Keziah Clairvoyant-Medium in Tweed Heads South | Astrologist & psychic
Keziah Clairvoyant-Medium
Locality: Tweed Heads South
Phone: +61 423 267 819
Address: Avondale Dr Banora Point 2486 Tweed Heads South, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Will you... Hold my hand for a little while? I dont need you to save me No need for you to fix anything No need for you to hold my pain But will you simply ho...ld my hand? I do not need your words Your thoughts Nor your shoulders to carry me But will you sit here for a while with me? Whilst my tears they stream Whilst my heart it shatters Whilst my mind plays tricks on me Will you with your presence let me know that I am not alone, whilst I wander into my inner unknown? For my darkness is mine to face My pain is mine to feel And my wounds are mine to heal But will you sit with me here, while I courageously show up for it all my dear? For I am bright because of my darkness Beautiful because of my brokenness And strong due to my tender heart But will you take my hand lovingly, when I sometimes journey into the dark? I dont ask for you to take my darkness away I dont expect for you to brighten my day And I dont believe that you can mend my pain But I would surely love if you could sit for a while and hold my hand, until I find my way out of my shadowland! So will you... Hold my hand until I return again? ~ Zoe Johansen ~ The Sisterhood of SHE Artist ~Daniel F. Gerhartz
25.01.2022 DAILY ANGEL MESSAGE! Take time to gather your thoughts and energy, because theres a good chance that youre experiencing a buildup of frustration and annoyance at this time. You are a passionate, loving, and joyful being, but at the same time you dont want to be taken for granted or underestimated. The warrior within you wants to rise up and fight, or at least prove your skills, talents, and worth, but drawing this card indicates that right now youre not going to be respe...cted or heard in the way that you deserve. Angel wisdom is guiding you to retreat, re ect, and compose yourself before proceeding further. So, take time to ask your angels and guides to help you compose your thoughts and your energy. Know that the divine hand of God is upon this situation and everyone involved, and theres no need to worry about anyones karma but your own. Just retreat, refuel, and regain your composure. This card encourages you to step into the energy of equanimity. Equanimity is a Zenlike state in which you refrain from reacting to a situation out of fear and separation. Right now, angels of pure divine light are helping you feel guarded and guided, and encouraging you to recognize that you have an incredible force of love within you. DECK: Angel Guide Oracle ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard
24.01.2022 DAILY ANGEL MESSAGE! You are making incredible efforts to heal and release habits and thoughts that once held you back. Take a moment to look at yourself through the loving eyes of MotherFather God and appreciate how far youve come, all the adversity youve faced, and the person you are today. Angels are wrapping their wings around you and encouraging you to see what they see. And they see you as perfect just the way you are. If your confidence has dropped recently or youv...e not been as positive as youd like to have been, change that now by giving yourself credit where it is due. Maybe youve discovered that negative talk and thoughts arent working for you. This is a time to try loving yourself instead. To get started, try speaking to yourself more respectfully and giving yourself some leeway and some time to change. When this card appears, know that your selfesteem and confidence have taken some knocks over the years and you have had thoughts that are no longer serving you. But your angels want nothing more than for you to be happy and at peace, and they are drawing close now to help restore your confidence in yourself. You have the ability to live a life that you love, but to experience that fully you have to recognize that you are worthy of it. So, take some time today to realize that heaven loves you unconditionally and then take small steps to loving yourself the same way. The outer world you experience is a mirror of the conversations you have on the inside with yourself, so align them with love! DECK: Angel Guide Oracle ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard Kyle Gray
24.01.2022 Empaths Make the World a Better Place by Doing These 7 Things: An empath is a unique and very sensitive person who sees and reacts to this world in a different way from others. An empath processes sensory information more deeply and intensely; they are someone that is unbelievably sensitive to energies around him or her....Continue reading
22.01.2022 BEGINNING TO SEE: The more you expand your awareness and become familiar with your own energy fields, the more you will become aware of the energy fields of others, and within the environment. At first, we start to feel the various forms of energy around us, and as we progress on our personal ascension Journey, and as the biological effects start to take place within the body, we begin to actually SEE this ENERGY! You begin to develop multi-dimensional vision. ... You start to see flickers of light and other strange visual patterns of light or energy in the form of balls or burst of light, orbs, light flashes, sparkles, fuzziness, static, colors around people and objects (Auric Field) due to the biological changes taking place in the eyesight. You may then begin to experience energy or entities from other dimensions. What many consider paranormal becomes very normal for you! Strong pineal glands activations begin to take place. Super loud oscillating frequencies wreak havoc in your brain (etheric ear) as your system synchronizes with the new HU-man template. Your awareness expands. No longer do you question the strange sound in your ear. You know you are integrating geometric crystalline codings into your cellular structure. You SURRENDER and begin to work with this energy Allowing it to do what it needs to do. You are Becoming GALACTIC. Integration time speeds up 10fold. Ascension symptoms are now (for the most part depends how deep) short in duration. You begin to perceive Time. Things speed up! The SUN now sings to you PERSONALLY... Each pulse a gentle wave, ebbing and flowing through your energetic system, stirring the collective field... You breatheBathe in the light codes You ARE Ascending!!! ~Healing Energy Tools Keziah Artist-Chris Buzelli
