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K.I.B Photography in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Photography and videography

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K.I.B Photography

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


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25.01.2022 Easily Distracted By Photography & Music #kibphotography #photographer #photoshoots #ilovephotography #capture #capturing #memories #photography #photo #capturingmemories #livethelifeyoulove #photographyforever #easilydistractedbyphotographyandmusic

25.01.2022 Bella #maltese #malteseterriershitzu #puppy #pup #dog #doggy #mansbestfriend #malteseshitzuterrier #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsunggalaxynote9 #samsungnote9 #canine #pose #poser #cheeky #justapup #justapuppy #love #loveher

24.01.2022 Bentley #maltese #malteseterrier #puppy #pup #dog #doggy #mansbestfriend #samsung #samsungnote9 #samsunggalaxy #samsunggalaxynote9 #canine #maltesexpomeranian #pomeranian #maltesexpomeranianpuppy #picoftheday #fatsoula #fatsoulamou #fatsoulamouomorfi

24.01.2022 ~Flashback~ The Largest Supermoon In 70 Years - NIKON COOLPIX S9500 - Monday 14th Of November 2016 @ 9.50pm #moon #moonshot #moonpicture #photography #moonphoto #kibphotography #photographer

24.01.2022 Oscar #malteseshihtzu #maltese #shihtzu #kibphotography #photographer #mansbestfriend #pup #luna #samsunggalaxynote9 #samsunggalaxy #samsung9note #samsung #loveher #cuteness #cutenessoverload

24.01.2022 White With Red Lilies #whitered #whiteredlilies #flower #flowers #nature #natureinmelbourne #naturedflowers #krina # #lily #lilies #white #whitelily #whitelilies #nikon #nikoncamera #nikond5300 #nikonpic #nikonpicture

24.01.2022 Lady Bug Theme Birthday Cake Made By: Kaliroy #ladybugthemebirthdaycake #birthday #birthdaycake #fondant #fondantbirthdaycake #70birthdaycake #nikon #nikond5300 #nikonpic #nikoncamera #elkcravings ELK Cravings

23.01.2022 Luna #malteseshihtzu #maltese #shihtzu #kibphotography #photographer #mansbestfriend #pup #luna #samsunggalaxynote9 #samsunggalaxy #samsung9note #samsung #loveher #cuteness #cutenessoverload

23.01.2022 Fruit Platter/Rekorderelig Cider #FruitPlatter #RekordereligCider #StKildaBeach #RefreshingDrink #RefreshingCiderDrink #Pears #Strawberries #Grapes #Melon #PassionFruit #Apples #Oranges #Samsung #SamsungGalaxy #SamsungGalaxyS7 #SamsungS7

22.01.2022 Rainbow Shot In Melbourne #Melbourne #Samsung #SamsungGalaxy #SamsungGalaxyNote9 #NorthernSuburbs #Summer #Colors #Colorful #RainbowPicture #RainbowShot #AmazingView #JustHadToStopAndCaptureThis #LoveRainbows #RainbowPic

22.01.2022 Ricky(Lazy Day) #maltese #malteseterrier #puppy #pup #dog #doggy #mansbestfriend #westie #maltesewestie #maltesewestieterrier #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsunggalaxynote9 #galaxy #canine #pose #poser #cheeky #cheekyricky #newpic #summer #summerpic #lovehim

20.01.2022 Photography Is Not About Cameras, Gadgets And Gismos. Photography Is About Photographers. A Camera Didn't Make A Great Picture Any More Than A Typewriter Wrote A Great Novel. Peter Adams #kibphotography #photographer #photoshoots #ilovephotography #capture #capturing #memories #photography #photo #capturingmemories #livethelifeyoulove #photographyforever

19.01.2022 Photography Solves Most Of My Problems...Coffee Solves The Rest #kibphotography #photographer #photoshoots #ilovephotography #capture #capturing #memories #photography #photo #capturingmemories #livethelifeyoulove #photographyforever

19.01.2022 ~Flashback~ NIKON COOLPIX S9500 - Tuesday 9th Of September 2014 @ 10.36pm #Moon #MoonShot #MoonPicture #KIBPhotography #Photographer #MoonPictures #Photography #MoonPhoto #Nikon #NikonPhotography #Nikon9500 #Coolpix #9500Nikon #9500CoolpixCamera #Camera #NikonCamera #Amazing #AmazingView #ViewOfTheMoon #Awesome

