Kerri Speyers Life Choices Coaching in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Business service
Kerri Speyers Life Choices Coaching
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 405 971 871
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25.01.2022 Learning to say NO doesn't come easy for some of us We are so used to meeting everyone else's needs that we don't know how to say to ourselves Saying NO to the things we don't want frees us up to day YES to the things we want!!!... If you are having trouble saying no it's time to get some help sorting through those issues. I know because I've been there myself and I can help you unpack these issues #liveyourbestlife #beyourbestself #selfcarematters #livealifeyoulove #createalifeyoulove #selfcarehacks #embracelife #findourpurpose #inspirationalwomen #lifecoachforwomen #midlifewomen #purposefullife #treatyourselfwell #liveyourbestlifenow #maketimeforyou #lifepurpose #liveyourpurpose #livingyourbestlife #showupforyourself #believeinyourselfalways #becomeyourbestself #careforyourself #becomeabetteryou #setgoalsnolimits #boundaries #no #motivatingwomen #createyourbestlife #rewriteyourstory #unleashthepowerwithin
25.01.2022 The World is full of obstacles to overcome on your lifes journey none will be greater than the ! Im ! Im to make this happen!... to think I deserve this level of happiness! Watch that !! Its an ugly inner voice that keeps us trapped in . As a Perfectionist I can impose too high an inflexible standard on myself and my work. But by understanding my personality trait and my triggers I can look at ways to bypass that pattern. One strategy is being that before and not holding myself to an unrealistic perfect standard. Learn to recognize and - !!! Because we all display self-sebotaging behaviour at some stage in our life, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Its often just a few tweaks here and there that transform your life from average to amazing. My next - is delving into the area of "- ". Come along to for an afternoon of to restore your body and then relaxing with a small group of like-minded ladies to explore our self-care topic of ""- " on 3 2 5:30 to support you on the plan to a more fulfilling life. OR 7 7 8:30
24.01.2022 We can not choose our childhood events but we can choose to be healed from the affects of past trauma. If we don't we can get caught up in unhealthy relationships with others. Choose healing!!... #lifecoach #PersonalDevelopment #selflove #selfcare #gratitude #childhood #trauma #relationship #healing
24.01.2022 How do people make you feel? "How someone makes me feel" is how I now determine who I spend my time, energy, care and compassion with. Relationships are about give and take on both sides.... There will always be times when a friend needs extra support and we will willingly give that to them. But there must be a point in which you see a return of energy exchange, consideration and support coming your way. Learning to recognise a healthy and sometimes an unhealthy relationship is an important part of growing up and the getting of wisdom and emotional intelligence. We will explore "Healthy Relationships" at my Self-Care Workshop this Saturday 5th September at 2pm in beautiful rural Pullenvale with a guided gentle yoga along with refreshments and workshop and workbook run by Kerri Speyers from Life Choices Coaching. Or Online via Zoom Wednesday 9th September at 7pm. #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #relationships
23.01.2022 Either you control your mind or your mind controls you Overthinking is taking up so much of your thoughts and energy If worry solved problems - do it - but it doesn't... Learning to take time to consider the possible issues at hand is worth the effort. But mindless overthinking doesn't solve anything - it just exhausts you #liveyourbestlife #beyourbestself #selfcarematters #livealifeyoulove #createalifeyoulove #selfcarehacks #embracelife #findourpurpose #inspirationalwomen #lifecoachforwomen #midlifewomen #purposefullife #treatyourselfwell #liveyourbestlifenow #maketimeforyou #thoughts #worry #livingyourbestlife #showupforyourself #believeinyourselfalways #becomeyourbestself #careforyourself #becomeabetteryou #stress #overthinking #inspirationforlife #motivatingwomen #createyourbestlife #rewriteyourstory #unleashthepowerwithin
22.01.2022 Ive been there. I know what it is like to put everyone elses needs ahead of my own. Pleasing everyone else but myself and there is a better way. Learning what your personal boundaries are and getting comfortable with setting them with others.
