Kevin Hawthorne Ninja Schools | Businesses
Kevin Hawthorne Ninja Schools
Phone: 0419367505
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25.01.2022 NINJA GRADING Sunday 9th of May 10am til 1pm Kelmscott high, 3rd Ave, Kelmscott Senior black belt $260, Junior black belt $200 or 1 stripe grading $45, or 2 st...ripe grading $55 or weapons grading $50 See more
24.01.2022 La niña despertó el ultra instinto
24.01.2022 SHINOBI WAYS ..... KOKARUKAI ....
23.01.2022 ORGANIZACIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE KUNG FU SHAOLIN Y WUDANG. No hace falta buscar reconocimiento continuamente. Si damos lo mejor de nosotros mismos llega solo. Debe...mos ser humildes incluso en cuanto a nuestro conocimiento e inteligencia. Es mucho más impresionante cuando otros descubren tus buenas cualidades sin tu ayuda... Podemos hablar mucho y no demostrar nada. También podemos hablar poco y demostrar mucho. La vida es una gran lección en humildad.. La vida nos enseña cada día que hay que pisar con los pies en el suelo. Gracias es la mejor oración que cualquiera pudiera decir. Expresa extrema gratitud, humildad y entendimiento... Hay pocas virtudes más beneficiosas para nosotros que la gratitud y la humildad. Un hombre debe ser lo suficientemente grande como para admitir sus errores, lo suficientemente inteligente como para aprovecharlos y lo suficientemente fuerte para corregirlos... Todos, en algún momento de nuestra vida, podemos cometer errores. Pero con humildad y fortaleza podemos solucionarlos. El orgullo nos hace artificiales y la humildad nos hace reales La humildad nos ayuda a mostrarnos tal y como somos. Nos hace ser auténticos. Siempre digo sé humilde pero firme. La humildad y apertura son la llave del éxito sin comprometer tus creencias No hay que dejar de lado los pensamientos y opiniones de uno mismo cuando se es humilde. Cuando viene la soberbia, viene también la deshonra; mas con los humildes está la sabiduría... La soberbia es uno de los mayores defectos. No nos dejan reconocer nuestros propios errores ni aprender de ellos. INTERNACIONAL SHAOLIN Y WUDANG - FILOSOFÍAS DE VIDA .
22.01.2022 This sport is a mix of touch rugby and fencing, and it looks as fun as it does strange
22.01.2022 sacrée feinte
22.01.2022 Bujinkan (Hall of Divine Warrior) Ninja Biken - Metsubushi Masaki Hatsumi Sensei is the 34 th Grandmaster of Togakure ryu Ninpo. Togakure-ryu () is a histo...rical tradition of Ninjutsu known as the "School of the Hidden Door", purportedly founded during the Oho period (11611162) by Daisuke Nishina () / Daisuke Togakure. Togakure ryu Soke Lineage : 1.Daisuke Togakure (1162) 2.Shima Kosanta Minamoto no Kanesada (1180) 3.Goro Togakure (1200) 4.Kosanta Togakure 5.Kisanta Koga 6.Tomoharu Kaneko 7.Ryuho Togakure 8.Gakuun Togakure 9.Koseki Kido 10.Tenryu Iga 11.Rihei Ueno 12.Senri Ueno 13.Majiro Ueno 14.Saburo Iisuka 15.Goro Sawada 16.Ippei Ozaru 17.Hachiro Kimata 18.Heizaemon Kataoka 19.Ugenta Mori 20.Gobei Toda 21.Seiun Kobe 22.Kobei Momochi 23.Tenzen Tobari 24.Seiryu Nobutsuna Toda (16241658) 25.Fudo Nobuchika Toda (16581681) 26.Kangoro Nobuyasu Toda (16811704) 27.Eisaburo Nobumasa Toda (17041711) 28.Shinbei Masachika Toda (17111736) 29.Shingoro Masayoshi Toda (17361764) 30.Daigoro Chikahide Toda (17641804) 31.Daisaburo Chikashige Toda (1804) 32.Shinryuken Masamitsu Toda (born 1824 died 1909) 33.Toshitsugu Takamatsu (born 1887 died 1972) 34.Masaaki Hatsumi (born 1931present)
21.01.2022 TUKDAM I Lama tibetani, maestri di pratiche tantriche di meditazione, sono noti per essere in grado, al momento del trapasso che noi chiamiamo "morte", di entr...are in uno stato di transe chiamato tukdam. Questo temporaneamente (fino a due o tre settimane) sospende il processo di decomposizione del cadavere e il decadimento anche se le funzioni vitali biologiche sono cessate. In questo stato, i canali sottili ( rtsa Rlung o nadi) attraverso i quali si muovono i venti di energia sottile" (rLung) che sostengono il flusso di coscienza sottile rimangono stabili. E il praticante in transito può liberarsi dal processo di esistenza ciclica entrando in nirvâna in una luce di diamante ardente o controllare il processo di reincarnazione. Infine la motilità dei venti interni cessa, i canali sottili collassano, il corpo fisico si accascia e il calore si disperde dal centro del cuore. Nel punto, intenso e feroce, in cui la vita va al di là, quelli che smettono di viaggiare ristagnano. E quelli che ristagnano tornano al nulla. - Khyungkar Tisé Gyalwa Rinpoche, entrato nello stato di tukdam