20.01.2022 September Virgo New Moon: September 17 2020 The September Virgo New Moon Asks us to Simplify, Purge and Set New Plans into Motion On September 17, a cleansing and purifying Virgo New Moon sets us on a new lunar cycle. With both the Sun & Moon highlighting the sign that loves to plan, our minds will be swirling with ideas. This is the perfect time to put some new plans into place. Whether we are pivoting from an old plan into a new one, or beginning fresh, set your intentions ...around re-organizing yourself. The abundance of Virgo energy will help us get in tune with better solutions Virgo likes a minimalist approach, no fuss and practicality which all may be quite necessary at this time. With Mars, now retrograde, in a very frustrating square with Jupiter + Pluto + Saturn (all riding tightly together) anger and upset are beginning to brew. A change of seasons and Saturns turn direct will also be coming in on the tails of this New Moon. The events and intentions we set here will likely be important catalysts to what needs to happen next. Health matters may need to take precedence Virgo is all about health and the body. It needs self-care and seeks a path that is best for all matters pertaining to health. With Neptune, in a wide opposition with both the Sun and Moon, some confusion about whats happening could also surface But Neptune, will also be in a beneficial sextile with Jupiter + Pluto + Saturn aiding them in some kind of way. Help, perhaps in some sort of faith or spiritual form, has the potential to surround us as we see our way into the next. Neptune will be there to remind us to believe in something better, despite the odds. Crystal B Astrology Keziah
20.01.2022 Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing. You must wake up with sorrow.... You must speak to it till your voice catches the thread of all sorrows and you see the size of the cloth. ~ Naomi Shihab Nye: Kindness [Art: Kathe Butcher:]
19.01.2022 The eternal truth remains: you must prioritize peace, healing, harmony, and connection within yourself if you want to see it manifest throughout society. No agency or institution will ever do it for you, and we cannot afford to delay it any longer. Whens the last time you took time off to do nothing but feel and deeply connect? Feel your breath, your body, your suppressed emotions, your surroundings, and beyond. Listen to the divine wisdom which speaks to you in the calm sti...llness. Drop all pretense and simply be with what is. You know what will happen if you dont? You will remain false, stressed, distracted, and unhealthy, imagining that living this way is somehow keeping you safe. You will pass each day absent from yourself, having gained nothing of lasting significance, acting as little more than a messy bundle of habits and memories. You can pull yourself away from the hypnotic social brainwashing which objectifies you and the world as mere externalized commodities. You have the capacity for so much more. We did not evolve to be constantly busy, drugged, disassociated, and stressed. You must prioritize the felt connection to your present experience. You must cultivate the inner awareness to bring yourself back when youre out of alignment. You must clear away the energy of others you have taken on. Give yourself the gift of your wholeness - completely and unapologetically. Leave your familiar surroundings if need be. Go where your authenticity and sensitivity is celebrated. You have to feel in order to heal. Your pain is not a burden to be ignored; it is a testament of your enduring strength which deserves to be cared for. Being sensitive is not a weakness; its the most courageous thing you can do in an insensitive world. Your healing is not an occasional luxury; its the foremost priority for your soul. Remember what truly matters. ~ Humberto Braga / Humberto Braga Artwork [Art: Ingrid Tussel]
18.01.2022 DAILY ANGEL MESSAGE! This card doesnt represent the plan that God has for your life, more the plan that comes to fruition based on your intentions and your highest good. You have been given the incredible gift of free will and therefore your thoughts, deeds, actions, and intentions are in some way going out into the universe and curating the experiences, opportunities, and energies that are flowing in and out of your life. When this card appears, you are being encouraged to ...move into a state of surrender, where you recognize that yes, your intentions have an impact on the creation of your life, but how those intentions unfold is not down to you, but in the hands of God. The divine plan is your intentions unfolding in a way that God/the universe feels is for your growth and highest good. Know that every experience you have been through in your life has been a waymarker on your journey towards growth and expansion. And your angels are acknowledging your growth now. If you are trying to force a plan into action, the angelic guidance is to back down and trust in the greater good. Often when something isnt happening for us, were frustrated, but thats only because we dont see that our perfect plan is unfolding. When your ideas or plans go wrong, trust that the universe has a greater plan for you. And that greater plan isnt something that has already been chosen for you, its more of a culmination of all of your lifes intentions, prayers, and actions washing back toward you with opportunities and experiences. Call on your angels to light up the path ahead. You may feel that you are facing the unknown, but know that you are always guided and protected. DECK: Angel Guide Oracle ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard Kyle Gray
18.01.2022 "A positive state of mind is not merely good for you, it benefits everyone with whom you come into contact, literally changing the world." ~ The Dalai Lama Keziah ... Photo credit-unknown
18.01.2022 Wishing my American friends a very Happy Thanksgiving! Post pictures below to share with us all how your Thanksgiving is going! Enjoy your day! Best wishes from my Land Down Under! Keziah