22.01.2022 No wonder relationships and life is hard for some people. Trauma has major effects on the mind and body. We need to show compassion.... We do not know what others are going through. My admiration goes to those who struggle with abuse but keep showing up. #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #trauma
22.01.2022 So grateful to have these inspiring , encouraging, supportive and motivated people (coaches) in my life. Great Christmas catch up lunch
21.01.2022 What relationship patterns did you grow up with? Sometimes we have subconscious taken toxic relationship behaviour on board and dont even realise that they are not serving us. We will explore what healthy relationships look like at my next Self-Care Workshop on Healthy Relationships.... Workshop with yoga and webinar options available. Book via #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #relationships
21.01.2022 Mutual respect - is about valuing each person for who they are and understanding the other persons boundaries and this is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. We will explore what healthy relationships looks like and what the warning signs are for an unhealthy one because not all of us were modelled the perfect example of what a healthy relationship should look like. Because the signs are subtle and we dont knowingly get into a toxic relationship. Come and enjoy a ge...ntle restorative yoga session (no experience required) in beautiful rural Pullenvale and relax with like-minded ladies for our Self-Care Workshop on Healthy Relationships on Saturday 5th September from 2pm to 5:30pm OR Join via Zoom for a webinar on Wednesday 9th September 7 to 8:30pm to explore Healthy Relationships #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #relationships
21.01.2022 Now this is a good start to a yoga practice and Temple Retreat for my Self-Care Workshop #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude
20.01.2022 - is about valuing each person for who they are and understanding the other persons boundaries and this is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. We will explore what and what the warning signs are for an unhealthy one because not all of us were modelled the perfect example of what a healthy relationship should look like. Because the signs are subtle and we dont knowingly get into a toxic relationship. Come and enjoy a gen...tle restorative yoga session (no experience required) in beautiful rural Pullenvale and relax with like-minded ladies for our Self-Care Workshop on Healthy Relationships on Saturday 5th September from 2pm to 5:30pm OR Join via Zoom for a webinar on Wednesday 9th September 7 to 8:30pm to explore Healthy Relationships #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #relationships
19.01.2022 Sometimes we have to walk away from the drama and negatively that people try to bring into our life. If you have tried to speak with someone about a behaviour that is overstepping your boundaries and they have chosen to not take this on board it's not your voice that they should worry about it is the decision you make to move away and not bother anymore. If respect is not being served on the table be strong enough to leave the table.... You teach people how to treat you. #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #boundaries
18.01.2022 Different forms of violence- domestic or otherwise is still way too common and totally unacceptable
17.01.2022 R U OK? We all have struggles sometimes . Dont be afraid to reach out to someone if its getting too tough to handle alone.
17.01.2022 Toxic people cross our paths all the time even if it is just at the shops, catching transport or in our work environment. We need to be able to put armor on to protect ourselves from the negative toxic energy they generate. Sometimes they are closer to home than you think and being able to pick this out will be so much better for you, your emotional health and physical health.... My next Self-Care Workshop is on "Healthy Relationships" to explore this very topic #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #relationships
16.01.2022 Choose wisely who you share your energy, love, time and attention with. Not everyone is worthy of the qualities you have to offer. We will explore "Healthy Relationships" at my next Self-Care Workshop on Saturday 5th September.... #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #relationships
14.01.2022 Learn to guard your energy. Pick wisely who you spend your time with as it is precious. #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #relationships
14.01.2022 We all want , be it romantic or in our friendships!! Whilst it is something we all strive for it is sometimes hard to know what . We all think that we would be able to pick a toxic relationship but the signs can be subtle and we dont knowingly get into a toxic relationship. We will explore and what the are for an unhealthy one because ... of what a healthy relationship should look like. Learn the before we get emotionally involved. Learn to pick up on the signs of - where each person is valued for who they are and understanding the other persons boundaries. Come and enjoy a (no experience required) in beautiful rural Pullenvale and relax with like-minded ladies for our - 5 2 5:30 OR Join via 9 7 8:30 explore Healthy Relationships #lifecoaching #selfcare #selflove #relationships #personaldevelopment
14.01.2022 that you know needs to be done!! That task that will move you forward towards what you . Know what you need to do but !!!... That will be a - !!! And its keeping you away for what you . Its really your subconscious mind trying to !! Theres a underneath this behaviour. Knowing what and what of self-sabotaging behaviour you slip into is the key to setting up a plan to nip this unhelpful behaviour in the bud. So if for example you always say to every new project which leads to and not enough time to get your own work done. Create a rule that you have to finish one of your tasks before you can take any new ones on and learn to say . #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #selfsabotaging
14.01.2022 Well that was a fluke!! I’m not that talented so it must have been luck! They are bound to eventually find out that I’m not as good as they seem to think I am... Do you suffer from Imposter syndrome? You are not alone. More than 70% of people have experienced imposter syndrome in their life. This pattern of how you see yourself can lead to anxiety, stress and missed opportunities. We will explore this principle at my next Self-Care Workshop on The Imposter Syndrome. This workshop includes a relaxing and gentle yoga session to get centred and grounded in beautiful, rural Pullenvale followed by refreshments and an afternoon with like-minded ladies delving into the Imposter Syndrome and how to let go of this to allow you to achieve your dreams. Self-Care Workshop on The Imposter Syndrome is held at Seed Yoga, Pullenvale from 2pm to 5:30pm Saturday 15th May or if you can’t make it face to face come via webinar on the following Wednesday 19st May from 7pm to 8:30pm
