Kilcoy Wesleyan Methodist Church in Kilcoy, Queensland | Community
Kilcoy Wesleyan Methodist Church
Locality: Kilcoy, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5422 0111
Address: 30 McCauley St 4515 Kilcoy, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 To the Kilcoy church family pray that you will have an inspiring FACE 2 FACE at the church building. If you cannot be there in person or are feeling unwell please join us on ZOOM this week at LifeBuilders at 8:30am using the normal link: Ps. Muzz will be our preacher in the morning. Any questions, please text on Ross on 0408 913 266
24.01.2022 Please join us TONIGHT for BIBLE STUDY ONLINE tonight at 7:15. Remember you need a camera and a microphone on your computer. You can also use your Mobile phone or Tablet. Please use this link: Any questions, please email Pastor Muz a FB message or txt on 0431 521 757... We'll be working through: Romans 8:12-25
23.01.2022 Board games turn messy when people don't read the instructions, or ignore them and everyone goes their own way. Our families have done that before, have yours? Hopefully it ended better for you than it did for us. Following the instructions always works best. Matthew 25:13-30 tells us the story of people given instructions and entrusted with money. This was as per their ability, so they were capable (Matt 25:15). The man with one talent had close to 16.5 years salary. H...ence why the master was upset with the servant who did nothing with his talent. This is the same as God entrusting us with His kingdom and GOing to share and serve. He gives us time, talent and treasure. We all have at least one talent, God calls us to KNOW Him and GROW in Him so we can use our talent(s) for Him. When we don’t, it grieves Him (2 Cor 9:6) because how we use our talents represents the condition of our heart (2 Cor 9:7). Especially as we know He works through us and doesn't leave us on our own (2 Cor 9:8, Rom 4:16-25, John 16:13). So not using them, is rejecting a free gift. Much like rejecting board game instructions, it doesn’t end well. The next question then is, if we have these talents, or gifts, how do we develop ours? 1 Peter 4:10-11 tells us to "use them. If we don't, we can lose them, as the talent story tells us. Use them and we will be stretched for God's glory. Use it and we can share His love with those who need it the most (1 Peter 2:9, 1 Thes 5:4-11). Let’s take a second and ask ourselves, how are we using the talent He gave us today? PS If you don’t know which talents/gifts you have, check out SHAPE A few questions will hep give some insight into what works best for you. Pastor Muz
23.01.2022 Lifebuilders church family we are looking forward to our Garden FACE 2 FACE service on the block this Sunday. To the Kilcoy church family pray that you will have an inspiring FACE 2 FACE at the church building. If you cannot be there in person or are feeling unwell please join us on ZOOM. Please use this link: Dave White will be our preacher in the morning.... Any questions, please text on Ross on 0408 913 266. See more
23.01.2022 Please join us TONIGHT for BIBLE STUDY ONLINE at 7:15. Please use this link: Any questions, please message or text Ross on 0408 913 266.... We'll be working through Romans 10:5-15
23.01.2022 Our readings for the week, ENJOY! Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 and Psalm 78:1-7 Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-16 or Amos 5:18-24 and Wisdom of Solomon 6:17-20 or Psalm 70 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Matthew 25:1-13
23.01.2022 LIFEBUILDERS BIBLE READING JOURNAL Take time as part of your Bible Study during the week to read through the different scriptures and make notes of your observations. We will be working through some of these verses at our ONLINE BIBLE STUDY on Wednesday evening at 7:15. Exodus 1:8-2:10 and Psalm 124 Isaiah 51:1-6 and Psalm 138 Romans 12:1-8 Matthew 16:13-20
22.01.2022 Dear Church family, Our readings for the week. Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 and Psalm 100 Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 and Psalm 95:1-7a Ephesians 1:15-23 Matthew 25:31-46
22.01.2022 Such a wonderful Sunday service today at LifeBuilders Narangba with fellowship, unity and building relationships (plus a few swimming in the heat). Part of today’s excitement was Pastor Jake welcoming Willem and Isabel into membership at LifeBuilders Wesleyan Narangba. 1 Corinthians 12:1231 talks of how important it is to belong to the ‘body’ and be able to support one another, unity, under Christ the King. So, it is a great joy when people choose a body to call home and ...join the congregation of people who love Jesus. Please join us in welcoming Willem and Isabel into the local group of people who love Jesus and support each other for Him, our church. Welcome Willem and Isabel, in the love of Jesus Pastor Muz
20.01.2022 Please join us TONIGHT for BIBLE STUDY ONLINE at 7:30. Please use this link: Any questions, please message or text Ross on 0408 913 266.
