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25.01.2022 At this time of year when we can feel somewhat overwhelmed by all our obligations, we often start thinking, or hoping, that next year will be better. I think it is more valuable to just let everything go. Let go of any stress, negativity, hostility or perceived failure during the year and instead let the new year just unfold. You never know whats around the corner. [ 339 more words ]

25.01.2022 I have written many times about the importance of movement (Kidz Newz numbers 62, 71, 72, 112, 139, 148 and especially 154 go to the archive to access any of these. Nevertheless, it is worth defining it more closely. It is often assumed that when children do daily fitness or dance or sport and especially playing in the playground that they are getting plenty of essential physical stimulation. [ 593 more words ]

24.01.2022 As we commence a new school year or simply the advent of a new calendar year, we are keen to make loads of resolutions about our year ahead. By February, however, many of those resolutions have already been broken and the high stress levels have already taken hold. I decided it would be appropriate to remind you to stop taking yourself and everything else around you so seriously and instead have a laugh. [ 286 more words ]

24.01.2022 We have all seen them, unfortunately. These are the misguided souls who think that by berating their children or other children on the sporting field, or even the umpires, that somehow that constitutes good parenting and support of their children. They need to be educated about good sportsmanship, but thats another matter. They dont necessarily leave their behaviour on the sporting field either. [ 409 more words ]

24.01.2022 My favorite piece of equipment is my iphone. I just love the convenience of it, the fact that I can get my emails on it, contact friends, especially those overseas, via facebook, Whatsapp and WeChat, not to mention all the other apps, including would you believe it? actually texting and making phone calls! Who would have thought a phone could do all that! [ 715 more words ]

23.01.2022 The following article appeared in Sylvia Marina’s latest newsletter. I liked it so much I’m sharing part of it here, with permission. What defines a teacher? A teacher is an awakener, an influencer, a sharer of experience and knowledge, a visionary, a keeper of dreams, a sower of seeds, a leader, a mentor, a builder, an inspirer the holder of empathy, patience, compassion, kindness and a bringing together of community. [ 315 more words ]

22.01.2022 I have been having untold electronic issues lately so if you have been trying to get in touch or trying to browse my website and finding it down, I apologise. First iinet then Telstra lost our internet so I was incommunicado for a few days, then my website went down taking the emails with it. That was another 6 days, then I drowned my phone and didnt get fully established with the new one for another few days (and hadnt backed it up since May!). [ 244 more words. ]

22.01.2022 As teachers, we are expected to be the fonts of all knowledge where children are concerned. From a parents perspective, guidance is often needed and so there is an unwritten expectation that teachers will make suggestions to parents when required. That doesnt mean teachers are interfering. Quite the contrary. Teachers are often reluctant to make suggestions as they may feel a situation is beyond their scope as teachers but often parents simply dont know when something is inappropriate. [ 353 more words ]

21.01.2022 I recently came across a sensational article by LaDonna Woolsey, Owner/Operator at Woolsey Academy For Young Learners, posted to a LinkedIn group I belong to called the Early Childhood Education network. Titled Heavy Play In Pre-K!, she explores the possibilities for learning just using a humble paper bag, among many other motor-sensory activities. It is a masterful piece not only because of all the myriad activities she presents but because of the learning outcomes of each activity and the links to more activities and professional journals on the subject. [ 381 more words. ]

20.01.2022 Recently I read another report (thanks to the guys at Welcome to Music) about the benefits of music education for children. This was written by Tom Barnes on 17th February 2015 and appeared in He cites many sources of research about music and development including a longitudinal study by the German Socio-Economic Panel in 2013. He quotes, Music improves cognitive and non-cognitive skills more than twice as much as sports, theatre or dance. [ 437 more words ]

20.01.2022 What child does not talk about wanting to visit the Moon? Or travel in a space ship to outer space? I can remember, as a child, wanting to visit the Man in the Moon. I wanted to know what he ate. He looked so friendly. I was sure I could see his smiley face. This is a time-honoured tradition for children but today it is a reality to take a joy ride into outer space thanks to Virgin Galactic and Sir Richard Branson. [ 625 more words ]

20.01.2022 I was reading Winston Marshs newsletter the other day ( and always have a look at the advertisement hes featuring for the day(he is a business coach, after all)as its usually funny. I wont spoil it here, but in this particular advertisement the message was very clever on many levels. I highly recommend you have a look at the link below in the Entertainment section to see what Im talking about. [ 394 more words. ]

19.01.2022 I love robots and especially the notion of them doing the housework (although will the budgie disappear up the vacuum cleaner or the cat be run over?) and in the workplace they are already making their mark. I was reading an article recently, however, about robots in the classroom. It featured in the May 2017 GESS Talks, a newsletter for anyone associated with education, particularly GESS. [ 865 more words ]

