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Keto For Beginners


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20.01.2022 Game Week has come to a close over at KFBAUS Bootcamp, but that doesnt mean drooling over food stops. Candice smashed this week out of the park, I was expecting lots of Kangaroo, maybe some Venison. Just in time for Sunday Roast we have Candice's Apricot stuffed Spatchcock, based in garlic and ginger served alongside roasted carrots, brussel sprouts and raddish. ... If this isnt one of the best keto roasts youve ever seen, I cannot please you. If you want to kick your nutrition and training up this Spring come join the KFBAUS Bootcamp and maybe you can make the coach's mouths water as much as our members have this week!

19.01.2022 Easter is over, we're all a bit lost with disruption to routine. We start bootcamp on Monday to get people in structured training and eating again! All the training and exercise has been adjusted, it can be completed with little or no equipment, corona virus proof! So if you have stuff that's a bonus if not you can still do most of the exercises. Personally I've got my kettlebells and suspension trainer at the ready! We aren't messing about with this one. First come first, we want people who will commit to the program. It'll be a much smaller group where people need to be vocal and active. You will get:- Custom and personalised Macros Full access to training through our app that will ramp up over the 6 weeks. Accountability to the coaches... We will be checking your progress, answering your questions and giving you options with diet you may not have known about Weekly challenges to keep you motivated and Social. Access to ZOOM classes. A proven system with repeatable results for the future. There is no guess work for you here. If you follow the plan, stay active in the private group and stay social within the challenge you will see awesome results. This is literally one of those moments where of you commit 100% you can achieve more than you can imagine.

19.01.2022 These food challenges in bootcamp have really proven to be a great hit. We design these to get people thinking of good protein sources and condiments that provide something to the body. This week was seafood and citrus. Seafood is a protein powerhouse. They are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids which help reduce inflammation alongside citrus which also has anti inflammatory properties and studies have linked it to aiding with rheumatoid arthritis.... Regular challenger to the masterchef title, Kelly has produced Salmon with a grapefruit vinaigrette. Providing a nice whack of flavor, a solid serving of protein and some healthy fats. We don't force people into chicken breast and silly fasts, we want you to learn to budget your food and make good choices. If you want to learn how to use 4 different keto techniques to drop fat, build muscle or reshape your body this spring - sign up to our Spring Bootcamp which will be starting soon!

18.01.2022 One for the ladies The process of losing fat is not linear. This is even more important for women to understand as you have so many more things impacting your "weight" on the scale than just what you put in your mouth. It is also even more important for females to understand the way training effects their bodies and impacts overall fat loss. Regardless of whether you like cardio or weights or a mixture your bodies do not respond like a man's. ... For example the myth of getting "bulky" if you lift weights often deters women for resistance training as many are so focused on the scale number rather than how they actually look physically. They assume they are going to pack on all this muscle in a short time and look like a male bodybuilder and talk like Arnold... Women just can't pack on muscle very fast. So when people tell you your weight hasn't changed it must be because if all the muscle you've added they are wrong... It's just a stall, or that time of the month or you didn't sleep great. In fact your hormones get impacted by so many factors that you have to view weight loss from a monthly perspective. Weigh yourself at the same time each month and do measurements more frequently. Train with heavy weights and low reps, particularly if you do tend to add muscle quicker than most women as volume adds more size than intensity. The most important take away for women is to accept that there will seem to be more set backs for you but they aren't truly set backs you just can't fight certain aspects of your biology. Keep plugging away and stay consistent.

15.01.2022 The Art of the BITE SIZED SESSION

13.01.2022 Whether you are a runner, cyclist, just interested in building some muscle and getting stronger, you do crossfit, you bodybuild or you are a powerlifter, keto can have a drastic effect on your performance. The ability to lift more, go faster or go for longer can suffer as you move from one fuel type to another. Carbs are explosive upfront energy, fat the opposite. Its no wonder that people look at keto and dismiss it as a way to get stronger. Just because we don't eat a lot o...f carbs - doesn't mean we can't use them effectively! TKD and CKD are two advanced protocols of keto aimed at those who are either in the gym or are exercise focused. Whether you want to build muscle, lift more weight, run faster or cycle for long distances. Carbs are a fuel you can learn to manipulate to reach your goals. TKD is the targeted usage of carbs preworkout. The idea here is to spike anabolic hormones making it easier to grow muscle and get stronger, but only enough to supply the working muscles and not the liver. CKD is the hardest to get right. It is what some may look at as a carb up - however it needs to be far stricter and structured. Your CKD day has to be disciplined, Its not a license to eat shit if you want the best results. Start July with a bootcamp focused on you teaching you how to use carbs effectively! For 6 weeks we will show you how to use advanced ketogenic techniques TKD and CKD, paired with our training app to help tone those abs, build those arms or set a pb on the track or in the gym. NEW! 6 Day exercise program (4 days in gym) - 6 week program delivered in a training app. Custom macros suited towards your goals with ongoing tweaking if required. No BS guide on how to get short and long term results. We’ll focus on two advanced protocols to get the best bang for buck! As well as touching on ways to lean down. Accountability - 3 coaches, including Angry Coach Stephen in a private group setting to make sure you're sticking to your goals. As with the other bootcamps, spots are limited. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask. If you want to see April's bootcamp results click here: Sign ups are now open:

11.01.2022 So after all week talking training and diet WHATS THE SECRET FORMULA for optimal fat loss and body composition??... Going to keep this one simple and if there are questions throw them in the comments. 1) Optimise your calorie deficit. Eat enough to train hard and have good energy whilst eating to create a deficit. 2) Prioritise Protein. You burn 25-30% of protein Calories just eating and breaking them down. 3) Train with weights in various rep ranges but the heavier you can comfortably lift the more it stimulates muscle growth and preservation. 4) Cardio helps dig a deeper deficit hole and keep you fit and heart healthy. So don't skip it. Heart health is mostly impacted by cardio style exercise so it's very important BUT as with anything choose wisely and don't overdo it. 5) Probably the most important part:- BE CONSISTENT... With the other 4 steps for the rest of your life.

11.01.2022 With today being Transformation Tuesday, and tomorrow being Weigh in Wednesday, we usually see an influx of comments like: - I've 'only' lost 2KG since I started three weeks ago - I haven't lost as much as x person - I'm not noticing any changes in the mirror... Let's get some perspective; - You're 2KG closer to your goal than you were three weeks ago - You've made some great changes since you started - You're moving towards your goal, not further from it Do not compare yourselves to others in the group. We aren't all alike. We all work different jobs, with different hours. We sleep different amounts, and eat different amounts, and different foods. Our metabolisms are different. We've gained differently, we lose differently. Our hormones are different. Some of us work out, some don't. We are old and young, some have kids and others don't. If your female, your time of month can affect fluid retention, etc. Some foods may react differently with us. There are so many variables. Make sure you're tracking more than just your weight. Take pictures. Take measurements. Look for improvements in your performance - is it easier to walk up that hill, have you shaved time off your morning jog or has your squat improved? Your weight on the scale is just one indicator, but remember it isn't the only indicator - to put it another way.. Would you rather be at your goal weight but look drab, or be 3kg heavier and look fab? Now, if you aren't getting the results you were looking for - you need to ask yourself; "Have I done everything I can to achieve my goal"? Results don't come by accident. Make sure you're weighing and tracking everything, and that your macros are correct. Incorporate some exercise, and ensure that you're spending adequate time at maintenance when recommended. Lookup Michael and Stephens posts (I'll link some in below) over the last few weeks and ensure you're putting it all into practice, if you need the extra push - we can help. Don't guess your way through hoping for success - PLAN FOR IT!

09.01.2022 So my specialty is Body Transformations. It's been my bread and butter with clients for nearly 10 years now. I started with myself, going from 124kg and 44% body fat to 79kg and competing in Bodybuilding in under 5 months. Since then I have guided so many of my clients to achieve the bodies that they want in the shortest time possible. In general I don't do this by focusing on the weight loss component. I know that sounds counter intuitive but when you focus on performance th...e body you want comes along for the ride. I picked the 2 people in the photo below as they actually had very little "weight" change. Patrick actually gained weight in the 12 weeks we worked on this result going from 72 to 76kg and Arna only lost 5kg between these two photos, going from 82-77kg. However as you can see their physiques are completely changed. I discussed this topic all of last week. And THIS is what we are focusing this next bootcamp on. So if you are training in the gym already. If you can lift and use the machines confidently and are looking to take your performance (and your body along with it) to the next level, then this next Bootcamp is for you. It will be like having a personal trainer guide you through every session and give you feedback on how to improve, whilst also having a team of coaches to help manage your nutrition and how to optimise your results through the 6 weeks. Plus it's a Cheaper than even doing ONE PT session a week? Sign Up here :- We start in 2 weeks. Stephen.

09.01.2022 Every week in the KFBAUS Bootcamp, we challenge our members to come up with a meal that uses two mystery ingredients. This week was game week and we wanted people to pair their game meat with ginger. Game is fantastic, lean and protein dense - paired with ginger it has fantastic weight loss and anti inflammatory properties this is a combo that has the coaches mouths watering. ... First up is Candice's ginger, cinnamon and garlic spiced duck served with cherry tomatoes, roasted pumpkin and asparagus. In Bootcamp, we dont starve you, we want you to eat as much as you can whilst maximising your progress. If you want a kickstart for summer, join our Spring Bootcamp starting soon.

