Keshet Journeys in Jerusalem | Travel Agent
Keshet Journeys
Locality: Jerusalem
Phone: +972 2-374-0156
Address: Pierre Koeing 33 Jerusalem, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 A photo from Nazareth Village. Jesus would grow up in this region, He would return to this region and He would be rejected in this region. One day every nation, every tongue and even every region will proclaim Him as the Anointed & Holy one of God.
25.01.2022 Let Mount Zion be glad! Let the daughters of Judah rejoice because of your judgments! Walk about Zion, go around her, number her towers, consider well her ramparts, go through her citadels, that you may tell the next generation that this is God, our God forever and ever. He will guide us forever. Psalm 48:11-14
24.01.2022 Then the Lord said to Cain; Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. Genesis 4:6-7 Lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from Evil. That’s how Jesus called us to prayer to the father. If Sin is crouching at our door, it’s little wonder why Jesus took on human flesh and came to save us face to ...face. Distance our selves from the curse and move closer to the cure.
22.01.2022 If you read the gospels regularly, you will regularly come across the name of Pontius Pilate, The fifth Roman governor of Judea. In 1961 A carved large Lime stone was discovered here in Caesarea Maritime. Today this stone can be seen at The Israel museum in Jerusalem. What made this an incredible discover was the inscription that was found on it, it mentions Pontius Pilate, a prefect of the Roman Province of judea from AD 26 to 36. Evidence like this only helps to confirm the... historical accuracy of the gospels. Pontius Pilate asked Jesus what is truth in Johns gospel while cross examining Jesus. Ironically when pilate asked this question, He was looking at The Truth, and the Way and the life who is Jesus. @ Caesarea Maritima
21.01.2022 Medical Caregivers in the Holocaust Today, people worldwide are expressing their appreciation to the amazing health care professionals, aids and volunteers who are giving their all to try to save lives. Holocaust Memorial Day is thus an appropriate time to remember and express our appreciation to the thousands of medical heroes of the Shoah, who did whatever they could to keep people alive in the Ghettos and camps. Here, we would like to introduce one heroic doctor who was in the Warsaw Ghetto. Dr. Adina Blady Szwajger (1918 1975) was a pediatrician at Bauman-Berson Children’s Hospital and remained there until the last days of the ghetto when she escaped to the Aryan side and became a courier for the Resistance. She was 22 years old when the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939. In her book I Remember Nothing More she tells about the starving children whom the staff at the hospital could not feed and about the wards on which every patient died. One death hit Dr. Szwajger especially hard: a 13-year-old named Ariel. Ariel lay in the hospital morgue. I went to him I put those three flowers next to him. I had nothing more to give. My hands were empty and I couldn’t find words of farewell to the kid who should have livedOn the next day, we discussed Ariel’s death at the briefing. But we didn’t have to explain it anymore. Everybody realized that we are less capable of saving lives and are becoming providers of silent death. Every day she went looking for stray children, using vodka to befriend a Ukrainian guard. Once he was talking to me when a little girl appeared at a window. He raised his gun, shot her and carried on talking to me. I picked up a different child, said goodbye to him and walked away -- only I didn't know how to hold the child so that it wouldn't be hit if the Ukrainian shot at me. Marek Edelman, one of the leaders of the Ghetto Resistance wrote about her: As a doctor and a human being she lived through the annihilation of its children. She led common life with her little patients and witnessed their death. Unlike many others she was there by every single dying child and she was dying with them time after time. By Danny Ehrlich, Keshet Journey’s Educational Director
20.01.2022 In the city of Cana, Jesus transformed water into wine. And as the headwaiter in this gospel story concludes - you have kept the Good wine till now. The best is yet to come. Paul says in the letter to the Romans Do not be conformed to this world, but he TRANSFORMED by a renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.... We need to be transformed. And only Jesus can transform us. It starts with the word it continues with the word and it ends with knowing the word of God who become flesh. The world is hurting because it wants to remain the same. Christ is calling us to change, to bear his image to a broken world. To Be a light, to be the salt, to be a Christ follower to the broken hearted. Pictured is a large ceremonial jar which may have been or similar to what Jesus operated with in his first miracle..
16.01.2022 Golden hour sunrise over the Sea of Galilee. because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace. Luke 1:78-79 The cure from the curse is Christ. We must reminder God’s mercy every sunrise till every sunset
16.01.2022 Inside the church of the Holy Sepluchre. Today it is An empty church because of recent events. Today it is An empty Tomb because of Historical events. Be reminded that God will bring about justice for His elect.... His elect are those who faithfully and continually pray for His kingdom to come. When the son of man does come will He find faith on earth? (Luke18:8)
15.01.2022 The road to God's Holy Hill. A tale of two coins. @taggedbyjesus on Instagram
15.01.2022 He is not here, for He is risen! Embrace His victory and love forever and ever! Watch now: The Tomb - is not the end of the story. ... #gloriousday #resurrectionsunday #holyland #keshetresources #HeisRisen #jesustrek2019
15.01.2022 Mount of Olives. Tag a friend @ Mount Of Olives
14.01.2022 Jesus tells this parable. A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ ‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it... down.’ Luke 13:6-9 This parable tells its reading at least two crucial things. They must change & they must transform before it is too late. 1. Repentance is required. 2. Time is limited. The Holy spirit will convict us of three things as Jesus said in John 16:8 Sin, righteousness and judgment. Sin is where we are, righteousness is who he is, and judgment is what’s to come. May the Lord find fruit when He returns to inspect you his tree.
