Kia Kaha Personal Fitness in Byford, Western Australia, Australia | Sport & recreation
Kia Kaha Personal Fitness
Locality: Byford, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 437 397 887
Address: 24 Lawrence Way 6122 Byford, WA, Australia
Likes: 147
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25.01.2022 Mind month with ph360 and I wanted to share this not only with my beautiful Sensors but I feel all health types can benefit from taking some time to breath and how we can reduce stress with breath work Have a great weekend team!
24.01.2022 So sometimes no matter how careful we are or how great our technique is we still get injuries or just soreness and muscle tightness that just doesn’t want to go away (might be I’m just getting old ) So often I hear people saying I’m going to the gp..... your doctor is great but I believe we should go to a trained specialist for our ailments. You wouldn’t go to your doctor for a sore tooth you would go to a dentist. I have a holistic view towards treatment just like I do ...with training. I have been going to Casey from Anatomica for years to have myofascial release to keep me going with my gruelling schedule of classes. She has helped not just with general soreness but also my tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis and my shoulder problem. I also go to ‘Byford Healing Arts’ and feel they are amazing. They are not your average Chiropractor but also use a type of myofascial release with chiropractic technique to aid in treatment. I have gone there not just for a sore back or neck but also for hip, foot and shoulder issues. We don’t need to suffer through pain and let it control our lives, we just sometimes need recommendations on who can help and these are the two I use the most Train smart, stay healthy and sometimes look outside the box when problems arise that stop us from doing what we want and love See more
24.01.2022 True words spoken by a beautiful and strong lady we are what we want to be and the journey can be long but you don’t have to take the journey alone. If you need help I’m here for you
23.01.2022 I am a Diplomat and I know how I have always used music to calm and allow me to focus on tasks. When I use to work in the medical laboratory and was highly stressed by an impossible work load I would just put on music and sing while completing the task and smashed it out in a very logical and often considered OCD manner .... it just worked for me. I also know how music can bring up past experiences ... there are still some Combat tracks I can't do because I was so nervous when I first started that I was almost physically sick getting up on stage and those songs still evoke those feelings and make me feel sick in class
23.01.2022 It’s Monday, the start of a new week and maybe a new way of thinking for some. Whatever your journey make sure to take so time to appreciate and love who you are, no inhibitions
22.01.2022 Can’t wait for this new collection. I love my pants and sports bra from KIK clothing and wear them all the time ..... Let’s support local designers! Team get behind this wonderful brand and keep it local
21.01.2022 Was very excited to receive my shipment of agility hurdles These are great for working on foot speed, coordination and vertical drive muscles. Sam tested a couple out for me to show how they can be utilised for vertical drive. We are working on this for her dance to improve her leap high
20.01.2022 Well it has been a long time since my last post! (I’m not very good at this whole social media thing ) A lot has been going on, with extra training, short break for surgery and slowly getting back to fitness ... I can say I have been very busy behind the scenes both learning and investing in more equipment to offer even more My ph360 journey has been amazing and my clients so far have been having some amazing results from weight loss to improved digestion and skin issues t...o developing a healthier self image and understanding of themselves. It is an extremely rewarding job be a ph360 coach and integrates perfectly into my desire to help people. Whatever your fitness prescription or diet requirements, they should be personalised to you and not just whatever the latest fad is ..... So stay true to yourself and do what makes you happiest See more
18.01.2022 Hey guys, I am trying to figure out Zoom so thought I would do a free HiitStep class tonight via Zoom to see if I can get it to work properly. It is at 6pm so if you are interested please join me. Don’t worry if you don’t have a step just roughly mark out the step dimensions on the floor and I guarantee you will still get a good workout. Meeting Id: 744 0775 0307 Password: J987Q1
18.01.2022 I love what I do. Helping my clients on their personal journey towards their goals truly makes me happy. #PH360Perth #PH360 #Healthtype #PersonalTrainer #Epigenetics #HealthCoach #PH360Coach #HealthandFitness #SelfWorth #Wellness
17.01.2022 EMBRACING BEING A DIPLOMAT Well after another advanced series information on mind and mindfullness from ph360 I am feeling awesome. Learning about myself through my health type is invigorating just like slamming a really heavy slam ball. We are all different and have different traits. Apparently my obsessive technique correcting as i watch clients movement patterns is a Diplomat thing .... Yay, I'm not alone or strange and there are coaches out there like me. This can be so reassuring and build ones confidence. To know we are not broken, weird or different but just doing what comes naturally to us through our genius.... Ph360 has so much to offer us all through insights into our natural talents, how our mind works and spaces we are more comfortable being in. If you haven't had a chance to go through these sections I highly recommend it. When our mind is strong we are strong Have a great day team #KiakahfitPh360 #PH360Perth #PH360 #Healthtype #PersonalTrainer #Epigenetics #HealthCoach #PH360Coach #HealthandFitness #SelfWorth #Wellness #Kiakahapersonalfitness See more