19.01.2022 As we enter into the exciting time of Advent may we again be grateful for the birth of the Saviour of the World, Jesus Christ! Our readings for the week. Isaiah 64:1-9 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37
19.01.2022 Genesis 28:15 (ESV) Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. Lifebuilders church family we are looking forward to our Garden FACE 2 FACE service on the block this Sunday. To the Kilcoy church family pray that you will have an inspiring FACE 2 FACE at the church building. If you cannot be there in person or are feeling unwell please join us on ZOOM. use this link: Jake Gerber will be our preacher in the morning.
18.01.2022 Our hope IN THE RESSURECTION is about God coming into and restoring and remaking the lives of people and filling them with His presence. This was what all creation was created to beto be the carriers of His glory! May you be blessed to know that Jesus did it all for you.
17.01.2022 Hi Church Family A reminder that we are on Zoom AND face to face on the Block, 29 Mackie rd., cnr Ferrier Rd, Narangba THIS WEEKEND. You can register to come to the block here: Please remember due to COVID restrictions we can only accommodate 26 people in the shed at one time.... For those who can’t make it, or if the block is full, Zoom will still be operating so please do log in as we would love to share with you all. For ZOOM, please use this link: Any questions, please message or text Pastor Muz on 0431 521 757 or Ross on 0408 913 266. Dave White will be our speaker in the morning.
17.01.2022 It is hard when someone hurts us, someone offends us or lies to us. Often, we get angry, want to get even or to retaliate. Interesting in Romans 13:8, we are called to love. Why would we do that? Because when we get angry, or are hurt, we are the one being hurt ongoing. The offender isn't usually impacted anymore. Jesus doesn't want anyone being in this situation, He wants us to be free, to be reconciled. To help, Jesus gives us some help when we get offended (Matt 18:...15-17) as, after all, Jesus came to remove wrong, or offence, between us and God (Matt 1:21, John 8:34, Like 1:68-71, 2 Corinthians 5:21) so knows something about it. So, when offended, we go knowing Jesus is with us (Matt 18:20) and seeking loving resolution (Eph 5:25-32): 1. Matt 18:15 - Go the one who offended you when you are alone and seek loving resolution. If this works, we have a friend restored 2. Matt 18:16 - If that fails, take one or two others for loving support. If this works, we have a friend restored 3. Matt 18:17 - If that fails, go to the church for loving support, if that works, we have a friend restored 4. If not, let them go from church membership for the issue is with them The key is love, seeking restoration not being right or winning, but to love (Romans 5:10, Prov 19:11). It is up to us to take the initiative as we seek to be holy as God is holy. For the greatest command is to love (Matt 22:36-40, 1 Peter 4:8). Pastor Muz
17.01.2022 Dear Church family, Our readings for the week. Judges 4:1-7 and Psalm 123 Zephaniah 1:7-18 and Psalm 90:1-12 ... 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 See more
16.01.2022 Hi church family Just letting everyone know that there won’t be a Zoom bible study this week on Wednesday night like usual due to the holiday. What we do ask is that you please take the time to pray for each other, our churches, for our country and that God will work in amazing ways to strengthen and grow His kingdom.... Pastor Muz
16.01.2022 Our Bible Reading Journal scriptures for this week. Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 25:1-9, Philippians 2:1-13, Matthew 21:23-32
16.01.2022 Hi Church Family, To the Kilcoy Church family we pray that you will have an inspiring FACE 2 FACE at the church building. If you cannot be there in person or are feeling unwell please join us on ZOOM this week at LifeBuilders at 8:30am using the normal link: Lifebuilders a reminder that we are on Zoom AND face to face on the Block, 29 Mackie rd., cnr Ferrier Rd, Narangba THIS WEEKEND.... You can register to come to the block here: Please remember due to COVID restrictions we can only accommodate 26 people in the shed at one time. For those who can’t make it, or if the block is full, Zoom will still be operating so please do log in as we would love to share with you all. For ZOOM, please use this link: Any questions, please message or text Pastor Muz on 0431 521 757 or Ross on 0408 913 266. Jake Gerber will be our speaker in the morning.