18.01.2022 With each choice, rise above preconceived limitations that keep you from expressing your authentic self. We grow up with such an idealistic view on how our life should be; love, friendships, a career or even the place we will live ~ only to age and realize none of it is what you expected. Reality is a little disheartening when you've reached that realization. You have learnt the gift of all, any new beginning can start now and if you want anything bad enough you'll find th...e courage to pursue it with all you have. The past doesn't have to be the future, stop making it so. Nikki Rowe Keziah art credit: I Dreamt I Rose Above It by meluseena at deviantART
17.01.2022 Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. ~Jim Morrison [Art: Catrin Welz-Stein]
17.01.2022 They’re at it again! DO NOT accept a fake Facebook friend request from *Keziah Clairvoyant-Medium*... This is NOT me. I would NEVER add you as a friend and ask you for bank info for some contest or monetary prize. If ANYONE does this to you under any name on any social media, REPORT them! That is NOT how legitimate pages or businesses work. I have heard from others that many pages right now are being imitated so please keep your eyes open. Thank in advance for your support. Keziah Template for this important message shared from ~Goddess Circle
16.01.2022 I met different people with different roles in my life, some left a remarkable scar, and some left an irreplaceable room in my heart, but both are blessings. Some taught me to not leave myself where they abandoned me, and some taught me to begin in the place where I was left wounded. Somehow, I appreciate how they helped me to become the person I am now. Jaeka Keziah ... Image-unknown
16.01.2022 THE BEAUTY OF GUILT When you say NO, when you set boundaries, you may feel guilty. Wonderful. Feel guilty!... And say NO anyway. Set boundaries anyway. Speak your deepest truth anyway. Feeling guilty is not so bad, when you drench that experience with curious awareness. Hold "the guilty-feeling one" in your arms. Give her room. Breathe into the discomfort. Let her feel "bad" for a while. And speak your truth anyway. Say NO anyway. Set boundaries anyway. You say YES sometimes to avoid the pain of guilt, don't you? You ignore your own boundaries to avoid the pain. But the pain is bearable. You can survive it. The guilt will rise like a wave, sometimes. And subside. And rise again, maybe. And eventually pass. But you will stay true to yourself regardless. On your path. In your integrity. Guilt as a sweet companion. Guilt as a fragile child needing your love. Guilt as an ally on the road. You are not controlled by guilt anymore, when you are willing to feel it. ~Jeff Foster The Sisterhood of SHE Image-unknown
15.01.2022 Time is an enormous, long river, and Im standing in it, just as youre standing in it. My elders are the tributaries, and everything they thought and every struggle they went through and everything they gave their lives to, and every song they created, and every poem that they laid down flows down to me and if I take the time to ask, and if I take the time to see, and if I take the time to reach out, I can build that bridge between my world and theirs. I can reach down into that river and take out what I need to get through this world. ~ Utah Phillips [Image: Kasia Derwinska]
14.01.2022 Angels are wonderful but they are so, well, aloof. Its what I sense in the mud and the roots of the trees, or the well, or the barn, or the rock with its citron map of lichen that halts my feet and makes my eyes flare, feeling the presence of some spirit, some small god, who abides there.... If I were a perfect person, I would be bowing continuously. Im not, though I pause wherever I feel this holiness, which is why Im so often late coming back from wherever I went. Forgive me. ~ Mary Oliver [Art: Duy Huynh Studio]
14.01.2022 Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment. ~ John O'Donohue Keziah ... [Art:Kyosuke Tchinai]
14.01.2022 Many people are still feeling the upgrades as we are adjusting to the energies of the 11:11 Portal. Today is Friday the 13th. This cosmic alignment is all about the divine feminine. Friday is a day named after the Goddess Venus. The lunar calendar is also made up of 13 months. ... When we see the energies of Friday and the number 13 come together it creates a powerful portal. The energy now is all about the Goddess. Friday the 13th is a powerful day for manifesting. Today’s energy is especially powerful since tomorrow is a New Moon. Tomorrow’s New Moon, in Scorpio, is also a Super Moon. It is the third of three Super Moons we have had in a row. It’s the last Super Moon of the year. A Super Moon is where the Moon is orbiting closer to the Earth then normal. That means we will feel it’s affects so much more. This New Moon has a theme of the Phoenix and is bringing the energy of a rebirth with it. This is powerful energy for a new spiritual beginning. This Super Moon will help us in completing a cycle. This energy is also a bridge that will take us into Eclipse Season. Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius might be feeling these energies a little extra. Since we are going through so many upgrades so fast, this energy may be making you a little more sleepy. We are still very much feeling and integrating the energies of this week’s 11:11 Portal. Really tune into your physical body at this time. Really listen to what it’s needing. This is a powerful space to be healing and activating yourself. That is exactly what these energies are being sent to us for. The frequencies are really high this week and we are adjusting to a lot of lightbody upgrades. It’s a good time to catch up on rest, to meditate, or to journal. We are instant manifesting. That is why it’s a good time to slow down and to really be with your thoughts. Get aligned with whatever it is you truly desire and leave it with the Goddess... with thanks too
13.01.2022 Good morning (evening) Friends . A lesson truly learned is crystallized as earned wisdom. You have all you need for the success you seek. Wisdom allows you recognize the traps on the road and familiar patterns that you want to avoid. It also enables you to quickly gather information about where you are in your journey. It also helps you recognize your allies and know how to find the best routesalong the way. Now youre at a place where you know the right things to do and ...the best choices to make. You really cant vomit a mistake. Whatever your inquiry, great fortune awaits you, for you have the wisdom to arrive at the right decision. You have learned your lessons and earned the right to your success. Card from The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Collette Baron-Reid. Have a wonderful week! Keziah