17.01.2022 Well I have had a productive morning BodyPump done and dusted and I have made some Kale and sweet potato muffins for those days where we are extra busy and don’t have time to make something. Also made Granola for breakfast .... I prefer to make my own so I know what is in it. We often buy commercial products thinking they are healthy not realising what hidden sugars are in there This recipe I have been using for a few years now and it comes compliments of The Healthy Chef.... I love Theresa’s recipes and products .... functional foods without artificial nasties to add a boost when we can’t get enough from what we are eating. I love and believe in her products so much that I have now become a stockist I will be keeping a few of the products I use everyday on hand and once I can gauge what people are wanting will extend the range I have. So if you are wanting anything let me know and if I don’t have it here will get it in for you Have an awesome rest of your day guys and keep smashing out your goals See more
16.01.2022 Well it has been a busy day in front of the computer for me organising forms for the business and doing some study Thankfully just been for a walk with the dogs to pick up Sam from school and get some much needed sun and fresh air and soon to my garage for some Pump. Happy Friday everyone and have a smashing weekend
16.01.2022 ph360 measurements this Saturday 10th April 9:30 - 11:30 No booking necessaryph360 measurements this Saturday 10th April 9:30 - 11:30 No booking necessary
15.01.2022 Hey guys something interesting to watch, it’s definitely food for thought. Might change the way we think about healthy eating, I know I’m going to try it out and so is Sammy (she doesn’t have any other choice ). Remember our journey is about being mobile and healthy to enjoy life not just diet and exercise to fit that new outfit you want to buy. To do that we need to start rethinking about how we do things and why. Happiness is not a destination, it’s a way of life, a mindset on our journey. Remember we can do anything if we set our minds to it, stay strong
15.01.2022 HEY FITMAS CREW! Don’t forget Zoom HiitStep tonight at 6:30 See you all there!!!
15.01.2022 Some people are still not quite sure what this Ph360 is that I keep raving about so hopefully I can give you a little bit of clarity. Ph360 is the world’s first personalised health platform based on epigenetics. It uses 10,000 data points and 500 ratios to analyse your genetic expression so that it can tell you exactly how to use factors in your everyday life to get and stay healthy. The algorithm has been in the making for the last 20 years and uses a base of 15 different sc...iences to calculate your Personal Health Code. We’re seeing people lose weight and keep it off when they’ve never been able to before, be rid of digestive issues and even reversal of diabetes symptoms and chronic pain. All simply by finding out that Personal Health Code that is already inside your body and putting it into practice. Simply put it is Personalised Health Made Easy!!! Look Good, Feel Great, Love Life See more
14.01.2022 WHEN YOU NEED TO MAKE PUSH-UPS HARDER Just had to share .... was so cute! Kev spending quality time with his grandson, while getting a workout and both having lots of fun What a superstar On Friday at training we might have to use the weighted vest
13.01.2022 The kids are back to school For me this means getting back on track and I have decided that means better eating. Just made my breakfast for the next few days and this one is my favourite: Coconut, vanilla chia pudding with raspberry coulis and homemade granola. Only takes about 15 minutes to get ready (40 minutes to roast the granola when I need to make it). This breakfast is packed with omega3, fibre, protein and antioxidants so I know I’m having a great start to the day before I hit the gym How do you like to start your day?
12.01.2022 Omg just made this salad from The healthy Chef cookbook ‘Earth to Table’ .... was so amazing! Had to used dried figs so can’t wait to try it with fresh figs To my amazement even my husband tried it and loved it which is a big as he only likes to eat meat and thinks greens are poison You can find the recipe on her website also and you don’t need to purchase any of her products to make it. However if you are looking at any products just let me know. I received some stock this week of my favourite products including protein, everyday greens (probiotic), organic superfood (prebiotic), marine collagen (as we age our collagen depleats) and natural immune which is a great booster for our immune system. Have a great weekend and continue to nourish your body and soul
11.01.2022 So excited my Blazepods have arrived Now to figure out how to set them up and have a play .... fun agility here we come
11.01.2022 Be Stronger than your excuses ...... Monday is a great day to start doing what you want to do
11.01.2022 So what is PH360 and how is it going to help you achieve your goals? How is it going to change the way I do PT to give the clients better results? PH360 is a convenient platform for you to be able to get personalised health/lifestyle information based on your unique phenotype! We are all unique even if we are identical twins and the way to understanding that is through the science of epigenetics. This is mind blowing stuff so I will share a video soon from the founder that ex...plains this later ..... What it allows me to do is from knowing your health type I can prescribe a programme to give you the most bang for your buck designed around the best way for your body to train and the best time of day to do that. I can coach you on how to utilise the platform for nutritional advice, social, genius etc to help you understand yourself better and make better choices to give you an all round health benefit. Fit is not a fad but a lifestyle, that means we also have to look at our lifestyle People might think it’s expensive to begin with but how much do you spend on going out, having the latest tech, best car? Is your health worth any less that that? I can say in the short time I have been using this, I feel better, I’m not bloated all the time, I’ve lost weight, I communicate better with Samantha because I understand myself better and most importantly been happier and calmer! Change starts with you but it is never easy ..... I was prepared to take the chance and so glad I did See more
