Kempsey Dragons Junior Rugby League | Amateur sports team
Kempsey Dragons Junior Rugby League
Phone: +61 2 6562 1754
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25.01.2022 GIRLS TACKLE Our first get together/training for our 15s and 17s Girls Tackle is tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4.00pm at Verge St Oval. Anyone interested in playing, coaching and volunteering please come along and talk to Reuben Jones or Tim Reardan ... We look forward to seeing you all there
24.01.2022 Miranda is at the clubhouse today until 12 if you need help with registrations
22.01.2022 What are you doing on this Sunny Sunday? Why not come on down to the Dragons Clubhouse and lend a hand to help at our working bee Starting now! More hands make light work We hope to see you there
22.01.2022 DONT FORGET OUR PRESENTATION IS TODAY How many of our Players can master the Maze and Bungee Run ???? Do you think your coach will get bucked off the ...Bucking Bull This is just some of our fun planned for our presentation PRESENTATION IS TODAY Don’t forget we are holding our presentation at Verge St Ovals TODAY Mini’s presentation starts at 1:30 sharp and will go until 3:30. 11s -16s and LT presentation starts at 3:45 and will go until 6pm. Make sure to come on down for a fun afternoon with our Covid Safe entertainment You will never guess what we have planned We also have plenty of prizes on offer for our Dragons Players We also have plenty of lucky door prizes. Some of these include - BCF vouchers - Storm Riders Vouchers - Coastal Fresh Seafood Vouchers - Chaddies Store Vouchers - A&A Barbershop vouchers We would like to take the time to thank all of our sponsors, and businesses that donated to us, without them it would be impossible to run our club This will be a Covid Safe Event COME ON DOWN AND JOIN THE FUN
22.01.2022 The Kempsey Dragons family would like send our condolences to Wayne, Wayne Jnr, Michael, Cody and Pam on the loss of their wife and mother. Wayne and Thelma have been amazing members of our club for many years with Wayne being a life member, coach, referee and committee member and Thelma being a valued volunteer. You are all in our thoughts at this time
22.01.2022 Attention Parents and Carers - AGM IS TODAY AT 1PM - KJRL will be having our Annual AGM TODAY at Kempsey Heights Bowling Club at 1pm ... All positions for KJRL Season 2021 are declared open. Our club can not run itself, we need volunteers to keep it running smoothly and give our kids a positive, supportive club to be apart of. We would love to see some new faces there, ready to help and be apart of a great junior league club. You’re time, help and support would be greatly appreciated Please come along to the AGM meeting and see what YOU can do to help .
21.01.2022 Well done today Macleay Valley red. Didn’t get result but plenty of promise in the team. Proud of your effort today. Remember training Tuesday
20.01.2022 Training Due to the weather over the past 2 weeks and the fields still being closed; Training will start this Thursday for under 13s - under 16s and LT from 4pm-5pm
19.01.2022 Well Done to all of our Players for 2020 Our Perpetual Trophy Winners for this Season are ... Mini Boy Player Of The Year ~ Tyrell Howe and Paul Davis Welsh Mini Girl Player Of The Year ~ Bella Lardner Dragon Spirit Award ~ Jagger Hudson Junior Player of the year ~ Cruz Walker Senior player of the year ~ Mekhi Kelly Rising star ~ Chris Bull Girl player of the year, Sharkayla Elliott Memorial Award ~ Shaylah Thompson League Tag Girl Player of the Year ~ Naokii Frail Dedication Award ~ Karen Dufty and Tisana Millar Volunteer Award ~ Rodney Myers Junior club person ~ Tariq Payne Senior club person ~ Miranda Abbotts Ref of the year ~ Blake Weston Coach of the year ~ Alfie Drew Shane (Future) Reilly Memorial Award ~ Flynn O’Loughlin Junior Helpers Award ~ Tariq Payne CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL
19.01.2022 Bad luck to our Kempsey Dragons 16s and Macleay Valley Mustangs 18s, going down in their semi finals today. You have all done yourselves and your clubs proud, and fought hard to the end. You're all champions in our eyes.