12.01.2022 WEEKEND MESSAGE The Answer is Simple: Connect with Your Soul Family This isn’t the moment to attempt things alone. Your Spirit is isolated and needs extra support and energy. It’s time to convene with kindred Spirits contact those who genuinely know you, love you, and deeply appreciate your Spirit. Create a way to be together with your loved ones. Whether it’s a leisurely conversation over the phone, a shared meal, or a walk through the park, their support, affectio...n, and perspective will reenergize you, helping you regain your confidence and put clarity on your present situation. Whether you need someone to act as your sounding board for your concerns or simply help you take your mind off your worries, step back and have some fun with those you love best. Time spent with your soul family will allow you to remember what’s most important to your Spirit right now, and the added support is essential to your success. *From The Answer is Simple Cards by Sonia Choquette. Enjoy your weekend ahead Keziah
12.01.2022 #truthrightthere
11.01.2022 New Moon In Scorpio Healing On November 15th, 2020, we have a New Moon in Scorpio. GOOD NEWS: This is one of the most auspicious New Moons of the year because it makes favorable aspects with Jupiter, Pluto, and Neptune. This New Moon is also a Super Moon and it is at 23 Scorpio. ...Continue reading
11.01.2022 What's your Destiny Number? I am an 11 Here is an example birth date: 6th day of October 1990 6 + 1+ 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 26 - (2+6 = ...Continue reading
11.01.2022 #truthrightthere
10.01.2022 #absolutelytrue
10.01.2022 New path. New beginnings. New realizations. This is your time to be open to the subtle aspect of your life where so much change is taking place. Youre shifting at your core and its all happening instantly. Faith and patience will get you through. Trusting yourself is so crucial right now. Dont overthink what doesnt make sense. Youre being guided to a new path of self-awareness, self-empowerment, and self-love. Youre becoming stronger as the days go by.... This is a part of you feeling lighter as you begin to receive more clarity for your next step. Welcome all change even when you cant understand why its happening the way it is. Welcome all new experiences. Be open to random things that happen. Its a blessing in disguise. Randomness are things you cant predict but always end up making sense. This is just the blessing of the universe. We cant be afraid of what we cant understand. Embrace the unknown, the uncertainty, the transformations, the transition, and most importantly the change. You are only becoming more of your own true self. Youre just learning to accept yourself and allow what has always be yours; your divine gift and your spirit. You are so powerful and so incredible. You are magnificent. Breathe deeply. Feel lighter. Love your life. ~ Idil Ahmed Keziah
10.01.2022 Friday, November 13, 2020 MARTIAL LAW We may feel as if we have reached the end of our rope. It might even seem as if we have run out of options. For many of, satisfaction appears to be farther away than it was last month. Whatever patience we had is gone. We want solutions to our problems and answers to our questions now. However, it might be reassuring to know that we are actually on schedule, according to the cosmic timetable, no matter how our individual perspectives may vary. Confrontational Mars entered its home sign of impulsive Aries on June 27, emboldening us to fight for what we believe to be true. Mars turned retrograde on September 9, and for two months we have been aggressively spinning our wheels without making obvious progress. Nevertheless, we cannot escape the planetary laws of motion any more than we can defy gravity. Rest assured that Mars is stationary today, ending the waiting game and signaling us to shift into forward gear. It may still take some time before we pick up speed, but the Moon’s move into volatile Scorpio at 11:18 am EST inspires us to catalyze emotions and solidify strategies. After this weekend’s powerful Scorpio New Moon, events could pile up pretty quickly now that both Mercury and Mars are marching forward. Meanwhile, uncertainly lingers, especially as messenger Mercury forms an anxious aspect to fantasy-prone Neptune. Throughout the fog of confusion and the buzz of distractions, we must relentlessly keep our attention focused on our long-term goals. Our unwavering resolve to actualize our highest potential sets us up for success. Lashing out at others or screaming into the abyss may provide momentary relief, but channeling our passion into creating positive change demonstrates our personal growth. Russian author Leo Tolstoy wrote, Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slowthat is patience. The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.
10.01.2022 WEEK AHEAD MESSAGE The Messengers of Avalon ~The Queen Woman * Fertility * Feminine Power * Sexuality * Friendships Fertility, beauty, female sexual energy, earthly pleasures, and friendships among women the Queen summons you to bestow her gifts upon you so that you can revel in the beauty of life.... The Queen appears to remind you of the importance of self-esteem, self-worth, and holding your head high. Now is the time to set boundaries with others with gentle authority, yet try not to be isolated from them in the process. The Queen knows how to delegate authority when she needs to. Summon your inner Queen and ask for what you need. The Queen also asks whether you’re having fun. Maybe you need to read a good book with a cup of cocoa, go to a spa, or make plans with your pals. Look after yourself and remember to nurture your friendships. The Queen knows that she needs allies in her world to sustain her and, in return, she shares her wealth with you. If you’re inquiring about a specific female and your relationship to her, the Queen stands to represent her, which will bode well or not so well, depending on which other cards flank her. This card also represents pregnancy, either as a metaphor, or as the true miracle of life itself. The Queen is always a powerful omen and ally. Enjoy your week Keziah *From The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid.
