Kimberly Erin Yoga | Tutor/teacher
Kimberly Erin Yoga
Phone: +61 431 855 612
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25.01.2022 My stress gathers in my throat. I can feel the coiled up density. The most illusive kind - the sort that I can never put my finger on and is much bigger then a bad day. Some call it a natural a part of the feminine cycle, waves of emotion to humble us and create deep wells of wisdom, the only way that wisdom can truly be trusted via experience. ... They say heaviness of these cycles (personal & collective) are only willing to move with time and grace and slowing down. Learning that the remedies change, just like the daily rhythms is the best alignment cue I have ever received. A sincere honouring of what is alive in the moment even when it is irrational or shameful. Not to impose to fix, but a remedy to allow what is current - to be a gateway to enter the moment and this life more fully. Life was never meant to be censored. Yaaaahhhh we are wearing masks and yet the ability to be in direct communication with the most human aspects is something this pandemic is teaching me in great detail. A deep connection to ourselves and each other, to all (not just the chosen) cycles of the current story is so vital and yet it is so staggeringly rare. A welcoming of emotions & waves of expansion as equally as the contraction. The pressure of this human experience is lifted when there is room for the mystery. Leaving space for surprise just like this life does, without apology. Not in the grandiose kind of way but a quiet acknowledgement of the ever changing landscape that is this internal experience. A respect for the deep human cycles of grief and love. Slowly but surely it becomes more clear that this reverence is incomplete when only based on a curated identity of ‘shoulds’. Respect, reverence and power comes when the surprises within this feminine spirit flows without invitation or need for applause. This chaos that we are - sadly is often only valued when it is seen to be beautiful or convenient or predictable. None of the qualities could ever contain the whole story that is the undeniable mystery & grace which feeds each and every cycle. The raw & untamed expressions that are to complex to fit into any construct of living. So yes, my breath has been shallow today - constricted around the prospect of having to fit into another day of expectations (usually self perpetuated). I come back again and again to the complexity of what it means to be human and how narrow my idea of that can sometimes be. At the junction between patterns outgrown and the courage to not need to know, there is a glimmer of surprise and awe that relieves heaviness and carves out space for ease, for love, for forgiveness and for a deep reverence for the whole journey.
21.01.2022 Online Studio is all yours. Oh boy! What a celebration. It is a special Yoga take-away menu, delivered directly to home. I tried my darnest to fill all the orders so far - meditation, shorter classes, morning flows, live music sessions & SO MUCH LOVE. It is a heart poured out over a library of connection, breath, peace & deep rest. So thankful for the whole process! And we are just getting started - the library will be updated every couple days to keep time on the mat inspired **Besides the part where the bum in my yoga pants ripped mid-class (edited out but will definitely make the bloopers!) other than that, the recording process was incredibly therapeutic - which is a testament to this practice of Yoga. When applied with sincerity and the honest longing for freedom from within - the gifts of Yoga move beyond boundaries of time and circumstance to deliver the exact remedy that is needed. So incredibly thankful for the technology that allows us to access to stay in community Word of mouth is always the best way to spread the love - please tag or share to help us get this online studio space out to as many hearts as possible
18.01.2022 'Outside Ourselves' - A call to community to consider & contribute to those outside ourselves! Donate now: 100% of money raised will be gifted directly to affected families in Fiji & Bali - no commissions/fees/administration costs etc.... A grassroots fundraising effort featuring intimate performances from Bobby Alu, Candice McLeod, Daniel Champagne, Hussy Hicks, Kaurna Cronin, Jack The Fox, Jason Lowe, Jimmi Buscombe - Artist, Joel Havea, Jonno Zilber Music, Laura Hill, Little Georgia, Luke Watt, McKindred, Punnu Wasu, Scott Cook, Shaun Kirk, Tim Chaisson (The East Pointers), Tuck Shop Ladies & more. Over the past few weeks, Kimberly Erin Yoga & I have been in contact with a number of local friends we’ve made while traveling & working overseas - especially Fiji & Bali. The effects of both COVID-19, combined with natural disasters have left many without basic needs, including enough food & shelter. Please 'share' this event far & wide, the internet reaches beyond borders - let your world-wide familia know!! Thanks to the legends at FitZ Media Productions for their technical guidance. #outsideourselves #community #fundraiser #compassion #COVID19 #love #loveambassador #onlylove
15.01.2022 This whole journey. Finding formlessness within the form. Sourcing expansion within inner & circumstantial confinement. ... Our ability to adapt as our greatest human gift. Surrender as our most reliable ally. And yet. We embody our stress in a way that has become so natural, which means it never gets questioned. A ‘normal’ way of relating to this world is with defence & reaction, a direct correlation to the way we so often meet ourselves. Thought patterns rooted in trauma that continue to withhold love from the broken places that are calling for it. I guess this is the paradox of it all... Finding a nurturing moment to - Embrace the pain and escape our stories, which inevitable allows us to escape the pain and embrace all current stories. Online studio has been a labour of LOVE for this very paradox of both yoga and life. Yoga; time out that delights in our humanness and says bring me your chaos this simple willingness to show up (for one breath or one class or half a class or a class interrupted by little humans, it all counts) any time set aside for the true self to be nurtured naturally begins to expose a rhythm within all chaos. May the journeying be blessed.