21.01.2022 The Truth About What Happened To Jean-Claude Van Damme
21.01.2022 THE SWORDSMAN, a #HiYAH Original directed by Choi Jae-hoon and starring Jang Hyuk.
20.01.2022 Soke Masaki Hatsumi (Grandmaster Bujinkan ) teaching Togakure ryu in Ninja Jiraiya Movie
20.01.2022 Mantenete sempre il distacco dalle cose, non diventate schiavi. Tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno per essere felici è già parte di voi. Jido Nenshin
18.01.2022 Era un día como hoy cuando Cain Velasquez volvía locos a los fans desmantelando a Brock Lesnar. Mira más peleas de Cain en UFC Fight Pass
15.01.2022 Tow legend character of Martial Arts Jackie Chan and Anita Mui. Kung fu/Action Movie, Legend of the Drunken Master II _ (1994)
14.01.2022 In nature be like water, At rest like a mirror, Respond like an echo, Be subtle as though non-existent
13.01.2022 Wado ryu tanto dori
13.01.2022 Why Hollywood Won't Cast These Action Stars Anymore
13.01.2022 An Airbus 380 is on its way across the Atlantic. It flies consistently at 800 km/h in 30,000 feet, when suddenly a Eurofighter with Tempo Mach 2 appears. The pi...lot of the fighter jet slows down, flies alongside the Airbus and greets the pilot of the passenger plane by radio: "Airbus flight, boring flight isnt it? Take care and have a look here! He rolls his jet on its back, accelerates, breaks through the sound barrier, rises rapidly to a dizzying height, only to swoop down almost to sea level in a breathtaking dive. He loops back next to the Airbus and asks, "Well, how was that?" The Airbus pilot answers: "Very impressive, but now have a look here!" The jet pilot watches the Airbus, but nothing happens. It continues to fly stubbornly straight, with the same speed. After five minutes, the Airbus pilot radioed, "Well, what are you saying now?" The jet pilot asks confused: "What did you do?" The other laughs and says, "I got up, stretched my legs, went to the back of the flight to the bathroom, got a cup of coffee and a cinnamon cake and made an appointment with the stewardess for the next three nights - in a 5 Star hotel, which is paid for by my employer. " The moral of the story is: When you are young, speed and adrenaline seems to be great. But as you get older and wiser, comfort and peace are not to be despised either. This is called S.O.S.: Slower, Older, Smarter. Dedicated to all my friends who like me likes the S.O.S. approach
12.01.2022 Înva s vezi acolo unde este întuneric, i s auzi acolo unde este linite. În întuneric vei vedea lumina, în tcere vei auzi armonia.
11.01.2022 Knife defense expert.
10.01.2022 Envy AND jealousy are termites that eat away at your backbone...
10.01.2022 () ... (**) I made a video about the clothes and armor used in the Tenshinryu training !!! I would be happy if you could refer to it ( ) You can also watch the lesson Let's practice Tenshinryu together !!! YouTube Online salon CAUTION!! This account is the official account of Tenshinryu student Joei and the secretariat handles all posting and management. Please send messages to the Tenshinryu official account.
10.01.2022 Impressive Technique
10.01.2022 Their is a back side to every technique a middle and a front side, life seems one sided but then kenpo can teach to unfold the other side of everything.
10.01.2022 Martial arts for the haters. You know who You are...
09.01.2022 My Sensei was so fluid at 83 years. Rei, Rei, Rei his Birthday in 14 days
09.01.2022 Weird, it only happens when you're around ;) Thoughts x I'M A NINJA
09.01.2022 You know after being lock down and locked up, makes you really appreciate how PRIVILEGED FEEDOM Really IsYou know after being lock down and locked up, makes you really appreciate how PRIVILEGED FEEDOM Really Is
