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Kim Herman Transformations in Kingsley, Western Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Kim Herman Transformations

Locality: Kingsley, Western Australia

Phone: +61 422 140 525


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24.01.2022 Happy Friday beautiful people. How are you feeling on the sheep-scale today?

23.01.2022 Full body tingles when you see your words quoted in a meme. It’s such a privilege to have my article included in the latest edition of Mumpreneur Movement Magazine.

23.01.2022 'All that we are is the result of our thoughts'- Buddha Healthy thoughts are food for the soul & heart. Your mind is full of chatter. Studies have shown on average, more than 50% of our thoughts are negative thoughts aimed at ourselves. These thoughts constantly feeding your doubts and filling you up with anxiety. They are gremlins in your head make you feel like you aren't good enough and you'll never be enough. Mind chatter is the voice that is constantly running in your ...head. It usually brings up old insecurities and criticisms. The problem is sometimes this mind talk never rests, it brings up the same old issues again and again. Unfortunately we can get stuck believing the negative stuff (which is actually a whole load of BS) and ignoring the positive. Our busy minds will rehash criticisms and negative experiences from your childhood and most of the time it is happening subconsciously without us really noticing. It can become automatic. All those emotions from the past are remembered by our body pulling us even further into the story. These thoughts prevents us from reaching our full potential, for acting on our dreams, from taking that leap into doing things we love, from living our truth and from living a life we love. Michael Singer in the book 'The Untethered Soul' reminds us that there is nothing more important to true growth than realising that YOU ARE NOT THE VOICE OF YOUR MIND you are the one who hears it. Eckhart Tolle says that if you can learn to become the observer of your thoughts rather than be overtaken by them, you’ll spend less time struggling with life. Imagine a version of yourself becoming the silent observer of the chatter in your mind. Distance yourself from it. Notice how it makes you feel and name it. Then ask yourself Is this really true? Can I absolutely know that this is true? Usuallly the answer to that is NO!! Other practices such as meditation, heart coherence can help to calm that noisy head talk. If negative head chatter is controlling your life no matter what you do, message me and reach out and I can tell you how I can help you quieten them down.

23.01.2022 We attract who we are. And who we are is an energetic vibration. Is the vibration you are putting out into the world supporting what you want in your life?

23.01.2022 I love being one of the first certified Thrive Factor Profilers - such an amazing way to learn so much about yourself and so so easy to understand.

21.01.2022 I am loving getting organized for Monday nights Self-Care Rituals Sacred Womens Circle. These yummy teas are on the menu, as well as some journaling, meditation, pampering and glorious dicussion. Only 3 sleeps to go. Dont forget to book your place....

20.01.2022 I love including rose oil or rose water in my self-care rituals. Roses have a beautiful feminine fragrance and a high vibration of LOVE. It opens up the heart chakra allow you to really connect with love for yourself. Rose water and also is also incredibly hydrating and nourishing for your skin.... We will be using Rose Water and some rose oil in the Self Care Rituals Sacred Womens Circle next Monday evening. This is going to be a truly nourishing and rejuvenating journey. Places are limited and can be made using link in comments.

20.01.2022 - . Last night I was pooped. After a busy week of upskilling, not only in my business, but also in my new part-time job I knew I needed to do something special just for me to help me to relax and unwind. My treat, a beautiful long hot magnesium bath; with candles, essential oils, and some soothing relaxing music.... Now I love my baths , especially in winter. Having good hygiene is all part of self-care, as is eating well, resting etc. One thing I have loved implementing into my life is Self-care rituals. So what are self-care rituals - to me they are loving acts that we do for ourselves in a sacred and mindful way - to honour the divinity within us - to show ourselves love. With so many women feeling tired, overwhelmed and in need of some rejuvenation - the perfect theme for my Scared Womens Circle being held on Monday the 10th August 6.30pm at The Flourish Centre in Stirling WA, is: Self-careRitualsandRejuvenation Together we will enjoy some pamper and explore self-care rituals. What they mean and implementing even those that only take 5 minutes into our day can help us to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. I am so excited to delved deep into this with the divine women who will join me. Will that be you? Tickets are limited and can be purchased using the link in the comments. Join the Self-Care Rituals Circle and gift yourself the time to focus on the most important person in your world - YOU and connect with other amazing women in a safe welcoming space. Kim xx