14.01.2022 We l do self-sabotaging behaviour sometimes. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Because there are many that might be self-sabotaging your progress in life.... Do you stop taking adequate care of yourself? Do you and only do the fun ones whilst the bigger projects looms over you? Have you done that task well but still feel the need to go over it again and again trying to get it ? Im familiar with all of these. We can all slip into these habits sometimes. and understand what is underneath the behaviour and developing strategies to nip them in the bud is the key. If we keep missing deadlines start in your phone or diary a day, a week, a month before it keep you on track. Take 5 your workspace so that you can work efficiently. - !!! #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude
12.01.2022 Recently Shane Mallory from West Bremer Radio and I discussed creating a team of supportive, encouraging and inspiring people to help you succeedin life. So Who’s on Your Team? #lifecoach #PersonalDevelopment #selflove #selfcare #gratitude #selflove2020 #team
12.01.2022 We are products of our past. The generations before us. But dont let our past define or limit who you are, where you are going in life and your self worth. Dont let your past sabotage your future... #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #selfsabotaging
11.01.2022 Trauma comes in many forms. It doesnt have to be a big event. Its less about what happens to you and more about what happens inside of you. Thats why they send psychologists into trauma situations urgently to support the emotional healing of people.... Emotional pain does not go away. It just gets buried deep inside to resurface later. We need to heal that inner child If this brings something up for you book a free no obligation coaching session with me at: #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude
11.01.2022 Learn to recognize and - . Its often just a few tweaks here and there that transform your life from average to amazing. My next - is delving into the area of "- ". ... Come along to for an afternoon of to restore your body and then relaxing with a small group of like-minded ladies to explore our self-care topic of ""- " on 3 2 5:30 to support you on the plan to a more fulfilling life. OR 7 7 8:30 #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #selfsabotaging
10.01.2022 "Gratitude Retreat has been an affirming experience to me. I was accepted, "seen" had been included in conversations. I enjoyed the programme - yoga, I loved bracelet making, massage, meditation, wine & fire, dinner - food was excellent - venue "WOWED" me, bed was great and workshop." By Lesley Wonderful to have connected deeply with all the ladies and grateful to receive such lovely feedback.... #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude
09.01.2022 Let's examine our life by breaking it up into 8 different sections and take some time to see where we can improve on it. Because there is always room for improvement no matter how good your life is. The different sections of life are:-... Career/business Health Personal Development Friends and Family Finances Romantic partner/self love Environment - work/home Fun and Recreation See more
09.01.2022 Having a voice that you are comfortable to share your opinion is so important to have a healthy life. There is an art in respectfully hearing someone elses opinion #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude
09.01.2022 Let's we forget those who have sacrificed for our freedom
09.01.2022 You are the average of the 5 people you spend time with!!! Choose wisely your friends. Robin Williams said: "I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. Its not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone."
08.01.2022 We can't control or change what has happened to us but we can choose to heal from past trauma. It takes deep emotional work to heal but the freedom from past trauma is so worth it. This is why I love coaching!!... Helping people break free from the past and creating a bigger, better life. #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude
08.01.2022 I remember a time in my life that I was waiting for somebody else to fix my problems, to fight my battles for me My attitude was one of being a victim... Poor me Until I decided to finally stop playing victim, take responsibility for my life and change my attitude. A bad attitude is like trying to drive your car with a flat tyre. You are not going to go anywhere fast or smoothly or in comfort You are not going to enjoy the journey. Time to take a look at the attitude that is permeating in our life. #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #attitude
07.01.2022 Are the people in your life that making subtle negative remarks about you or what you do? That make you feel like you are just not good enough. That you are not enough. Putting you down so that they elevate themselves.... Regularly finding fault in what you do? That little snide remark is a small way in which some people slowly erode your confidence and self worth if you are not careful. I know, I've been there! Spent far too much time around people that were not always helping me to feel good about who I was and what mattered to me. I now determine who I spend time with depending on how they make me feel, Surround yourself with people that make you feel good and make sure you are being someone's cheerleader too. I've made the journey from accepting less than I deserved to empowerment. If you are struggling with self worth issues and want to be able to stand up for yourself I can help. Book a free discovery session:- #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #empowerment
06.01.2022 Our NEEDS are important too. As mothers we can easily fall into putting everyone elses needs ahead of our own and whilst we have to do that at times it is vitality important to ensure we take the time to replenish our cup to overflowing. Because it is from the overflowing that we can give to others not from the space of overwhelm and depletion. ... When did you last put yourself first on the priority list?
