Kilmore & District Pony Club Inc | Amateur sports team
Kilmore & District Pony Club Inc
Phone: +61 413 096 810
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25.01.2022 Good article regarding noseband fitting from International Society or Equitation Science
25.01.2022 Carllision Body Works. Proud sponsors of the Kilmore and District Pony Club. Great club and great people!
25.01.2022 Keep an eye on our website for the most up to date information:
24.01.2022 Great to see some of our Kilmore pony club members riding in the Kilmore Show pony club ring today! Well done girls
24.01.2022 Kilmore Show, 7th December 2019. Georgia Caddies & Maverick representing Kilmore & District Pony Club
24.01.2022 Our riders today all got to enjoy the experience of riding side saddle on their ponies today - loads of fun!
22.01.2022 The Kilmore & District Pony club would like to take the opportunity to thank Stacey for her time spent at our rally over the weekend. It was a wonderful opportunity for everyone to try something new and it was fantastic to see everyone give it a go!
22.01.2022 DROP THE TIGHT NOSEBAND Are tight nosebands still too readily used as a schooling shortcut? Over 5 years ago I posted about the research carried out by Orla Doh...erty looking at how the use of tight nosebands affects the horse. Awareness about this issue has been raised but it is sadly still commonplace for horses to be ridden with their mouths strapped shut. One study looking at 737 horses competing internationally (mainly in eventing and dressage), found that only 7% of horses had nosebands fitted loosely enough to fit two fingers at the frontal nasal plane. 44% of the horses wore nosebands fastened so tightly that a measurement couldn't be taken. This practice is something the FEI and other equestrian organisations are doing very little about. Many nosebands are fastened tighter than the recommended level of pressure for a human tourniquet and are likely to be damaging facial tissue. The pressure can also cause the teeth to cut into the inside of the cheek (ask your vet or equine dentist to check this area regularly if you use a noseband). Another study involving 3143 competition horses showed a significant association between tight nosebands and injuries to the corners of the mouth. Further research has shown they reduce horses’ ability to swallow, yawn, chew and lick and they have also been associated with raised heart rate and increased eye temperatures. I have seen several horses whose faces have actually been disfigured by the use of tight nosebands, with bony changes happening over time. What levels of pain are these horses enduring and why is this practice continuing? A horse may react to the bit or pressure from the rider's hands by performing a wide range of oral behaviours, such as opening his mouth or lips, crossing his jaw or putting his tongue over the bit. These behaviours indicate the horse has a problem with what is being asked of him or is trying to avoid pain. Tightly fastening a noseband around the mouth will mask some of these symptoms, but it doesn't address the underlying cause of the behaviour. Sadly this is a training shortcut used by many riders to avoid retraining the horse, changing tack or assessing and altering their own riding and training techniques. At minimum you should be able to fit two fingers easily underneath the noseband at the front of the horses face on the nasal bone not at the side where the tissue is soft. The team at the International Society for Equitation Science (ISES) have updated their position statement on restrictive nosebands. Recent research has been added giving further scientific evidence of the potential adverse effects of restrictive nosebands on horses. Until scientific evidence suggests otherwise, the ISES recommends that governing bodies: A. introduce and enforce noseband regulations in all equestrian sports, specifying that an objective measuring tool of standard circumference, such as the ISES Noseband Taper Gauge, to the two-finger level, is used in all cases; B. specify that measurement of space under nosebands is carried out at the frontal nasal plane at all times; C. recognise mouth-opening as the result of undesirable rider- or tack-induced factors including pain, discomfort and errors in training, rather than a sign of resistance, and accept that any physical restriction of jaw movement may have the potential to compromise horse welfare; D. offer greater transparency on how decisions are made in relation to permitted tack and its usage, as well as providing sufficient evidence said regulations are protecting horses from being harmed; E. continually revise the rules and practices that affect horse welfare; with an evidence-based approach that includes the latest animal welfare and veterinary science. You can read the updated position statement here:
