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Kids Therapy Spot
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25.01.2022 The cutest little reindeer
24.01.2022 Week 2 of our Holiday Intensives start back tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing you all!!!!
23.01.2022 This is such a special present - Thank you Phinny
23.01.2022 We’ve been ordering each other around for 5 years now so I figured it was time to actually give her a job around here! If you have any complaints please refer them to Kobi, my new Executive Assistant!!! Kobi has advised me she’s happy to help me with playlists, food recommendations, party planning, welcoming and chatting with other patients and cheering kids on. But she doesn’t seem to think much more needs to be in the job description ... And you know what - I’m totally fine with that!
23.01.2022 Owen getting those steps in with some unilateral gait training. Unilateral step training is used to help improve patterns in people with substantial gait asymmetry (basically a gait that is unbalanced). Our goal here is to build strength in Owens right hip to tolerate loading during walking. Owen has trained so hard over the last 3 days, he’s off for a well deserved rest and will be back again next week.
23.01.2022 So much learning for this little man in the past 2 weeks. Already he has Improved head and trunk dynamic stability Has learnt and can initiate new protection reflexes. Has found his scapula stability and has shown an interest in reaching unilaterally while in prone position. Has provoked balance reactions in sitting. ... Has provoked hip flexion with a desire to come into crawling position. So exciting (and exhausting) for this little cutie but he is doing amazingly
19.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS OWEN Another mini intensive down for this veteran. I’m not sure where he gets his energy from but honestly he is the happiest, funniest, craziest kid I know. Just the way we like them at KTS. Well done O!
18.01.2022 It’s how superhero’s train!
17.01.2022 Why are we always asking kids to cross the midline? Neurologically, lack of midline crossing (reaching across the body) could result in poor communication between the left and right sides (hemispheres) of the brain. The left and right side both like to work in isolation and crossing the midline requires communicate between both sides (corpus callosum involvement). Activities that require you to cross the midline therefore fully engages your brain (cerebral cortex) which can cause mental fatigue. It is recommended that you child regularly completes activities that cross the midline to assist in both hemispheres communicating well to facilitate and strengthen the neural networks to coordinate movement and learning. Spence’s session today involved standing and maintaining posture, crossing midline, and BEATING me in chess.
17.01.2022 Vibration Therapy Did you know that current literature published about whole body vibration therapy (VT) found that one session of VT decreases coordination deficits, reflex excitability, and spasticity (basically meaning it calms very tight muscles) positively affecting gross motor skills, gait, mobility, and strength in patients with cerebral palsy, with effects lasting up to 30 minutes after VT. There’s also literature for benefits in children with ASD. One of our b...eautiful families has brought in their plate for all our kids to trial during their therapy sessions and it’s proving to be quite the hit.
17.01.2022 Strength session in plaster - you’re such a little trooper Livy
14.01.2022 Ahhhhh my goodness
14.01.2022 INTENSIVE TIME It’s school holidays which means it’s school holiday intensive time, and this school holiday is made extra special by having our beautiful AHA Kisha around to assist. Today the girls - Riley and Kobi have already hit the ground running with Riley standing at the wall unassisted for 7 mins and Kobi hitting a new gait training PB of 20 mins. ... Looks like I need to up the programming already - WAHOOOO I love intensives
14.01.2022 FUNCTIONAL NEUROMUSCULAR ELECTRICAL STIMULATION What is it? NMES is the use of electrical stimulation (ES) to activate muscles through stimulating nerves. Often in patients with neurological conditions, muscles are intact they are just ‘asleep’ or not working as they should due to spasticity or palsy. By placing electrodes on specific muscles it can help provoke selective activation (the patient can learn to activate a muscle they may have never felt before) and inhibition (relaxing muscles to allow others to move) allowing more coordinated movements and new motor skills to emerge. We’ve been having some excellent results this week with NMES . Here is just a snippet of what happens after a 15min treatment. It was so lovely to see this little hand relax and reach for a toy with a neutral wrist position, rather than fighting the tone and spasticity.
14.01.2022 SCHOOL HOLIDAY INTENSIVES START MONDAY Just a reminder it’s holiday intensive time so there may have been a change to your regular appointment times. Get in touch if your unsure if this effects you. And for those KTS kids starting Monday, we are excited and ready for you
13.01.2022 Today is the day to celebrate our rare stars at KTS. It’s the day to celebrate the little warriors and their families who undergo a million tests and appointments, chasing a diagnosis, and to help other families who come behind them. The humility in this community is so inspiring and I’m so happy your special day has fallen on a Sunday so you can (hopefully) celebrate with no appointments
13.01.2022 This is so true for all our KTS parents. The experiences you guys have had make you the most compassionate, understanding and kindest people on the planet. We’re so lucky to have you wander around here.
13.01.2022 These legs are getting longer!!!!! These photos are taken 20 weeks apart in a resting long sit. We’ve been working hard to reduce the spasticity in the adductors, strengthen abductors and lengthen knee flexors. You can see our toes are starting to point to the sky which basically means our alignment is improving and we’re winning!!!!! So exciting! ...
13.01.2022 Such a beautiful snapshot of Riley’s session yesterday.
12.01.2022 OUR SUPERSTAR SISTERS Meet Keeley and Delaney....... How lucky we are to have had these two gorgeous faces in the clinic for their intensive this week. It’s so special to have them training together and cheering each other on to achieve their individual goals. ... Amongst their achievements are: Increasing abductor activation and strength. Improved balance and proprioception. Increased flexibility of specific muscle groups. Increased core activation and pelvic stability. Improved gait alignment and endurance. It’s been such a special week of laughs, tears, sore muscles and a whole lot of priceless moments together as sisters. CONGRATULATIONS girls - we’re all SO SO proud of you and everything you’ve achieved!! Enjoy your well earn’t rest.