09.01.2022 Become a prayer-maker. Why? Because what you face in your life is bigger than you can handle. It is. Go to a place with shadows and privacy, and just start talking. There is some ancient Friend that wants to hear from you. No more dogma than that. Use your simple, holy, words. Then sit. Listen. Go for a walk. Let in. ~ Martin Shaw: [Image: Yuma Hidaka]
09.01.2022 WEEKEND MESSAGE Opening Be open to receive the gifts of the Universe. There’s nothing to fear, so allow your vulnerability to shine. Fling your arms to the Heavens and exclaim, I’m ready! Stretch, expand, and venture forth: Doors of opportunity are opening for you! Your Soul wants you to know: In nature, periods of contraction (winter) are followed by periods of expansion (summer). Although there are times in life to retreat, be guarded, and go within, there are a...lso occasions when it’s essential to be absolutely fearless in your openness and vulnerability such as the present. Even if you’re afraid, it’s now appropriate to come out and open your eyes to new experiences, people, places, and things. Forge new directions and initiate new projects. Even if you’ve closed your heart because of the pain of past wounds, this is the time to open yourself wide and full. Affirmation I am open to receiving the gifts of the Universe! *From Soul Coaching Cards by Denise Linn. Enjoy your weekend Keziah
08.01.2022 #midweekmessage
06.01.2022 When pieces of you are breaking and falling to the ground, do not rush to pick them up. Instead, let them all fall... Let them sit there as they lay until they ...become acquainted with each other, until each piece of you shares what was loved and lost, what hurt and healed, what was re-gained and re-claimed from the ashes of dreams that never came to be... If your hand reaches out to grab the falling pieces before they touch the ground, stop and let your eyes embrace with warmth all that hurts until the winds of change blow once again on the landscape of your heart... Let the fire of destruction and renewal come in its own time and burn away all that is no longer needed for your highest good... After all the pieces of your being lay there unmoved and untouched, after your tears wash the face of Mother Earth, after you walk through the Dark Night of the Soul and learn to love the darkest places of your heart, then and only then you are ready to kneel down to the holy site of your life. Now you are ready to pick up the broken pieces of you and with the brush of love you can dust away the smallest grain of sand that touched your face... Now you are ready to let your Fire Stories become the poetry of your life. The pieces you were once so eager to mend, now have found a way of taking care of themselves. You sit and just be the Observer of your life... No longer judge, no longer ask why or why me. In the end, you realize you first had to break apart to feel whole... To feel the Wholeness that lives in your bones for eons. Because you were never anything else, but Whole You are always Whole, even when it feels that you shatter to pieces. And whole you are, sister of my heart. Whole and holy. Walking a sacred path to the core of your being. A journey of remembering and excavating what wants to be revealed. The winds of change come along and old dust and emotional sediment is being blown away. The ancient story must be retold. Memories flow through the crevices of heart, wanting to be revisited. At all cost. You stop. You look around wanting to be safe and certain. And then, you decide that you are ready to pick up the pieces and get on your knees. You sigh deeply. You look up. You feel the ground beneath you and a strength you never knew you had before comes over you. Your heart fills up and a warm feeling overflows from deep within. The shackles break. The time is now to no longer be afraid of what hurts. Because what hurts no longer has power over you. Nobody and nothing has power over you anymore. Only you. You look around and all of a sudden everything makes sense. Every piece of who you are tells a story. Your story. Your truth. Giving meaning to your life through your thoughts. Your feelings. Your emotions. Your Voice. Your truth. Your truth, the way you live it without social conditioning and the shadow of patriarchal beliefs. Without the way you were told to be and the way you were expected to live your life. Free of labels. Free of others expectations of you. No longer compromising your authenticity, integrity and values. I lived labeled for many years. And I believed those labels. For many years. Too many Lets be free, sister. Lets pick up the pieces and give them a new meaning. Let them tell a new story of survival, strength and resilience. ~Chrysalis Heart The Sisterhood of SHE
06.01.2022 #floydgreen #mumsboy
06.01.2022 Jupiter Direct in Capricorn September 13th ALCHEMY OF EMBODIED WISDOM & LEAP OF FAITH The planet of expansion, luck and abundance is stationing direct in the earthy sign of Capricorn.... 4 month of soul searching when it comes to understanding whats possible! You might be finding new beliefs as the old ones fall away regarding your vision, goals and what you are capable and ready to build! Retrogrades are about revision and Jupiter is stretching your higher mind to see more possibility and opportunity. Open your mind to whats possible and watch Universe delivering signs and signals as you develop more trust into the flow of life knowing there is a higher order and you are held even when it feels like you are leaping into nothingness. Even though we are moving through challenges and tribulations, the seed of magical and miraculous is always present! Take time to appreciate the strength youve built over these months and notice the growing sense of knowing that you got this!!! You have made it so far and you will blossom, keep going beautiful warrior soul! Expect a more graceful unfolding as we navigate the Mars Retrograde energies and learn to see how everything is working in your favour once you take a moment to zoom out and appreciate the wonder of life. The inner work done will carry rewards that will continue to expand your vision and perspective! Take a deep breath and know that all is unfolding in divine timing. SELF-MASTERY and magic of manifestation - Capricorn is teaching us to embody the timeless wisdom and bring it to life through our actions, devotion, commitment and labour. Whatever visions and insight you have been receiving, now its the time to plan, expand, open and receive! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Thing BIG my love ~Inese Soncika Keziah