18.01.2022 Photo credit : Tanita Seton Photography

17.01.2022 Why we can’t keep ignoring and sweeping our emotions under the rug for ever - eventually it will trip us up.

16.01.2022 ‘I will be happier when I get a new job.’ ‘I will be happier when I meet the right man.’ ‘I would be happier if my kids would just behave themselves.’ ‘I would be happier if my husband didn’t do that.’ ‘I will be happier when I’m thinner.’... We so often fall into the trap of thinking that when things outside of us change - then we will be happier. When we do this we just give away all our power. Change starts when you look at yourself. When you own your fears and hurts and heal them. When you heal the relationship with yourself. Because when you heal and feel the changes within yourselves. When you love and value yourself. Your vibration changes, your perception of the world changes. Only then will you take your power back and find true deep happiness. And then your outside world changes in the most miraculous way. Is it time? I’m here to guide you and take you on the most amazing journey of knowing and loving you so your whole life can change.

16.01.2022 Every morning is the start of a new day. A new day to choose to see myself through loving eyes. A new day to choose to accept and adore myself. A new day to be true to myself. And in this place I allow peace to blossom inside me

15.01.2022 I am super excited to be a contributor to the latest Mumpreneur Magazine I loved sharing my thoughts on the amazing ripple effect that occurs when a woman allows herself to heal. That ripple goes far and wide and I truly believe that women who heal their emotional pains and scars are helping heal the world. By opening their hearts they bring more love, compassion and joy ... This latest edition is out now and you can grab your own copy via the link in the comments.

15.01.2022 There are two ways of spreading the light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it ~ Edith Wharton

15.01.2022 Stay tuned- A new 6 week 1:1 journey so you can feel and shine your radiance.

14.01.2022 Today is International Friendship Day. There are some amazing women who I call my dear friends. I dont have a lot of close friends, but the ones I have I hold dear to my heart. My dear friend Bianca I first met in Kindy and we have been friends for over 42 years. We live on opposite sides of the country ans only get to catch up in person every few years, but when we do, its like we catch up every week. Conversation that can go deep but just flow with such ease. Angelica L...ayla I have known since year 3 so friend for 39 years. We know and love each other warts and all and always there for each other. Robyn, I met at work in my mid 20s and we just connected - having so many laughs over the years Then there are the school mums (Audra, Christie, Bibi, Plum, Jey) that have become dear friends - with high teas and girls trips away. So many great times together. And in the past few years I have had some other beautiful women come into my life that I am proud to call dear friends. Tanita, Shannon, Rachael, Chantal, Barb Kitto, Barbara, Joanna. You have brought so much richness to my life. Thank you. I am grateful and appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for all you bring into my life.

