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Kemar Meaningful Directions
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25.01.2022 This time of year you might be noticing some self-critical judgements and thoughts arising, such as: Why did I eat so much Christmas pudding, I am so fat My presents were so crap compared to what others gave I’m such an idiot for making that comment about Aunty Pat I drank so much & probably made a fool of myself ... How embarrassing - my kid is out of control My turkey was so dry, I knew I’d stuff that up I’m so useless I’m a horrible person for losing my temper with my sister Often harsh and negative thoughts about what we’ve done, our appearance or behaviours are pretty typical. Wouldn’t it be nice to know some really effective ways of managing these thoughts when they arise, so that you are not left beating yourself up, feeling so bad, and ruining your day? Well this is one aspect of what we offer in our Meaningful Directions program. What a relief to know that you no longer need to be held hostage to these types of thoughts again. Make 2021 an easier year.Come join us. Register your interest now. See more
25.01.2022 What are the JANUARY BLUES? Essentially it is when the feel-good endorphins that many of us experience over the festive season quickly begin to diminish during January. If you think back to the festive season, you likely did the ‘mad rush’ just before Christmas in order to get last minute gifts, food, attend social catch-ups, and then there is the packing required for holidaysand once all of that stops, we can feel exhausted!!! This exhaustion combined with a drop of ...endorphin levels can lead to a decline in mood and this is where 'January blues' comes into play. If you’ve experienced the January blues before, don’t worry you are not alone. In fact, it can be a very real condition, what is known as, situational depression (NOT to be confused with seasonal depression that is caused by the weather). The January blues can be caused by a variety of reasons, including: Not seeing family & friends as often that are away on holiday. The festive season is over, which means everything returns back to ‘normal’; where you might need to go back to a job you don’t like. Drinking and eating to excess might leave you feeling sluggish. You may not have done everything that you had planned to do over the holiday period. You may have found your New Year's Resolution hard to keep You’ve spent more money than what you wanted to. This can lead to us feeling physically and emotionally drained, and we can experience many unwanted feelings at this time, such as, low mood, sadness, low energy, lack of motivation, anxiety or feeling like a failure. And these types of emotions can make us feel like there’s not much to look forward to and less hopeful. But considering what 2020 was like, we should allow ourselves room for optimism, excitement and determination it’s just a matter of equipping ourselves with the right mental skills to allow us to manage any difficult feelings, as well as, knowing what direction we want to take life and the steps needed to get there! But some simple things that you could start doing now, include, making a list of the things you wish to achieve (and steps needed to achieve them), declutter your office at work or at home, return to a good sleeping pattern, get back into a good routine with food and exercise, look ahead to what you can enjoy, and plan your next holiday! And now that you know about January blues, make sure that you keep an eye out for others who might be experiencing this!
23.01.2022 With many of our kids going back to school today, and some for the first time, it can bring up some mixed feelings for us mums! Which one were you?
22.01.2022 Emotions often remind us of what is important to us, what matters to us. They can alert us to threats that we might not have realised were present. They can alert us to problems or issues we need to address, or help us realise that we need to make changes in the way we treat ourselves. They can inform our decision-making, enhance our intuition, and enable us to make wiser choices.... So notice what your emotions might be telling you. And if you are struggling with some difficult emotions right now, listen to our ‘allow emotions’ audio track and see if this can be of help in managing those big ‘difficult feels’ you might be experiencing! To listen to our ‘allow emotions’ audio track go to: . . . #allowemotions #acceptance #acceptanceandcommitmenttherapy #bigfeels #emotionsmatter See more
19.01.2022 Usually we would conclude the end-of-the-year with the warmest of Christmas and New Year good wishes, but never before have the good wishes we share with you all been more important or more worthy of spreading widely than this year! Thank you to all of you who have supported us in our first year of business - what a time to try and start! Whether that be attending our programs, liking our posts or sending us messages of means a lot to us! So as you turn the corner, into 2021, may what awaits you be much better than even your most optimistic hopes and desires! And most importantly stay healthy and safe!
19.01.2022 As many of you are on holidays, or perhaps at least socialising more than usual, we thought that this quote was perfect in reminding us all to remain present in the moment!
