Kids Academy Regentville in Regentville | Childcare service
Kids Academy Regentville
Locality: Regentville
Phone: +61 2 4737 9863
Address: 1 Factory Road 2745 Regentville, NSW, Australia
Likes: 944
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25.01.2022 Summer Program is coming! Our educators and teachers are running a variety of extended programs and plenty of summer-themed fun and learning! Book in your additional Summer Program days directly in-centre or via KindyNow.
24.01.2022 PHONE LINE AND INTERNET DOWN P L E A S E . C A L L 0429 440 721 if you need to get through to us while our phone and internet is being repaired.... If it is your child's LAST day this week (ie: your child is not returning to the centre at all as they are going off to school next year), please ask one of our friendly staff to access the QK Kiosk on their phones so you can sign your child in and out and your CCS in not in jeopardy. Thank you for your patience.
23.01.2022 WELCOME T O . T H E . T E A M We are so excited to have Hannah and Taliah who join us as school based trainees. Please help them feel welcome by saying a big hello when you see them around the centre.... #welcometotheteam
22.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY & GOOD LUCK T O . P U N E E T Today we celebrate PUNEET on her birthday and also celebrate her last day with us before heading off on maternity leave to have her baby! We hope your day is full of happiness and cheer and we wish you all the very best for the safe arrival of your special little girl. Send your wishes in the comments below. ... #HappyBirthday #BestWishes
21.01.2022 WE'RE HIRING Welcome to Kids Academy Regentville, nestled in the heart of the Penrith. Our centre can cater for up to 145 children and is administered by our enthusiastic, fun-loving Educators who simply love to teach! Why choose us? We have a genuine interest in developing your skills and experience and can offer you the ability to grow throughout the company.... ABOUT YOU Hold a Diploma or Cert III in Children's Services or ACECQA approved equivalent (or actively studying towards) Have a current Working with Children’s Check A passion to develop our little learners WHY WORK FOR AFFINITY? Our mission is to inspire and nurture our team members to reach their full potential. It isn’t just about what we do for children, it’s about what we do for our team! Affinity Education Group own over 160 Early Childhood centres around Australia and are proud to be a recognised leader within sector. EMAIL US AT: [email protected] FEEL VALUED - MAKE YOUR MOVE TODAY
19.01.2022 COOKIE DOUGH PRIZES L A S T . C H A N C E This is a final reminder for those parents who have not submitted prizes. You have one day left! After this date you will no longer be able to submit prizes, so get ordering. ... Login to and follow the prompts by selecting the ORDER MY PRIZE button. #ordernow #prizes
18.01.2022 We know this year has been disruptive for our little learners - especially those preparing for big school. Summer Program is a great way to boost your child's school readiness before 2021. Casual days are available to book in advance until the end of January 2021. Talk to us in-centre to secure your child's place!
18.01.2022 ANNOUNCEMENT S T A Y . T U N E D Later today, we will have a HUGE announcement! Make sure you're following us and receiving notifications so you don't miss out!!... #BigNews
17.01.2022 SUMMER PROGRAM IS HERE W A T E R . D A Y Check out the photos from today's Summer Program fun! ... D O N ' T . M I S S . T H E . F U N Book in additional days using the KindyNow app so your child can have the best Summer! Make sure you keep up to date with what's coming up by checking out our social media notices every weekend! #SummerProgramIsHere
16.01.2022 Did you know that at Kids Academy Regentville, we provide free Stay and Play sessions? These session will allow you and you little one to join us in-centre, participate in our programs and meet our team of educators! We recommend booking a few Stay and Plays to make the transition into child care a little easier for both you and your little one. Book your Stay and Play today by calling us today on 4737 9863.
14.01.2022 1 MONTH TO GO F R I D A Y . S P A C E S BOOK A CASUAL DAY OR 2 to get some Christmas shopping done on a FRIDAY and avoid the weekend rush! ... Use the KindyNow app or email us at [email protected] to secure your shopping days! #ShoppingDay #Christmas
13.01.2022 COMMUNITY POST W E . H A V E . S O M E Very talented families at Kids Academy Regentville who have their own wonderful businesses. Please take a moment to like and follow their pages and check out the amazing specials they have coming up!... If you have a business, please feel free to tag the business page in the comments below. Uniquedesigncookies Western Sydney Donuts - WSD #supportlocal #completelyconnectedcommunity
13.01.2022 WHAT'S ON NEXT WEEK ? F U N . A N D . L E A R N I N G Continues all week for our final will of our EGG-CITING EASTER PROGRAM! ... MONDAY- A day at the zoo TUESDAY- Bring a story day WEDNESDAY- STEAM day THURSDAY- Backwards & inside out day FRIDAY- Let's go camping Book your child's casual day using the KindyNow app or email us at [email protected] DON'T MISS OUT ON THE FUN!! #BOOKNOW #KindyNow
13.01.2022 Did you know that at Kids Academy Regentville we provide free Stay and Play sessions? These session will allow you and you little one to join us in-centre, participate in our programs and meet our team of educators! We recommend booking a few Stay and Plays to make the transition into child care a little easier for both you and your little one. Book your Stay and Play today by calling us today on 4737 9863.