18.01.2022 Congratulations to these 2 teams on making it to today’s Grand Final Both Teams and their coaches, managers and trainers (including Reuben) should be so proud of their achievements and team work, that got them to the grand final, in what has been a crazy year Unfortunately our League Tag team didn’t get the win today but they have all grown so much as a team this year which is winning in itself! Next year will bring new experiences, new skills and possibly a grand final As for our 14s, what can we say the unbreakable team that now has a hat trick in Grand Final wins Enjoy another great season, and I’m sure we will see you all again next year Thanks to everyone for being patient and cooperative throughout the 2020 season with Covid Restrictions, we appreciate all of your support and thanks for helping make these unprecedented times enjoyable
18.01.2022 ATTENTION Due to work being done on the ovals training will be canceled for today and will commence for all ages after the holidays. We apologize for any inconvenience. Happy Easter and Enjoy the School Holidays
17.01.2022 Thank You to Everyone who attended today’s AGM Congratulations to the following committee members on their positions President - Reuben Jones ... Vice President - Allan Lockwood Jnr President - Kirk Supple Secretary - Miranda Abbotts Treasurer - Rebecca Supple and Dominique Lockwood Public Officer - Dominique Lockwood and Miranda Abbotts Coaching Coordinator - Reuben Jones Canteen Coordinator - Karen Dufty Grounds and Maintenance Coordinator - Alan Dean Club Head Trainer - Rodney Myers We look forward to seeing everyone in 2021 for another great season of Junior Rugby League
16.01.2022 ATTENTION Due to unforeseen circumstances the AGM has been rescheduled for Sunday 29th November at 1pm
15.01.2022 Kempsey Dragons JRL Committee would like to send a HUGE Thank You to Chaddies Store, Coastal Fresh Seafood and A & A Barbershop for their donations of Vouchers for the Lucky Door Prizes for Sunday’s Presentation Your support of our club is greatly appreciated as we know this year hasn’t been an easy one for small local businesses like yourselves! Your donations made our day that little bit more special and our winners were very happy Support these guys and shop local!!
15.01.2022 PRESENTATION INFORMATION LOCK IN THE DATE AND WATCH THIS SPACE Presentation will be held on ... Sunday 1st November. Further details will be announced in the coming week. We ask all families who are attending the presentation to abide by the current Covid Regulations as these will need to be strictly applied for this event to run smoothly. Updated regulations will be posted closer to the date
14.01.2022 Macleay Argus Article 16s and 18s Semi Finals
14.01.2022 Attention Parents and Carers - AGM Sunday 15th November 1pm - KJRL will be having their Annual AGM on Sunday 15th November at Kempsey Heights Bowling Club at 1pm ... All positions for KJRL Season 2021 are declared open. Our club can not run itself, we need volunteers to keep it running smoothly and give our kids a positive, supportive club to be apart of. We would love to see some new faces there, ready to help and be apart of a great junior league club. You’re time, help and support would be greatly appreciated Please come along to the AGM meeting and see what YOU can do to help .
14.01.2022 Hi all, There is a Level 1 Sports Trainers Course being held on the 28th of November in Port Macquarie. We understand this may not be suitable for everyone and there will be more coming up, this is just a good chance to get our trainers or potential trainers qualified nice and early before the chaos of the pre-season. The link for you to register is below ... Level 1 Sports Trainer Full Course link
14.01.2022 Hi to all the young girls who wanna play football , Myself Raine Donovan Charmaine Dickson looking for players age 14,15, 16 girls to play in our team.. When: 6th February 2021 Where: St Mary ... If you or your daughter , niece grand daughter, interested please inbox me or write on this status , need to know ASAP please as there be a lot of girls from other town such as Port Macquarie Wauchope Kempsey Nambucca Coffs Harbour Sawtell and others are more then welcome to join... Also if there Family wanna help out please come along..!!! I’ll post when out first meeting nexts few days...!!! TheresaAnn Gray
13.01.2022 Thank You to everyone who came down to our presentation on Sunday It was great to see so many families come down to celebrate another great season (as difficult as it was this year) There’s also nothing more rewarding then seeing so many proud smiles on our kids faces What an amazing day it was
12.01.2022 Something to do in the school holidays
10.01.2022 Attention Parents and Carers - AGM IS TOMORROW AT 1PM - KJRL will be having their Annual AGM on TOMORROW at Kempsey Heights Bowling Club at 1pm ... All positions for KJRL Season 2021 are declared open. Our club can not run itself, we need volunteers to keep it running smoothly and give our kids a positive, supportive club to be apart of. We would love to see some new faces there, ready to help and be apart of a great junior league club. You’re time, help and support would be greatly appreciated Please come along to the AGM meeting and see what YOU can do to help .
10.01.2022 Still seeking coaches in under 8s, 9s, 16s and LT
09.01.2022 14 boys ready for the GF
09.01.2022 Attention Parents and Carers - AGM Sunday 29th November 1pm - KJRL will be having their Annual AGM on Sunday 29th November at Kempsey Heights Bowling Club at 1pm ... All positions for KJRL Season 2021 are declared open. Our club can not run itself, we need volunteers to keep it running smoothly and give our kids a positive, supportive club to be apart of. We would love to see some new faces there, ready to help and be apart of a great junior league club. You’re time, help and support would be greatly appreciated Please come along to the AGM meeting and see what YOU can do to help .
