Kids Aquatic Survival School | Product/service
Kids Aquatic Survival School
Phone: 1800543779
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25.01.2022 Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in children 0-4 years of age. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that drowning is the number one cause of death in one-, two- and three-year-old children (ABS 2019). Teaching a child to recover from a disorientation and/or fall into water, roll from front to back and float indepdently could potentially give the child those crucial moments for someone to reach them and save their life.
25.01.2022 It’s Time for TERM 2! Can’t wait to see all the kids again! #kidsaquaticsurvivalschool #Term2 #survivalskills #swimminglessons #transitionallessons
24.01.2022 Which of these images represents what your kids will end up doing today? A, B, C or D?
24.01.2022 What a LEGEND! A great example of how floating can be applied in different aquatic environments! Giving a child the space to build confidence in water is crucial particularly when a child has been fully skilled in survival and is fully competent.... This child was trained by KASS to roll onto their back, rest, breathe and stay calm until help arrived. Thanks DAD what a HERO! Give a if you agree!
23.01.2022 Once the child has completed the KASS Survival program and is fully skilled, the child simulates an accidental fall into water. This allows the child to apply their newly learnt skills in a safe and controlled environment wearing full winter clothing including shoes and nappy. This is a vital step because it is a very different sensory experience swimming or floating in clothes. We do this because 75% of children who drown, do so due to falls into water and 54% of drownings i...n children aged 0-4years occur in a swimming pool and in 87% of cases the child drowned in the pool located at their primary residence. For every fatal drowning a further 8 will be hospitalised as a result of a non fatal drowning incident. These aquatic incidents usually happen when the child has wandered to a body of water unnoticed and fully clothed. It is a crucial skill for the child to learn, so should they ever fall into water fully clothed, it won't be the first time they have performed this skill and hopefully prevent further tragedy and most importantly SURVIVE. See more
22.01.2022 We know that children under 5 years are at the biggest risk of drowning. We skill children in survival including the ability to self rescue from an accidental fall into water and float independently until help arrives. Because the ability to gain a breath could be the difference between life or death. #survivalsaveslives #floatingsaveslives #notjustswimming #drowningprevention
22.01.2022 Thank You & Merry Christmas! We thank you for your loyalty and support and wish you all a Merry Xmas and healthy new year. Richard, Rachelle and all the Team members @ Kids Aquatic Survival School
21.01.2022 Stay Safe In, On and Around the Water this Easter #easter2021 #staysafe #watersafety
21.01.2022 "It only takes a minute. Once children are underwater you can't hear them..." says Dr Luke Lawton Hospital Emergency Director A pre xmas warning that 80 per cent of drowning cases in Queensland were found to be children. Today more devastating news of a 3 year old Townsville boy who just passed away after a near drowning in a private pool. ... Our thoughts are with the family and those affected who worked tirelessly at the scene to treat and get him to intensive care. This Summer is a deadly one with already 38 drowning deaths which is an increase from last year and does not include non fatal drownings which is usually 7 times that of the number of drownings.
20.01.2022 As we approach these Autumn School Holidays we reflect on this time last year and truly want this Easter break to be filled with fun and excitement as Covid restrictions have begun to ease in most states. Many families will use this time to explore our beautiful state and country. However discovering new places can pose many hidden risks which need to be assessed in order to keep our children safe.... Unfamiliar environments to your child where access to water has limited restrictions such as; rivers, lakes, and beaches which may not be patrolled and have our red and yellow flags to indicate the safe zones. A busy public pool or simply just visiting family and friends who may have a backyard pool. We remind all parents to not use floatation devices outside of lessons (unless it is an approved life jacket for boating). Rather use this time to get in the water and practice their survival skills. Should you need a reminder on what to do please ask your instructor in your final lesson this week. #survivalskillsnotjustswimming #floatingsaveslives #swimtotheedge #nomoredrownings #zerodrownings #drowningprevention
19.01.2022 At Kids Aquatic Survival School we teach children to reach for safety not the instructor. In a pool, safety could be the step or edge. If they are out of reach, we teach the child to roll onto their back, float, rest and breathe. This allows the child to gain a breath in a calm position and wait for help to arrive.... For children who are of walking age + we teach the child to roll back to front and swim a few strokes then roll onto their back to breathe. This sequence of rolling front to back, swimming and floating, keeps the child horizontal in the water. Keeping a child horizontal is crucial, as infants and young children are generally top heavy and should they become vertical in the water it is much more difficult and tiresome to keep their head above water and gain a breath. #floattobreathe #floattolive #floatforlife #keephorizontal #survivalskillsnotjustswimming #floattosurvive #floatingsaveslives
19.01.2022 Our thoughts are with those in the affected flood areas during this devastation. We hope you get the much needed help to keep yourselves, family, friends, animals and property safe. #NSWFloods #staysafe #StrongerTogether Remember to follow all advice from the State Emergency Service: Stay up to date with Bureau of Meteorology announcements here:...