19.01.2022 In my last newsletter, published on 1st November 2018, I wrote of the passing of Richard Gill AO, musical luminary in Australia and champion of the cause of getting music into every school in Australia. It is ironic that just one week after his death, the ABC broadcast the first of a 3-part series on music in primary school and its effect on students. [ 488 more words ]

18.01.2022 I have recently returned from a weeks hike in Tasmania the Cradle Mountain Overland Track and it was extraordinary, for many reasons. (Lucky I went when I did as now the borders are closed.) What struck me most was how quiet it was, apart from the occasional other hiker on the track. Wallabies, wombats, skinks and other small animals actually dont make a lot of noise - none, in fact. [ 499 more words ]

18.01.2022 We all know that our brains cant concentrate for long periods of time at a stretch and that frequent breaks are, therefore, necessary. For children, this is even more so. I was reading an interesting article published in Return to Now ( titled Texas School Beats ADHD by Tripling Recess Time. The study was conducted with kindergarten and first graders. [ 324 more words ]

17.01.2022 Hi all, as you know (most of you) I am finally retiring at the end of the year but I still have some stocks of the Multicultural book and Scarf Magic pack available if you, your friends or colleagues would like them. I would hate to just throw them out. They have been a labour of love. Free for KFB members (that’s you) but postage is payable. Please contact me via the website if you are interested -

17.01.2022 I came across this term recently in an article by Carolyn Tate ( - The Purpose Project). Since then I have seen the concept referenced elsewhere in different guises. It seems appropriate at the moment so I am reproducing this version from Carolyn here - ‘Legend has it that an anthropologist visiting a village in Africa proposed a game to a group of small children. [ 381 more words ]

17.01.2022 I am always going on about the creative and performing arts being an essential part of the curriculum because it develops the whole person so it was good to read the article (and watch the Ted talk video) by Sir Ken Robinson about dance. He titled his talk, provocatively, Why Dance is as Important as Maths. You can imagine the uproar! [ 799 more words ]

15.01.2022 I have recently returned from a week’s hike in Tasmania the Cradle Mountain Overland Track and it was extraordinary, for many reasons. (Lucky I went when I did as now the borders are closed.) What struck me most was how quiet it was, apart from the occasional other hiker on the track. Wallabies, wombats, skinks and other small animals actually don’t make a lot of noise - none, in fact. [ 499 more words ]

15.01.2022 Like most brain functions, co-ordination improves with practice. Likewise, as we age, these functions tend to deteriorate because older people generally tend to be less active. When something out of the ordinary occurs, as in acquired brain injury or premature birth or some other defect, the person needs lots of physical stimulation in order to re-wire the brain. The plasticity of the brain is a relatively new science made famous by Norman Doidge but there have been many other pioneers working in this field for some time. [ 442 more words. ]

14.01.2022 Look at that look at that! Thats a library a library is a rainbow in the clouds. So said Maya Angelou. Having seen this quote for the first time, I now find myself seeing it everywhere. It reminds me of when I was about 7. It was lunch-time at school and I felt like some peace and quiet. Perhaps it was a hot day? [ 458 more words ]

13.01.2022 I had the privilege of presenting at the recent Tutti conference put on by ANCOS (Australian National Council of Orff Schulwerk) in Hobart. My sessions were on Scarf Magic and Multicultural Music and Movement. It was wonderful seeing so many committed people presenters and delegates alike demonstrating the wonderful world of music and movement in its myriad forms, so to a very large extent I was preaching to the converted. [ 1233 more words. ]

13.01.2022 In doing my research on Finnish schools it was interesting to note that they seldom give their students homework and yet in Australia we continue to do so at younger and younger ages. I personally dont have an issue with getting students into the habit of homework by doing things like reading an early reader to a parent, thus showing off their skills; singing their kindy or school songs because they are enjoyable and they want to; or practising any physical skill, like skipping, because it is such fun. [ 716 more words. ]

12.01.2022 I was in China recently to attend my granddaughters 100-day ceremony and also to catch up with my niece, Belynda Seale (aka Bim), who has gone back there to live. She is writing a book on teaching (ECE) in a foreign country and includes a large section on Sensory Play. (I am capitalising it because I think it deserves it.) We had a lot of discussion about this and she gave me a large box of sensory equipment to use with my other grandchildren when they come over to play. [ 1,654 more word ]

12.01.2022 I had the pleasure of seeing this documentary recently and cant recommend it highly enough. Do yourself a favour and go and see it. This is about music transcending culture, race, creed and politics. As one of the ensemble said, Theres no east or west, its just a globe. Yo-Yo Ma is to be commended for his selfless act in bringing this ensemble together. [ 305 more words ]

11.01.2022 One of the many hats I wear is that of editor and proof-reader. While in Melbourne last week I caught up with a client whose book has just been launched. She posted an amazing and insightful comment on LinkedIn which I want to share because as teachers, it is not only the children in our midst that we are having an effect on. [ 469 more words ]