16.01.2022 Walt Disney made many movies, early on they took a long to make and quite often Walt would cut sequences that stopped the flow of the story or didn't fit. Our lives are also stories and if we take time to look and reflect, are there areas we would cut? What would happen if we did? How would we change? God designed life for us to be the best we can be with Him (Gen 1:26-28). Yet we, as central parts of the story, went off script. This has taken away from the central stor...y and purpose of why we are here (Romans 3:23). Rather than do a Walt and cut us from the script, God loves us so much that He injected Himself into the story by sending Jesus (John 3:16-7, Rom 6:20-23, Rom 5:8, Eph 2:8-10). In doing this, God has brought the script back home, if we choose to accept it (John 14:6, John 1:12). If we do, we are given the gift of eternal life with Him (1 John 5:11, Acts 13:48). The questions are, what decision will we make? And, if we make it, how can we share that decision with others so they too can find their purpose in Jesus? Pastor Muz
15.01.2022 Looking forward to our first FACE 2 FACE service on the block tomorrow. For those wanting to log in with ZOOM, Please use this link: Dave White will be our preacher in the morning.... Any questions, please text on Ross on 0408 913 266.
14.01.2022 Hello Church Family and Friends, Face-to-face church will be going ahead this Friday (8am) and Sunday (9am). There will be a Sunrise Service on Sunday at Ron and Sylvia Draper ( 5683 D'Aguilar Highway, Ron: 0409 546 634) at 5:45am followed by a brekkie. Please let them know if you’re will be attending to help with the catering. Sunday’s brekkie will be served to you and everyone must be seated and wear a mask. (Except when you’re eating). If you cannot attend face to face pl...ease join Lifebuilders Church on ZOOM. Friday at 8:30am and Sunday at 8:30am. Zoom link ( Pastor Keith will be our preacher on Friday continuing our series on, "This is Love", and Rev Jake will be our speaker on Sunday concluding our series, This is Love".
13.01.2022 Please join us TONIGHT for our ONLINE PRAYER MEETING at 7:30. Please use this link: Any questions, please message or text Ross on 0408 913 266.
13.01.2022 Dear Church Family, We are looking forward to our time of worship this Sunday during our CELEBRATION SERVICE at 9am. If you are unwell and cannot attend please join the ZOOM service at Lifebuilders WC. Please use the normal link, SERMONS Spotify Google
10.01.2022 Please join us TONIGHT for PRAYER MEETING ONLINE at 7:30. We will be praying through the whole armour of God. Please use this link: Any questions, please message or text Pastor Muz on 0431 521 757 or Ross on 0408 913 266.
08.01.2022 Dear Church Family, We are looking forward to our time of worship this Sunday at 9am. If you are unwell and cannot attend please join the ZOOM service at Lifebuilders WC. Please use the normal link, Malcolm Missenden will be our preacher Sunday, speaking on "Living the Resurrection Life." We look forward to seeing you all there.
06.01.2022 To the Kilcoy church family, praying that you will have an inspiring FACE 2 FACE at the church building. If you cannot be there in person or are feeling unwell please join us on ZOOM this week at LifeBuilders at 8:30am using the normal link: To LifeBuilder's Church Family, a reminder that we are on Zoom AND face to face on the Block, 29 Mackie rd., cnr Ferrier Rd, Narangba THIS SUNDAY at 8:30am. The block currently has its maximum covid l...imit so if you have not registered, please dial in via Zoom on the normal link, we would love to fellowship with you Pastor Muz will be our preacher in the morning speaking on Who’s In Charge? *Covid Reminder* We are still under covid restrictions so please remember to maintain 1.5m social distancing and, if unwell, stay home to ensure everyone’s safety. Together we can beat covid-19.
05.01.2022 Our Bible Reading Journal scriptures for this week. Genesis 45:1-15 and Psalm 133 Isaiah 56:1, 6-8 and Psalm 67 Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32 Matthew 15: (10-20), 21-28
05.01.2022 Unfortunately do to covid-19 restriction changes overnight we will not be on the block this week at LifeBuilders. Good news is, we will be on zoom Sunday at 8:30am using the normal link: Pastor Muz will be our preacher in the morning on Zoom if you wish to join.... Any questions, please text on Ross on 0408 913 266
01.01.2022 Power, it is something that everyone takes notice of. Big wave surfing, explosions, storms, the sun, they are all powerful. What type of power have you seen? Ever been stuck between a rock and a hard place and needed power? Israel did, they had escaped slavery in Egypt but were now stuck between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army. Must have felt like a big wave surfer about to get dumped. So, what did they do? They called to God. In calling to God, God came through and... cleared a path while protecting them as well (Ex 14:19-21). They just had to step through the path God set in faith (Ex 24:22-25). And God rescued them in a way they could never have imagined (Ex 14:30). As Israel saw power in their journey in God's miracle (Ex 14:31), so do we have access to the same powerful friend in Jesus. All we must do is ask and then step out in faith. So often, the results are totally not what we expect. No matter what is happening, why not call out to your powerful friend, the one who made the big waves and controls them all? After all, He is God, and He had the whole world in His hands Pastor Muz
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