12.01.2022 We never have fun at KTS!
11.01.2022 Day 2 fun with our beautiful Riley girl....... so happy to have her back for holiday intensives.
11.01.2022 To the KTS mum and dads, this made me tear up.. Thank you for letting me into your bubble. I see the super hero acts you perform everyday without batting an eye. You’re all truly inspiring!
10.01.2022 Last day of her KTS intensive for my girl Riley..... Already missing her
08.01.2022 HAPPY THERAPY ANNIVERSARY PHINNY! 4 years ago I had the pleasure of meeting this little man for the first time. Phinny - In that time you have overcome more obstacles and achieved more things than we can post here, and I’m so so proud of you and your beautiful family. ... What better way to celebrate today than with some independent sitting and a 5kg leg press! . Things we only dreamed of 4 years ago. You are a superstar my little man.
08.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS RILEY Another intensive done! After hours and hours of therapy, Riley is heading back to school with lots of personal bests and some big strong walking legs. Your amazing and we’re missing you already cutie
08.01.2022 GAIT TRAINING A child requires a functional range of motion in both legs, endurance, bilateral coordination, core strength and good balance to develop a healthy walking pattern. If there is some form of deficiency in any of these areas, gait training may be the solution to help a child achieve a more functional walking pattern. Here Spence is demonstrating how we use the Universal Exercise Unit to support his body to walk. With the correct alignment Spencer, who is unable to walk, has a beautiful gait. It’s an amazing thing for the kids to experience, Spence said to me yesterday oh my goodness, this is the most amazing thing I’ve ever done
08.01.2022 Our girl Kobi is UP!!!!! EVERYONE who’s been with us for a little while knows this girl. Kobi is the social butterfly of KTS, and everyone’s big sister. Due to some BIG growth spurts and limited access to therapy during isolation, Kobi’s legs really tightened up making it scary and painful to get back up on her feet. ... After a two week intensive last month and therapy twice weekly, our girl is back up and looking better than EVER! A special thank you to her favourite therapy coach @toddcampbell1811 for making her laugh and helping her get the hard thing done today, even when it felt scary! Kobi - We are beyond proud of you getting through yet ANOTHER growth spurt and defying the odds by staying on those feet.
07.01.2022 When you get reviews like this from KTS families I’m so lucky to do what I do....
05.01.2022 MEET KEELEY AND DELANEY It’s been an absolute delight having these two sisters at KTS over the past month. They are such little rays of sunshine, with a work ethic of a super hero , so it’s no wonder they are already making massive gains . Over the past two weeks, the girls have been working hard on their home program and have increased muscle activation and strength in some muscle groups by >2kg. This is us having some fun and trying out the new!!!!! I’m so excited to see what the girls achieve TOGETHER, with the support of their beautiful parents. GO TEAM!
05.01.2022 VIRTUAL REALITY REHABILITATION HAS ARRIVED AT KTS We are so excited to introduce this new technology into our clinic. Virtual reality rehabilitation is an emerging therapy for motor rehabilitation of children with neurological disability. The therapy is provided through a computer-simulated environment where they interact with real-world-like objects and events through sight, sound, smell and touch. ... We used it in our intensives today and we’ve practiced Balance and proprioception - riding in a sleigh with Santa, Coordination and cross patterning - playing Fruit Ninja Grip strength and fine motor control - shopping in a grocery store. The kids are loving it (and so am I, it’s quite mind blowing ) I’m so excited for all our KTS kids to to have a play!!!!!
05.01.2022 One of my favourite Dr Charlie Teo quotes. We’ve seen our fair share of ‘miracles’ at KTS......Or maybe they weren’t miracles, maybe it’s just a bunch of kids moving outside the box of their diagnosis.
04.01.2022 WE LOVE PRONE EXTENSION So often, we see kids who struggle with sensory modulation, core strength and core stability, body awareness, endurance and sensory processing needs. Prone extension activities can help strengthen and address other areas like those mentioned, and more! Plus it’s fun
03.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS SPENCER What a massive effort from this little man. Another 2 week intensive to add to his trophy list . He worked so unbelievably hard on that treadmill that he just couldn’t do an extra minute today. Forever proud of you little man, you are an absolute superstar ... See you Wednesday
03.01.2022 INTENSIVE GOALS HIT!!! A HUGE congratulations to our resident superstar Kobi who hit her personal goals a day early this intensive. She arrived a little tired and not to energised, but in true Kobi style she clenched her teeth and not only got through it, but hit her PB. ... She’s asked if our last day could be a little easier......... Oh my darling girl, I think you’ve got another PB in you
02.01.2022 It’s amazing how much leg strength you can find when your worried your going to drop your therapist I knew there was more strength in these legs, we just needed a bit of adrenaline to find it Watch our progression updates, we plan on looking much more elegant by the end of the year ... #thinkingoutsidetheboxtherapy #therapydoesnthavetobeboring
02.01.2022 Evidence that sometimes we chill in sessions! Ok............ Rarely........... but sometimes
02.01.2022 Happy World Cerebral Palsy Day! Today we come together as a community to recognise and celebrate the lives and achievements of the 17 million people around the ...globe who live with cerebral palsy. This year has been a very difficult year for people with CP with the arrival of COVID-19. Even through these tough times, people with CP have shown their resilience by continuing to reach their goals, develop new skills, and find innovative ways to re-shape their days (even in isolation!) Today we ask you to share with us how you Make Your Mark. Help us to show the world why people with cerebral palsy are the masters of adaptation, creativity and innovation. #CPMakeYourMark #WorldCPDay Learn more:
01.01.2022 KTS parents - This would be interesting!
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