12.01.2022 I am so excited to be holding space and running tomorrow evenings Sacred Womens Circle - Back in person (YAY) at The Flourish Centre in Stirling, WA. There are still some spaces left Link in the comments... Here are a few reasons why I love holding this powerful space for women. THE POWER OF SITTING IN CIRCLE I have my next womens circle being run next Wednesday 10th October. Many women have either not heard of circles or are nervous about coming. (which is completely normal). So I wanted to share with you some of my thoughts in the amazing power and benefits of attending a circle. Circle is a safe place to be vulnerable, sharing tears & laughter In circle we hear others stories a this helps us to connect to each other. It also helps us to realise that we are not alone. So much insightful moments often occur in circle when women realise metoo! Circle becomes something to look forward to and becomes a deep and meaningful part of many womens lives. Sharing is from the heart and it is a place where we celebrate our successes and honour each others challenges and struggles. (please note there is no obligation or pressure to share when you are in circle). Womens circle help allow us to see the world from a different perspective. We see each other beyond our own stories and without judgement. Emotional bonds are formed as we hold space for each other with respect. This creates that feeling that you have a group of women who have got your back who are genuinely interested in you and value your presence in being there. Circles also helps reduce the feeling of loneliness and isolation so many women experience in this modern busy world. Circle time allow women to focus on themselves and to fill their own cup. Deep friendships can be established and this can occur with women you may have never had the opportunity to meet otherwise. Being fully witnessed is such a powerful experience and many women are surprised how good it feels to share and know you are not being judged. To just get stuff off your chest. And then the process of just listening without the expectation to give any advice (no advice is given during circle) and knowing you are not going to receive advice can be so liberating as well. We just want to be heard. And its amazing how women often find their own answers during the process. Circles are a place where we often witness deep healing. When we witness others letting go of stuff they may have hung onto for ages many women feel relieved as they feel like they now have permission to be aware & release their stuff too. Circle is a place where we are able to become more aware and deeply connected to our heart, to our own personal power, to our self. Circle helps you rise up into the amazing woman you are.

12.01.2022 YOU ARE ENOUGH You always have been.

12.01.2022 One of my favourite ways to end a full day. A relaxing meditation in the bath Relaxed and ready for bed now

12.01.2022 I love love love what I do. Last week I had an awesome session with a gorgeous woman who was struggling to move forward in a couple of areas of her life - and it was getting her down. We unearthed two whopper limiting beliefs and I guided her to access what she needed to learn so she could rewire her subconscious mind and totally let them go. ... Seeing the relief on her face was such a joy then receiving this message from her afterwards made my heart explode as as I know she is now going to smash her goals and shine her light brightly now.

12.01.2022 Circle is on tonight @flourishcentreperth in Stirling 6.30pm. Spaces still available- bookings can be made via link in comments. A special evening as we as women connect to our selves and other like minded women. We will harness the current powerful full moon and eclipse energy to release what no longer serves us and focus on what we want to bring in.

11.01.2022 Client testimonial. Its always so nice to receive beautiful feedback like this. It is my absolute privilege and honour to guide and hold the space for my clients so they heal quickly and safely. ... If youre ready to let go of those fears, habits and limiting beliefs that are stopping you from living the life you want to live, lets chat. The tools I use work. They provide deep lasting change and work at a physical, cellular, energetic and soul level. I provide the safe space for you to do the work, healing your mind and heart so you can let your inner Radiance shine bright.

11.01.2022 Tonights its a beautiful full moon Focus on all that you wish to release from your life. Write it all down in green pen - let it all pour out. Then burn it and release it to the universe.

11.01.2022 Today it is a New Moon. New Moon energy is about setting intentions for all that you wish to attract and have in your life for the next Luna month. On my personal page I offered to pull some cards for people who commented from the Gabby Bernstein Super Attractor deck.... Of the 20 cards I pulled for people their were three that kept popping out despite me giving the deck a good shuffle between people. To me this means these cards have an important message for many of us. So I share them with you here too. Take time to ponder their message and what it can bring into your life. Namaste Much love Kim xx

11.01.2022 This can be quite a confronting statement for some to read. But it is truth. If you are unhappy in any part of your life, then change it. It may be uncomfortable to change, its going to take some effort. But you can change.... Change your job Learn a new skill Do the inner work Eat differently Move house Choose who you share your time with. Choose how you respond Thats the power we all have within us So today I ask you, what are you choosing that is not supporting you in this life?!

10.01.2022 Yep it’s totally up to you and nobody else. But you don’t have to do it alone. Reach out for help when you need it. Unlimited possibilities are available to all.