13.01.2022 NEW DATE . NEW DATE . NEW DATE SCHOOL READINESS NIGHT B E E T L E . R O O M... WEDNESDAY 14TH APRIL at 6:30PM School Readiness Information Evening here at Kids Academy Regentville. Come along and hear from our Early Childhood Teachers and a guest speaker from Regentville Public School. You MUST RSVP via list near the Beetle Room door or via email. Strictly 1 parent per family and no children are permitted. #schoolreadinessnight
10.01.2022 IT HAS ARRIVED D E F I B R I L L A T O R A HUGE THANK YOU to each and every one of you who purchased from our cookie dough Fundraiser. Today, we took delivery of our very own DEFIBRILLATOR (AED) which will be on-site permanently. ... An extra THANK YOU to Kelsey's husband who also donated a whopping $800 on behalf of the Australia Post Penrith Distribution Centre. A staggering 74% of sudden cardiac arrests patients can be saved simply by administering effective CPR and defibrillation within the first few minutes of an event. Based on this statistic alone, why wouldn’t you include an AED in your emergency response plan! We would like to thank Richard from R J C Training & Consulting for organising the DEFIBRILLATOR. If you're looking for training in First Aid & CPR, head over to their website We do have remaining Fundraising money due to such an overwhelming response. We will be seeking family feedback on what to put the tensioning money towards... stay tuned! #FitstAid #EmergencyReady
10.01.2022 WHAT'S ON NEXT WEEK? S U M M E R . P R O G R A M OUR SUMMER PROGRAM has now begun! Check out NEXT WEEK'S fun and excitement. MONDAY kids, dont forget your swimmers and a rashie!... Christmas is getting closer, get a head start on your shopping by booking your child in for a casual day. Keep your KindyNow notifications ON so you get notified of CASUAL AVAILABILITY when someone marks ABSENT! #BookNow #LifelongLearners #WhatsOn
10.01.2022 VOTE FOR US L O C A L . B U S I N E S S . A W A R D S We are so excited to be nominated for the LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS and need your help! Please vote and share the link below to help us be acknowledged for the amazing education and care we provide. ... #VoteNow #LocalBusinessAwards
08.01.2022 HAWAIIAN DRESS UP DAY T H U R S D A Y . 2 6 T H DON'T FORGET your fancy dress!
06.01.2022 2021 ROOM REVEALS C H E C K . O U T Our educators room allocations for 2021! These amazing teams will move to their new rooms from the week beginning Monday 1st February 2021. During the month of January, your children will be participating in orientation days in their new rooms if they are transitioning up to the next age group. ... What an exciting year 2021 is going to be!
03.01.2022 WHAT'S ON NEXT WEEK? TUESDAY: Pyjama Day THURSDAY: Earth Day FRIDAY: National Picnic Day... We are almost FULLY BOOKED across the whole centre now, if you have been considering adding another day to your child's regular booking, NOW IS THE TIME! Contact us via email at [email protected] if you wish to add a permanent day to your child's booking. #BookNow
02.01.2022 GARDENING WITH RETA C H E C K . O U T the incredible masterpiece created by Rita's avid GARDENING GROUP last Monday! Would your child love to be a part of the Gardening Club? We have had such a huge interest in the club that Rita has begun sessions on FRIDAY also! ... BOOK NOW using the KindyNow app to secure an additional day for your child. Alternatively, utilise your CCS hours by adding an additional permanent day! Talk to the Management Team to see if your eligible. #KindyNow #LifelongLearners
02.01.2022 DRESS UP DAY H A W A I I A N . T H E M E Who doesn't love a fun dress up day! Such happy smiles all day long as we brightened up our Thursday with some bright floral clothing. ... Check out some happy snaps from the day. I'm sure you all agree, the educators look like they're having just as much fun as the kids #DressUpFun
01.01.2022 Enrol your child for fun and learning in 2021! Have you secured your child's enrolment for 2021? We have very limited spaces remaining in our babies through to toddlers programs. Our unique Lifelong Learning approach offers the very best outcomes for your child to prepare them for a lifetime of learning. We offer flexible hours with casual bookings available for all enrolments! Visit us for a Stay and Play or book your family tour today:...
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