14.01.2022 Life. In all it’s fragile, mysterious and messy glory. The guru of flexibility exists with the expansion & contraction of the heart. The master of flow state found within the giving & receiving of the lungs. ... Always revealed in the exact moment we choose to look are constant reminders of how held the journey is. Time on the mat to let everything land and be held by the whole story. The soul story. A moment of breath and flow is ready for you Here is the link - While this Online Studio gets off the ground, thank-you for being patient, we have been working around the clock - drinking more coffee then ever, stealing friends internet at all hours and trying to get along for the cameras The full site will be released in a few days, it will feel like giving birth to the speeeeediest yet most comprehensive creative project I have ever done. Access to a whole library of yoga / meditation / breath-work PLUS exclusive access to Tom Richardsons Mantra tracks (after years of being asked - he has finally found the space to lay out these incredible soul-sounds for us!). Since the site took much more heart, resources, time and commitment then initially thought, we have had to make the tough decision for these offerings to be a subscription platform. However, if the current circumstances has left you in a difficult financial situation (we understand!) please contact us directly so we can help you have access to the classes. It is a offering from the heart for the heart - a online studio - a gathering space - a time out to let everything land so the breath (life) can feel free. All my love, Kim P.S. I am soooo curious what time of day will you be practicing? Morning - to start the day fresh or evening when the house is quiet or in the middle of the day in midst of chaos?
12.01.2022 Insert eye roll and casual shrug like 'yeah I get it' . . Cause we talkin’ about self love. ....Continue reading
09.01.2022 Gather /að/ Definition: Bring together & take in from scattered places or sources. ... .... . Doors to the Yoga studio will be re-opening and we can jam together once again. .. . . We are here. Warrnambool is now home long term! This means the studio / collective space / @tomrichardsonmusic is all yours.. . . The last few months have been spent dreaming up how this space will come to life & ways in which it can continue to support the traditional teachings of yoga in a modern context and the all inclusive nature that nurtures tights hamstrings or tight heartstrings.. . . A space to set all turbulence aside and reveal the subtle, yet profound whispers of life taking care of life.. . . Moments to come home to a self that remains unbound... . . Beyond grateful for the way all things have come together to support this beautiful beast, so amped to share more juicy deets soon .. . . **Once the studio opens, the online classes will continue to thrive with sessions, workshops, live class options and tunes updated weekly
07.01.2022 Time to breathe. Please note the change in venue for the weekend sessions only... Saturday & Sunday Yoga with live music held in Port Fairy. The weekend classes are a special free offering <3 ... Big love, Kim x
05.01.2022 It is to early to understand how this time will wake me up and what deeper aspects of this human experience will be found out... but i do know, i have been illusioned to think the rat race was something separate from the way i have been living. . . becoming more clear - the subtle residue clouding views with an insatiable desire to reach, move, expand, create... without time to truly incubate, restore & receive. . . and now, within this i grieve the loss of what... would have been the most successful year yet and celebrate the connections that have been reignited - i again greet the question of what the f success even is. . . When life feels completely sideways, the question of success radically changes - while weathering inner & outer storms... all merit is given back to intrinsic qualities that keep thoughts clear, relationships harmonious and heart open. . For the lessons i see coming and the ones i have yet to know... . May these inner spaces of refuge be called upon to hold it all so gently, keep connection honest and loving - while revealing, in abundance, the grace that weaves along the way. See more
05.01.2022 Studio Updates & the heart of the matter . . A few months ago, after loosing $100 000 over night (thanks covid), we decided to drop the rest of our dollars on opening a space right here in our new (old, but now we ain’t going anywhere) home!.. .... . Inspired to give our traveling feet a rest (thanks covid ) and create a studio that fosters belonging and gives rise to the inner journeys that take us much further then any airplane ever could... exploring the most breathable aspects of self. .. . . And while our SUPER generous building buddies are pretty tired of me looking at Pinterest, each detail & the effort required to make it all juuuuuust right have been created to hold and reflect the sweetest aspects of peace & resilience that reside inside us all, a space to remember to flow states of freedom, healing & grace. .. . . While mucho dedication has been poured in, there have been many visible signs of invisible grace have supported the whole project, a project that I honestly thought would be completed in two weeks and here we are months later with the final stage of renos being completed (hello infrared heaters ).. . . It is all coming together. Like magic actually, the best kind of magic that teaches things along the way. .. . . Right now the lesson is Paaaaaatience. .. . . And gawd damn I thought I had this quality in the bag lately, but here we are sitting on our new hardwood floors surrounded by boxes of new yoga books to share, new mats, props, and bolsters in joyful anticipation for the room to be brought to life by the power of community and connection. .. . . Any yet with the restrictions still in place (limited to 10 yogis per class) we have decided, for both personal & government reasons to put our opening on hold for a few more weeks. .. . . Trusting the timing is an all too important part of this (and every) process. Your support along the way has been such a powerful push to keep flowing along. Thank-you so much See more
