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25.01.2022 Attention all Inner West Sydney parents, grandparents, carers and mother’s groups! We will be in Concord on Wednesday 14th October, 930am-1230pm! With the warmer weather & end of year holiday period fast approaching, there hasn’t been a better time to learn the life-saving skills of paediatric CPR + first aid ... Please don’t put it off any longer, ensure you are prepared for any emergency. Book now!

23.01.2022 In 2019, CHOICE testing found that 10 out of 17 common household products contained button batteries that could easily be accessed and swallowed by children.

23.01.2022 Here are our remaining public class dates for October - we only have limited places left in each class! It is so important that every parent, grandparent & carer knows what to do in an emergency! Especially with the warmer weather upon us & the end of year fast approaching If you know someone that needs to come along to one of our classes, tag them below!

21.01.2022 One of the best parts of our job is meeting amazing people like this group! Welcome to the Kidsaver tribe! We hope you loved the class just as much as we loved teaching it! We are nearly fully booked for the rest of 2020! So if you have been meaning to join us at one of our PUBLIC classes or organise a PRIVATE class of your own, please get in touch with us soon to avoid missing out! ... Feel free to DM us or visit our website for contact information!

21.01.2022 Reptile Relocation Sydney has visited homes in Macquarie Fields, Minto, Bargo, St Helens Park, Rosemeadow and Camden to catch snakes in recent weeks. Would you know how to apply the ‘Pressure Immobilisation Technique’ if you or your child was bitten by a snake? This is one of the life-saving skills we practice in our classes!

21.01.2022 Are you joining us at Busy Bees Music, Club Marconi tomorrow evening to learn how to save your child’s life? Third last class for the year at this venue! Don’t put it off and book today! ...

19.01.2022 1 in 30 children between the ages of 6 months to 6 years, will experience a febrile convulsion. So they are more common than you think. A febrile convulsion is a type of seizure caused by a sudden rise in body temperature. We want to really emphasise that febrile convulsions are not caused by high temperatures, rather they are caused by the rapid spike in temperature. Most febrile convulsions will last for only seconds to several minutes. Febrile convulsions can be absolutel...y terrifying to witness, but please be comforted in knowing that they are not harmful to your child. Febrile convulsions do not cause brain damage, or increase the risk of epilepsy or other seizure disorders. So how do you prevent or stop them? Unfortunately you can’t. Giving medicines such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, will not prevent a febrile convulsion, nothing will. WHAT YOU CAN DO: + Try & stay as calm as possible (we know how hard this first step can be). + Call 000. If this is your child’s first febrile convulsion, please call an ambulance. If it is not your child’s first febrile convulsion, please follow your doctors advice. + Keep your child safe, ensure they’re on a soft surface on their side or back. + Start timing the convulsion & take note of what your child is doing (are just their arms jerking, what is their mouth doing, are their eyes flickering?) + After the seizure is finished, ensure they are on their side until they are completely awake. If you think of it at the time, record your child with your phone as this will show doctors exactly what the seizure looked like and how long it lasted. WHAT NOT TO DO: + Do not put anything in their mouth, including your fingers. + Do not try to give them medications or place them in a cool bath to try to lower their temperature+ Do not restrain them Please always follow your medical practitioners advice. Has your child had a febrile convulsion? Please share your experiences below in the comments Febrile convulsions are just one of the topics we cover in our baby & child first aid classes. Book into a Kidsaver class today to learn more

17.01.2022 Are you joining us tomorrow in CONCORD? Last chance to get your tickets! Don’t put it off, you won’t ever regret learning the skills that could save the life of your child ... Book now!

17.01.2022 Just look at these amazing parents & parents-to-be who joined us at one of our public Kidsaver classes over the weekend It was so lovely to meet you all & thank you so much for coming along! If you would like to learn how to recognise & respond to your little one if they were sick or injured, book into a class today! ...

