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25.01.2022 Little clip from my recent leg session! - - - I have been very busy with trying to get myself organised back here in Australia! ... - - Decided to do a home workout all body weight exercises. I thought it would be relatively light, turns out that wasn’t the case - - - Workout blueprint; Strength work: Pistols- Sets and Isometric holds Air squats 5x20 Overhead squats 4x10 Overhead squat holds 3x10 seconds Cossack squat 3x10 seconds Bulgarian split squats 4x10 Resistance band deadlift 4x12 Resistance band good mornings 4x12 Glute bridges 3x10 Calf raises 4x20 - - - Give it a try!! - - - #kfd_performance #homeworkout #crossfit #strengthandconditioning #bodyweight #calisthenics #performance #pistolsquat #airsquats #mobility #stability #core #betteryourself #youvyou See more
23.01.2022 Here is a recent clip from Anthony . Anthony is aiming to increase speed and strength, as well as getting match fit for soccer. He is a few months out from his professional trials in the USA so it’s been great to work with him and help him achieve his goal. - We have used our time to focus on power based exercises as well as major compound movements. In this clip, Anthony is performing a clean and jerk. Clean and jerks is a great exercise for athletes to develop power mo...vements. - Triple extension is a term you hear associated with movements like ‘clean and jerk; the hips,knee and ankles all go into extension. - Why is triple expression important? - When an athlete initiates a sprint, the first thing that happens is that their hips, knees and ankles all go into extension. A gym based exercise that assists to increase power adds value to the athlete’s ability to produce power in competition. Being such a complex movement there is a lot to work on. however, being a new movement it’s a great step forward for Anthony. - - - - #kfd_performance #athlete #cleanandjerk #strength #conditioning #progress #npltas #pathtopro #usl #america #nasl #olympiclifting #progressnotperfection #bebetter #power #football #Aleague #tassie #australia See more
23.01.2022 New training video is up! Based around sport specific running and how i program. Try out some of these drills in your next session Full video link is in bio! - - #kfd_performance #npl #soccer #training #running #strength #speed #fitness
23.01.2022 Keep it simple Give this a try in your next session! - Box step ups are a great tool to use to develop strength and power. -... - For a start let’s think about how many muscle groups are working when performing this exercise? - - The movement pattern itself is very similar to sprinting mechanics! Extension of the hips, knees, and ankles (triple extension) are all required to perform this movement. This will enhance performance in areas like running and jumping. - - - #kfd_performance #strength #conditioning #core #stability #power #athlete #workouts #npl #training See more
22.01.2022 Variety! Why is it important to change things up? Imagine you are doing the same workout, the same exercises, the same sets and the same repetitions. Training life would just be boring. What we can do is mix things up! Try new movements. Try exercises that require a high level of skill. This will not only add some variation into your training but will also give you some added motivation. These variations don’t have be massive. For example, instead of performing dumbbell r...ows try a pendlay row. Instead of performing a bench press try a chest press. - - - - #kfd_performance #variation #workout #strength #conditioning #hardwork #npl #football #sports #athlete #gym See more
21.01.2022 Exercise talk Kettlebell swings They are used for so many different reasons. A KB is a great compound movement! Being a hinge movement the swing requires the glutes, hamstring and lower back all to be engaged. - -... So when would we use this? Not only can it be used as a great way to increase over all strength. It can also be used within conditioning workouts! - - - Shoutout to @shdoyle1902 for demonstrating! Showing a very nice technique - - - #kfd_performance #kbswings #kettlebellworkout #strength #conditioning #fitness #tassie #strongwomen #fitwomen
19.01.2022 Personal Bests (pb’s) - - They don’t always happen but when they do it’s a bitter sweet moment! Sometimes they are unplanned Sometimes they are planned but don’t come off! ... It’s just happens... - - - When i trained today i had no intentions of going for a pb.. but things were feeling/ moving well... as well as some motivation from @maurosaracino too - - - Moral of the story take the wins when they come.. Too many times we see on social media all people’s successes.. just think how many times did they fail before getting that one successful vid? - - - Remember stay hungry, stay humble, and stay classy! - #kfd_performance #athlete #snatch #olympicweightlifting #pb #personaltrainer #strengthandconditioning #power #tassie #strong See more