19.01.2022 As we welcome 2021 whilst enjoying Summer holidays and all the fun times in and around water, we remind parents of the importance of water safety. Earlier this month, paramedics pleaded with parents to ensure their children were safe around the water following 29 near drownings. QAS acting director of clinical quality and patient safety Lachlan Parker said most incidents were preventable.... The statistics are very clear that the vast majority of drownings or near drownings occur in backyard pools, and for toddlers or young children aged 0-4 near drownings are one of the highest leading causes of death in that age group, he said.
18.01.2022 1 week left of NSW school holidays! Get your child up to speed before Term 2 starts! Call 1800 543 779 or email [email protected] #schoolholidayintensives #survivallessons #learntosurvive
17.01.2022 Love a review that's so on point!
16.01.2022 Devastating Hope the family, witnesses and emergency staff get the much needed help during this difficult time
16.01.2022 Passionate about drowning prevention. No experience necessary as we provide full paid training 2-3 hours/day Monday to Friday for 6-8 weeks. NEED TO HAVE Own car and license required as you may need to travel between out two venues in southern suburbs of Sydney and eastern suburbs of Sydney. WWC number, first aid and CPR MUST BE... Reliable and willing to learn. Please send resume to [Email hidden] See more
15.01.2022 Lots of kids come to KASS not wanting to put their face underwater. Some parents believe it’s a real fear or a phobia. We believe a fear is a learned behaviour. A fear of water would mean that the child would not go into a bath or shower, as these are both water environments.... KASS lessons provide students with safe, effective opportunities to learn about being in the water and how to respond appropriately to the demands placed on them by that environment. The water can be a scary place however once children understand they have the skills to manage in it and build competence, their confidence follows. If a parent makes water activities outside of lessons fun and not always hard work all water activities will be enjoyable and the best thing is they will have the skills to enjoy themselves safely. #survivalskills #floatingsaveslives #float2survive #float2live #float2breathe #float4life #floatbreathesurvive
15.01.2022 .... over the last 16 years we haven't really seen any improvement in the number of coastal drownings each year in Australia, despite lots of ongoing school and public education programs, Professor Brander said. Identifying what can improve safety and reduce young people’s risk of drowning during adolescence can result in positive behaviours throughout adulthood.
15.01.2022 We are giving away 5 FREE survival lessons for parents who register their child/ren from today to commence the KASS Survival and Learn to Swim program @ Sydney locations only including Coogee and Lilli Pilli before 26 April 2021. Amidst the colder months many families take a break from swimming or holiday in warmer climates over the winter school holidays. However, this is the time when it's most crucial to keep practising those life saving skills. Enrol in the KASS Survival ...and Learn to Swim program NOW to commence by the 26th April and have your child skilled before the Winter school holidays! 5 FREE lessons VALUED at $160! Which means the final week is FREE! Call 1800 543 779 Email [email protected] Kids Aquatic Survival School TC’s Receive 5 FREE survival lessons as part of the KASS Survival and learn to swim program. 5 Free lessons received as part of an 8 week survival program. 5 FREE lessons will be deducted at the completion of the program. Final week FREE! The child must register in the 8 week survival and learn to swim program to commence by the 26 April 2021 Offer valid at Coogee and Lilli Pilli locations only. Child must attend 10 minute lessons, 5 days a week for up to 8 weeks (up to 40 lessons in total). Registration Fee and Standard Lesson Terms and Conditions apply see and for more information
14.01.2022 Children need to feel the water, get to know it's movements, how it holds, carries and supports them. With practise and correct instruction, children learn how to adjust their bodies in the water and understand how it effects their position and buoyancy. This skill enables the child to calmly breathe on the water's surface expelling minimal energy. #backfloatingsaveslives #float2live #floatingsaveslives #float4life #float2survive #kidsaquaticsurvivalschool
13.01.2022 WARNING DISTURBING CONTENT 'It all happened in less than three minutes." A mother discovered her infant son face down and unresponsive in a bucket of shower water....Continue reading
12.01.2022 Thankfully a by-stander took swift action to save this toddler who was found face down unconscious in a Perth lake. I am sure you either live by a park which has a similar lake or have visited one. In Sydney, the famous Royal Botanic Gardens and Centennial Park is very similar to this lake. No gates, easily accessible to children and deep enough to drown.... Please always keep watch near water. Even at a young age children can learn how to be safe in and around water and these lessons are for life and to save their life.
