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Kids Cottage Preschool | Businesses

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Kids Cottage Preschool

Phone: +61 2 9683 2770

Address: 44 Prince Street, Oatlands 2117 Oatlands, NSW, Australia


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23.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Kids Cottage birthday celebrations are bright and colourful Over a year ago we farewelled sugar filled cakes in replace of fruit cakes. The children enjoy participating in making their own cake and have responded positively to the fruit cakes. It gives them a great opportunity to try new fruits and learn about healthy eating #birthdayfruitcake #fruitascake #preschoolbirthday #healthysubstitutes #colourfulfruit #brightandcheerful #healthyhabits #makingourcake #haveyourcakeandeatittoo

20.01.2022 Christmas Toy Donations - the educators at KC constantly think of their local community. And what better way to support their community by asking families instead of buying gifts for them to purchase gifts that will be donated to local community groups

20.01.2022 News Time - news has been very interactive with family using technology to be part of their child's news to share with their friends. A great opportunity for families to participate in their child's learning and day at Kids Cottage. @kevin.kasih #preschoolnews #familyinvolvement #familyconnection #newstime #kidscottage #listentooursongs #nurseryrhymes #technology #multimodaltechnology

19.01.2022 The Kids Cottage artists discussed what they are going to do over the holidays. We listen to the ideas shared and create our stories as art pieces #visualliteracy #everychildisanartist #preschoolart #arttellsastory #expressivearts #storytelling #kidscottagepreschool #artasamedium

18.01.2022 Kids Cottage Preschool Oatlands North Parramatta

15.01.2022 Hot day- nothing can stop us at Kids Cottage to learn and have fun. Not even a hot day. To keep ourselves cool we had fun with water play. #waterplay #kidscottage #hotday #fun #waterfun #staycool #learnaboutwatersaefty #turntaking #funtime

14.01.2022 Dinosaur World - children use their imagination to create a space for the dinosaurs. They explore and try different materials and resources they can use to make the dinosaur world. Children collaborate with one another as they share ideas and negotiate different ways as they consider other possibilities #dinosaurworld #recreate #newways #outdoornaturalplay #outdoorlearning #kidscottageoutdoors #theoutdoorpreschool #environmentasthirdteacher #openendedresources

10.01.2022 WITCHES BREW ..... we make potions and within this activity we embed literacy, numeracy and scientific exploration. We start by writing the ingredient list, counting and measuring them and practise chemistry as we observe and mix different chemicals and discuss the different reactions... our potions are ready and so are our budding scientists #potions #youngscientist #chemistry #chemicalreaction # #preschoolscience #stemisfun #kidscottagepreschool #preschoolstem

10.01.2022 Our educators value the role they play in a child's life particularly the formative early years. Our educators are involved in all aspects of a children's day and participate in a range of learning experiences that maximise children's development and build secure and supportive relationships with them #teamkc #teamkidscottage #valuingchildren #educatorsparticipation #preschooleducator #educatorandchildrelationships #involvededucators

09.01.2022 Graphs and Data. We connect our healthy eating to maths concepts of data, counting and graphing the results. We roll the dice and record the results using a table. We discuss what the graph shows us and how to interpret it. #dataandgraphs #readingdata #preschooltallygraph #tallygraph #preschoolmath #howmanydidweget #interpretdata #rollthedice #rollthedice #visuallearning #learninginsmallgroups

09.01.2022 Our veggie patch is thriving with the warm weather and recent rain. We tended to our herbs and pruned them and planted some corn in anticipation for a summer harvest #veggiepatch #cornfields #preschoolgardening #kidsinthegarden #naturelovers #greenandfresh #curiousgardeners #lookwhatipicked #itsgrowing

05.01.2022 Happy educators = happy children. Children that have strong relationships and trust with their educators thrive in the early childhood setting as they are confident to learn new knowledge, eager to explore their surroundings and participate in new experiences. At Kids Cottage we understand the importance of educator continuity and their relationships with children and are proud to have a long term and stable team of educators. #educatorandchildrelationships #reciprocalrelationships #longtermteam #happyeducatorshappychildren #teamkidscottage #preschooldays #happydays

03.01.2022 Zucchini Fritters - children participating in cooking experiences promotes opportunities to learn lifelong skills of healthy eating, using kitchen utensils, how to prepare meals and following a recipe #kidscottagepreschool #kidscottagekitchen #zucchini #zucchinifritters #munchandmove #vegetableofthemonth #followarecipe #preparinghealthymeals

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