09.01.2022 Although Finnish schools dont necessarily top the international testing rankings across all subjects, nevertheless they are consistently in the top 10 and have been for some time, giving rise to the general acceptance that things are done differently in Finland compared to the rest of the world. Most countries seem to struggle with their education budgets and here in Australia we are always hearing about reforms but not a lot seems to change in terms of outcome. [ 847 more words. ]

08.01.2022 When children are in the music class, or doing a music activity in the classroom, the class often includes movement, the purpose of which is either to teach a musical outcome like beat or tempo or for the affective aspect of music as in acting out a drama according to the musical sentiment. While movement in this context is perfectly valid and to be encouraged, it is usually seen as incidental to the specific music outcomes being taught. [ 393 more words ]

07.01.2022 I have written on this topic many times (see #62 Move to Learn, #71 Primitive Reflexes, #72 Learning to Learn, #148 Movement and its Many Benefits) but thought the message was worth repeating. A couple of workshops are coming up which I recommend as I know the presenters so I thought it a good idea to talk about movement in general. [ 542 more words ]

06.01.2022 These days my husband and I spend a lot of time with the grandchildren, as do most people of our generation. Im not quite sure why this should be so as our parents and grandparents did not do the inordinate amount of childcare that we all do. I think it is that we are a much healthier, fitter generation than our forebears. [ 523 more words ]

06.01.2022 This will be the last Kidz Newz for 2017. The next newsletter will go out in February. Meantime, have a well-earned break.

06.01.2022 At the recent Move to Learn conference in Sydney in August, all manner of subjects were covered with the latest in research in child development. I cannot possibly go into detail about everything, but one thing I found especially interesting was to do with sleep. We all know about how important sleep is for both children and adults, but were you aware that sleep apnoea can affect not only adults but also small children? [ 542 more words. ]

05.01.2022 The following article appeared in Sylvia Marinas latest newsletter. I liked it so much Im sharing part of it here, with permission. What defines a teacher? A teacher is an awakener, an influencer, a sharer of experience and knowledge, a visionary, a keeper of dreams, a sower of seeds, a leader, a mentor, a builder, an inspirer the holder of empathy, patience, compassion, kindness and a bringing together of community. [ 315 more words ]

05.01.2022 This is my kind of math

04.01.2022 I was looking after my three year-old granddaughter yesterday and we were listening to some Christmas music. We both decided we really liked a piece of music by Peter Combe called So Far Away from his album Wake Up Its Christmas. There are lots of beautiful tracks on that album but this stood out for both of us. When I checked the lyrics I was moved by the chorus Peace and goodwill to all people on earth is So far away, so far away. [ 676 more words ]

04.01.2022 Amid all the fear, hysteria, paranoia and conspiracy theories that seem to flood our inboxes lately, it is heartening to read uplifting posts that put back some perspective. I came across a couple just today that I want to share. The first is from French author, Albert Camus, who said ‘In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. [ 396 more words ]

03.01.2022 A couple of weeks ago Helen Evans ( mentioned to me the ABC TV Catalyst program called Music on the Brain. I hadnt seen it so I watched it on iview. Since then Im sure it has gone viral. Everyones talking about it (well, in my circles anyway). For me, the best part was seeing the dancing. It showed severely brain injured elderly people those with Parkinsons, Dementia or Stroke patients for example who could barely walk or even stand without a lot of help, spontaneously dancing when the music was turned on. [ 639 more words. ]

03.01.2022 It was with great sadness that I read of Richards passing last Sunday from cancer, aged 76. By now, everyone in the music education world (certainly in Australia) will know this weeks sad news. From where Im standing, 76 is too young to die! It is especially so when he was such a driving force for change in making everyone from parents, teachers to politicians, [ 784 more words ]

02.01.2022 As we have an election coming up in Western Australia this weekend I have been thinking about what makes a leader and the process by which leaders get elected, whether in a political capacity or on the sporting field or in the boardroom. Practice for this experience starts at school. I was reminded of a great book I read some time ago about personality and how our innate personality tends to dominate our chosen careers and our positions within those careers. [ 854 more words ]

02.01.2022 Im sure by now you will all be well aware of my obsession with scarves. I cant get enough of them and think they are the most wonderful pieces of equipment you can ever possess because they are so versatile. I presented on scarves at the recent EYES conference in Perth and often include snippets on scarves in other presentations. Because Ive been doing quite a few presentations lately, I have been very surprised that many people are discovering their versatility for the first time. [ 558 more words. ]

01.01.2022 I read all sorts of articles on health and this one was all about heart health and the connection with singing! It comes from cardiologist Dr Steven Gundry MD. This is what he says singing enhances something called: heart rate variability, or HRV (basically, the small differences in time between your heart beats). Now, your HRV is incredibly important. Its a telling sign of your hearts overall health. [ 230 more words ]

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