20.01.2022 For Central Zone of Pony Club riders wanting to compete at the Pony Club Victoria Interzone Team Horse Trials for Grade 4&5 please read below. And share with yo...ur club members. Attachment 1. INTERZONE TEAMS HORSE TRIALS 2020. Zone Representatives Hi Everyone, The Interzone Teams Horse Trials are to be held as part of the Horseland Horse Trials Festival on Saturday & Sunday 18th & 19th April 2020 at the Pony Club Victoria Equestrian Centre, Gladysdale. This event is for riders graded Grade 4 and Grade 5 Horse Trials. There are no qualifying criteria at State, but Zone Reps have the right to refuse entry to any combinations they think are not ready and some Zones have their own criteria. Entries close on Friday 3rd April for riders online, so we ask that you advertise this event within your Zone as soon as possible, to maximise entries for your Zone Teams. Zone Representatives place riders from their Zones into teams of 3 or 4 riders. Each Zone can have 3 Grade 4 Teams and 3 Grade 5 Teams. Extra riders from the Zone can go in Composite Teams. Riders lodge an Individual Rider Entry form online to Pony Club Victoria and pay for their entry fee ($80), also merchandise, yards, & dinner if required. The PCV office will send Zone reps a list of entries from their Zone and Zone Reps can access entries online. Zone Reps to send Team & Composite entries to Val Armstrong, 135 Drayton Rd, Labertouche 3816 | [email protected] by Wednesday 8th April. DRESSAGE TESTS- Grade 4 Test 4 C Grade 5 Test 5 C The Event Schedule will be on the PCV website first week in February. It has gone to the PCV office, but Suanne isn't in till next week. Please note - we hope to be able to have Grade 5 riders compete in all phases on the Sunday. As the entries are to be taken online, (and I will have access to that info) I have simplified the form from the Zones, to save you having to put all the rider details on the forms, and to save riders filling out duplicate forms. All I require in each team are the names of the horses and the riders, and their team name & team manager details. Enclosed is the Entry form. Please return to me by 8th April. The merchandise orders need to be in well before our closing date mid March for the Early bird price I think, so please let your riders know to enter & order early. Any queries, ring me on 03 5628 7777, and please let your young riders know about the event, and to let you know if they are going to enter. Thank you, Val
19.01.2022 Many thanks to all our fabulous sponsors!
18.01.2022 Congratulations to members of Kilmore pony club who obtained their C certificates this morning. Great effort by all riders, well done.
18.01.2022 Congratulations Chantel!
17.01.2022 Super excited to be back at our November rally! Membership for 2021 will be opening soon- email [email protected] with any queries
17.01.2022 Great little new jump wings made. A short drive from Kilmore.
17.01.2022 An important tool in your groundwork! And included in the revised Pony Club Manuals (y)
16.01.2022 Last chance to book - link closes tonight.
16.01.2022 Free webinar, 11th June @ 7pm with Dr Andrew McLean
15.01.2022 ******** W O R M I N G M A D E E A S Y ************ Did you know that 80% of horse only need worming ONCE or TWICE each year? We MUST start worming based on... faecal egg counts and not just when our calendar/agistment tells us to. Worming when unnecessary will very likely harm our horses in the future because parasitic resistance is already upon us. Once we run out of effective ingredients we won't have anything to treat our horses with. Here's am easy step-by-step process for what to do :) *Start with a FEC, if it's zero do nothing except put in your calendar to do another FEC in 8-10 weeks. * If it's less than 350 eggs per gram (epg) do nothing except put in your calendar to do another FEC in 6 weeks or worm in six weeks. *If it's more than 350 epg you need to worm (read on for what to use!). * If your count is over 350 epg and you need to worm, it's BEFORE May and you have seen bots I would suggest using a product containing a boticide. * If you need to worm from July-November and have wormed in/since May with a boticide then no need to use a product with a boticide. * If you are in a botfly area then in May/June you must worm regardless of egg count with a product containing a boticide. After worming put in your calendar to do another FEC in 8-10 weeks. * Once a year, use Equest, ideally in May because if you have 'zero' counts after that you may only need to worm once a year. * If you've used Equest you don't need to do another egg count for 12-14 weeks (instead of 8-10 weeks for other wormers). * Don't use a product which uses 'bendazole' as its active ingredient if you want to treat for large or small strongyles, bots, tapeworm or threadworm (e.g. Panacur, Farnam, Eqinox etc). Strongyles have developed resistancd to bendazoles and bendazoles don't treat for bot, tape or threadworm * If you horse has a large worm burden and you're worried if your wormer worked you may want to do a faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) which means you do a FEC two weeks post worming to know if wormer is effective. Result should be less than 90-95% of previous count. * If you haven't used Equest in past 12 months you may choose to err on the side of caution and use Equest to ensure you're treating for small strongyles before embarking on FECs as your new method of parasite management. * The above information does not apply to foals or late stage broodmares * DO rotate active ingredients in wormers. Look at the attached photos to understand the different ingredients in different wormers. Don't forget that just because the name of the wormer is different is doesn't mean the active ingredients are. *FECs WILL NOT test for pinworm. Pinworms lay eggs outside the horse and must be treated differently. Pinworm isn't actually dangerous to the horse besides scratching. *FECs do not test for bots. Bots lay eggs outside the horse (this is why we worm in May/June regardless, once frost kills adults and you worm your horse you have treated for bots) * FECs do not test for tapeworm, but tapeworm will be treated when we treat for other parasites. * If you look at attached photos created in 2010 by NSW government you will notice that even NINE years ago there was resistance. Resistance doesn't get better, it gets worse! * Do share this post to make worming easy for everyone :)