07.01.2022 Depression is a paucity of hope and anxiety is a paucity of confidence. This is precisely why weightlifting is so effective. Have you ever wondered why in winter, you feel fatigued, a bit down, socially withdrawn, far more tired? Theres no skirting the fact that by winter, most people have long forgotten their new years resolutions and their gym memberships have gathered dust. During the winter months, people naturally become a bit more secluded at home in warmth. In many c...older climates, Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real concern and we aren't untouched from it here in Australia. Weightlifting is anabolic: It builds the body up and promotes the release of the feel-good hormones testosterone and serotonin flooding the body. This is one of the reasons why resistance training is amazing, not only for weight loss but for wellbeing. This an amazing study on the benefits of lifting weights and the effects on depression including anxiety and other mental illnesses that was released last year. It also goes to show that in the elderly, it helped increase cognitive function. On top of helping with the release of hormones, weight training helps you learn to endure the physical and emotional discomfort that comes with pushing hard, testing your limits and pushing your boundaries. Sports, particularly those that intentionally engage physical discomfort as a requisite for success, seem higher yield in their engagement of I can, Stotesbery says. Maybe the path of a depressed person from bed to the shower to work isn’t that dissimilar from a weightlifter’s path from ‘this can destroy me’ to ‘I love showing myself it won’t destroy me.’ I mentioned seasonal affective disorder at the very start of this post - guess what is recommended for people who go through this seasonal change? Exercise and exposure to daylight - which coming from an inside night owl like me is tough to swallow. So this winter. Ditch the blankets and chuck on a hoodie. Blast the dust off that gym card and get moving!

06.01.2022 This #munchiemonday I thought I would give you a bit of insight into some of the meals our Bootcampers are eating. Every week we challenge them to come up with an exciting way to use a cut of meat and pair it with an ingredient that has both thermogenic and anti inflammatory properties which is of course great for fat loss. Hopefully it gets them thinking of the versatility of their protein but also how to change up their everyday food.... Last week was Beef and Cinnamon and I was waiting for all the southern style rubs to come out. Kelly was always going to be hard to beat with this: Pulled Smokey BBQ Beef and Coleslaw on Doughtein sliders. Using cinnamon she created a smokey BBQ sauce to slow cook the brisket in and paired it with a crunchy mustard slaw and served in in some #doughtein sliders. : 695cal 12.4C 32F 77.6P Looking to earn that summer body? Our spring bootcamp will be starting late September!

06.01.2022 A COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION IN 6 WEEKS If you've thought about trying a Keto Diet, or want to start looking after your health and fitness leading into this Summer - then you need to seriously consider giving this bootcamp a go! Our past camp success stories prove it can be done - over the course of six weeks we will arm you with all the firepower needed to not only achieve those goals, but exceed them!... Best of all, the information taught during camp will serve you long AFTER the BC has finished, so you can continue progressing, setting new goals along the way. That last point is KEY. Look at our previous bootcampers and their results, not only achieved during 6 week camp, but since. They've used the skills we taught them to CONTINUE to make amazing progress. What is involved? Gym sessions are laid out for you - with a whole group to keeping each other accountable. Custom macros tailored to your goals. We will teach you how to use the standard, PSMF, timed and cyclic keto diet. We check food logs, with recommendations for optimal progression along the way. Help setting up for life after Bootcamp, and how best to continue progressing. We then cover extras like Cardio, Sleep, Active recovery, EVERYTHING that can be done to optimise results. A whole group of likeminded people keep each other accountable. Three coaches checking over training and nutrition and altering your protocol, to ensure you get the best results possible over the six weeks. Don't wait around wondering why it's not working for you. Take the guess work out of it by letting us show you how!

06.01.2022 Game meat week is coming to a close, but that doesnt mean we dont have more to share! Just like last time, our bootcampers are using ginger and game meat this week to create a meal that is protein dense and uses highly thermogenic and anti inflammatory ingredients which are great for fat loss. This #munchiemonday, we have Kelly's Teriyaki Duck, spiced with ginger, garlic and Walden's Farm maple sryup, it is served alongside a bed of cauliflower rice.... At 55P 25F 15C this meal smashed her macro requirements! In Bootcamp, we dont starve you, we want you to eat as much as you can whilst maximising your progress. If you want a kickstart for summer, join our Spring Bootcamp starting soon.