19.01.2022 Melbourne By Night #Melbourne #Night #NightPic #NightPics #Samsung #SamsungGalaxy #SamsungGalaxyNote9 #SamsungNote9 #MelbourneByNight #NorthernSuburbs #ThomastownMelbourneVictoria #Nature #NorthernSuburbStreet #Spring #SpringEvening #SpringNight #BeautifulSky #Sunset #MelbourneView

18.01.2022 Beach Volley Ball @ Port Melbourne Beach #melbourne #beach #beachlife #ocean #peaceful #amazingfeeling #Nikon #NikonPhotography #Nikon9500 #9500Nikon #Camera #NikonCamera

17.01.2022 Photographers Crystal Lens Sphere Ball #PhotographersCrystalLensSphereBall #KIBPhotography #Photographer #Photoshoots #ILovePhotography #Capture #Capturing #Memories #Photography #Photo #CapturingMemories #LiveTheLifeYouLove #PhotographyForever #Samsung #SamsungGalaxy #SamsungGalaxyNote9 #SamsungNote9

16.01.2022 Apricot Tree Fruit Flowers #ApricotTreeFruitFlowers #ApricotTree #FruitFlowers #Nature #FruitTree #SummerFruit #SummerFruitSlowlyComingAlong #HomeGrownFruitTree #Yummy #Sweet #SweetSummerFruit #SamsungGalaxy #SamsungGalaxyNote9 #SamsungNote9 #Samsung

15.01.2022 Lida & Paris The Number One Beagles #LidaAndParis #Beagels #Pups #Dogs #Canines #Placid #Friendly #MansBestFriend #Samsung #SamsungGalaxy #SamsungGalaxyNote9 #SamsungNote9 #BeautifulDogs

14.01.2022 ~Flashback~ Melbourne CBD By Night #melbourne #night #nightpic #nightpics #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsunggalaxyS6 #samsunggalaxyS6edge #melbournebynight

13.01.2022 Blood Orange Lilies #bloodorange #bloodorangelilies #orange #orangelilies #lily #flower #flowers #nature #natureinmelbourne #naturedflowers #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsunggalaxynote9 #samsungnote9 #krina #

13.01.2022 Rainy Day In Melbourne #rain #rainydayinmelbourne #cold #freezing #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsunggalaxynote9 #samsungnote9 #spring #coldspringday #keepwarm #perfectdayforindoors #raindrops #tree #window

11.01.2022 Bottle Brush #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsunggalaxynote9 #samsungnote9 #tree #bottlebrushtree #bottlebrush #nature #beautiful #hotpink #hotpinkbottlebrush

10.01.2022 Flinders Street Railway Station #FlindersStreetRailwayStation #FlindersStreetRailwayStationMelbourne #TrainStation #TrainStationMelbourne #HostoricBuilding #Melbourne #City #MetropolitanRailNetwork #Samsung #SamsungGalaxy #SamsungGalaxyS7 #SamsungS7

09.01.2022 Hydrangea/ # # # #native #nativeplant #plant #hydrangea #hydrangeaplant #flower #hydrangeaflower #beautiful #beautifulflower #beautifulplant # # # # #beautifulcolor #picoftheday #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsungnote9 #samsunggalaxynote9 #pinkhydrangea

09.01.2022 ~Flashback~ NIKON COOLPIX S9500 - Sunday 20th of September 2015 @ 7.53pm #Moon #MoonShot #MoonPicture #KIBPhotography #Photographer #MoonPictures #Photography #MoonPhoto #Nikon #NikonPhotography #Nikon9500 #Coolpix #9500Nikon #9500CoolpixCamera #Camera #NikonCamera #Amazing #AmazingView #ViewOfTheMoon #Awesome

08.01.2022 Ricky #maltese #malteseterrier #puppy #pup #dog #doggy #mansbestfriend #westie #maltesewestie #maltesewestieterrier #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsunggalaxynote9 #galaxy #canine #pose #poser #cheeky #cheekyricky #newpic #spring #springpic #lovehim