15.01.2022 Hey everybody, tomorrow we will be bringing some Tolly Treats stock to Kilmore pony club to treat your amazing horses and also to bring home for your dogs. We w...ill be bringing plain doughnuts, freckles (not available on website yet), sugar cubes and dog training treats. If you are not apart of KDPC, you can purchase treats from our website; See more
15.01.2022 Very good video to watch, as ‘Park’ is part of the groundwork, included in the revised PC manuals. Take the time to watch this ongoing series, as we will be working on teaching our horses how to ‘Park’ when we can finally get back to rallies
14.01.2022 Welcome to a new membership year!! Looking forward to our first rally back February 21st! New membership enquires welcome at [email protected] to a new membership year!! Looking forward to our first rally back February 21st! New membership enquires welcome at [email protected]
14.01.2022 CTD 2019- so many happy riders competing Sunday. Thanks sponsors for helping to support our event. Bendigo Bank Kilmore Racecourse Carllision Body Works Wallan... Hygain Integra Ruralco Kilmore Kilmore Toyota Tallarook Pub Colgan Excavations Northern Rural Fencing Lockie Hills Excavations Hillsyde Ronson Commercial Plastering See more
14.01.2022 Pony Club and Open classes Enter via
13.01.2022 Good evening all Central Zone Clubs. The following are dates for state qualifiers for 2021 Horse Trials. Sunday 21st February Gisborne Pony Club HT... Sunday 28th February Glenlyon Pony Club HT Saturday 3rd April Sunday 4th April Riddells Creek PC Easter HT All 3 events are scheduled prior to the state championship being held on the 8th / 9th May. Venue for state is TBA. Regards Des Haliday Zone Representative State Councillor.
12.01.2022 Save the date! Werribee Park is having a Christmas Gymkhana, so make sure you put it in your calendar. There will be something for everyone - jumping, dressage..., showing, mounted games, polo, working hunter, a topsy ring and a jumping/polo teams relay! Join us on 14-15 December for a fun weekend of relaxed competition and to celebrate another year with friends. The schedule will be available late October. See more
12.01.2022 Combined Training Day 2018 KDPC 26/8/2018 Smiling little champs, well done and the Sunshine was smiling too! Thanks to our fabulous sponsors for supporting our event.
11.01.2022 Don’t forget to check out our website
11.01.2022 Are you ready for the Central Zone PC Lowden Shield Gymkhana 2020?!?!? Here is the program!! * $50 per horse/rider combination * $20 per riders without horses ...* Ribbons to 6th place * Traditional Lowden Family Shield for the club with the most aggregate points * Show Classes * Games Classes * Showjumping Ring Pre Entries are required and open in the coming days on eventsecretary !! Get your club together and get your entries in!! This year also includes Riders Without Horses Mounted Classes! Thanks to Riddells Creek Pony Club for hosting the 2020 event! And please do not forget ~ this is a ZONE EVENT ~ which requires all helpers on deck! Please be aware that if you enter, your volunteer time will be required!! . . . . . . . #CentralZonePonyClubLowdenShield #RiddellsCreekPonyClub #EventSecretary #Showing #Games #Showjumping #RidersWithoutHorses
11.01.2022 Good reminder of what Erika spoke to us about at Pony Club last year..... Be very careful with what you are feeding your horses/ponies!
10.01.2022 http:// Friday Fact - Identifying flight response in jumping// It is important that horse trainers learn to identify the flight response when it occurs. It has long ...been central to classical dressage that the horse should maintain his own speed until requested otherwise. This is rhythm. If a horse cannot travel in self-carriage he is either running away or slowing down. If the horse is running away (i.e., if the rhythm is being maintained by the rider's hand), he will be showing some degree of flight response. A typical example is a horse that is said to be too bold into his jumping obstacles. These horses increase speed when faced with an obstacle and, even at pony club level, the dangerous behaviour of these horses is often explained away as 'keenness' or a pony is described as 'go-ey'. This mindset reflects a great misunderstanding. Jumping horses, as well as riders, must be trained about rhythm, where it is clearly understood that the horse must be trained to keep his speed himself and the jump must never elicit any more acceleration than a soft and quiet drawing effect towards the obstacle. It is not only a matter of horse welfare: it is a matter of rider safety. (Excerpt from the book 'Academic Horse Training', p. 52) Please note: This image is a stock photo and is for demonstration purposes only.