19.01.2022 Often people won’t focus on their mental health until they have a problematic issue that they need to work through that is causing them psychological distress. But people usually don’t exercise or eat healthy because they have physical health issues many of us do this because we know we need to do this in order to have good physical health and avoid physical health problems. What are you doing to ensure good mental health?... Do you want to learn some lifelong mental health skills that are simple and easy to learn? That don’t require dedicating long amounts of time each day having to practice? That are powerful and work straight away each time you use them or think about them? If you would like to learn this, and more, then register for our Meaningful Directions Group Program and we’ll get in touch in the New Year when our next program is running. The greatest gift you could give yourself this year is to prioritise yourself and start your 2021 off on a positive note! Register now: See more
17.01.2022 You might think that because you are not experiencing any mental health issues or have anything you need to work on right now that our Meaningful Directions program isnt for you. However, unfortunately life will throw up all sorts of difficult things when you least expect it. a tragic event might occur, a relationship breakdown, the loss of a friend or family member, a falling out with someone, having to make tough decisions, needing to give up something you love, worrie...s about your children, illness within the family, needing to leave your job, having to move house, and the list goes on and on.. Wouldn’t it be good to know how to handle life’s struggles and challenges well before they arise - so that when they inevitably occur you know what to do? What we know is that often people don’t know how to handle the difficult emotions and thoughts that arise when bad events occur. What normally happens is: - your mind ruminates over the event, over and over, which can stop you from sleeping or impacting on what you’re doing during the day. - You have all sorts of negative self-talk pop up that can get you down. - You feel painful emotions that you don’t know what to do with, so you tend to push them away or ignore them and hope that they go away. None of these things that we usually do actually help. In fact, they can make situations worse! Now is the time to learn some really practical, simple, yet powerful techniques that are going to help you throughout life, no matter what is thrown your way! So come and join us at our next program and learn some valuable lifelong skills that really work, that are based on scientific evidence, and can change your life! But don’t forget - registrations close this Saturday 24th April. . . . #meaningfuldirections #womenswellbeing #prevention #lifeskills #lifechanging #acceptanceandcommitmenttherapy
16.01.2022 Don't forget to use code '1YEAR' when registering your interest for our next Meaningful Directions program. To find out more go to:
14.01.2022 Why are we unique? . Because you are not likely to come across a mental health program like ours! Why? Because there are not many programs out there designed for the mainstream population, aimed at everyday women, run by a qualified clinical psychologist and occupational therapist! Why else are we unique?... . Have you ever attended a training program or course before, but then never really applied what you learnt in real life? Well, we have found that our participants do use the techniques their taught. Why? Because they are so practical, helpful, easy to use, and they make sense! Our participants talk about having many ‘ah huh’ moments throughout. . There are no set of hard and fast rules of how and when to use the techniques you have learnt, instead you will be able to call upon them when needed, at anytime during the day; no matter the situation. . You will also get a workbook that you can refer to that has all of the tools and handouts that you can refer back to you if need, as well as special access to our ‘participant zone’ on our website that has additional resources, audio and video links. And lastly. . Our program is interesting, and you will learn so much about yourself, but you will also have fun and will actually look forward to attending each week. You’ll think afterwards why didn’t I do this sooner! What are you waiting for Prioritise yourself this year and register your interest. And don’t forget we still have our $50 off birthday deal!! Use code: 1YEAR See more
14.01.2022 1 week left to register for our Meaningful Directions online group program. Once you register we will then be in touch to arrange posting out of your workbooks and resources. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn lifelong skills that will help you throughout life’s challenges, ensure that you stay mentally strong, and assist you to live a life that is rich and satisfying! ... For more details about this program go to: . . . #groupprogram #womenswellbeing #meaningfullife #onlineprogram #acceptanceandcommitmenttherapy See more
14.01.2022 Some hump day inspiration! Your mind likes to bring up stories from the past. But getting absorbed in those thoughts won’t help you to move in a more positive direction. Any lessons from the past have been learnt by now. So it’s time to move in that direction you’ve been wanting to head!