19.01.2022 Jack just causally getting after it on a Monday! - - - This is a different press variation. A landmine press changes the way we think of shoulder movements. Ma...kes it a bit more challenging with a high amount of shoulder stability required. - - What are you training this week? - - #kfd_performance #strengthtraining #conditioning #landminepress #core #chasinggoals #theatreconditioning #performingarts #strong See more
19.01.2022 Great workout this afternoon! In the back yard, shirt off, music loud, does it get much better? - - - -... I have found so much differences in body over the last few months of training. I find that trying different things allows me to gain a greater knowledge!! - - - - - I am constantly looking to achieve new goals!! All i can do is trust in the process!! - - #kfd_performance #training #strength #barworkouts #parallels #calisthenics #crossfit #pushups #accessory #core #progressnotperfection #believe #goals #strong #homegym See more
18.01.2022 Making simple exercises harder!! There are many ways to make our workouts/ exercises more difficult! -Increase reps -Increase sets -Increase weight... -Decrease rest times -Increase time under tension Simply change one of these variables to see the difficulty increase. #kfd_performance #pull-ups #training #strength #condtioning #overload #setsandreps #parkworkout #tassie #bodyweight #simple #workouts See more
15.01.2022 Great session tonight with @tonypeartfft and the @footballtas refereeing crew! Tonight’s session was conditioning based. Great to see everyone working hard and putting in before the season starts! #kfd_performance #athletes #conditioning #strength #injuryprevention #strong #refereelife #npl #tas #functionaltraining #fitness @ Kgv-Soccer Pitch
15.01.2022 Kfd_performance athletes showing off over the weekend. @kobe.kemp has been working a lot on power based movements to be more explosive on the pitch. I think it’s safe to say it’s working.... - - -... #kfd_performance #athlete #jump #plyometrics #training #goals #npl #tasmania #hops #power See more
13.01.2022 New movement unlocked We talk about progress all the time in our training! This video is a classic example. When an exercise becomes easier let’s up the game a bit! It’s not perfect but small steps Who’s up for the challenge? Give it a go next time you are in the gym #kfd_performance #athlete #gym #abwheel #progression #core #bodyweight
13.01.2022 New YouTube video is up! A strength and conditioning session from home! Some great content in there! Link is in bio! #kfd_performance #strength #conditioning #vlog #fitness #homeworkout #athletes #gym #hardwork
11.01.2022 Core work -16 min emom (every minute on the minute) x10 reps -4x1 minute plank (30 second rest) - -... - I have posted before about the benefits of an ab wheel. If you missed it go check it out the previous post #kfd_performance #core #abwheel #strong #athlete #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #tassiefitness #fitness See more
08.01.2022 Athlete @oliver.james_ showing off his power clean technique in his session today! - - - It’s great to see his movement pattern coming along in such a short period of time. ... - - - When we look at technique there are a certains elements that coaches look for. This allows for safe progression to be made and helps reduce the risk of injury. - - - Very excited to see the progress that Oli makes over the coming weeks! - - #kfd_performance #athlete #soccer #football #athlete #strengthandconditioning #cleans #olympicweightlifting #npl #power #training #gym See more
08.01.2022 Saturday sessions Hand stand pushups 4x6 Kettlebell chest press 4x8 each arm Kettlebell row 4x10 each arm Body weight row 4x12 ... Kettlebell clean and jerk 3x4 each arm Conditioning: 100kb swings for time (10 pushups every time you break) 5 minute rest then complete 10 sets of 30 reps different core exercises! Give some of these a go in your next session! Simple yet effective! #kfd_performance #strength #conditioning #npl #soccer #football #power #training #kettlebell #tasmania
08.01.2022 @southhobartfc NPL player @kobe.kemp putting in his strength work in the gym! He is performing a Bulgarian split squat in the video above. It’s a great single leg movement that has a lot of benefits within sports. Give this a go in your next session and you won’t be disappointed #kfd_performance #npl #tassie #athlete #bulgariansplitsquats #strength #conditioning #football #sports #power