10.01.2022 Good opportunity to keep up with the training videos, whilst we all have plenty of time at home! Did you know that Pony Club Australia's 2019 Syllabus was enhanced to include groundwork? In the video below, Dr Andrew McLean talks about the benefits of in-hand training. Something to add to his list is how useful ground work is for increasing your steps if you are participating in the PCA 10,000 steps online tournament!... Comment below what groundwork you are already doing with your horse. Stay tuned as we present more videos showing specific exercises you can practice with your horse on the ground, and don't forget the special Pony Club Australia Dressage Training TV package which gives you 5 groundwork certification levels to work though. #activeapril #ponyclubplanb #beactive #belearning Equitation Science International - ESI Dressage Training TV See more
10.01.2022 Fun quizzes to get you thinking!
09.01.2022 Pony Club Victoria State Council has finalised the Strategic Plan for 2019-2022. Please share with your clubs. Broadford and District Pony Club Bullengarook Po...ny Club Findon Pony Club and Adult Riders - Mernda Victoria Gisborne Pony Club Inc. Glenlyon & District Pony Club Heathcote & District Pony Club Kilmore & District Pony Club Inc Kingston Pony Club Kyneton Pony Club Lancefield & District Pony Club Macedon Pony Club Melton & District Pony Club Oaklands Pony Club Riddells Creek Pony Club Sunbury Pony Club Trentham Pony Club Truganina Pony Club Tullamarine Pony Club Werribee Pony Club Whittlesea Horse & Pony Club Williamstown Horse & Pony Club Woodend Pony Club #PonyClubVictoria
08.01.2022 The 2019 revision of the Pony Club Australia Syllabus was framed by Equitation Science. We now teach our members more about how horses learn, so they can teach... more to their horses! #generalisation #contextspecificlearning #animalbehaviour #photographicmemory #equitationscience #alifewithhorsesstartshere #horsefacts
07.01.2022 New membership period starting July2020! Rallies held third Sunday of each month Email for enquires: [email protected] membership period starting July2020! Rallies held third Sunday of each month Email for enquires: [email protected]
07.01.2022 This post reached over 18,000 people when we shared it in May, but knowing the horse's TNZ is just as important in hot weather as it is in cold. Did you know your horse will probably feel hot before you do? The following information comes from our C Certificate workbook manual. Horses sweat to cool down, but this only works when their sweat comes into contact with the air and/or a breeze (evaporation). Light summer rugs block this natural cooling effect and increase core body temperature. Overweight horses struggle more to cope with hotter temperatures. Old or sick horses may struggle at both ends of their TNZ (ie hotter and colder) and need some assistance and extra care to keep cool on hot days. #horse #welfare #welfarewednesday #manuals #certificates #syllabus #alifewithhorsesstartshere #responsible #riding #management #hotweather #summerdays #science #memberbenefits #notjustriding RSPCA Australia World Animal Welfare
07.01.2022 http:// Friday Fact - Lunging // Do you lunge your horse? Teaching your horse to lunge is very handy, particularly for rehabilitating post-injury, when the rider is... unable to ride, or when assessing for lameness. However, lunging is commonly used to let the horse get the leaps/bucks out of his system or just, in general, to wear the horse out before mounting. This may work as a temporary solution, but allowing the horse to show flight on the lunge isn’t conducive to good training, and displays of flight behaviour (leaping, bucking etc) only reinforce the behaviours (because they are practised). Always train a reliable stop and slow response on the lunge, and stop flight behaviours the moment they arise with downward transitions. Let us know what you train your horse when you lunge. (Excerpt from 'Academic Horse Training', pg 80-81)
07.01.2022 Some good points to remember when riding/training your horse :)
07.01.2022 Dr Andrew McLean presented the 10 Equitation Science training principles at today's National Safety Conference for Horse Sports. Putting safety first as the principle. The other principles contribute to safety through happier and healthier horses. What are you doing well and where can you improve? Equitation Science International - ESI #ponyclubproud #horse #rider #safety #welfare #training #riding #handling See more
07.01.2022 Excellent book for our PC riders (& adults!). Easy to understand introduction to Equitation Science & Learning Theory (which is now included in the updated PC Manuals)