10.01.2022 Wow what a day I have had! Talk about up and downs but a down is just an opportunity for growth and positivity I have been busy trying to work on sharing a platform with you that I believe in and have now become a coach for. I’m true Diplomat style (this is my health type) I have been overthinking and procrastinating working on making things look really professional when I should have just been getting it out there so I can help more people! I am now a Ph360 coach and this really exciting. The platform is built on 15layers of science to personalise your individual health. Obviously I can use this information to then tailor a fitness program for you based on what will give you the most bang for your buck but the SHAE app can help you with so much more .... it’s about a lifestyle. Anyone who has come to a Combat class with me knows I’m always saying if I can make your mind stronger then the physical will happen I will continue to share info over the next few days as there is a lot to tell you but I can say I have never been happier or have a clearer purpose and that was with only a few changes See more
10.01.2022 Got my Ph360 Endorsement
09.01.2022 This is my amazing daughter working on her strength and flexibility for dance Absolutely love working with her and coming up with ways to keep it interesting and fun
09.01.2022 Well people it has been a long time. As some know I had decided not to do personal training while I concentrated on other things including my health. The thing about a pandemic and being in isolation is it makes you sit back and re-evaluate things. We all want to get back to normal but really what is normal and will it be like that again? For me I have missed the connection with people that I get with Group Fitness but Im realising I can do so much more. I have spent this time educating and have reignited my passion and found purpose again. So, keeping inline with restrictions as they ease, I am going to start personal training again but this time I have more tools to really personalise too you! WATCH THIS SPACE as I will be sending more exciting info really soon
09.01.2022 ITS NEVER TOO LATE ... You have the ability to create the change you want
08.01.2022 Anyone who knows me knows I always choose plank/hovers over crunches and finally the research agrees with me. Remember it always depends on what you are wanting and what your goals are but worth a read
07.01.2022 BE KIND TO YOURSELF! BE STRONGER! You can’t change yesterday but you have control over today and what you are going to do. Your past does not dictate your future. There will never be a good time or the right time you just need to draw a line in the sand and say ‘today I am going to create the change I want’. ‘I will no longer be stopped by my inner self doubt’. You need to believe and not just say it .... My job at Kia Kaha Personal is to make you mentally stronger so you can be physically stronger. I find the way I train people is centred around allowing people to move better and understand themselves better so they can make better choices. It is about giving people information and helping them form a belief in themselves so their inner voice is positive so they can create positive change that is lasting ...... Get out and move, stop procrastinating and stop telling yourself you can’t or your no good. Change isn’t easy but it is always worthwhile. Every step counts! And remember we are all beautiful and strong #kiakahapersonalfitness #kiakahafit #personaltraining #personaltrainerbyford #fitness #healthylifestyle #functionaltraining #staystrong #fitnessmotivation #noexcuses #goals #fitlife #ph360perth #ph360coach #ph360 See more
06.01.2022 Don’t worry ‘Crusaders’ and ‘Sensors’ here is the founder talking about the science behind ph360 and how it came about
04.01.2022 Remember team it is Movember so .... move it
04.01.2022 Yay just got my first shipment of Blackroll products in so if you are looking at getting some myofascial release equipment I am now a stockist I absolutely recommend Blackroll and think it is the best roller I have used yet. All the products are great quality and super lightweight for travel. I have found the 12cm peanut extremely good for relieving my tension through my neck and upper back. I use the fabric resistant bands with my clients in PT. I only have the small booty bands atm but when they get stock in will also get the longer super bands! Blackroll also has an app which you can download and gives you lots of exercises for each piece of equipment or what is recommended for different muscle groups
04.01.2022 Bootcamp is back on Saturday’s 8-9 Veterans Ave Park Book via Mypthub app or from my websiteBootcamp is back on Saturday’s 8-9 Veterans Ave Park Book via Mypthub app or from my website
03.01.2022 Well I managed to last one week without Sprint and followed it up with a max out workout ..... When training train with intent not just because and you will see far better results
02.01.2022 Finally even got a logo ....
02.01.2022 SLED RIDE How to motivate and challenge the Guardian health type at training .... just put their child on the sled Great work Deb but on the bright side I did take off the extra 5kg plate I had added before I put Jordan on ... man I’m nice ... #kiakahapersonalfitness #kiakahafit #personaltraining #personaltrainerbyford #fitness #healthylifestyle #functionaltraining #staystrong #fitnessmotivation #noexcuses #goals #fitlife #ph360perth #ph360coach #ph360 #guardian #strongmum See more
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