05.01.2022 Weekly Navigation For the week of September 21 - 27, 2020 Take a deep breath and stretch wide open with Love to fully embrace all thats ahead this week. Were at the Equinox still point, an equalizing calibration of light and dark reminding us to Be the Light as we explore the shadowshining warmly and gently through any experience of shadow as we stretch into wholeness with compassion, acceptance, and Love....Continue reading
04.01.2022 THE COSMIC WEEK AHEAD 21-27 September 2020 Quickie RECAP on LAST WEEK The VIRGO NEW MOON at 25deg01/square the Nodal Axis/trine Saturn Rx... ******** THIS WEEK IS ALL ABOUT A feeling of Deja-vu ******** THIS WEEKS FEATURE ASPECT The SUN moving into LIBRA. On one hand we might breathe a sigh of relief after all, Libra likes Balance and so one might think that the Suns ingress into our 7th Sign might bring some highly desired Balance onto the radar. But the other hand holds the real key, I suspect and that is that the Sun is moving into a Cardinal Sign. Why is that important? Well, because Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are also currently in Cardinal Signs, as is of course Mercury in Libra for much of this week. And with that many planets in different Cardinal Signs Aries, Libra and Capricorn well, this week may have a real feeling of build-up, familiarity or deja-vu. Its also worth noting (probably very worthy of noting, actually) that until the Sun reaches 10deg Libra so for the first 10 days of this Libra Journey the Sun will be in mutual reception with Venus. The Sun, in Libra, ruled by Venus + Venus, in Leo, ruled by the Sun = Mutual Reception. And unlike some of the more peculiar mutual receptions weve had of late, this one is between complementary Signs Fire and Air/Sextile. So the first 10 days of the Suns Libran Journey are probably the strongest well see the Sun during this time the latter half of the journey on the other hand is going to trigger all sorts of T-Square shenanigans, as the Mars Retrograde action over in Aries starts to really heat up. You have been warned. ******** whats HOT MERCURY and VENUS. Both planets make aspects to the NODAL AXIS through the week and, remembering that the Nodal Axis was exactly square last weeks Virgo New Moon, this weeks action could help see a clearer path or aid in decisions. Yes, these are very quick aspects so not necessarily big in and of themselves but remember that our destiny-related Nodes are currently tracking Mars so any aspects to them through this time will trigger more than usual. whats NOT MERCURY and VENUS. Wait, what? Yes, its the same two planets again and this week, the whats not flavours may outweigh the whats hot flavours from these two. Mercury, in Libra, continues on with the square aspects to the Capricorn Planets before capping the week off with an opposition to Mars. And its this opposition to Mars potentially heated words/discussions/thoughts which can tip scales which could set the scene and get the big Mars action from next week truly rolling. And Venus? She has a series of inconjunct aspects to Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto this week, and Saturn early next week and given shes residing in Leo for all of them, ego-issues and heart-felt tantrums are likely. Though the YOD aspect triggered by the inconjunct to first Jupiter and then Neptune Tuesday/Wednesday could provide a more than interesting twist. ******** MOON TRACKS She kicks off her week (in opposition to Retrograde Uranus) as Waxing Crescent in Scorpio, and moves on through Sagittarius and Capricorn before finishing the week in the middle of Aquarius and at Waxing Gibbous Phase. ******** THIS WEEKs MAJOR ASPECTS in DETAIL: MERCURY square PLUTO Rx (22deg32 Libra/Capricorn) Monday everywhere except West Coast Americas, Sunday. Moon in Scorpio (sextile Pluto Rx) --- MERCURY trine the NORTH NODE/sextile the SOUTH NODE (23deg56 Libra/Gemini/Sagittarius) Tuesday, everywhere. Moon in Sagittarius (trine Chiron Rx) --- SUN moves into LIBRA Tuesday everywhere except NZ, super early Wednesday morning. Moon in Sagittarius --- MERCURY square SATURN Rx (25deg22 Libra/Capricorn) Wednesday everywhere. Moon in Sagittarius --- MERCURY opposite MARS Rx (26deg37 Libra/Aries) Thursday, everywhere. Moon in Capricorn (square Chiron Rx) --- MERCURY moves into SCORPIO Sunday, everywhere. Moon in Aquarius --- VENUS sextile the NORTH NODE/trine the SOUTH NODE (23deg46 Leo/Gemini/Sagittarius) Sunday, everywhere. Moon in Aquarius ******** AND FINALLY Well that looks like quite the week, doesnt it?! As I mentioned earlier, while theyre not detailed above as they are minor aspects (dont tell Venus, in Leo she certainly wont appreciate the minor terminology), the Venus triggered series of inconjuncts will be interwoven into the energy early in the week and they could feel quite personal. So if youre feeling triggered or have nose out of joint for no reason, that could well be it. Of course the other reasons for possibly feeling like that are abundant this week. Saturn Stationing to Direct, Im looking at you. Next week Saturn Stations Direct but this week, next week and through to mid-October at least, Saturn will hover close to the Station Direct Degree 25deg20 Capricorn and as we know, a Stationed Planet is a Powerful Planet. And with Saturn, there is an exponential heaviness in the mix, as well as, it must be said, an exponential effort. Id like to say take your pick but it doesnt always work that way. Speaking of Powerful Planets because it never rains but it pours Pluto is also Stationing Direct. And while that doesnt happen for a couple of weeks, Pluto is now within minutes of that Station Direct Degree of 22deg29 Capricorn. Super. Powerful. And again of course, with Pluto a much slower mover than Saturn, our Planet of Power, Destruction and Transformation will remain within degree of the Station Direct Degree for a lot longer. Through to early December, longer. And that all sets the scene for the Mars Retrograde action to officially kick off next week. Sure, Mars turned Retrograde a couple of weeks ago but when you see Mars lining up to Square a newly-Stationed Direct Saturn, well, that screams GAME ON to me. Have a good week, Sparklers. ~ Ms Sparkles
04.01.2022 Good morning (evening) Friends. The Wise Woman of Wonderland brings integrity to thought, word and deed. She lets you know that as long as youre in the flow of honesty, and being true to your word, she keeps you under her protection and care. When she appears as your Ally she signals a time when honesty pays off, yielding greater dividends than you expected. Youll be thankful that you remained faithful and loyal to your path. She reminds you that compromise isnt always an... option. Stay true to yourself first and foremost. Although it may appear that you could lose something as a result, you can never lose what is truly yours. Card from Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle Cards by Collette Baron-Reid. Enjoy the rest of your week ahead! Keziah