12.01.2022 We can’t wait to start running our group programs again this year... especially if it means we can help women better understand themselves and empower them to build a more meaningful and satisfying life!
12.01.2022 Only 2 spots left!! And with $50 off at the moment!! Make sure you register for our Meaningful Directions Online Group Program by midnight tonight! Starts next Saturday 1st May.
06.01.2022 As we have now made it to the New Year, it is likely that some of us have set a New Year’s Resolution. However, as past experience may have shown you, these promises made to ourselves at the beginning of each year are often broken or forgotten as the grind of daily life carries us along, back into old and familiar routines. Or, you may have found that while you can keep up with a resolution, it doesn't increase your overall satisfaction and happiness. This is because New ...Year’s resolutions we set for ourselves may be unrealistic, unachievable or not linked to our values. One way to ensure that you set a New Year’s Resolution that is more attainable is to make it a S.M.A.R.T goal outlined below: Specific: specify the actions you will take, when and where you will do so, and who or what is involved. Example of a vague or non-specific goal: I will spend more time with my kids. A specific goal: I will take the kids to the park on Saturday to play basketball" Meaningful: The goal should be personally meaningful to you. If it is genuinely guided by your values, as opposed to following a rigid rule, or trying to please others, or trying to avoid some pain, then it will be meaningful. If it lacks a sense of meaning or purpose, check in and see if it is really guided by your values. Adaptive: Does the goal help you to take your life forwards in a direction that, as far as you can predict, is likely to improve the quality of that life? Realistic: The goal should be realistically achievable. Take into account your health, competing demands on your time, financial status, and whether you have the skills to achieve it. Time-bound: to increase the specificity of your goal, set a day, date and time for it. If this is not possible, set as accurate a time limit as you can. When you set SMART goals you can create clearer, attainable and meaningful goals, and develop the motivation, action plan and support needed to achieve them so that 2021 can be a year that you deserve and desire! Note: There are variations of the acronym SMART however this is the one we prefer as it has more of a focus on linking goals to your values which leads to living a more meaningful life! Here's a link to our goal setting worksheet that you might find useful:
04.01.2022 If you listen to the lyrics of Pink’s song 'Don’t Let Me Get Me' she says things like: - Everyday I fight a war against the mirror I can't take the person starin' back at me - It's bad when you annoy yourself so irritating - I wanna be somebody else ... No matter how much money, fame or prestige - we all get self-critical thoughts about not being good enough! The important thing is knowing how to best manage these thoughts when they arise. Often we try to get rid of them by distracting ourselves or trying to make the thoughts more positive. But if these types of approaches are so useful, then why do negative thoughts still keep turning up?? Want to learn a new way of handling negative thoughts that actually works, is backed by scientific evidence and will help you to feel less stressed and anxious? Then come join our program in the new year. More details to come... See more
04.01.2022 Historically, sailors used a device called a sextant to chart their course based on the fixed position of certain stars (and they were surprisingly successful in finding their way). Can you imagine instead trying to navigate strictly by watching what every other passing ship was doing, especially given the volume of various cruise ships, container vessels, and other boats out on the ocean? You’d never get to where you wanted to go, or at least not very quickly or without a ...lot of hassle along the way! We can liken this to our own lives, can’t we?! How many times have you waivered from your own desires in order to please others, or based on what you think others or society expects from you, or because the direction you really wanted to go seemed far too hard! How about instead, you consider your core values as being the fixed stars that guide your life. Which values do you cherish the most? How do they help you navigate life’s rough seas? See more
01.01.2022 FAQ’s answered below: 1. Do I have to attend every session? Yes. This is because each week we build on the skills learnt from the previous weeks.... 2. Your program sounds great but I don’t have a mental illness. Is this program still relevant for me? Yes absolutely! Our programs do focus on mental health wellbeing but are designed for mainstream audiences; for everyday women just like you. 3. What if I don’t have any challenges at the moment or tough decisions to make- is this program still suitable? Yes! This program is a life skills program whereby you gain skills that are lifelong! In fact, learning skills when you’re not struggling means you’re more likely to remember them when challenging/stressful life events do occur! Got more questions? Please don’t hesitate to message us. For answers to other frequently asked questions go to:
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