09.01.2022 I bought myself some flowers today. I love vibrant colour It makes me smile

09.01.2022 Last month I did some upleveling in both my personal life and business life, adding some new tools to my toolkit as I trained with Emma Romano learning her amazing Family Freedom Protocol. I loved it so much as it brings practical and spiritual work together to help others transform their lives. It helps you to get results because it works on these five important levels. Conscious... Unconscious Cellular Energetic level Soul level I am super excited to be able to offer this program to my clients as I’ve felt the amazing shifts experiencing the program myself. So if you’re struggling with anxiety, stress, overwhelm, and feeling out of sorts and lost in life - this amazing program can help you: Find more clarity Have more self worth and inner belief Handle life with more calm Find your inner joy. To celebrate I am offering 20% off all my 1:1 4 week and 8 week programs. Saying ‘Yes’ to you not only is life changing for you, but the ripple effect flows out to your family. Pm me for more details

09.01.2022 An amazing video by Dr Bruce Lipton. Helps explain why I love so much what I do. Helping amazing people change their programs. Change their frequencies, change their lives.

08.01.2022 I am having a social media break over the Easter long weekend. I will be back on Tuesday with announcement of 10 day sale of my services and some new online healing workshops. See you then Wishing you and your family a safe Easter.

07.01.2022 #fridayfun A bit of fun to start your Friday

07.01.2022 Nothing grounds you more than some time deep in nature. Today I spend some time in the beautiful #boranupkarriforest in #margaretriverregion

07.01.2022 My beautiful friend Rachael posted this today and it really resonated with me. We can often think that to help change the world we need to do big amazing things - but we can also help change the world by living life with a kind heart and understanding, sharing our smile and love with the world.

07.01.2022 Ive been pretty quiet on my page the past 6 weeks as the universe had been inviting me to take some time off line, slow things down and just BE. Its my birthday today and I am feeling the calling to start coming back online and connect with you all and with my service. I will be coming on live tomorrow to share more and what exciting things will be coming soon

06.01.2022 7 weeks I got one of these amazing quantum frequency devices - a Healy - and since then it has become part of my daily care routine. Since having the Healy device: I am now sleeping much deeper and not waking in the night... I wake up full of energy almost every morning - the morning stiffness has reduced massively My eye sight has improved My menstrual cycle (hormones balanced) has returned to a 28 day cycle after being 23- 25 days for years and despite using herbs and homeopathics to help balance my hormones. I have used it to release and ease muscle tension and soreness after exercise. When I have felt overwhelmed and stressed - I go on and use programs to help balance my emotions and moods and my mood becomes more balanced. I felt a cold trying to take hold the other day - and I use the immune support programs and it it never progressed. We use the Fitness programs on my daughter Jorja and have seen a huge improvement on her stamina and agility in her basketball games. She injured her knee the other day and the Healy helped it heal and reduce the pain so quickly. My husband got stung by a bee on his hand and using the programs the swelling was gone completely in a couple of days. Last time he got stung on his hand and using Apis homeopathics (which do help) his hand was so puffed up for a week. Ive even used it on my cats and my furry nephew Lumix has had great improvement in his digestion reducing some of food intolerances after just one session. It has been such a great addition to my clinic and to our family. The Healy is a quantum device that measures imbalances in your body and cells energy field - then sends in the frequencies to balance the body and cells - giving the ideal environment for the body to heal. In the US & EU it is listed as a medical device for pain, arthritis pain, fibromyalgia, migraine, sleep disorders and in helping reduce anxiety and depression. Every day it blows my mind when I read and hear more stories on how this device is helping empower people and improving their health. There are 5 days left of the Healy Global Promotion. Purchase any Healy Edition and receive the next bigger Healy edition instead! Saving at least $750. Thats huuuuge all the way to AUD$1599 saving. The Healy has specific frequency programs for balancing and harmonising the cells in your body. It works well with other treatments and processes. This is bioenergetic support on a cellular level. I love this device so much. Drop me a line or a message if you want to know more or have a Healy experience.