04.01.2022 Whats your Destiny Number? I am an 11 Here is an example birth date: 6th day of October 1990 6 + 1+ 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 26 - (2+6 = ...Continue reading
04.01.2022 Sagittarius Sagittarius Ascendent Leo Moon
04.01.2022 WEEKEND ANGEL MESSAGE You’re blessed to receive this very special Angel card, as the Angels are drawing close to help you manifest your wildest dreams in the most miraculous ways. Miracles occur naturally and when they aren’t occurring something has gone wrong. But the Angels are helping you align your thoughts and energy so you can manifest the blessings you really deserve. You’re a magician, and you have been handed the the power and energy to create the life you deserv...e. Whatever you believe to be true is created, belief made manifest. The Angels want you to know that the life you want is here and that you’re in the perfect space and place to create it. You’re filled with the infinite energy of the cosmos, so allow this energy to manifest blessings in your life. What do you want to happen next? As long as it’s a love-filled though, create it now! Archangel Orion: Archangel Orion is one of the newer archangels offering their support to Heaven. He helps us connect to all that is, and reminds us that we are one with everyone and everything in the entire Universe. An Angel of the cosmos, his energy reminds me of wishing on a star, as he helps us create the most magnificent events in our lives. In order to invoke Orion’s energy, visualize yourself surrounded by stars and know that you’re connected to the whole Universe. Card from Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray. Have a amazingly wonderful weekend! Keziah
03.01.2022 O P E N I N G S You're not slipping through the cracks, but falling into Openings. That certain person. A remarkable thing. The sudden event. A season of hardship. Being diagnosed. Falling in and out of love. An intense phase of feeling lost. Or the death that stopped the clocks and shook your world... Something dropped you to your knees, only to pick you up again, and thrust you into an unexpected entrance of a life-changing Opening. An Opening where everyday existence and t...he core of your being collapse into one, and nothing feels the same again. You are not being neglected, not being ignored. Instead, a great spirit speaks to you. A conversation between this source and your soul is significant and ongoing and it had always been. But you can hear it much clearer since passing through the Opening. Listen as it reveals: The strength of your connection is just as powerful as the sun. You are awesomely comprised of wisdom and creation. You are not all alone, but guided by intuition. And while here on earth, you are a complete universe, holding a continuance of profound experiences with spiritual meaning. ~Susan Frybort Keziah [Image-Anna Remick]
03.01.2022 Happy Birthday, Libra Yes, the SUN has now moved into our 7th Sign of Balance, Harmony and Equality - and in doing so, triggered Equinox, the official of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere and Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere - and a key marker of turning points. Turning. Points. The Key to Libran Energy is Balance, so well represented by the Scales. And that symbolism is truly key for Libra v2020 which will be a Libra Season of 3 Parts. And has all the feels of a Shakespearean drama. Read on, Macbeth or will it be Much Ado about Nothing !! --- Part 1 - Decan 1. For the First 10deg/10days of this particular journey, the Sun will be in mutual reception with Venus - the Sun in Libra is ruled by Venus and in turn, Venus is currently sitting in Leo, a Sign ruled by the Sun = Mutual Reception. In MR, and particularly in this type of MR where the Signs are complementary - Air and Fire - the energy in general is upbeat, productive and all rather favourable. Yay Us. The Caveat for Part 1 is twofold - the FULL MOON in opposite Sign ARIES at 09deg08 on 01/02-October is a biggie, as is the associated rumble of thunder from Mars squaring up to Saturn. Still, from the Sun's POV, hopefully enough 'feel good' to counterbalance the rest and keep those scales intact. Which is a good thing as we scan the horizon. --- Part 2 - Decan 2. The middle part of the Sun's Libra journey takes on a different feel. The Mutual Reception between the Sun and Venus is over (Venus will now be in Virgo) and there is a lot - A LOT - of thunder in the background with Mars causing havoc into the Capricorn Planets, but for the most part and not withstanding personal biggies, it's likely to be more around the electric feeling you get pre a big thunderstorm. That is except for the last couple of days in this 'middle part' where the coming turbulence is highlighted via the Sun square to Jupiter. Sun/Jupiter energy is often a big, buoyant energy, but when you look that little bit further ahead, it's also a warning sign around too-big-for-your-boots energy. Not My Circus could become a mantra. --- Part 3 - The Dramatic Culmination, otherwise known as Decan 3. And here we come to the crux of the Sun's journey for Libra v2020. And where the Cardinal Element of our 7th Sign - and the potential for tipped scales of the highest order - comes into play. The Shakespearean Climax. In this last decan of Libra, the Sun highlights Mars - and if you've been following the Mars Journey, you'll know what that means. And possibly duck for cover. Through our last 10deg journey of Libra, the Sun will be involved in harder aspects involving Mars, Eris, Pluto and Saturn (in order) with the highlight of these quite likely the LIBRA NEW MOON which, falling at 23deg53 on 16/17 October, forms a T-Square with Eris (Opposition) and Pluto (Square). Hooley. Dooley. Ain't nothing going to save the scales that day!! The turbulence for the last 10 days of Libra is super charged - buckle up, belt in, hang on. --- And there we have the general preview of Sun in Libra v2020. Not quite the usual, balanced peace-seeking Solar Journey through our 7th Sign, is it? No, this year, it looks like we are going to see and feel and be the Cardinals. And if nothing else, Cardinal Energy is all about dynamic, forward movement, one way or another. One way, or another. Again, Happy Birthday Libra but maybe this year, snuff rather than blow those candles out !! ~ Ms Sparkles