08.01.2022 How good is it being back in a gym setting? Front squats were on the cards today! 60kgs x 3 reps 70kgs x 3 reps 80kgs x 3 reps ... 90kgs x 3 reps 95kgs x 3 reps (shown in video) 100kgs x 3 reps 105kgs x 1 rep - - - - It’s a great tool to have in your locker. The front squat is a great compound movement that requires a high level of quad and upper back activation. Top tip is to keep your elbows high throughout the whole movement to keep your chest nice and tall. Do this for a more efficient lift! Give this a try in your next session! #kfd_performance #strength #strengthandconditioning #frontsquat #mobility #athlete #soccer #power #tassie #npl #better #squats See more
08.01.2022 Getting springy - - How amazing are box jumps! Great tools for many different parts of our training! @barwick_pt using these in direct correlation to his sport of Aussie rules! Being a ruckman he needs to be able to produce maximum force when competing in the air! -... - - Give these a go in your next workout and you won’t be disappointed - - #kfd_performance #boxjumps #plyometricstraining #springy #force #gym #strength #conditioning #athlete #power See more
07.01.2022 Just making stable things less stable for more stability... makes sense right? Getting in the weekend mood! Stay hungry and stay classy! #kfd_performance #stability #stabilitytraining #strength #strong #fitchickfriday #core #weekendtime
06.01.2022 Honoured to be working with @tonypeartfft and the fft referee crew! Great opportunity to be working with some great people! - -#Repost @tonypeartfft with @make_repost On Monday we were Joined by @kfd_performance who has worked with us now for a few months understanding our needs and developing traing programs for our match officials. #Refereedevelopment #teamtassie #3teamsoutthere
04.01.2022 Found this picture while reading!! - - Many people are unaware of the effective techniques in writing a resistance training program. The truth is there are so many ways that a program can be designed!! Basic fundamentals is a great place to start start! -... - - - DM me for any additional questions!! - - #Repost @bachperformance (@get_repost) CONFUSED on how to design a workout? There are tons of great posts on workout splits, but not many on the actual workout. This gem by @chadhargrove1 should answer most questions. #Repost @chadhargrove1 (@get_repost) Wanna learn how to make workouts a little like a pro would? - Honestly, there's lots that goes into individualizing programs. But there's a good chance you aren't even sure if the collection of exercises you're putting together makes any sense. - This is why you should understand exercise/movement classifications. - It's pretty simple. - First, picking your nose isn't an exercise. So now we're basically down to 7. Im always looking for ways to make it more simple for you. Off to a good start. - But really, is it a pushing exercise? K it's a push. - Now hip hinge and squatting are pretty similar. A hip hinge is a deadlift or any lower body exercise where your hips do most of the moving. Hip hinges focus on your glutes and hamstrings. - Pulls are the opposite of pushes. Mindblowingly complicated, I know. - Carries are where you carry weights. It's pretty much you walking but holding weights. As silly as it sounds, it's likely the most underused and undervalued one in here. And not only is it easy to understand, it's simple to carry out. (I meant to write "carry out" ) - And the fun stuff is just "isolation" stuff. Triceps, biceps, shoulders, etc. - So to make a quality workout, pick one from each, and aside from the fun stuff, 3-4 sets of anywhere between 6-12 is pretty standard. Fun stuff makes sense mostly between 10-20. - Picking your nose only makes sense if you've got an itch or something stuck. And even then you've gotta explain yourself . - But do the rest and don't pick your nose and you'll be well on your way to a good workout. - Questions or comments? Leave em below . . . #workoutplans # See more
04.01.2022 Hamstring health is crucial! Those who are familiar with Nordic Curls know how difficult that can be to perform! Using the eccentric phase (lowering phase) will really emphasise hamstring engagement. Keeping low repetitions will allow for maximum output on each rep. - -... - Keep those hamstrings healthy my friends #kfd_performance #hamstring #strength #conditioning #injuryprevention #tassie #npl #fft #footballfedtas #referees #puttinginwork #athletes See more
01.01.2022 Watch this space! Big things coming #Repost @limitless.football with @make_repost Awesome session today! Some NPL players too @kfd_performance
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