05.01.2022 R U OK? The truth is none of us really know what someone else is going through. Start the conversations. Check in and ask others if they are OK?... Allow yourself to listen with compassion (often just being heard is such a comfort) Encourage action that can be taken. During 2020 many more people are finding life more difficult and are feeling the fear, giref and emotions of uncertainty that are being felt on a global level. Today and everyday I want you to know you are not alone. I want you to know that it is OK to not be OK! Reach out to someone you trust and let them know you are not feeling OK. Allow yourself to feel vulnerable and ask for help. Know that YOU MATTER. Much love Kim xx

05.01.2022 It makes my heart sing to receive this beautiful message from a lady who attended some of my group online sessions last year

05.01.2022 What does it really mean to heal? Today I was pondering on my why and how much I love mentoring and being a guide for womens healing journeys. And it got me thinking. What does it truely mean to heal?... Firstly what does it not mean: It does not mean you're broken. It does not mean you are damaged. It does not mean you are not good enough. It does not mean you need to become better. To heal is about letting go and removing the layer of shit that has formed a shell around the real you. A layer that has accumulated over time from: Our childhood experiences Social beliefs forced onto us. Lifetimes of stuff passed down through the generations. Trauma Past hurts that we decided to hang on to. You see underneath all those layers is your true essence. The truth of who you really are. The love The beauty The divine To heal is to remove the layers allowing your love and light to shine out into the world. Lets chat if you're ready to emerge and shine your light.

04.01.2022 Today I am online the whole day with 37 other amazing practitioners, learning from the beautiful Emma Romano, the amazing Delete Reset process to help my clients make long term change and release their bad habits and addictions. This is powerful stuff and I am so excited to be able to offer this.

03.01.2022 Tomorrow night is circle night and there are still some spots available. Monday 13th July (my birthday week) at The Flourish Centre, Stirling WA, and its going to be a beautiful and fun journey to meet and connect with our playful innerchild. As adults it is so easy for us to become oh so serious and as I celebrate my 47th year around the sun I could not think of a better thing to do than to connect with that innocent, fun & playful side of ourselves.... If you wish to join, places are limited so book your place today.

02.01.2022 Today I have spent the day with the gorgeous Emma Romano and 36 other amazing therapists, fine tuning my skills so I will be an International Certified TimeLine Reset practitioner. I have some exciting group sessions coming your way as well as some powerful new 1:1 programs to help your drop the blocks, Ditch the self doubt and shine your light.

02.01.2022 Hi, I have been trying this afternoon to do Facebook live, but Facebook was not wanting to play along so I have recorded a video for you here instead. where and what I have been doing my services and birthday specials - Thrive factor Profiling ... Sacred Ancestral clearing and DNA Healing sessions you will be seeing more of my Whoo Whoo and magical side in my work The Healy - I am now offering remote frequency balancing sessions and also in person Healy frequency sessions to help recharge and balance the frequencies within your cells to promote the body to self heal. The Healy is listed in the US & EU as a medical device for pain, migraines, fibromyalgia and anxiety & depression. If you would like to know more about the Healy reach out. For access to extra special VIP specials this month you will need to be added to my VIP newsletter list - if you would like to be added you can leave your email address below or send it to me via private message and I will add you. Im excited to be connecting back with you all. Have a wonderful evening

01.01.2022 This afternoon I received such a beautiful surprise when my doorbell rang. There was standing my gorgeous neighbour @joannajanne with a beautiful bunch of flowers to brighten my day. Ive had an emotional couple of weeks, but coming out the other side super excited about what lays ahead for me.... And these just make me feel even more excited - thank you

01.01.2022 Which possibility we draw to ourselves is strongly influenced by our mindset and vibrational frequency. Focusing on gratitude, joy, love, appreciation = high vibrational frequency Focus on fear, lack, scarcity, anger = lower vibrational frequency... The good thing is you have the power to influence your focus at any given time.

01.01.2022 Challenge accepted - thank you @shannon_thethrivefactor for the nomination. It is an honour to serve and stand with other amazing, inspirations and strong women in the world. #womensupportingwomen

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