03.01.2022 Every soul is given to the measure in which they can handle the challenges and gain in soul mastery. Thus every soul’s lesson on earth will differ. In this time of the great transition, let us remember this, and thus allow each soul to walk their chosen path. Some are called to lead. Some are called to follow those who lead.... Some will not answer the call and will choose to remain in the Old Earth. Some will stay stuck in pain and suffering, mostly self-created. Some will have such an awakening that their lives will change completely in an eyewink. Let us allow each soul their own pace, their own calling and their own path. In the end all paths converge into one. For the call now is to unity, Oneness, yet this can only come from deep within ourselves. We cannot create unity outside of ourselves if our inner house is turmoil and uproar and not at peace within. When the inner harmony and peace is greater than the outside turmoil, then we finally have reached the stage, where we can unify with other souls, as one, and communicate soul to soul, heart to heart, mind to mind, and find that in truth there are no differences, as within the choir of heavens, one needs the sopranos, the alto’s, the tenor and the bass. When all blend together, the songs of the heart and soul rise in unified crescendo and thus enhance all creation. Judith Kusel Keziah [Art-Li Guijun]
03.01.2022 Well it that time of the week! Kaypacha
03.01.2022 #libraseason2020
03.01.2022 ANGEL MESSAGE MONDAY! If you are wondering whether to move forward or not, this card is a message from your angels to continue on. You might feel that your current situation requires more time and energy than you are able to give, and theres a good chance that you are feeling disheartened, or even drained. Its important to know that everything involved in this situation is pivotal to your growth, expansion, and spiritual connection. This card invites you to switch on the li...ght you have within. Its time to be a star, to rise up, to get behind the wheel and drive the journey of your life. Yes, energy is going to be needed to hustle and push, but every single effort you make will pay off. Right now you are sending out a signal, and that will create a wave that can lay the foundation for the rest of your life. DECK: Angel Guide Oracle ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard Kyle Gray
02.01.2022 "....When we come out of this, we will have changed. And so will the world have changed. Our values will change. We will be brought back to the deepest truth within ourselves, and understand that the old systems, the old structures, the old form of life, have left us. We cannot go back to where we were before, not on any levels. We have shifted. We are forced to return to the deepest truth within, and find that deep inner connection with all of life and All-That-is. Instead o...f always looking for outside stimulation, outside entertainment, outside forces, we will have shifted deep within and found a reconnection to our souls which we lost some time ago, and now truly stepping to the fore, to remind us of what TRULY MATTERS! For in truth it is teaching us to communicate from the heart and soul and the depths of our being. To become authentic and real. To be grateful for and nurture what we do have. It is teaching us, what is truly important and what is not. It is teaching us to share. The more I see what is unfolding here, the more grateful I become. Let us rise! Let us bring our unique gifts and talents to the world, and share the deepest love in our heart and soul, with integrity and authenticity. We need not seek applause. We only need to be simply our truest and highest soul self and radiate forth our best intent for highest service to the Divine with great love. Simplicity is the key. We are not here to show off. We are not here to grab attention. We are but here to humbly serve from the heart and soul, and without ego. In truth it is not about me - it is not about you! It is about the resurrection of the planet earth and the rebirth of humanity into the highest consciousness, the New Life in the 5th dimensional form and higher. It is in essence the Return to the Love and the highest state of pure innocence. Open your heart and soul to be transformed from within and without. We are all being reborn into a much higher version of self. What a gift What a blessing" ~Judith Kusel Keziah [Image:Rob Hakemo Hakemo Digital Art]
01.01.2022 Good morning/evening....... Message from Pele: If you listen to the sound of your heart and breath, youll recognize the ancient rhythms of your own internal drumming. This forever connects you to the Mother of all creation and to the sound of the planet Earth. These rhythms cant be faked or forged, they are natural and eternal. What part of you are you trying to ignore? What part of you has been overly concerned with pleasing others to the detriment of hearing the sou...nds of your own rhythms? Dear child reach out and extend your arms to embrace your dreams. They are just as much a part of nature as are the trees, animals and sunsets. Dont your own dreams deserve the same respect that you accord everyone and everything that you love? Listen to them my child. Listen to your dreams. Theyll activate the powerful erruption of passion in your life. Dont be afraid of your own passion, for it will propel you naturally and and will excite and invigorate you. When you dance to the rhythms of your life, youre truly alive in all ways. Various meanings for this card: - Make sure your career matches your interests. - Take a class or start a hobby that really excites you. - Change jobs. - Go on a wonderful trip. - Invest time and money in manifesting your dreams - Give yourself permission to go for it. - Start a new business. - Make an honest assessment of how you spend your time - List your priorities. About Pele: The Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes, Peles dynamic strength is sometimes misunderstood. She shows us that fire can purify, release is from the old to make room for the new, and ignite your passions. Without fire nothing would change. Call upon Pele to help you get in touch with your true passion, and to charge up your motivation and excitement. Pele will help you feel everything on a deeper level so be I afraid of taking action to manifest your hearts desires. Card from Goddess Oracle Cards by Hay House. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Keziah
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