06.01.2022 Super weekend at Wakiti Creek for the Pony Club Camp! Great experience for riders and horses
06.01.2022 Fabulous online short course, 1/2 price to PC members!
06.01.2022 Looking forward to seeing all the gorgeous ponies back at our October Rally! Back to riding and fun times
05.01.2022 In 2019, Pony Club Australia revised their syllabus to include equitation science. In a world first move, we now combine the best of tradition and science. Even... better - you don't need to own your own horse to be able to develop your skills through our training programme. Curious to know more? Check out this series of 4 free to view videos kindly provided by Pony Club Victoria which show riders the skills and knowledge they will refine as a Centre Member #bettertogether #ponyclubproud #alifewithhorsesstartshere #noponynoproblem #nohorsenohassle #riding #training #knowledge Equitation Science International - ESI
05.01.2022 Entry closing date has been extended!
04.01.2022 Equest worm pastes $18 each or $170 for 10 (expiry 02/2020) Surplus to needs... Pick up Kilmore, or can bring to May rally :) Cheers Monica See more
04.01.2022 Entries open tomorrow at 12:00pm! Schedule available at We realise that we’re coming into a busy and stressful time of the year so we’ decided to shorten the gymkhana to one day. Don't worry, we still have all sections on offer. Let us know if you have any questions. We hope to see you there!
03.01.2022 The use of a whip, should never be a punishment.
03.01.2022 ATTENTION ALL CLUBS - Lowden Shield Postponed... Due to the increasing Covid-19 risk, we have made this sensible decision. Thanks for your understanding & support.ATTENTION ALL CLUBS - Lowden Shield Postponed... Due to the increasing Covid-19 risk, we have made this sensible decision. Thanks for your understanding & support.
02.01.2022 Congratulations to riders and supporters for taking out the Russell Manton Memorial Shield on Sunday at the Central Zone Gymkhana in Heathcote. Highest points earned on average per rider! Lots of smiles and fun!
02.01.2022 Combined Training Day 26th August. Entry date extended to Tuesday 21st!!! Scheduled Weather looks promising
02.01.2022 Great effort by our super riders at the Central Zone Games and Flat Teams Championship last weekend. Thanks Kelsey for leading the team and all the riders fabulous sportsmanship on the day!
01.01.2022 Took the reindeers out on a trail ride for some exercise ! Congratulations to our club award winners, special mention to Kelsey , achieving an Award of Merit - the highest state award for service to Pony Club.
01.01.2022 Fun and Games!!! Well done Kilmore And District Pony riders having a super day out at the Central Zone Games championships, with a team taking out third for the day in games. Lucky riders get to do it all again at State qualifiers- good luck team
01.01.2022 An Upcoming Freshmans opportunity
01.01.2022 This week's Wednesday tip for Active April is about trotting your horse in-hand - good training for humans and horses! _________________________________ In-hand... training doesn’t just have to be walking your horse back and forth. There are many different activities you can include to give your horse more challenge and to see how they respond to different environments. A fun one to do is to trot with your horse. It’s a great way to test their GO and STOP response. Make sure you are standing at a safe distance next to your horse, as you do in walk and signal your horse to GO. Try not to ‘run’ before your horse starts trotting as we don’t want the horse following your feet. Once you have a nice rhythm in trot you can signal your horse to walk again. This is where you can be creativeyou can ask your horse to trot the short side of the arena, over poles, in between poles, count their forelegs and alter how many trot steps they have to do. Lots of practice of your transitions and exercise for you both! When you feel ready, you can also ask your horse to go from halt to trot! This is great to improve your GO as the signal is much clearer for the horse to understand. Always make sure your pressure is light to startjust hold it for a longer amount of time so your horse knows you mean ‘GO MORE’. Then practice stopping from trot to halthow many steps does your hoses take to stop? You know your STOP is super when your horse can go from trot to halt in 2 steps. Practice more, even perhaps before you ride and you will see an improvement in your responses in no time. _________________________________ Today's post was generously created by Pam Reid at our request. Pam has a Diploma of Equitation Science and a qualified Early Childhood teacher. She owns and runs Equitation Science Coaching, a Pony Club Accredited Centre in SA, where children without their own ponies can come and study the Pony Club Certificates. Post any questions below and Pam will attempt to answer them for you. #ponyclubplanb #activeapril #beactive #inhand #groundwork #morethanriding #training Equitation Science International - ESI
01.01.2022 FIREWORKS NOTIFICATION Council has issued a permit for firework displays at "RURBAN" held at Assumption College Kilmore this Friday 1st November & Saturday 2nd ...November 2019. The firework displays will commence at 9:45pm and finish at 10:00pm Please ensure your pets are safely contained and consider moving any nervous pets inside where possible.
01.01.2022 In case you missed it last night, the webinar with Dr Andrew McLean is now available to view for free on Youtube, until Sunday 15th June (12pm) Well worth a watch! :)
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