyweight. ... Training with me 3x a week, Martin has achieved so much, including: Increasing 7kg in bodyweight, showing a significant increase in size Significantly increasing in strength and muscle mass Becoming more confident with himself and how he looks Martin also works as a hairdresser, so we personalised his training to assist him in his work, including focusing on forearm and shoulder strength and stability. Whether you’re looking to increase in muscle mass or decrease in body fat, it’s never too late to start! Don’t hesitate to reach out, only if you’re just asking for help Please send through any questions you have! - @anytimefitness_hoxtonpark #transformation #transformationtuesday #progress #bodyprogress #gymprogress #bodytransformation #gymjourney #fitnessjourney @ Sydney, Australia
02.01.2022 Same pose, one year apart - What a year 2020 has been Be warned... a deep mental caption is about to begin It’s been a tough one, that’s for sure. It started with bushfires and ended with a pandemic... ... But I believe 2020 has been a incredible catalyst for change. For a lot of businesses, especially in the fitness industry, 2020 exposed them to their weaknesses. Ultimately, the winners in 5-10 years’ time will be those who have taken 2020 as a lesson, while the losers will be those who have remained the same. For the everyday person, 2020 has revealed the truth to them and shown them what truly matters. True friendships have stayed intact. Fake friends have fallen through. In entering the new year, I think it’s never been more important to focus on these two key elements and its interrelationship with one another - mindset and perspective. In 2021, keep a positive mindset and never look back. Keep an open mind - don’t be afraid try and test new things. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. That’s how people grow and learn. To keep a positive mindset, we need to shift our perspectives. There are so many things we take for granted - the roof over our heads, the clean water that runs from our tap. Statistically speaking, existing as a human is an incredible feat in itself. I hope everyone has had as an insightful year as I have, and I wish that absolutely everyone smashes their 2021 out of the damn park - #2020 #2021 #reflections #learnings #insight #perspective #mindset #shift #fitness #health #growth #transformation #bodytranformation #progress #bodyprogress @ Sydney, Australia