KIDS First Alliance | Political party
KIDS First Alliance
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25.01.2022 Dear Pedophiles, The worlds waking up and were coming for you. #SaveOurChildrenDear Pedophiles, The worlds waking up and were coming for you. #SaveOurChildren
25.01.2022 Once again he has outed himself.#pedos #theywillallfalldown
24.01.2022 Absolutely, please sign and share.
20.01.2022 BRILLIANT! Another precedent against qualified immunity for social workers in the US
18.01.2022 She will be dead in a week of that was the case but I am more than happy to give her a helping hand. The following list in the comments below is the names of the Elite and Hollywood Stars that stayed on the Pedophile Island belonging to Epstein.
16.01.2022 Scott Morrison, you promised to keep our kids safe and yet we are now number one in the WORLD for child abuse. Your lies are an insult to the children and of abuse, your bullshit speech was almost convincing but then reality set back in. Scott Morrison you have so many cases of serious satanic ritual child sexual abuse on your desk as we speak and you have ignored all the children of this country, desperate to be free. We shall fight or we shall fall until the angels save us all. Scott Morrison and the rest of the Pedophile government theres no where to run and no where to hide, start working with the families of this country and make the child protection system and family courts work for the children and make this horrific matter right. Theres so many of us now and we wont stop until you go back and give this country what you promised to believe our children and keep them safe. I986 the day you went away. See more
14.01.2022 "Epstein Island was the tip of the iceberg - Oprah: Cancelled. Magazine caput. Ellen: Cancelled. Jimmy Kimmel: Taking a break.... Piers Morgan: Taking a break. Tom Hanks: Became a Greek citizen. Chrissy Tiegen: Made twitter private, deleted 60,000 tweets, blocked 1,000,000+. Jenna Jameson: Went public about being raped, conditioned, and trafficked in Hollywood as a child. Justin Beiber: Released music video Yummy confirming being a victim of pizzagate as a child. Isaac Kappy: Repeatedly named Hanks as pedophile. "Committed suicide" on Route 66 just after Hanks tweeted about road kill on Route 66. Avicii: Commited suicide days after releasing video (For a Better Day) highlighting child sex trafficking. Chris Cornell: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary. Chester Bennington: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary. Anthony Bourdain: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary. Epstein: Didnt kill himself. Maxwell: Judge will eventually make private documents public (fears for her life). Judge appointed to Maxwell/Epstein case: Son is murdered. Husband shot. Hollywood: SILENT. Media:
13.01.2022 Lets start with the truth
13.01.2022 Thankyou Dee McLachlan
12.01.2022 What the actual fuck, excuse my French
12.01.2022 #SaveOurChildren #SaveTheChildren #stoptraffickingourkids I am a social worker, ... I'm really very nice. I help you loving mothers, And give you good advice! Your partner has departed Your income is too low. I'm really very sorry, All your kids will have to go! Your partner is abusive? He beats you black and blue? We'll soon be there to help you, And take your children too! You have a learning problem, You're really not too clever We'll get your kids adopted When can you see them?? NEVER!! Your son is hyperactive? You need a brief respite; We'll soon take ALL your children Give up the hopeless fight! Your child was taken into care, So many years ago If now you have a baby That too will have to go! Foster parents love your kids To get some more they seek, For each one brings a tidy sum 400 per week!! Children's homes are run by us, Where paedophiles abound Each time we cover up abuse "The gutter press" come round "They" said adoptions worked the best We soon proved that they would Fathers shout and mothers cry Their kids are gone for good! What happens in our special courts? Our experts they will say "You're a danger to your children, So we'll take them all away!" Your children may be healthy, Happy and well fed But one day you might hurt them That's what our experts said The judges know that we are right, With us they will agree They dare not risk another course You have no chance you see! Our special courts are secret, So don't you breathe a word Of what goes on inside those walls No matter how absurd! We'll get your kids adopted, And don't you dare complain! Or you'll end up in prison And I won't say that again! We have adoption targets, They must be met you see, Failure means a reprimand, So spare a thought for me!! See more
12.01.2022 We always seem to hear about the Aboriginal stolen generations but never "The white stolen generations, which was much larger than the Aboriginal babies taken... from their mothers. Did you know that in Australia there is another stolen generation, one which shares the pain and consequences? Its called the white stolen generation to distinguish it from the Aboriginal stolen generation. In the five decades up to 1982, the newborn babies of young, single women were forcibly removed from them for adoption, a practice sometimes called baby farming. Mothers were drugged, tethered to beds, not allowed to see their babies, told they were dead. Many of these adoptions occurred after the mothers were sent away by their families due to the stigma associated with being pregnant and unmarried. More than 250,000 white mothers lost their babies to forcible removal at birth by these past illegal adoption practices. Groups such as Adoption Loss Adult Support and Apology Alliance offer help and support. Between 2010 and 2012 apologies were offered by Western Australia, South Australia, ACT, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. Prime Minister Julia Gillard offered a national apology to those affected by forced adoptions in 2013.
11.01.2022 Just like any court case here, you know when the Elite Pedos are involved because its not the kids they care about its destroying, removing and gagging protective parents and victims to hide the truth. Well these are serious crimes and it is a crime to conceal a crime, so speak up people and speak up now.