08.01.2022 The show must go on.
06.01.2022 Master Ken explains the origins and application of the mythical Dim Mak also known as...The "Death Touch"!
06.01.2022 Cherche pas le fils du dragon
05.01.2022 You don't have to provoke me
05.01.2022 We must relearn to FORGIVE ourselves AND OTHERS....
05.01.2022 Ive been privileged to know Hanshi Tino Ceberano in the Martial Arts world for quite some time, but after our interview and many chats I have come to the conc...lusion that Hanshi Tino Ceberano is not only a legend in Karate, (well known as the father of karate in Australia) but is exceptional in his mindset for advocating and practicing generosity, humility and spirituality. I think this level of wisdom can only come with great adventure, self belief and and giving everything to a well rounded life. Click on the link below to listen to the full podcast #Empowertactical #SifuDamien #Emmakhealth #TinoCeberano #MartialArts #karate #goju #mindset #inspireothers #motivation #healthandwellness #mentalhealth #vaderstudio #film #trainingtips #share #tagafriend #follow #2020
05.01.2022 Incredible #Boxing #Respect #MondayMotivation
04.01.2022 Prawdziwa wolno to absolutna wolno wewntrzna, opanowanie ciaa, mowy i umysu. Wtedy czowiek jest szczliwy niemal bez wzgldu na zewntrzne okolicznoci... i dziaa z penym przekonaniem. W kwestii ciaa, owa wewntrzna koncentracja oznacza na przykad kontrolowanie swojej diety, dbanie o ciao i robienie innych rzeczy, które chroni nas przed chorobami i pozwalaj unikn wielu problemów fizycznych. To jest jednak dopiero pierwszy krok. Nastpnie bardzo wana jest mowa. Nie mamy wyboru, musimy si komunikowa. Dlatego powinnimy umie to robi warto rozwin zdolno komunikacji, wiedzie jak waciwie przekazywa informacje. Na kocu, co najwaniejsze, warto pamita, e prawdziwa wolno spoczywa w Waszych mylach, w Waszych umysach. Kade dziaanie dobre czy ze ostatecznie okrela jego motywacja, to jak postrzegamy wiat. Std czynnik mentalny jest niezmiernie istotny. Dlatego by uzyska wolno musicie kontrolowa swoje ciao, mow i umys. W ten wanie sposób uzyskacie duo wicej wolnoci ni si Wam wydaje. Z tej perspektywy dyscyplina nie polega na ograniczaniu si wrcz przeciwnie, kontrolujecie si, by uzyska wicej wolnoci. Jeli kontrolujecie siebie samych, swoje ego, macie wtedy ca wolno wiata. Po pierwsze uwiadamiacie sobie natur ego, dziki czemu widzicie, e nie ma adnego ego, które mogoby zosta zranione czy zawstydzone. Prawdziwa wolno wynika z pokonania ja prawdziwej przyczyny naszych przeszkód, osobistych i globalnych problemów. Z wasnego dowiadczenia mog powiedzie, e praca z ja jest bardzo interesujca. Praca z wewntrznymi dowiadczeniami jest niezwykle wyzwalajca tyle moemy z nimi zrobi, zamiast koncentrowa si wycznie na zewntrznych warunkach, z których wiele i tak nie jestemy w stanie kontrolowa. ródem wszystkich problemów jest wiara w ich realno. ycz Wam, ebycie odnaleli w sobie wolno, której pragniecie. XVII Karmapa Thaye Dorje
03.01.2022 10 Cosas que no sabías de Bruce Lee.
03.01.2022 #KHninja #WAninja #Ninja #Shinobi #Ninjalife #Bicton #Fremantle #Bullcreek #WesternAustralia #WA
01.01.2022 Lesser-Known Facts About The Legendary Bruce Lee
01.01.2022 Senjata -senjata yang digunakan Kesatria Jawa kuno dalam peperangan. Ancient Javanese people ...have used spears / tombak (), swords pedang () and keris dagger ( ) as weapons in warfare. Tradisi tempur ini telah ada sejak zaman Medang / Mataram kuno ,Majapahit ( ) ,Demak () hingga dilanjutkan oleh Kesultanan Mataram ( ) . Mataram kingdom during the reign of the Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo (1593-1645) once attacked the VOC in Batavia (now Jakarta) in 1628 & 1629 under the command of Tumenggung Bahureksa & Ki mandurareja. Pasukan Mataram bersenjatakan Tombak (lembing ),Pedang Suduk/Sabet di pinggang bagian kiri,dan Dua buah keris di pinggang kiri & kanan. Tome Pires,penjelajah portugis dalam catatannya Suma Oriental yang ditulis tahun 1512 - 1515 menceritakan tentang senjata & kebiasaan Raja beserta para bangsawan Jawa (Majapahit akhir ) ketika berkunjung ke Jawa : " Mereka menggunakan berbagai macam keris, pedang, dan tombak yang berlapis emas. Mereka adalah pemburu dan pengendara kuda yang lihai- tentu saja pijakan kaki dan pelana kudanya juga berlapis emas, hal ini tidak dapat ditemukan di tempat lain di seluruh dunia. " Hariadi Silat Tradisional Mataram
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