06.01.2022 Struggling for meal ideas this weekend? Another entry into our Seafood and Citrus challenge this was was Candice who tried to reproduce a honeymoon meal of Fijian Curry. Candice is taking up the optional PSMF fat stripping method in the final 2 weeks of bootcamp, so her fat intake is dialed right back and protein is increased. ... This means she needs to budget her macros very carefully and has smashed this out of the park with this meal coming in at 60P 10F 12C. Using citrus and chilli she has combined two really good condiments and has paired it with a cauliflower rice. If you want to learn more about PSMF (Protein Sparing Modified Fasting) why not join the Spring Bootcamp starting soon!

05.01.2022 Diet controls how much fat you have on your body. How you train controls what you look like under that fat. So when you are considering how to train think about what you want to look like, what sort of body you aspire too. For most people the goal is NOT SKINNY. So you can burn calories and build muscle, tone your body (that term is BS by the way) as well as increase your overall health and fitness by training smart with weights.... From my years of experience there is absolutely no body that cannot benefit from weight training either. Yes you may have to start light and spend a long time working on technique and form BUT there is no reason you cannot start. I have trained everyone from 8 year old kids to 76 year old women with all sorts of medical conditions, injuries and disabilities. If you don't believe me google "Miles Taylor Deadlifting" and then tell me YOUR excuse again? If you have been training for a while but aren't seeing much change in yoru physique then you have to assess whether you are pushing yourself enough? Are you using enough volume and/ or intensity to make your body need to change. For aesthetics VOLUME is usually key. For performance it's more of a mixture but for overall physique changes its volume that has the biggest impact. So you need to add more sets and reps to your sessions or use a heavier weight for the same sets and reps you're presently doing. This may seem obvious but so many people get caught up in what they LIKE to do that they stop pushing and get comfortable. The Comfort Zone is Where Progress goes to Die.

04.01.2022 APRIL MEMBER OF THE MONTH Paul joined our group relatively recently, but he didn’t let that hold him back. Dropping almost 14kg since the start of the year, he’s done well to strip away a bunch of fat and even build a little muscle along the way. His goals have recently changed to building more muscle, but he’s still enjoying the keto life and has been busy helping many of you in the group get started on your journeys. We're proud to announce Paul as our April Member of the M...onth! Have a read of what he had to say!

03.01.2022 We've just hit 100,000 MEMBERS! How cool is that!? What better time to announce our August Member of the Month! Victoria has been a regular contributor here over the last year, joining in on the group threads and sharing her transformation. She's also happy to jump headfirst into the sea of questions, helping a lot of you get started on journeys of your own. We're honoured to name her August's Member of the Month, and were lucky enough to catch up with her for a bit of a cha...t about her journey!

02.01.2022 Habit Building - Cues It takes on average 66 days to build a new habit. Today I'm going to give you installment one of four in a guide to build habits. What people don't seem to realise is you don't wake up on January 1 ready to go smash out the gym and eat healthy. It takes consistent effort over a period of time. Simple triggers can really help you develop these habits.... Today is about building or breaking cues. Time is the biggest cue, the time of day for many of us dictates when we do something. When you are looking to develop a new habit, adding a time cue can greatly aid in cementing it long term. Have you ever noticed you go for your coffee at the same time everyday? Your morning jog happens at the same time every morning. Your gym sessions are at predictable and consistent times and days. Sure it sucks at first, I started very simply by waking up at 6 am and going for a jog every morning. It was cold, it was dark. But it became second nature. You can train yourself to eat at certain times. Stephen jokes that Treats are for dogs, but really, we can be trained just as easily. If you take away mindless snacking and enforce timed eating you can overcome a bad habit. Emotion is another big cue. For many people, emotion is a trigger to eat. You associate good emotions, celebrations with food and drink. You may eat because you're upset. This is a learned habit and can be unlearned, however you need to be aware of your behaviour. Start incorporating better habits that make you feel good instead. When I started, I replaced emotional eating with washing the car or doing something I enjoyed that felt relaxing. Location is another cue, the kitchen is a cue to look for food. The bedroom should be a cue for sleeping (and other things). The gym can be your cue. You may have a spot for your shoes - this may be a cue for exercise. Sounds are a strong cue - music, many people have specific workout mixes. You begin to associate songs with getting ready to do something. I have a deadlift song (Lepers Among Us - Dimmu Borgir) .This song gets me ready. I start mentally going through the steps. Have a pump up song that drives you to your goal! No matter what cue you choose for your new habit, there is one important thing to understand. The key to choosing a successful cue is to pick one that is specifically actionable. For example, you want to go for a run every morning. When is morning? It's vague. Set a concrete cue - I wake up at 6:00am, I will put my clothes on, my shoes, run by 6:15am. If you would like help in developing habits and achieving goals. I help run the KFBAUS Bootcamp that can be found here -

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