06.01.2022 This. Hits. Hard. The inability to receive support from others is a trauma response. Your I don’t need anyone, I’ll just do it all myself conditioning i...s a survival tactic. And you needed it to shield your heart from abuse, neglect, betrayal, and disappointment from those who could not or would not be there for you. From the parent who was absent and abandoned you by choice or the parent who was never home from working three jobs to feed and house you. From the lovers who offered sexual intimacy but never offered a safe haven that honored your heart. From the friendships and family who ALWAYS took more than they ever gave. From all the situations when someone told you we’re in this together or I got you then abandoned you, leaving you to pick up the pieces when shit got real, leaving you to handle your part and their part, too. From all the lies and all the betrayals. You learned along the way that you just couldn’t really trust people. Or that you could trust people, but only up to a certain point. Extreme-independence IS. A. TRUST. ISSUE. You learnt: if I don’t put myself in a situation where I rely on someone, I won’t have to be disappointed when they don’t show up for me, or when they drop the ball... because they will ALWAYS drop the ball EVENTUALLY right? You may even have been intentionally taught this protection strategy by generations of hurt ancestors who came before you. Extreme-independence is a preemptive strike against heartbreak. So, you don’t trust anyone. And you don’t trust yourself, either, to choose people. To trust is to hope, to trust is to be vulnerable. Never again, you vow. But no matter how you dress it up and display it proudly to make it seem like this level of independence is what you always wanted to be, in truth it’s your wounded, scarred, broken heart behind a protective brick wall. Impenetrable. Nothing gets in. No hurt gets in. But no love gets in either. Fortresses and armor are for those in battle, or who believe the battle is coming. It’s a trauma response. The good news is trauma that is acknowledged is trauma that can be healed. You are worthy of having support. You are worthy of having true partnership. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of having your heart held. You are worthy to be adored. You are worthy to be cherished. You are worthy to have someone say, You rest. I got this. And actually deliver on that promise. You are worthy to receive. You are worthy to receive. You are worthy. You don’t have to earn it. You don’t have to prove it. You don’t have to bargain for it. You don’t have to beg for it. You are worthy. Worthy. Simply because you exist. -Jamila White, @inspiredjamila
06.01.2022 How we treat ourselves is how others will treat us. Are we caring for ourselves with compassion, caring for our needs emotionally, mentally and physically? We teach people how to treat us.... Are we setting the right boundaries in our life or are people walking over them? Sometimes if our independence was not celebrated as a child and instead you felt you had to sacrifice your own needs to make other people happy setting boundaries is very hard for you to do. But knowing your boundaries, what you like and will and will not tolerate and setting these boundaries is how we create healthy relationships. We will be looking at Healthy Relationships at my next self-care workshop this Saturday 5th September from 2pm in Pullenvale including a yoga session. Or Via Zoom webinar Wednesday 9th September at 7pm #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude
05.01.2022 Relationships!!! There is so much to learn about all the different relationships we have. Friendships, romantic love, work colleagues, neighbours and for that matter anyone we meet and interact with. Everyone teaches us something. Even if its what not to do next time.... Gaining understanding about what a good and bad relationships should look like creates a layer of understanding. #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude
04.01.2022 True connection with good friends is one of lifes greatest blessings. This week with my birthday I was reminded of how many kind, caring and loving people I have in my life. Thank you to all those friends who went out of their way to show me that they cared.... That is true friendship!!!!! Feeling very blessed #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude
03.01.2022 Word have power!!! Dont let anyone who is not as brave as you diminish the light that shines within you. #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #brave...
02.01.2022 Everyday is the time for self-care It's your responsibility to take the time and energy to ensure your self-care is a priority in your life Menatally, physically, emotionally and physically ... #lifecoach #PersonalDevelopment #selflove #selfcare #gratitude
02.01.2022 Such a privilege to spend time with these lovely ladies at my Self-Care Workshop workshop on Healthy Relationship and explore what a healthy and unhealthy relationship looks like and strategies to improve our communication in them. Add a revitalising yoga session and its a good afternoon. #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #relationships
01.01.2022 What relationship modelling are you displaying for your children? We are a product of our childhood experiences. Do you have the relationships that you want in your life?... Are you modelling great relationship examples to the next generation? Because we subconsciously absorb those patterns. Unless the examples are so bad we then go to the other extreme to be the opposite of that behaviours. This often leads to the seesaw of extreme behaviour that is unhealthy at either extreme. We well explore "Healthy Relationships" at my next Self-Care Workshop next weekend. Click the link below to book for Yoga and Workshop in beautiful Pullenvale on Saturday 5th September at 2pm Or Webinar on Wednesday 9th September at 7pm. #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #relationships
01.01.2022 Thanks Rebecca Taylor for a fun day with Tony Robbins chilling on my back deck
01.01.2022 How good is a yoga session!!! What a lovely way to start a Self-Care workshop on Healthy Relationship on Saturday. An opportunity to nourish your body and soul.... #lifechoicescoaching101 #lifecoach #selfcare #selflove #personaldevelopment #mindset #gratitude #relationships
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