17.01.2022 Emergency Deparment waiting times Did you know that you can look up expected emergency department waiting times in NSW?! Be sure to bookmark this link:

16.01.2022 Once your little ones are on the move, life sure does change! The days are gone when you could just place them in a safe area & know they’ll stay there! Once they’re rolling & crawling around the place, it’s a whole new ball game! They will spy every single safety hazard in the house and if we are not careful, they could put themselves in quite significant danger. It is a fact that our homes are the most common locations where children are injured! Something we encourage a...ll our parents to do before their little one is on the move... Get down on your hands & knees, & look at the world from their perspective! Crawl around into every room of your home & make note of all the safety hazards you see! It is amazing what you will find when you get down to their level, things that you wouldn’t have otherwise seen walking around your home! The little guy in this clip has baby proofers as parents! First Steps Safe Steps - Baby Proofing Service he sure is fast!

15.01.2022 #tinybatteriesbigdanger Button batteries are deadly & are lurking everywhere in your home... + remote controls e.g Apple TV & car remotes... + watches + kitchen scales + birthday cards + children's toys + hearing aids + flameless candles + reading lights + calculators Every week, around 20 Australian children present to emergency departments following exposure to button batteries, including ingestions and insertions. That is over 1000 children every year! If your little one was to swallow a button battery, this not only poses a very real choking risk, but also these batteries can cause life threatening injuries & even death with just hours. Often we won’t even realise our little one has swallowed the battery. Once we do, it can be too late. PREVENTION IS KEY! We urge you to please look around your home and if you find anything with a button battery in it, ensure it is screwed closed and secure. If it isn't, throw it out. Please keep button batteries out of reach. Or even better, if spare button batteries aren’t a necessity in your home, just don’t have them there. Please, tag & share with everyone! With Christmas fast approaching, this is a lifesaving reminder for everyone.

13.01.2022 A big shout out to all our NORTHERN BEACHES parents, parents-to-be, grandparents & carers! We will be in COLLAROY this Sunday morning to empower you with the confidence to know how to help your child in any emergency! If you haven’t purchased your tickets yet, book now! ... Last Northern Beaches class for 2020! Bookings:

11.01.2022 How awesome is this!! Thank you Greg for everything you do to help create an awareness throughout the community about the importance of learning CPR!! Please share this one far and wide everyone - It is so important everyone knows what to do! To book a course with us visit our website or email us today!... [email protected]

11.01.2022 There has been a dramatic 25% fall in swimming lesson enrolments in September 2020 compared with the same time last year. Royal Life Saving Society - Australia have voiced their concerns that COVID-19 may create a generation non-swimmers, who won’t be safe around water. We are asking for you all to please assess your child’s swimming skills. If they don’t meet the National Swimming and Water Safety Benchmarks for their age, please ensure you enrol them in swimming lessons pr...ior to summer! Learn more about the National Swimming & Water Safety Framework here

10.01.2022 Here are our remaining PUBLIC class dates for 2020 and spots are strictly limited! Imagine how many lives could be saved if we all knew what to do in an emergency If you are a parent, parent-to-be, grandparent or carer, please ensure you are prepared ... Don’t put it off, secure your spot in a Kidsaver class today!

09.01.2022 If you have been to a Kidsaver class, you will know the dangers of button batteries. If you have little ones, please don’t keep spare button batteries in your home, unless it is an absolute necessity. And don’t let your little ones play with anything that contains these batteries. Our hearts go out to Brittney’s family, just heartbreaking

09.01.2022 There’s always one! Trust Grandma Thank you so much for coming along, sharing your own experiences & empowering yourselves with life-saving skills for your families. Welcome to the Kidsaver tribe! Absolutely LOVED being back on the Northern Beaches! Our new venue at @b4k_nth_beaches in Collaroy is just perfect! ... And we cannot wait until our next class in Collaroy scheduled for Sunday 29th November, 9am-12pm!! Tickets are strictly limited! See you there

08.01.2022 Tragic news this evening. Our deepest sympathies go out to this young boys family. Drowning can happen to anyone. It happens within seconds & is completely silent. If you are heading to the beach, the pool or somewhere to cool off in this warmer weather, please be aware of the dangers and stay safe.