11.01.2022 Term 2 email was sent out to Sydney locations this week! Rollover date is 9th April If you are wanting to cancel or change your existing transitional booking please refer to the email. ... New enrolments please reach out but you must have completed the survival component of our training first. Easter School Holiday lessons are ready to book in via the booking system! Please logon and access the Course Catalogue in the drop down menu. Survival lessons continue as normal throughout the break.
10.01.2022 This morning we commend, Tate, a young hero. In a busy Christmas pool party he noticed a 6 year old child floating unconscious and swam to his rescue. Having the care and courage to swim over, check on him, pull him from the water whilst screaming for help is beyond his years. An important reminder of how quickly and silently #drowning can happen particularly in a busy pool with lots of distractions.... Always keep an active watch and have your child skilled in #survival so should they find themselves out of their depth and tire, they understand how to roll onto their back, rest, breathe and call for help. Well done Tate! Perhaps a future starring role in Bondi Rescue Lifeguards
08.01.2022 Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them. Hear us roar. #iwd2021
08.01.2022 There is nothing more rewarding than seeing our kids graduate the KASS survival and learn to swim program. So much growth in such a short period of time. It’s a light bulb moment for them during this process as they begin to understand the water and their natural buoyancy. Where they learn to respond to the water and not fight it. #survivalfirst #floattosurvive #floatingsaveslives #floattobreathe #floatforlife #float2live #float2survive #float2breathe #Float4Life #infantswim #survivalswim #swimsurvival #kidsaquaticsurvivalschool #infantaquatics #infantsurvivallessons
07.01.2022 It's been a while since we have seen such sensationalism. 7NEWS Sydney if you would like to witness our program which we have been teaching for over 15 years which is SAFE and EFFECTIVE please reach out and allow us the opportunity to educate your audience on the full facts of how a survival and learn to swim program is delivered. #drowningprevention #floatingsaveslives #floatbreathesurvive
06.01.2022 Let's hope nobody pulls this prank over the holidays #caddyshack #Doodie #bestprank
05.01.2022 How does drowning happen and to whom? Why didn’t anyone hear that five-year-old’s cry for help? How do you spot someone in trouble? And how proficient should Australian children be in the water?
04.01.2022 Children’s swimming and water safety skills are critical to drowning prevention and a lifelong love of water. ... Royal Life Saving is urging parents to assess their children’s swimming skills. If they can’t reach the National Swimming and Water Safety Benchmarks for their age, they should enrol them in lessons prior to summer.
03.01.2022 2 year old Kyle saves himself from a non-fatal drowning by using the "rollback-to-float" method we teach all children in our survival program. Split second, we heard a splash, Siegel said. We saw Kyle float to the top, roll on his back and swim to the edge of the pool and get out, himself fully clothed. The toddler escaped supervision and accessed the pool when an older siblings left the door open....
03.01.2022 Our Boss and Mentor... but perhaps not our Hero? Watch Richard freak out over a on his back! Turn Volume up
03.01.2022 We are often so focussed on the drowning victim and if it was fatal or non fatal that we forget the rescuer of the drowning victims are often left with long term trauma.
03.01.2022 Scary statistics for Victoria
02.01.2022 Rivers. Sometimes considered as a safer option for children and young adults however they pose many unexpected and unseen risks beneath the waters surface.
01.01.2022 Happy Day Everyone #Justkeepswimming