08.01.2022 Surprise Birthday CakeVanilla Sponge Cake With Berry Compote & Chantilly Cream #VanillaSpongeCake #Vanilla #Berries #BerryCompote #Cream #ChantillyCream #Strawberries #BlueBerries #Birthday #BirthdaySurprise #Samsung #SamsungGalaxy #SamsungGalaxyNote9 #SamsungNote9 #Delicious #Yummy #SweetCreationsByZeinab #PastryChef

06.01.2022 Fuchsia Plant #fuchsiaplant #fuchsia #greenleave #greenleaves #beautiful #beautifulnature #hotpink #hotpinkplant #nature #samsungnote9 #samsunggalaxynote9 #samsung #samsunggalaxy

06.01.2022 St.Johns Greek Orthodox Church # # # # # # #Nikon #NikonPhotography #Nikon9500 #Coolpix #9500Nikon #9500CoolpixCamera #Camera #NikonCamera #StJohnsGreekOrthodoxChurch

06.01.2022 Bella #maltese #shihtzu #malteseshihtzu #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsunggalaxynote9 #samsungnote9 #pup #dog #puppy #gorgeous #adorable #cute #fluffy #fluffball #animal #pet

05.01.2022 ~Flashback~ NIKON COOLPIX S9500 - Saturday 26th of September 2015 @ 10.07pm #Moon #MoonShot #MoonPicture #KIBPhotography #Photographer #MoonPictures #Photography #MoonPhoto #Nikon #NikonPhotography #Nikon9500 #Coolpix #9500Nikon #9500CoolpixCamera #Camera #NikonCamera #Amazing #AmazingView #ViewOfTheMoon #Awesome

05.01.2022 ~Flashback~ NIKON COOLPIX S9500 - Friday 21st of August 2015 @ 8.51pm #Moon #MoonShot #MoonPicture #KIBPhotography #Photographer #MoonPictures #Photography #MoonPhoto #Nikon #NikonPhotography #Nikon9500 #Coolpix #9500Nikon #9500CoolpixCamera #Camera #NikonCamera #Amazing #AmazingView #ViewOfTheMoon #Awesome

04.01.2022 Magnolia Tree #tree #magnolia #magnoliatree #beautiful #beautifulnature #beautifultree #pink #dusty #dustypink #white #pinkwhite #pinkwhitetree #pinkwhitetreeflowersseria #samsunggalaxy #samsunggalaxynote9 #samsung #samsungnote9

03.01.2022 Graffiti Art #art #graffitiart #artgraffiti #melbourne #melbournevictoria #melbournevictoriaaustralia #melbourneart #melbournevictoriaart #melbournevictoriaartgraffiti #melbournevictoriagraffiti #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsunggalaxyS6 #samsunggalaxyS6edge

03.01.2022 Sri Guru Singh Sabha #SriGuruSinghSabha #Temple #Diwans #Gurdwara #TempleSriGuruSinghSabha #Sikhism #GurudwaraSahib #SikhCommunity #Samsung #SamsungGalaxy #SamsungGalaxyNote9 #SamsungNote9 #GurudwaraSriSinghSabhaCraigieburn

02.01.2022 Latte #latte #hot #cafe #barèa #cafebarèa #cosy #cosyplace #peaceandquiet #preston #prestoncafe #coffee #coffeeshop #beautiful #beautifulcoffee #bestcoffee #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsungnote9 #samsunggalaxynote9 #hdrtone

02.01.2022 Bird Of Paradise & Orchids #BirdOfParadise #PouliToParadisou #Beautiul #BeautifulFlower #Samsung #SamsungGalaxy #SamsungGalaxyNote9 #SamsungNote9 #Spring #SpringTime #Flower # #CrystalVase #Orchid #Orchids #BeautiulOrchids

01.01.2022 1996 @ Metro Night Club #PasxalisTerzis # # # # # # # #Amazing #Olympus #OlympusDigital #OlympusDigitalCamera

01.01.2022 () /Panagiotis (Panos) Mpekos @ Antipodes Festival 2007 Melbourne #PanagiotisMpekos #PanosMpekos # # # #Clarinet #Musician # # #GreekMusician

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