06.01.2022 Confidence to recognise & act quickly in any emergency! Thank you so much Novella for organising a private Kidsaver class for your family, welcome to the #kidsavertribe We look forward to hearing your exciting news, any day now!! If you are expecting, or already have children/grandchildren, and haven’t booked a Kidsaver class yet... please do it now! See our website or DM us for more information x...

06.01.2022 Prepared for anything! A big shout out to Liz and her family who recently organised a Kidsaver class to update and refresh their skills! Book into a Kidsaver class and learn the essentials skills every parent, grandparent & carer need to know! ...

06.01.2022 Attention all Parents, Grandparents & Carers in & around INNER WEST SYDNEY! Would you be able to act calmly & confidently in an emergency involving your child? Or would you panic and freeze not knowing what to do?... Book your tickets now to our Concord class & know exactly what to do if you are ever faced with an emergency Involving your little one Get your tickets here:

06.01.2022 If your baby is 3 months or younger and has a fever, you should seek medical attention immediately, even if they are not showing any other signs of being sick. This is becausebabies immune systems under 3 months of age, are still developingand are more vulnerable to infection. Generally it is not the actual temperature we are worried about so much, it is the fact that a temperature could indicate your young baby has an infection. And babies younger than 3 months old may not be able to fight off an infection as easily as older children and they can become sick much more quickly.

06.01.2022 Our hearts go out to Noah and his family. We are so sorry for your loss of your beautiful little boy Meningococcal disease is rare, but it can be devastating. It can be extremely difficult to spot, even for health care professionals. This is why as paediatric nurses, meningococcal disease is something we think about in any sick child. ... It can occur at any age, however babies & children are more at risk with the highest incidence of meningococcal in babies under 12 months of age. Sometimes meningococcal can just begin with what seems like a common cold, like a fever and irritability, but can rapidly progress to being critically unwell. If not diagnosed & treated quickly, death can occur within 24 hours. Know the signs in babies & children: + Fever + Irritability + Refusal to eat + Difficulty waking or extreme tiredness + Vomiting + Pale, grey or blotchy skin + Cold hands & feet + Sensitivity to light + High pitched moanjng cry (in babies) + A bulging fontanelle, which is the soft spot on top of their head (in babies) Meningococcal rash: The distinctive rash is an advanced symptom of meningococcal which may or may not occur. This rash is non-blanching which means it does not fade when you press on it. It is important that you don’t wait for this rash to appear before seeking medical attention. If your child has a fever and rash, and you are worried, please have them reviewed by a doctor. ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. There are immunisations available to help protect children against the most common meningococcal strains. Speak to your GP if you are interested in knowing more and would like to have your child immunised.

05.01.2022 Look at these amazing parents and parents-to-be who are now equipped with the knowledge & skills that could one day safe a little life Congratulations guys! If you can’t make one of our public classes, our private class options are a great way for family & friends to learn together in the comfort of your own home! No extra costs involved, just need a minimum of 5 people! DM us now to find out more!...

04.01.2022 This is from one of our wonderful grandparents who attended a recent class with us Thank you so much for your kind words Lois, your beautiful granddaughter is very lucky to have a Grandma like you

04.01.2022 One of our most important take home messages to our parents, grandparents & carers who attend our classes... trust your instincts. You are the expert when it comes to your child. Nobody knows your child better than you do. You know what is normal for them and what is not. If you think something is wrong, even if you can’t quite put your finger on it, you are probably right. ... Never feel embarrassed or guilty about seeking medical help or advice. If you think something isn’t right, get them checked. Your actions could save a life

02.01.2022 Here are our remaining PUBLIC class dates for 2020 and spots are strictly limited! Imagine how many lives could be saved if we all knew what to do in an emergency If you are a parent, parent-to-be, grandparent or carer, please ensure you are prepared ... Don’t put it off, secure your spot in a Kidsaver class today!

02.01.2022 Here’s a great tip! When a baby is hungry they tend to clench their hands tightlyand when their tummies are nice & full, they relax & open their hands Have you noticed your little one do this when feeding?

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