10.01.2022 Dalai llama sold out to the devil. Another PEDOPHILE #savethechildren
10.01.2022 Please share xxx
09.01.2022 We are fighting everyday for these angels to be removed from their abusers. Speak up it may save your life.
09.01.2022 POLITICIANS ARE FUCKING CHILDREN. . He said what no one has been brave enough to. . The whole world knows it. Yes its fucking time to stand up and say it.... . @adamhillscomedy thank you legend for having the guts to say what NO ONE ELSE ON TELEVISION HAS THE GITS TO SAY. . Posted @withregram @monzee_thaplug #AwakeYet. . Host: Tonight on the show a massive fcukn RED PILL maaate . . #OnMyRealShit. No matter how awkward it maybe, Ill rather take the uncomfortable truth, than except a comfortable lie . . Anyone tap in with #KarenBrewer yet [ON FB]? The lady is a A+, providing perspective thats backed with credible research & sources on the DAILY. . The more you know, the more you realise how the Melbourne tunnel rumours may Infact be real stay connecting dots. . #SAVETHECHILDREN . . #Disclaimer: This is an oldie ep from the show #TheLastLeg this has aged perfectly for a time like this. #fortheQulture #pedogate #pizzagate #ghislainemaxwelldidntkillherself #massarrestseason #globalfinacialreset #nesara #gesara #wwg1wga #draintheswamp #Qanon #PacificPatriot See more
09.01.2022 Speak up, for when you dont you are just as bad as the abuser.
08.01.2022 Please help !! Okay brain storm time, if you have any ideas on whom to contact or how to fix the below issue please pm me straight away. A person (the victim) j...ust discovered a appeal regarding an Intervention order that had already tried to be revoked in the Magistrates court. This was taken out in 2016 breached 3 times so far and the appeal is based solely on lies that can be proved by several people. During two hearings in the Supreme Court with Justice Peek a lawyer Alex Scott represented the victim without authority, without instruction but more importantly without knowing anything about the case. This man is seriously dangerous and people wonder why woman are dying when this is what happens I am surprised more woman are not killed. I wrote to the courts and justice Peeks explaining I didnt know or instruct Alex, and that I was never aware of the appeal in the Supreme Court but yet on the file in the system it states this person (the victim) self represented on the 4th and 8th of May 2020 (whilst not even knowing about the appeal). The Judge and register have informed me that they are unable to act and read the letter before they hand down judgement at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Its clear whats going on here I just would like to know if theres any decent people left in a position that can do the right thing. As of tomorrow this person (the victim) will be in serious danger so too will the child involved in that matter. Is there any honest humans left ?? How can bearings and matters proceed without all parties informed an present ? The youth court has just pulled the same stunt but there spill was sorry we tried contacting you last week (where the victim saw them twice and had numerous conversations but this lady Gillian must of forgotten to inform the victim about a matter in court not to mentioned the victim was served the paperwork after the hearing .... what the Fuck corruption at its finest, what the hell is this world coming to. Its all about protecting the Elite sorry the pedophiles. I guess you dont become the number one country for child abuse without being completely corrupt. If anyone can assist please do so. Infiltrators youre will be named and shamed so dont bother. Thankyou Im advanced. To those of you speaking up we encourage you to keep doing so together we can make positive change and help save our future generations. See more
07.01.2022 #savethechildren #saveourchildren
06.01.2022 #usToo #metoo #ERA #SAVEOURCHILDREN #SaveTheChildren... #timeisup #TheMommiesAreComing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See more
06.01.2022 JUST IN: A 42-year-old man will face court today, accused of secretly filming young children as they played near their homes. Police allegedly found the footag...e - including shots up childrens shorts and skirts - along with child abuse material on devices at his home. More to come - the latest at 5.00pm and 6.00pm on #9News
06.01.2022 #SaveOurChildren #SaveTheChildren #stoptraffickingourkids I am a social worker, ... Im really very nice. I help you loving mothers, And give you good advice! Your partner has departed Your income is too low. Im really very sorry, All your kids will have to go! Your partner is abusive? He beats you black and blue? Well soon be there to help you, And take your children too! You have a learning problem, Youre really not too clever Well get your kids adopted When can you see them?? NEVER!! Your son is hyperactive? You need a brief respite; Well soon take ALL your children Give up the hopeless fight! Your child was taken into care, So many years ago If now you have a baby That too will have to go! Foster parents love your kids To get some more they seek, For each one brings a tidy sum 400 per week!! Childrens homes are run by us, Where paedophiles abound Each time we cover up abuse "The gutter press" come round "They" said adoptions worked the best We soon proved that they would Fathers shout and mothers cry Their kids are gone for good! What happens in our special courts? Our experts they will say "Youre a danger to your children, So well take them all away!" Your children may be healthy, Happy and well fed But one day you might hurt them Thats what our experts said The judges know that we are right, With us they will agree They dare not risk another course You have no chance you see! Our special courts are secret, So dont you breathe a word Of what goes on inside those walls No matter how absurd! Well get your kids adopted, And dont you dare complain! Or youll end up in prison And I wont say that again! We have adoption targets, They must be met you see, Failure means a reprimand, So spare a thought for me!! See more
06.01.2022 MSM - stop deflecting. The real issue is covering up child pedophilia. Over 800, 000 kids go missing in the USA. Stop obsessing with Trump & trying to take him down because he exposing your friends crimes. Start reporting REAL news! We the People have had enough of fake! #CLM
05.01.2022 Stand up and Speak out enough is enough, wake up child protection is everyones business.
04.01.2022 Theres so much this woman doesnt know Rachel Sanderson lets fill you in arrange a time we will get you up to speed.
02.01.2022 Just beautiful, happy Friday friends xxx
01.01.2022 This is how it is done.
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