13.01.2022 The wilderness. The Pentateuch wandering of the Israelites takes place in the midbar the Hebrew word for an uninhabited land where people are nomads. Nomads are People who have no permanent abode. Who travel from place to place to find fresh pasture for their livestock. In the wilderness livestock like sheep know not how to source their own food or water, but must rely on their shepherd to lead and to guide. The shepherds voice is unique to them and the sheep know their m...asters voice, a master that the sheep blindly trust day in and day out for all their immediate needs. We are not shepherds in this wilderness, we are sheep.
13.01.2022 Today we are hosting a webinar for pastors, tour leaders and travel agents called Holy Land 2.0 where we take you to new sites. Today we explore the latest discoveries that shed light on Pentecost. Please sign up to our partners web at The webinar will be available on demand by next week
10.01.2022 Jerusalem today, The Old city is jam packed.. But history lies around every corner. If the walls could talk what tales would they tell
07.01.2022 The gospel spread From these original trails to All roads travelled. The gospel spread out to bring people in! Tag the country flag your from in the comment section below
06.01.2022 Keshet Journeys is fearuing ACC Magazine last edition. Thank you for the opportunity.
06.01.2022 In 130AD, the Roman emperor Hadrian began the building of a Roman Colony, the city of Aelia Capitolina. In 135AD it is said He ordered that a cave containing a Rock tomb be filled in to create a flat foundation for a temple dedicated to Jupiter or Venus. The temple remained until the 4th century. In the early part of the 4th century Constantine sent His mother Helena to locate the tomb of Christ. It is said that three crosses were found near a tomb leading the Romans to beli...eve there had discovered Calvary. In 326 Constantine ordered the temple to be replaced with a church. The shrine that was erected is said to be the place where Jesus’ body lay. Throughout the centuries this site has been damaged and reconstructed. However the evidence is still extremely strong to support this as the site of Jesus crucifixion & burial. Will we ever be 100% certain of the exact location? Probably not. Do we need to be?Absolutely not. Our Lord Jesus can not be found among the dead. Because He lives!
04.01.2022 This photo was taken on the ‘Sea of Galilee’ one afternoon. A majority of Jesus’ teachings took place here and around the Galilee region. Healings would be performed, Sermons would be spoken, demons were cast out, mass feedings took place, and many more supernatural miracles unfolded. Jesus did it all. Unlike any before or after him.... Yet it’s these words that I’m reminded of most often, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. These are Jesus’ words in Matthew 4:19 spoken to both peter and Andrew. Two fisher men on these same waters. These simple words have a profound meaning for any one who believes that Jesus is the Christ. In it you will find 1. Your invitation to God 2. Your purpose in the kingdom & 3. A promise of transformation Evangelism is not easy. It’s difficult, often uncomfortable and you personally may never see the full outcome of your labors, BUT.... advancing the kingdom of God into this broken world is the Will of God. It’s the work Jesus never failed to do. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Yet Jesus said to His followers ‘I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! THEY ARE RIPE FOR HARVEST. Jesus wasn’t talking about agriculture. He was calling people to bring His Good news to every broken heart we cross. Not for our glory, but for the Glory of a Good God who came to save, redeem, restore and renew those who would believe that Jesus is God. A God of love and mercy. A God who was invisible but now we can see and walk with again. Colossians 1:15
02.01.2022 Watch now On the Hill, where he was crucified on this Good Friday here for FREE: We would like to enable you to virtually explore the locations connected to Jesus in Jerusalem with Ziv, one of our favorite guides. We have another six clips made available for you. We hope this will enrich your relationship with Jesus and make you longing to come here as soon as possible. Picture: The Garden Tomb
02.01.2022 Exodus 3:14 I am, who I am The context here is that Moses had previously asked God what name He should return to the Israelites with so They might further believe that the God of their fathers sent Moses to save them. In Hebrew God responds with this; Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh... Our English bible will read - I am, who I am However The more accurate translation from Hebrew to English is actually I will be, what I will be This points to the idea that God is not just defined but rather God MUST be experienced. Experienced in this moment and every future moment you have. God invites us all to this experience - I will be, what I will be is an active invitation to all believers to 1. keep seeking his face & 2. keep following him despite the cost and tolls that came with that walk in this present age. Remember when Jesus spoke with the rich ruler in Luke 18:18? Now this ruler claimed to have been following the law & its commandments since his youth, yet Jesus said One thing you still Lack A clear example in scripture of how the Law wasn’t enough. Jesus went on to say Sell your possessions, distribute it to the Poor and COME FOLLOW ME. Follow me? Think about it. It’s active. It’s constant. It’s dynamic. It’s a invite now & it’s an invite tomorrow. Jesus is not defined, Jesus is experienced. I will be, what I will be. So my question to you is this; what would you be without God? & What could you BE with Jesus. That’s the question only you can answer and that’s the question God is waiting for you to respond to.
01.01.2022 The valley of the shadow of death has a story. But the story isn’t just a challenge to be a better neighbor but also about a truly good shepherd saving me from the clutches of death waiting around the corner to steal everything from me. Our King has come! @ Judaean Desert
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