03.01.2022 We are back in lockdown soon and all I can think about it how you are doing. This community, sure it is a virtual connection but in my heart of hearts your story is one I hold so dearly and think about every single day. .. . My mind has been wandering into your kitchen & lounge room, into your journey and wondering if you are ok? Maybe it is because I have been broken down over these last few months more times then I care to count and wow - the power of heartache is the stron...gest pathway for connection. .. . Some of you, I feel so blessed to cross paths with down the street or at the beach (don’t worry no sneaky hugging nonsense exchanged) and yet some of you live so far away that when I am brushing my teeth to go to bed, you are trying to get the kids out the door to school. .. . And yet, here we are connected not only through these virtual windows but through the human journey. .. . The dance of joy and love and heartbreak and ughhhh all of it - I would love to hear how you are doing. .. . Yes I really wanna know cause something about sharing and receiving how you are in this very moment in time is a gift. Heres why . Every time you tell your story and someone else cares enough to witness it, you turn off the body's stress responses, flipping off toxic stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine and flipping on relaxation responses that release healing hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, nitric oxide, and endorphins. .. . That is a fuuuuuccckkkk yes for me at the moment - a little connection break. .. . In one word or wayyyyyyyy to many. Blabbering is welcomed. For you & for me, your story is of immense value - all aspects of it. .. . I care. So much, about how your world is turning and I know someone else reading this will too. .. . When things are hitting the heart the only thing left to do is hold space for each other to share, reflect & be in the midst of it all. .. . So please. Tell me. How are you? See more
03.01.2022 I am not flexible enough to do yoga. I can’t sit still. Yoga is so fcuking boring. I have thought them ALL and of course, after teaching for a decade heard them all. Sooo. This comes as a gentle reminder. ... One of the biggest barriers to yogic states (compassion, ease, mojo) is the idea that they are rare. Rare meaning only possessed by a few god chosen do gooders that an actually touch their toes or who have straight ‘A’ children, a clean house & look forward to Christmas with their in-laws. But if we really take a look at this thing called ‘flow state’ - that the traditional teachings so generously point to We understand pretty quickly that this sense of ease couldn’t be more common. Peace as a common function of our natural state. Readily available for all by the sheer fact that grace is not something we have to create, or do, or try on, but it is something we already freeeeeking are. We all over here like I need some space, I gotta get out into nature completely forgetting that we ourselves are in fact, nature - the same equanimity of that natural, raw, complex & yet flawless beauty applies to all inner states of being human. Nature and how bodies are composed are two & the same. It is so obvious the beauty around us, and yet somehow we have become blinded to the same farking glorious displays of magic dancing within us. Laws of this nature prove genius cycles of creativity, expansion, contraction, renewal & letting go. ie; the most practical application of flexibility is consistently operating to support or own unique expression, our own personal flow state & wellbeing. The basis of this practice (yoga; finding freedom) is not at all theoretical, it is completely experiential. Ways to experience the life sustaining beauty that welcomes the current story wholeheartedly. Since this flow of life is all that exists on a fundamental level and is reflected back to us consistently in every moment - finding grace can’t be rare or difficult unless we insist that it is. When we drop the barrier that this whole thing of peace is a rare by-product of perfection, we have a direct opening to receive & move & be. With it all. Just as it is without strain or resistance. Like a little freaking Buddha as peaceful as can be. No more & certainly no less. And soLife doesn’t need to be doing better, cause it just gonna do what life does flow on. We can finally take refuge in exactly where we are, trusting the innate capacity to breathe fully along the way. So we practise yoga and take any perfection out of it. Time on the mat can include falling, fidgeting, farting whatever. Just practise as a celebration or curious study of where peace, compassion, strength & joy arise naturally. Not an escape from life but to help us enter life more fully.
03.01.2022 To keep spreading the love we have poured our hearts into a new series and are excited to launch it with a special offer. So...Share with a friend & receive half off your next payment. They will get this new series to kick of their yoga journey PLUS full access to the online studio (60+ classes for $14). ... Here’s how it works- 1. Send your loved ones to this special link: 2. During signup, we'll ask them who recommended us 3. They automatically get 50% off their first month, and we'll email you a few days later with your discount Please tag & share the post with those who could use some extra self-care, good thoughts & lovin' Xo Kim & Tom
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