08.01.2022 16S PLAYERS, PARENTS AND CARERS PLEASE READ Tomorrow with the covid restrictions, the way it will work is as follows: Arrive to port stadium by 11am. Muster as a group, then walk over rear footbridge to tuffins lane to warm up ect... We then return to stadium with 25 minutes to spare before kick off.... Players will then Line up in numbers 1-19 with 1 parent with each player. We will Go through the checkpoint together as a group and get signed in Once signed into stadium, the team will sign onto game sheet and do a short warm-up before taking the field at 12.30pm See more
06.01.2022 Attention All Players and Families All Players with Perpetual Trophies from last years Presentation, can we please have these returned to Reuben or Miranda as soon as possible so we can organise this years presentation Thanks
06.01.2022 PRESENTATION DAY Kempsey Dragons JRL are holding our Presentation Day next Sunday 1st November at Verge Street ovals. This year our presentation will be run differently to abide with Covid restrictions. ... Please read the below information and regulations needed to allow this event to commence!! Parking will be outside the main entry gate as no entry into the ovals will be permitted. Entry will be at the main gate where you will be required to sign in, and sanitize. Lucky door prizes will be held and you will receive your ticket upon entry. We ask players to bring essential Parents/Carers ONLY Players and Parents are to leave after their child’s presentation. Covid safe entertainment will be held for the presentation. Social distancing is to be abided by on the day! If you, our anyone in your family have been unwell, unfortunately we ask to not attend! Under 6s, 7s and 9s presentation Presentation will be held from 1:30-3:30. We ask players to arrive 15 minutes early as we will be starting at 1:30 sharp! Players only will receive Pizza and a drink. Under 11s, 12s, 14s, 16s and LT Presentation will be held from 3:45-6pm Players only will receive Pizza and a drink. We understand this is a lot to take in and abide by, but we want to do the best we can in these times to give our kids a presentation they deserve under difficult circumstances We look forward to an enjoyable afternoon with our Dragons Players
06.01.2022 ATTENTION 17S GIRLS TACKLE If we don't have numbers at training this afternoon unfortunately we will be forced to pull this age group out of tackle competition
05.01.2022 Any Indigenous people out there with coaching qualifications for Rugby league email me some info about yourself. I’m looking to create a database with all indig...enous coaches on it. Push for more opportunities to learn and gain experience so that more of our mob can coach at higher levels. If you don’t have any quals but love coaching and want to learn more email me some info name address/town you live in, contact details, club, experience and some simple goals that way we can look at how we can assist you [email protected] Thanks
05.01.2022 At the beginning of this year we received a message from Verity and Nick wanting to know how they could support our kids in junior league. Their kids haven’t played in our club but they still went out of their way to want to do their bit for our club, and for our kids in playing junior league with Kempsey Dragons, which doesn’t happen everyday. Unfortunately, over the weekend Verity, Nick and their children lost their home and belongings in the floods ... We are asking our Dragons families to give back and help support this family in rebuilding their lives after such a devastating time Let’s give back to the ones who have given to our kids The Kempsey Dragons JRL send our love and thoughts to all of those affected in the devastating floods over the last week
05.01.2022 2020 Grand Final League Tag Photos...
05.01.2022 PRESENTATION THIS SUNDAY Hi All Don’t forget this Sunday we are holding our presentation at Verge St Ovals Mini’s presentation starts at ... 1:30 sharp and will go until 3:30. 11s -16s and LT presentation starts at 3:45 and will go until 6pm. Make sure to come on down for a fun afternoon with our Covid Safe entertainment You will never guess what we have planned We also have plenty of prizes on offer for our Dragons Players We also have plenty of lucky door prizes. Some of these include - BCF vouchers - Storm Riders Vouchers - Coastal Fresh Seafood Vouchers - Chaddies Store Vouchers - A&A Barbershop vouchers We would like to take the time to thank all of our sponsors, and businesses that donated to us, without them it would be impossible to run our club This will be a Covid Safe Event COME ON DOWN AND JOIN THE FUN
04.01.2022 Macleay Argus Article
04.01.2022 ATTENTION We are still seeking coaches in various ages Please put your hand up to help out if you can, no experience required. We just need keen people who are willing to put their time into our local kids. It is a very rewarding job to see the kids having so much fun.... Please contact Reuben or Miranda if you are able to help in coaching our under 8s, 9s, 13s, 16s and League Tag Without coaches our kids miss out -6s Harold Thompson/ Trent Stevenson -7s Sam Drew -8s still available -9s still available -10s Alfy Drew -11s Mark Bolton -12s Darryl Russell/ Adam McMurray -13s still available -14s Ethan Thompson/ Timothy Bull -15s Doug Cooke/ Bert Quinlan -16s still available -16s Leaguetag still available
03.01.2022 A BIG Thank You to our Local Dominoes who supplied us all with their fresh Pizzas for our Presentation I don’t think a piece was left behind with lots of Happy, Full Bellies to end the day Head on down and support our Local Dominos Pizza
03.01.2022 ATTENTION GIRLS TACKLE We are still seeking a coach for our 17s girls tackle team, playing in a 7 week competition from October 17 to November 28 Also We are Guna have 2 teams in 15s but we will keep Kempsey girls in 1 and Smithtown in the other. ... Simply because we have enough numbers to not have to mix them. Teams will be: Macleay Red Macleay Gold See more
01.01.2022 If interested please Email [email protected] for details
01.01.2022 We are Loving the new Players polos, jerseys and shorts All players will get their Polo shirt, shorts and socks once registration is paid in full. Shirts and playing gear should arrive shortly before for first game on May 1st! Kempsey Dragons Jrl would like to send a BIG Thank You to all of our sponsors Without you guys none of this would be possible
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